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Thailand reports 20,902 new COVID-19 cases, 301 more deaths


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17 minutes ago, mtraveler said:

Slightly off topic, but I'd like to ask the statisticians here if they can help compile the following:


1- Total actual vaccines received by Thailand.  (Not committed, ordered, expected.... actual deliveries that have reached Thailand). 

2- A breakdown of those vaccines (Sino, Pfizer, Astra, etc.).

3- The number of vaccines given thus far (I know that's here, but it would be nice to have it all together).  


I'd be interested to see how all the numbers add up and compare.  


One additional thing:  Maybe it's here and I'm missing it, but if every day a list of Covid cases by province could be posted, that would be helpful.  

Everyday in this Form, the provinces are listed with cases, and then so are the number of vaccinations given.  As far as the breakdown of vaccines they are also posted, just keep looking here in this daily Case number postings and you will find what you seek.

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1 minute ago, brewsterbudgen said:

I wonder how that can work?  Today people from Bangkok and elsewhere in Thailand are travelling to Hua Hin for short breaks and (presumably) not quarantining.  If it's not being enforced now for domestic tourists and weekenders, I doubt it will be when restrictions have been relaxed in October.  Of course, bars may still be closed.

No idea, just what the report said that it will be based on the sandbox criteria? Lets see if it all pans out first, TAT are not exactly known for having a plan that comes together lately

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4 hours ago, anchadian said:

Carried over from yesterday's update posted earlier this morning:


A further study into the AstraZeneca and Pfizer vaccines:


Covid vaccines still effective against Delta variant


Having two doses of Covid vaccine remains the best way to protect against the Delta variant, first identified in India and now dominant in the UK.


The Oxford-AstraZeneca jab, though initially less effective, offers the same high protection as the Pfizer-BioNTech after four to five months, the largest study of its kind suggests.




Seems like a bit of nationalistic vaccine cheerleading on the part of the BBC on behalf of the UK-developed AZ vaccine.


So the upshot of the report is, the Pfizer vaccine starts out after two doses at 93% effectiveness at preventing symptomatic COVID infection from the Delta variant, while the AZ vaccine starts out at about 71%.


And then according to the article/research, after four to five months later, the effectiveness of the Pfizer vaccine has fallen to about the same level as AZ, which the article says has effectiveness that remains more or less constant at its lower level.


So my problem with the article and the conclusions drawn from that study is -- they seem to ignore the reality of the fact that for a four to five month period after vaccination, a two-dose regimen of the Pfizer vaccine is still going to have substantially better protection against Delta variant infection compared to the AZ vaccine.


Various governments are already talking about the need for subsequent booster shots. So, if I had the option to get a vaccine that starts out at 93% protection, why would I instead choose the AZ vaccine that starts out at only 71% protection and, according to the article, never really increases from there?


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DAY 65: 546,844

DAY 66: 570,865

DAY 67: 219,840 <— holiday

DAY 68: 683,832

DAY 69: 284,378 <— Saturday

DAY 70: 162,511 <— Sunday

DAY 71: 508,498

DAY 72: 518,118

DAY 73: 548,311


So above figures are from @anchadian (thankyou). 

So to my question. These are fantastic daily results. Sometimes 550k+. 

How does that daily level compare with other countries. Perhaps UK (similar population, yes realize very different countries) what were their daily figures going back to when in similar situation to Thailand (% vax wise)

Also do we have any idea of the 'stock' of vaccines that Thailand has.

500k+ per day = almost 4 mil per week.

Edited by DrJack54
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12 minutes ago, DrJack54 said:

DAY 65: 546,844

DAY 66: 570,865

DAY 67: 219,840 <— holiday

DAY 68: 683,832

DAY 69: 284,378 <— Saturday

DAY 70: 162,511 <— Sunday

DAY 71: 508,498

DAY 72: 518,118

DAY 73: 548,311


So above figures are from @anchadian (thankyou). 

So to my question. These are fantastic daily results. Often 550k+. 

How does that daily level compare with other countries. Perhaps UK (similar population, yes realize very different countries) what were their daily figures going back to when in similar situation to Thailand (% vax wise)

Also do we have any idea of the 'stock' of vaccines that Thailand has.

500k+ per day = almost 4 mil perweek.

This tracker doesn't state from what date the stats were compiled.  If we knew that we could work out the average daily doses administered for each country.



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33 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

 So you're repeating/reposting the same faulty projections today that you posted yesterday, and I then showed were based on flawed info???


Flawed because that website appears to be including in their tallies the third dose booster shots Thailand recently has been giving its government medical workers. 


Those doses don't count toward increasing public vaccine coverage because they're essentially do-overs of already two-dose vaccinated people, but they have artificially inflated the recent daily vaccine dose numbers Thailand is reporting.


And the website you're citing is using those inflated, wrongly counted recent daily vaccination totals as the basis for their faulty projections regarding when Thailand will reach the point of having 70% of its population fully vaccinated with TWO doses.


I’m reporting what’s out there in there in the public domain. 

If you object to it get in touch with them and tell them why.  I’m sure they will be receptive to your intervention. 

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1 hour ago, Kadilo said:

Must be fake news as some people on this forum would never allow it ????

Not fake news just extremely optimistic unrealistic news the kind TAT produces. Im sure you have been long enough in Thailand to know not to trust numbers and predictions of TAT. 

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1 hour ago, anchadian said:

National Vaccination Rollout:


DAY 65: 546,844

DAY 66: 570,865

DAY 67: 219,840 <— holiday

DAY 68: 683,832

DAY 69: 284,378 <— Saturday

DAY 70: 162,511 <— Sunday

DAY 71: 508,498

DAY 72: 518,118

DAY 73: 548,311

TOTAL: 21,066,539 doses





Another fantastic effort. 3 days over 500,000. Well done to all the front line and volunteers making it happen. 

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5 minutes ago, Kadilo said:

I’m reporting what’s out there in there in the public domain. 

If you object to it get in touch with them and tell them why.  I’m sure they will be receptive to your intervention. 


They don't know any better, because they're not here in TH, and they're tracking 200+ countries worldwide.


We know better, because we know what's going on with the third dose booster shots for government medical workers. But you continue to repost faulty/flawed info/projections knowing they're faulty/flawed.


Counting THIRD dose booster shots given to medical workers does NOTHING to advance the rate of the population that's been fully vaccinated with TWO doses.


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10 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


They don't know any better, because they're not here in TH, and they're tracking 200+ countries worldwide.


We know better, because we know what's going on with the third dose booster shots for government medical workers. But you continue to repost faulty/flawed info/projections knowing they're faulty/flawed.


Counting THIRD dose booster shots given to medical workers does NOTHING to advance the rate of the population that's been fully vaccinated with TWO doses.


If you have an issue with that link and their information report the post and request it is removed. 

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21 minutes ago, robblok said:

Not fake news just extremely optimistic unrealistic news the kind TAT produces. Im sure you have been long enough in Thailand to know not to trust numbers and predictions of TAT. 

Apologies. I forgot. Only pessimistic news and negative numbers allowed. Noted. 

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1 hour ago, Bkk Brian said:
1 hour ago, brewsterbudgen said:

Don't worry Ryan, I'll buy you a beer!

Sorry if its the same as the Phuket sandbox then no alcohol allowed and bars are closed (currently). Open a restaurant instead and buy us all a lemonade!

You need to get out and about more ????

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Just now, Kadilo said:

Apologies. I forgot. Only pessimistic news and negative numbers allowed. Noted. 

You can be positive if there is a reason to be positive, 500K vax is positive and good news. But pipe dreams of TAT are just that pipe dreams. I prefer a bit realism. No need to be negative either unless you can back it up. Same goes for positive news. I refraim from making predictions about covid right now. Given the numbers it looks stable, but a 40% detection rate says something else. 


I prefer good news over bad news but only if its not baseless.



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36 minutes ago, anchadian said:

This tracker doesn't state from what date the stats were compiled.  If we knew that we could work out the average daily doses administered for each country.



The UK are currently averaging 199,000 doses a day.

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TIMELINE: Pattaya area informs residents who visited places in relation to the most recent Chonburi confirmed Covid –19 cases


List of places here:


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8 minutes ago, Albert Zweistein said:

160 miles WEST of Phuket you only find water..........

Yes, it shoud be east still I've seen text books here that call midday 12:00 a.m. and midnight 12:00 p.m. so east is probably west and west is probably east.

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Prominent Thai doctor says everyone will eventually catch Covid-19, we need to learn to live with it


Bangkok –

Prominent Thai doctor, Manoon Leechawengwongs, urged non-infected people to stop discriminating against Covid-19 Coronavirus cured patients as he believes everyone would eventually be infected, sooner or later.


The doctor from Vichaiyut Hospital stated online today, August 19th, that Thailand has an increasing number of covid patients every day. But the other thing that is happening now is that many cured coronavirus patients who strictly conducted self-treatment and self-quarantine at home until 3-4 weeks have passed are also shunned by society.


His status read: “Their boss doesn’t let them go back to work. Local shopkeepers refused to provide service to them. Society treated them like they used to treat people with HIV and tuberculosis. They are stigmatized and discriminated against.”



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2 hours ago, anchadian said:

Today there were 301 deaths in #Thailand


171 males & 130 females

14 foreigners died (including 1 Chinese & 1 American)

Median age is 65 (26 years-105 years)

Most deaths in Bangkok (79)

61% of those who died were 60+

4 died at home





Nationality breakdown of fatalities:


287 were Thai nationals, 11 were Myanmar nationals, one of each were Cambodian, Chinese, and U.S. nationals





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