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ASEAN admits UK as dialogue partner despite disagreements


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1 hour ago, Rookiescot said:

So nothing to worry about holding another referendum then.

Yep, nothing to worry about at all. Just another embarrassing defeat for the Anti English SNP and their nationalist extremist supporters.


All a bit of a waste of time though. Maybe we'll allow it in a decade or so, once Covid has blown over and even the most blinkered Remainers have seen that the UK is thriving outside of the corrupt protectionist racket that is the EU. No rush...

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1 hour ago, Rookiescot said:

The fact that it was Americans flying off the carrier which was being escorted by US ships and submarines no doubt looks impressive to the Chinese?

There was even a Dutch ship escorting the carrier because the Royal Navy did not have enough assets to do it on its own.

As one of those clearly evil Americans, I don't really want to get in the middle of some internecine fight.


But looking from afar, isn't the overall lack of surface ships a problem?


An aircraft carrier is a wondrous sight, but it needs to be part of an overall carrier strike force to be in any way effective?


At a bare minimum 2 destroyers or frigates, supply and logistic ships and as in often the case with the USN submarines.


Take those from the available fleet for one aircraft carrier and it puts stress on the remaining activities of the Royal Navy



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8 minutes ago, JonnyF said:

Yep, nothing to worry about at all. Just another embarrassing defeat for the Anti English SNP and their nationalist extremist supporters.


All a bit of a waste of time though. Maybe we'll allow it in a decade or so, once Covid has blown over and even the most blinkered Remainers have seen that the UK is thriving outside of the corrupt protectionist racket that is the EU. No rush...

Oh you will allow it will you?

Very magnanimous of you.

How about Scotland just holds a referendum and you English nationalists get advised of the result. Thats whats going to happen anyway.  

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Just now, Rookiescot said:

Oh you will allow it will you?

Very magnanimous of you.

How about Scotland just holds a referendum and you English nationalists get advised of the result. Thats whats going to happen anyway.  

OK, have one referendum .

As long you agree that there will only be ONE referendum and you will abide by  the result , even if you disagree with the result .

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16 minutes ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

I have some people working for me in the U.K who are from E.U Countries and I followed the situation closely and I will not make any further comment unless you retract your statement that I was "making it up" .

   Its rude and unacceptable  to accuse people of lying 


I am most definitely suggesting that you are rather frugal with the truth. ????


Your suggestion that they were told right from the beginning holds no water whatsover.


If so there would have been no reason for an organisation such as: https://www.the3million.org.uk to even exist.


Please don't try to whitewash everything here. It's all designed to polarise. I am right and you are wrong. It's not as simple as that. On some things will will agree and on some things we won't. That is normal; so stop trying to act like normal behaviour makes us opposites. 

There are positives and negatives to Brexit. Let's discuss BOTH if we are going to discuss it or just not bother at all. I'm sure we have better things to do than to discuss things we cannot change.

Edited by Bruno123
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5 minutes ago, Bruno123 said:


I am most definitely suggesting that you are rather frugal with the truth. ????


Your suggestion that they were told right from the beginning holds no water whatsover.


If so there would have been no reason for an organisation such as: https://www.the3million.org.uk to even exist.


Please don't try to whitewash everything here. It's all designed to polarise. I am right and you are wrong. It's not as simple as that. On some things will will agree and on some things we won't. That is normal; so stop trying to act like normal behaviour makes us opposites. 

There are positives and negatives to Brexit. Let's discuss BOTH if we are going to discuss it or just not bother at all. I'm sure we have better things to do than to discuss things we cannot change.

Talk to the hand 

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8 minutes ago, Rookiescot said:

Oh you will allow it will you?

Very magnanimous of you.

How about Scotland just holds a referendum and you English nationalists get advised of the result. Thats whats going to happen anyway.  

I'll throw an American  hand grenade.


From reading about this topic for years on here, maybe the best answer is to have the English & Welsh vote on Scottish independence.


From my non scientific analysis, pretty sure the SNP would get the result they want!


.....over to you boys lol

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3 minutes ago, GinBoy2 said:

As one of those clearly evil Americans, I don't really want to get in the middle of some internecine fight.


But looking from afar, isn't the overall lack of surface ships a problem?


An aircraft carrier is a wondrous sight, but it needs to be part of an overall carrier strike force to be in any way effective?


At a bare minimum 2 destroyers or frigates, supply and logistic ships and as in often the case with the USN submarines.


Take those from the available fleet for one aircraft carrier and it puts stress on the remaining activities of the Royal Navy



You are absolutely correct. Sadly the UK defense budget has been slashed by Conservative governments year after year. Ironically When we have had Labour governments that was not the case. But somehow the Conservatives keep managing to convince the electorate they are the party which supports our armed forces.

The commissioning of fleet carriers has meant the Royal Navy has had to cut many other assets which is why we now have a ridiculous spectacle of carriers with no planes.

Hence we have to "borrow US assets" but call it "a joint exercise" if the carrier actually goes somewhere it might be threatened.

This is not unique to the Royal Navy. Speak to any of your compatriots who have served alongside the British army and they will tell you the same.

The US army actually called us "the borrowers".

To its credit the US army always did its best to accommodate us when we were on the scrounge for kit.    

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3 minutes ago, GinBoy2 said:

I'll throw an American  hand grenade.


From reading about this topic for years on here, maybe the best answer is to have the English & Welsh vote on Scottish independence.


From my non scientific analysis, pretty sure the SNP would get the result they want!


.....over to you boys lol

They probably would. But then again the English and Welsh voted for Brexit so probably not a good idea really.

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26 minutes ago, Bruno123 said:

I actually quoted your post because you were carrying on the theme started by someone else. So in fact my reply covered both yours and his posts. 


If I had paid more attention to the AseanNow forum user instruction, I would have understood better how to quote both of you in the same post. But I didn't, so I quoted just you. Apologies.


Retire wherever you like, but then don't have the gall to attack the people who actually stay and fight for the future of the country; whilst sitting on your posterior in someone's else's country.


Be part of the change you want, instead of jumping ship and lobbing poo from afar.


I have no idea for what you stand and you have no idea for what I stand. So for what are we arguing??!!


It's all a total nonsense. Please relax and enjoy your day. I'll see you back here if you have a problem about which I can assist.



So I must assume you are still 'struggling' in the UK, well perhaps your efforts would be better spent discussing your woes there, instead of pensioners like me in LOS....????

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4 minutes ago, Rookiescot said:

You are absolutely correct. Sadly the UK defense budget has been slashed by Conservative governments year after year. Ironically When we have had Labour governments that was not the case. But somehow the Conservatives keep managing to convince the electorate they are the party which supports our armed forces.

The commissioning of fleet carriers has meant the Royal Navy has had to cut many other assets which is why we now have a ridiculous spectacle of carriers with no planes.

Hence we have to "borrow US assets" but call it "a joint exercise" if the carrier actually goes somewhere it might be threatened.

This is not unique to the Royal Navy. Speak to any of your compatriots who have served alongside the British army and they will tell you the same.

The US army actually called us "the borrowers".

To its credit the US army always did its best to accommodate us when we were on the scrounge for kit.    

Well apart from the fact that the Conservatives have increased the U.K's military budget 


Graph of UK military spending - the financial year 2016-17 was a low point for military spending in recent years

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7 minutes ago, Rookiescot said:

Sadly the UK defense budget has been slashed by Conservative governments year after year.

Oh really.


"In 2020/21, the United Kingdom spent approximately 44.6 billion British pounds on defense, an increase of two billion pounds when on the previous year. Compared with 1996/97 when the UK spent approximately 22.1 billion pounds on defense, there has been a net increase of 20.1 billion pounds. When adjusted for inflation, defense spending in 2019/20 is 8.5 billion pounds larger than it was in 1996/97."



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1 minute ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

Oh really.


"In 2020/21, the United Kingdom spent approximately 44.6 billion British pounds on defense, an increase of two billion pounds when on the previous year. Compared with 1996/97 when the UK spent approximately 22.1 billion pounds on defense, there has been a net increase of 20.1 billion pounds. When adjusted for inflation, defense spending in 2019/20 is 8.5 billion pounds larger than it was in 1996/97."



Is it at the same level as 2008?

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11 minutes ago, transam said:

So I must assume you are still 'struggling' in the UK, well perhaps your efforts would be better spent discussing your woes there, instead of pensioners like me in LOS....????

Do I need to be the one to remind you that we are on a Thailand News thread?


I am not the one lobbing stones at the perceived other side. "lefties hate Britain"? That just seems a bold statement to me. 

I already asked you to expand on what you considered left and right; but you seem to have forgotten about that.


At your leisure...


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12 minutes ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

No, because the Iraq war finished and thus the military doesnt need as much funding 

We have only recently finished in Afghanistan. Spending on the Iraq war was a pittance compared to that.  

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snp pushed the “generational” indyref vote 

”generation” common definition is 25 years so circa 2040 ?

Gove pushing for Scottish Tory Votes with his “ settled will” 3rd ref bs.....

shetlands & orkneys want Crown Dependency status not snp socialism

now been two scotty indyrefs in my lifetime. enough. I’m half Scots btw....

revoke the stupid Devolved UK Parliaments by Bliar.

govern UK from Westminster again.

anybody now seeking to break up my country like the power-mad regional governor Sturgeon and her 1.3 million snp votes ( from possible 4. 3 mill ?) should be facing potential Treason Charges & UK Aid Cuts ..........raise your own taxes if you vote snp & independence.........

and resurrect your own dead language if you hate the English so much....


rookiescotnat: your funny “question” already answered in my post .......

you know, the “ people prefer to rule themselves” bit ?

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5 minutes ago, WhiteBuffaloATM said:

snp pushed the “generational” indyref vote 

”generation” common definition is 25 years so circa 2040 ?

Gove pushing for Scottish Tory Votes with his “ settled will” 3rd ref bs.....

shetlands & orkneys want Crown Dependency status not snp socialism

now been two scotty indyrefs in my lifetime. enough. I’m half Scots btw....

revoke the stupid Devolved UK Parliaments by Bliar.

govern UK from Westminster again.

anybody now seeking to break up my country like the power-mad regional governor Sturgeon and her 1.3 million snp votes ( from possible 4. 3 mill ?) should be facing potential Treason Charges & UK Aid Cuts ..........raise your own taxes if you vote snp & independence.........

and resurrect your own dead language if you hate the English so much....


rookiescotnat: your funny “question” already answered in my post .......

you know, the “ people prefer to rule themselves” bit ?

Are you OK?

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7 minutes ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

The UK left Afghanistan in 2014 

No we had a troop reduction in 2014 which was subsequently pretty much reversed. 

The full troop removal only happened about a month ago. And look what has happened since. Its going to end up as an Afghan civil war. North v South.

Sad really given all the advances and sacrifices those who served made. They truly did make a difference but their hard work, losses and pure endeavor will have been for nothing it seems.

Once again the troops win the battles but the politicians lost the war.  

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3 minutes ago, Rookiescot said:

No we had a troop reduction in 2014 which was subsequently pretty much reversed. 

The full troop removal only happened about a month ago. And look what has happened since. Its going to end up as an Afghan civil war. North v South.

Sad really given all the advances and sacrifices those who served made. They truly did make a difference but their hard work, losses and pure endeavor will have been for nothing it seems.

Once again the troops win the battles but the politicians lost the war.  

The only alternative would be to have a never ending war 

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5 minutes ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

The only alternative would be to have a never ending war 

I get what you are saying but the problem was Pakistan was a safe haven for the Taliban. They could hide out there and simply wait for the western troops to leave.

Much more pressure should have been brought on Pakistan to clean their house.

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1 hour ago, poskat said:

wow, that really was a lot of diplomatic gibberish to plow through.


this was my favorite:

"Due to divergent views expressed by the ASEAN members regarding the special admission of the UK"


translation: some said ok, others said eff off.

"Singapore, Malaysia and Brunei are members of the Commonwealth, a regional grouping comprising former countries under the British empire. Myanmar forfeited its membership once it gained independence in 1948"


so what we really want to know is.. what did Thailand say?

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7 hours ago, Rookiescot said:

No I was simply correcting your claim that the EU's vaccination program was somehow rubbish.

You honestly believe that the UK will be more important to ASEAN than the EU? Seriously?

Driver shortage is related to Brexit. Ask your mate Mac Mickmanus for details.


When Scotland does go independent then I will be returning to an EU country.

Why don't you go now ?

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30 minutes ago, WhiteBuffaloATM said:

clearly the above adult political analysis & home truths are well above the rather dim scotnat comprehension level...... cant help you there .....perhaps wait until you’re at O Level English skill level....... 

O grade English means basic grammar such as sentences, should start with a capitol letter.

It also taught me that any written correspondence should be easily understood and structured. 

Perhaps you can come back after you have mastered these basic concepts of your native language. 

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