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ASEAN admits UK as dialogue partner despite disagreements


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44 minutes ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

The only alternative would be to have a never ending war 

Oh I need to add Ross Kemp did a series of videos from Afghanistan where he was imbedded with British troops. You can see the progress made when you watch those.

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8 hours ago, JonnyF said:

Self flagellation is an unpleasant trait of certain Brits who hate their own kind. You're free to go and live in an EU country if you love it so much. Your countrymen want to stay as part of the UK. Bon voyage. Ciao ????

And perhaps one might add "see you Jimmie" as that is what is really driving this exchange!

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7 hours ago, Rookiescot said:

So we showed the Chinese that we still rule the waves by sailing an empty carrier through the south China sea?

Training exercise is just another way of saying borrowed. You think those pilots need training on how to take off and land on a carrier?

Well it isn't a genetically inherited trait, even for Uncle Sam's Misguided Children!

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5 hours ago, JonnyF said:

Don't hold your breath. Most Scots still want to stay in the UK, just as they voted to in 2014. A minority of nationalist extremists doesn't change that fact.


4 hours ago, Rookiescot said:

So nothing to worry about holding another referendum then.

Oh Christ on a bicycle, not all over again please!

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1 hour ago, bangon04 said:

"Singapore, Malaysia and Brunei are members of the Commonwealth, a regional grouping comprising former countries under the British empire. Myanmar forfeited its membership once it gained independence in 1948"


so what we really want to know is.. what did Thailand say?

Falang, how much you pay?

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3 hours ago, herfiehandbag said:

And perhaps one might add "see you Jimmie" as that is what is really driving this exchange!

Does it really irritate you so much that another country would want to free itself from the shackles of Westminster?

After all the countries which have gone before and never looked back?

Must be really annoying to think that so many countries have tasted freedom from English exceptionalism and enjoyed it.

Still. Its a win win isn't it? Scotland gets to make its own way in life and England can become the racially pure Brexit utopia everyone wants it to be.  

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“capital letters, grammar & structure” ? TVF is for comments, freeform notes, not for essays......

yet THAT’S your pitiful “response” to you getting obliterated by reasoned factual argument ?

know you have no proper response so go on then, mention “spelling” or some other deflecting bs....... anything but addressing the case....

oh right, snp types have no case do they ....after 14 years of third world governance.....using UK Funds .

prime candidate for snp msp !  no case, talk nonsense & get routinely annihilated in uk parliament !

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7 hours ago, WhiteBuffaloATM said:

just seen the “shackles of westminster” and “ make their own way” !

listen sunshine, westminster ( english tax payers) last year subsidized scotland with GBP 32 ( thirty two) Billion ( with a B) . Barnett Formula.

scotland are broke & bankrupt without the english. sad fact.

oil revenue share circa 700 mill. & falling.....broken institutions......snp again

bright scots are mostly long gone ......or opposing snp .....

little life left in the place.....

scottish tax base now old, poor, young, unemployed,,drug addicts, sick.

oh, and tourism , whiskey & shortbread.....


any remaining smart businesses will soon depart to england if independence sensed.......then no uk govt. contracts or uk govt. offices.....

leaving scotland with what exactly........ snp windbags leaving for EU....

well, all peoples do get the govt. they deserve....EU aint picking up that corpse..... no return to UK either....... majority English wont have it......

Then you should be happy to see the back of us surely?

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15 hours ago, Rookiescot said:

I never claimed it was.

However Brexiteers like to claim that the success of the vaccine rollout was because of Brexit. Which is plainly not the case.

I suspect it would have impacted the early roll out of AZ and the distribution, since there was much brouhaha about it from the European commission and venom directed at AZ. 

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1 minute ago, jacko45k said:

I suspect it would have impacted the early roll out of AZ and the distribution, since there was much brouhaha about it from the European commission and venom directed at AZ. 

Possibly. We will never know I guess.

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18 hours ago, Bruno123 said:

Do I need to be the one to remind you that we are on a Thailand News thread?


I am not the one lobbing stones at the perceived other side. "lefties hate Britain"? That just seems a bold statement to me. 

I already asked you to expand on what you considered left and right; but you seem to have forgotten about that.


At your leisure...


So what, you slagged me off for talking about the UK whilst I live in LOS, I asked where you live, to difficult for you..?

I have no political allegiance, but, the Jeremy Corbyn/Dianne Abbott leftie terrorist loving alliance steered me well away from lefties, the last UK General election did the same for like-minded folk. 


Thankfully the UK has crushed the Fascist, Communist, Monster Raving Loony (No not Labour) Parties, even the middle of the road LibDems were trounced...


Hey, I do everything at my leisure, I am retired, how about you...?  ????

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UK “opted out” from EU (failed) covid vax scheme, like Euro & Schengen.

We funded & developed our own worldclass vax (EU fail).

No, I do not want to “see the back” of our Scots & nor do most Scots (we are family), just the Devolved Parliament & SNP. We cannot have our island cut in half, for security, trade & cultural purposes, just because 1.3 million ignore the economics & want it for irrational anti- english reasons. 


Note: I’m writing here more to document my own subject thoughts than convince anybody.


SNP are power - crazed fascist loons abusing English Money & failing the Scots. SNP are a Failed Scottish regional govt. who will not achieve  independence in an mature rational Britain.



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2 hours ago, WhiteBuffaloATM said:

UK “opted out” from EU (failed) covid vax scheme, like Euro & Schengen.

We funded & developed our own worldclass vax (EU fail).

No, I do not want to “see the back” of our Scots & nor do most Scots (we are family), just the Devolved Parliament & SNP. We cannot have our island cut in half, for security, trade & cultural purposes, just because 1.3 million ignore the economics & want it for irrational anti- english reasons. 


Note: I’m writing here more to document my own subject thoughts than convince anybody.


SNP are power - crazed fascist loons abusing English Money & failing the Scots. SNP are a Failed Scottish regional govt. who will not achieve  independence in an mature rational Britain.



Its about what the people in Scotland want. If they want independence then its up to them.

When we have our next referendum you will be duly notified of the result.

This may or may not coincide with your wants.

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40 minutes ago, Rookiescot said:

Its about what the people in Scotland want. If they want independence then its up to them.

When we have our next referendum you will be duly notified of the result.

This may or may not coincide with your wants.

Although the reality is that Scotland themselves cannot decide to have a referendum , England decide that

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22 hours ago, Rookiescot said:

Oh you will allow it will you?

Very magnanimous of you.

How about Scotland just holds a referendum and you English nationalists get advised of the result. Thats whats going to happen anyway.  

While you're at it, why don't you Scots hold a referendum on the next POTUS and inform the Americans of the result? It would hold about as much weight.


If you did choose to go such a route, I can only see a couple of issues.


1. Polls show most Scots still want to Remain in the UK, so you'd lose (again!).

2. After you lost, you'd create another excuse why it didn't count and call for Indyref3.


Apart from that, sounds like a great idea.

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3 hours ago, transam said:

So what, you slagged me off for talking about the UK whilst I live in LOS, I asked where you live, to difficult for you..?

I have no political allegiance, but, the Jeremy Corbyn/Dianne Abbott leftie terrorist loving alliance steered me well away from lefties, the last UK General election did the same for like-minded folk. 


Thankfully the UK has crushed the Fascist, Communist, Monster Raving Loony (No not Labour) Parties, even the middle of the road LibDems were trounced...


Hey, I do everything at my leisure, I am retired, how about you...?  ????

You did not ask where I lived. You assumed and I left it at that.


If perhaps you wrote in a less snidey and baiting manner, I might have understood that you were asking. You know; question mark at the end of a sentence and all that.

Let's just say that you are wrong in everything that you imagined. I am retired(though not of retirement age) and not where you assumed.

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9 hours ago, Rookiescot said:

Possibly. We will never know I guess.

One thing we do know is the UK had one of the most impressive vaccine rollouts in the world using it's home grown AZ vaccine that was much maligned by your mates in Brussels, good job we didn't listen...

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26 minutes ago, Bruno123 said:

You did not ask where I lived. You assumed and I left it at that.


If perhaps you wrote in a less snidey and baiting manner, I might have understood that you were asking. You know; question mark at the end of a sentence and all that.

Let's just say that you are wrong in everything that you imagined. I am retired(though not of retirement age) and not where you assumed.

So now I write in a snidely baiting manner with no question marks, is that the best you can do..?

Cloak and dagger stuff too....Oh well....:coffee1:

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On 8/9/2021 at 4:05 AM, Mac Mickmanus said:

Do you mind and stop butting in . 

This is a private discussion between ASEAN and the U.K .

Now that the E.U shackles are off , the U.K is out in the World making new friends , along with showing the Chinese our new aircraft carriers and letting them know who still rules the waves 

I think you'll find that most of the shackles on the UK are down to the USA particularly in terms of defence and we don't get a vote in their elections unlike the EU parliament. The EU doesn't decide on defence issues for member states so they have nothing to do with HMS Queen  Elizabeth and HMS Prince of Wales which were planned, ordered and built during our membership of the EU. In fact I think they were planned and ordered under the last Labour government.


I could be wrong but I'm sure our Foreign Secretary is sat next to our flag which is upside down. I wonder if he noticed.

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5 hours ago, JonnyF said:

While you're at it, why don't you Scots hold a referendum on the next POTUS and inform the Americans of the result? It would hold about as much weight.


If you did choose to go such a route, I can only see a couple of issues.


1. Polls show most Scots still want to Remain in the UK, so you'd lose (again!).

2. After you lost, you'd create another excuse why it didn't count and call for Indyref3.


Apart from that, sounds like a great idea.

Then you have nothing to worry about.

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4 hours ago, mark131v said:

One thing we do know is the UK had one of the most impressive vaccine rollouts in the world using it's home grown AZ vaccine that was much maligned by your mates in Brussels, good job we didn't listen...

One thing we do know is that the UK was in such a state given the incompetency of Johnson to actually contain the virus that the UK gambled early to try and fix the problems it had brought upon itself. 

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18 minutes ago, Rookiescot said:

One thing we do know is that the UK was in such a state given the incompetency of Johnson to actually contain the virus that the UK gambled early to try and fix the problems it had brought upon itself. 

Good gamble wasn't it, good job we didn't listen to your mates in Brussels and their anti AZ rhetoric and sour grapes. UK is open for business and life is pretty much back to normal!

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14 minutes ago, mark131v said:

Good gamble wasn't it, good job we didn't listen to your mates in Brussels and their anti AZ rhetoric and sour grapes. UK is open for business and life is pretty much back to normal!

Oh you mean the UK's vaccine nationalism?

Withholding vaccine that was rightly supposed to go to the UK? 

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7 hours ago, JonnyF said:

While you're at it, why don't you Scots hold a referendum on the next POTUS and inform the Americans of the result? It would hold about as much weight.


If you did choose to go such a route, I can only see a couple of issues.


1. Polls show most Scots still want to Remain in the UK, so you'd lose (again!).

2. After you lost, you'd create another excuse why it didn't count and call for Indyref3.


Apart from that, sounds like a great idea.

Ah the brexiteer becomes the remainer. 

How the cosmos doth spin…

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