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Brit in Chiang Mai fancied himself as modern day Robin Hood - selling drugs to help the poor


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14 hours ago, Chris.B said:

"They will be facing a very long jail sentence in Thailand should they be found guilty in court, notes ASEAN NOW. "


No doubt, if he does get a long sentence, the British Embassy will be working overtime to get him transferred back to the UK. ☹️☹️


From memory you have to serve at least half the sentence before being eligible to serve the rest back in your home country 


where dumbo is going wrong is by not admitting guilt, sentence is automatically halved.


and his reasoning may have worked in his favor if he did not live in a luxury estate but in a humble room.


in his favor, both cars are cheap cars so he did not spoil himself all the way 


if I had to guess he will get 10-15 years and she will get around 10

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Hope he kept the receipts of those he "donated" to and do they have jury trials in LOS?...


I used to DJ in Cm too--the "original" Zoe......maybe I can assist,,one Elite Visa please..skill set


My name is What--My name is Who....My name is slicka slicka Slim Shady..........'


Thank God my sangsom dealer is still out

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23 hours ago, tonray said:

Well now he gets to stay in the "RTP Hilton"....accomodations might be a bit lacking

Nope. He will never do time. Zero chance. Bribes will be paid, this will quickly be forgotten, and he will be back to business as usual. Likely will attract other criminals and become exponentially wealthier. There is no such thing as bad publicity in Thailand. A year of dealing the disclosed drugs in Thailand would have likely netted this guy north of $40 million USD + in profit. He will be able to swiftly pay off whoever he needs to. To think otherwise is delusional. It’s a fantasy to think this guy will end up in the monkey house long term. He’s already proved he’s too valuable and local authorities will have taken notice and likely partner with/ take him under their wing.

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12 hours ago, thairastawoman said:


yes sure ! you know a lot !

I have dozen friends doing coke + anything possible but also doing $10000/month at least...

Your fake statement is ridiculous.


So you are essentially calling me a liar...you don't know what you don't know, but you think you do...and that is a very dangerous and sad combination of a significant character flaw. No, I am not threatening you...you have threatened your well-being all by yourself, and I have nothing to do with it. Buh-bye, Scooter.

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3 hours ago, Pracha Duang said:

Nope. He will never do time. Zero chance. Bribes will be paid, this will quickly be forgotten, and he will be back to business as usual. Likely will attract other criminals and become exponentially wealthier. There is no such thing as bad publicity in Thailand. A year of dealing the disclosed drugs in Thailand would have likely netted this guy north of $40 million USD + in profit. He will be able to swiftly pay off whoever he needs to. To think otherwise is delusional. It’s a fantasy to think this guy will end up in the monkey house long term. He’s already proved he’s too valuable and local authorities will have taken notice and likely partner with/ take him under their wing.


40 million USD he'd have needed more than 100 customers per day every single day. 

I admire his business skills if he was able to do that sort of volume.

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On 8/5/2021 at 9:11 AM, allanos said:

A new twist on the classic tale! So far, we have a modern Robin, a Maid Marion, and even the Sheriff of "Nottingham", or Chiang Mai at least, in the form of the redoubtable Police Colonel.


Do we have waiting in the wings, yet to be revealed, a Friar Tuck, a Will Scarlet or even a minstrel, an Alan O'Dale? 


Is there more to this plot which is yet to be uncovered?

You mean a Monk, a well dressed man about town and a DJ?

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On 8/5/2021 at 4:45 PM, thairastawoman said:


yes sure ! you know a lot !

I have dozen friends doing coke + anything possible but also doing $10000/month at least...

Your fake statement is ridiculous.


bloody hell didn't know Tony Montana (aka Scarface), was a forum member 


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On 8/5/2021 at 6:52 PM, KKr said:

that were not a business enterprise but a benevolent fund.
a business is by definition set up to make a profit.
If there is a profit, one can donate to the poor.

however, donating to poor, if that happened, and if that was indeed the plan, and was demonstrated by many years of transfers to relevant organisations,
and the amounts were in line with the intent of benevolence rather than making a profit,
does not make drug pushing a noble activity,
it remains a despicable crime.


So you did nothing.

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On 8/5/2021 at 7:34 PM, monty1412 said:

are you justifying what he did or was purported  to do.. incredibly strange comment. Next time you wish to reveal your IQ in a  public forum perhaps think twice ( if indeed possible)

So you did nothing.

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On 8/5/2021 at 8:26 PM, Whale said:

I am poor! I have a unique perspective that you obviously do not. I can read as well, maybe thats another perspective I have?

Giving does not always have to be in material form.

Maybe you could have donated your "unique perspective".

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3 hours ago, Strongheart said:

So you did nothing.

Strongheart.. from the numerous posts you have made to peoples comments asking them what they did or have done for the poor or implicating that those persons commenting "did nothing for the poor" ,  it  would  seem to be you feel some degree of admiration or respect for the fact that he donated  some degree of proceeds  derived from an illegal activity to the poor. (note to which poor remains unanswered.. see down a bit).  Unfortunately the sad fact is that in the process of dealing drugs numerous lives and families  are wrecked and far more poverty is created not to mention increase in  crime and overall detriment to society  .  I find it surprising that indeed you would venture into this line of response  with members comments . If indeed you feel that a drug dealer donating monies back to the poor is an overall benefit to society and renders assistance in a wholistic sense  then indeed you perhaps need to think about this from a broader perspective and  come up with more a thought out and measured response . Indeed if you follow this case i think you will find that the donations he so willingly admits to were to his partners family so I would hardly be positioning this guy on a pedestal for altruism and good will. On a seperate note I am delighted to see your forum name here "Strongheart" it probably fits you well ... much better than arbitrarily describing one of your other organs  such as "SmartBrain' for example

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On 8/5/2021 at 10:02 PM, WingFat said:

I knew people who dealt this cr*p and used it...I worked as a bouncer in a popular nightclub in the 1980's; turns out the a**hole general manager and head bartender of the nightclub were coke dealers "on the side"; they got busted and went to prison. I also witnessed the people who came into the club who were coke freak customers of these guys...losers all of them...they not only trashed their own lives, but contributed to others trashing their lives. THAT's what I "actually know", Scooter. 

As i said, you know next to nothing. But nice story.

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On 8/8/2021 at 6:03 PM, monty1412 said:

Strongheart.. from the numerous posts you have made to peoples comments asking them what they did or have done for the poor or implicating that those persons commenting "did nothing for the poor" ,  it  would  seem to be you feel some degree of admiration or respect for the fact that he donated  some degree of proceeds  derived from an illegal activity to the poor. (note to which poor remains unanswered.. see down a bit).  Unfortunately the sad fact is that in the process of dealing drugs numerous lives and families  are wrecked and far more poverty is created not to mention increase in  crime and overall detriment to society  .  I find it surprising that indeed you would venture into this line of response  with members comments . If indeed you feel that a drug dealer donating monies back to the poor is an overall benefit to society and renders assistance in a wholistic sense  then indeed you perhaps need to think about this from a broader perspective and  come up with more a thought out and measured response . Indeed if you follow this case i think you will find that the donations he so willingly admits to were to his partners family so I would hardly be positioning this guy on a pedestal for altruism and good will. On a seperate note I am delighted to see your forum name here "Strongheart" it probably fits you well ... much better than arbitrarily describing one of your other organs  such as "SmartBrain' for example

Not that it's any of your business but Strongheart is my name.

Besides, intellectual reasoning is secondary as everything comes from the heart.

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