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Media, internet users in Thailand warned about spreading fake news and scaremongering


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24 minutes ago, Antonymous said:

I liked this comment, as reported in Khaosod English today. Right on point:


"Asked about the new measures at a news conference Friday, the top U.S. diplomat in Thailand, U.S. Embassy Charge d’Affaires Michael Heath, did not comment specifically, but emphasized that “the United States always supports freedom of expression.”


“That expression sometimes will include criticism of the government,” he said. “As you’ve seen in my own country, we tolerate a wide range of criticism of our government — some of it’s justified and some of it’s not — but we will always support the right for people to express their opinions.”

well, your not in Kansas anymore Mr. Heath

Edited by malibukid
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1 hour ago, crazykopite said:

The prisons are going to be full in no time what happens to the PM if after the 120 days the country fails to open to the rest of the world October 8 weeks away 


He'll be on a plane to South America, probably via Thai Airways lol, after all, they were responsible for it's demise

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“Cold-hearted orb, that rules the night. 

Removes the colors from our sight. 
Red is grey and yellow white,

but we decide which is right.

And which IS an illusion…”


The Moody Blues


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This is a common tactic and dictate used throughout history whenever things rapidly begin to spiral out of control in an accelerated fashion. A strong-arm tactic in order to avoid blame being laid where it belongs. 

“They” have hit rock bottom and started to dig and we know who “they” are. 

This is just the beginning, unfortunately.

May God help us. 

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11 hours ago, Rookiescot said:

We need to be careful with what we post in the future guys.

Some of us don’t currently reside in LOS, so besides getting suspended or put in ‘time-out’, what will happen?

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6 hours ago, Antonymous said:

Oh dear, denizens of the daily ‘the sky is falling’ thread (you know the one) will have to rein in their comments from now on. That daily Covid report thread has become more and more an echo chamber for the same handful of posters tripping over themselves to repeat the exact same fearful messages (every day) and to outdo each other by presenting the (almost certainly flawed) statistics in different ways and to predict greater doom in the face of Govt ineptitude.


Sadly it is clear that groupthink prevails.


The term ‘groupthink’ was coined by George Orwell in the book 1984 and is well explained here: “Groupthink is letting your collective do your thinking for you. It means letting them tell you what to think. It even means letting them tell you how to interpret what you see with your own eyes. Groupthink is a disorder of autonomy. Giving in to it is mental slavery. An environment where groupthink prevails invites orthodoxy, and the oppression that comes with orthodoxy.”


The opposite of groupthink is thinking for yourself, asserting your critical thinking faculty.


Perhaps now we will see a shift to positive and encouraging posts that cast light on how we all can reduce the risks of getting severe reactions to Covid by building a strong immune system, etc., and secondly what supplements and medications we should all have on hand in the event that we catch it (as most probably will). There is indisputable evidence out there that we can take preventative measures and treat ourselves effectively.


Covid is here and we can help ourselves while waiting for the magic pill (vaccine). Enough of the fear already. Now the Govt has warned you.

Shut up please.

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10 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

and that we are not in particularly safe hands at the moment.”

Very well-said, Spidey and sadly there is no clear path out of the current situation without drastic changes. 

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5 hours ago, Antonymous said:

I am sorry if this upsets you, but there is no 'one thing' that will cure you from Covid. There is no magic pill.


Building your immune system, lifestyle changes, etc, will help you to recover if you catch Covid. That is the first preventative step and may require considerable work on your part.


In addition there is an entire protocol of supplements and medications that you can follow that will help prevent you from any serious consequences if you catch Covid.


Then there is an additional protocol that you can follow at home without going to a hospital once you have Covid.


Finally there is a protocol for the hospital to follow that involves IV etc that you cannot do at home.


You can get all this information by Googling MATH+


I am trying to be helpful, trying to quell the fear that is so prevalent. The fear itself has negative consequences for your health.


Good luck.

You really do spout some...............

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14 hours ago, Salerno said:

Leave poor Singapore out of it; the company is Hong Kong based, the server Canada (although being distributed via various servers in a country nearest the reader).


Another site made the comment that if a person posts something on you tube that the govt don't like that they can request any personal information and if you live in Thailand can prosecute you 

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2 hours ago, Golden Triangle said:

Wasn't it just a day or so ago that the press & media presented a petition to the government asking for a relaxation of the reporting rules ?? That went well then............

Probably what brought this on 

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22 hours ago, webfact said:

The order prohibits anyone from “reporting or disseminating information that may frighten people or that internationally causes misunderstanding about the emergency situation”.

What about the "it's under control line" ??

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Yes please stop said the Government that is our job, we are more than capable of giving false information, wrong information half true information, made up numbers and figures and % so please stop trying to do our job people won't know who to believe if someone telling the truth

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15 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-ocha said this week that the spread of fake news had become a major problem causing confusion in society and undermining the government's ability to manage the pandemic.

Maybe he should ask Anutin to refrain from making public statements that he can't deliver... 

problem solved.

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Thailand is rapidly descending into being North Korea 2.0

This is very scary. "Anything" can literally be anything that the illusive they deem to be scaremongering, fake, etc. We are heading for totalitarianism and this thin skinned weak little boy that is "leading" this country needs to be gone. For once in its history a government overthrow appears fully justified. But who would replace him and would they determine these measures ("not me that did it") might be handy for them too? It is all very disturbing and calls into question the attraction of this country as a future home.

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