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Prominent Thai doctor says everyone will eventually catch Covid-19, we need to learn to live with it


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2 minutes ago, JerseytoBKK said:

Prevention is a myth being pushed by the mega $$ Billion Pharma industry. Did past year's flu vaccines stop the next year's version of the flu? Every year the flu vaccine manufacturer's guess what is going to appear next year. Covid-SARS is mutating rapidly. Far better to get effective treatment, especially if it can be very low cost pill. 

I think you are wrong, but would prefer the use of the word reduction than prevention. I do not think prevention, ie 100% is possible either.


Comparison to the flu vaccines is a strawman argument. 


I am only aware of 5 or 6 mutations of concern relating to Covid, so again dispute your exaggerated 'mutating rapidly' scare mongering... but it will only take a single mutation that is both resistant and very contagious to be a big issue. 


Prevention trumps cure, always. 

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20 minutes ago, edogthong said:

Thank you for that information. It's fascinating how people are just ignoring it because it doesn't fit the narrative. It seems that many need to believe that the vaccines will be the solution that brings us back to normal life. I suppose if you've taken the jab or even just fully committed to taking it, you're generally not open to any information that'll put your decision into question. 

There are some of us that have gotten the jabs but still know that a vaccine is a stop gap measure and that there is a huge need for multiple medications that can control the effects of the infection.


I'm going to return to the US next month and will get my 3rd Pfizer jab. I also invest in both pharma and biotech stocks so I'm neither a anti-vaxxer or anti-pharma person. Unfortunately the massive wealth of big pharma along with the rabid RESET cabal has resulted in an atmosphere where people are censored and doxed for questioning either group.

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21 minutes ago, Casesrisingpanic said:

Many people with common sense knew this a year ago and were chastised and called covid deniers, etc just like the leftists do with everything that they deem beyond reproach or criticism. 


The data and fatality rates are clear, as are the most at risk groups. Ridiculous draconian measures were not the solution, as we see industries on the brink of collapse, hundreds of millions of people jobs gone.


Governments and the media have fomented fear instead of putting all data out there that shows this is not the plague and allowing doctors to freely use therapeutics and provide data to the public. 


Sadly, mainly leftists are still spreading fear and insults to anyone who does not want to have society in permanent lock down and the ever present mask shaming brigades full of fear and virtue signaling. 


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15 minutes ago, jacko45k said:

I think you are wrong, but would prefer the use of the word reduction than prevention. I do not think prevention, ie 100% is possible either.


Comparison to the flu vaccines is a strawman argument. 


I am only aware of 5 or 6 mutations of concern relating to Covid, so again dispute your exaggerated 'mutating rapidly' scare mongering... but it will only take a single mutation that is both resistant and very contagious to be a big issue. 


Prevention trumps cure, always. 

Healthcare is about making money, not about health. It does depend on what country you are from I will admit, however. 

The sooner people learn this, the better, because people assuredly have not learned it yet. It is blatantly true in Thailand, they are just a little better at hiding it in places like the US. 

Knowing the above, every individual is better armed to answer questions for themselves about these vaccines. 

Edited by sucit
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Anybody who assumes Sars-cov-2 wasn't rampant in Thailand in 2020 is dreaming.  Do the math - 40 million annual visitors of which 80% are Chinese.  Between say Nov 2019 and March 2020 there were an estimated 11 MILLION Chinese visitors to Thailand. And we're to assume that nearly none of them had Sars-cov-2?


In Jan 2020 there were 43 flights into Thailand directly from Wuhan itself!


The Thai government believed the initial world shutdown wouldn't last too long and if Thailand had next to no covid reported cases, it would be first off the block to receive tourists. So they reported (and probably correctly) only the REAL covid deaths, as opposed to including all the 87 year old's that died from old-age, but with covid.


The situation didn't eventuate as they hoped so in early 2021 had to conform to the new world orthodoxy of false-flagging the situation, mainly to have an excuse for a collapsing internal economy.

Edited by Gsxrnz
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My wife and I were very early catchers of Covid19 - we caught it around March 2020 ironically from a friend visiting from the UK.  Noone would meet us for several months after until the Korean scientists determined it didnt stay in your cells and didnt replicate in the nucleus. Im suprised such stigmatism still exists given how widespread the virus now is.

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15 minutes ago, mtls2005 said:





Homo Sapiens 2.0


On the plus side you're not pedaling alien abductions, and alien DNA.




Ha ha. Good response. I can't pin point it, but I read on some medical review that human DNA is capable to mutate when the immune system is threatened.  Mutations occur all the time and generally they have no impact. Usually the body’s defence systems pick them up and fix the mistakes or destroy the faulty cells. Maybe I got lucky and the defence systems destroyed the Covid cells.  All I know is it worked. 

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12 hours ago, JerseytoBKK said:

Here's what stopped Covid in India:


India succeeds with Invermectin. Figures from Johns Hopkins.

Full story: https://www.thedesertreview.com/opinion/columnists/indias-ivermectin-blackout/article_e3db8f46-f942-11eb-9eea-77d5e2519364.html


Uttar Pradesh on Ivermectin:  Population 240 Million [4.9% fully vaccinated]

COVID Daily Cases: 26

COVID Daily Deaths: 3

The United States off Ivermectin: Population 331 Million [50.5% fully vaccinated]

COVID Daily Cases: 127,108

COVID Daily Deaths: 574

Let us look at other Ivermectin using areas of India with numbers from August 5, 2021, compiled by the JHU CSSE:

Delhi on Ivermectin: Population 31 Million [15% fully vaccinated]

COVID Daily Cases: 61

COVID Daily Deaths: 2

Uttarakhand on Ivermectin: Population 11.4 Million [15% fully vaccinated]

COVID Daily Cases: 24

COVID Daily Deaths: 0

Now let us look at an area of India that rejected Ivermectin. 

Tamil Nadu announced they would reject Ivermectin and instead follow the dubious USA-style guidance of using Remdesivir. Knowing this, you might expect their numbers to be closer to the US, with more cases and more deaths. You would be correct. Tamil Nadu went on to lead India in COVID-19 cases.

Tamil Nadu off Ivermectin: Population 78.8 Million [6.9% fully vaccinated]

COVID Daily Cases: 1,997

COVID Daily Deaths: 33



Similarily, statistics could easily show that a vegetarian diet is responsible for the current low case numbers from India compared to US.  After all India has WAY more vegetarians than USA.  Does that make it the determining factor?  I seriously doubt that it does, just like I seriously doubt your that favorite dead horse drug is relevant.

Edited by gamb00ler
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1 hour ago, JerseytoBKK said:

Hundreds of billions of $$$ are being spent for vaccines but a tiny amount is being spent on trials for medications that can stop Covid once a person is infected. The vaccine market next year will be worth $300-500 BILLION. That type of money buys lots of media, politicians and scientists.


Besides Ivermectin, there are at least 5 other drugs that I know of that are showing promise and could dramatically reduce deaths. One of them is fostamatinib and I own stock in that small company. 

Conspiracy theory.


you have no idea how clinical trials work.

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14 hours ago, mfd101 said:

Highly unlikely. Even with the virus conquered or at least left cowering in a corner, the whole world has changed as a result of the pandemic and it won't be going back to 2019: supply chains, expectations of governments, health consciousness, education methods, international relations, economic structures, digital economy and on & on ... And of course tourism: how much? where? how managed?

people have very very short memories.

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42 minutes ago, Gsxrnz said:

Anybody who assumes Sars-cov-2 wasn't rampant in Thailand in 2020 is dreaming.  Do the math - 40 million annual visitors of which 80% are Chinese.  Between say Nov 2019 and March 2020 there were an estimated 11 MILLION Chinese visitors to Thailand. And we're to assume that nearly none of them had Sars-cov-2?


In Jan 2020 there were 43 flights into Thailand directly from Wuhan itself!


The Thai government believed the initial world shutdown wouldn't last too long and if Thailand had next to no covid reported cases, it would be first off the block to receive tourists. So they reported (and probably correctly) only the REAL covid deaths, as opposed to including all the 87 year old's that died from old-age, but with covid.


The situation didn't eventuate as they hoped so in early 2021 had to conform to the new world orthodoxy of false-flagging the situation, mainly to have an excuse for a collapsing internal economy.

Nice theory completely unsupported by facts.


I remember when the Chinese stopped coming here in late January 2020, only a few weeks after infections started in Wuhan. So, only a small number of potential Covid transmitters came to Thailand in that short window.


And, no, hospitals in Thailand barely noticed Covid patients, there were so few.

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14 hours ago, RichardColeman said:

I think he's right on some things.


Vaccinate and try and get on with life , we need normal asap and Thailand is killing itself with no plan of recovery.

Normal doesn't seem to apply with delta. Israel has the highest vaccination rate in the world over 80% in the last few weeks cases are sky-rocketing. In fact over 6000 cases a day, as are deaths they are now gearing up to go back in to strict lockdowns.


Edited by starky
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1 hour ago, stephenterry said:

Invermectin has been tried and tested for humans for decades. It's main feature is that it will block the protein spike of ANY Covid variant, hence if utilised at an early stage, will reduce the effects of the virus.


However, there are side effects, one of which is it increases blood INR by interacting with warfarin. But so does alcohol. 


For me, I caught Covid last December and suffered from a higher (normal range) blood pressure reading, weak headache, loss of taste and smell, and for three days I felt like living in a fridge - couldn't get warm. It attacked only the biggest organ in my body, my skin arms and legs modestly covered in blisters which went away after a week, leaving my skin in good shape, presumably because my DNA mutated to destroy it.   


I trust I now have antibodies that would repel any further infections, so I'm going down that natural route rather than being a guinea pig for big Pharma. As I see it, people who have had mild infections are in a better situation than risking worse and unknown side effects from vaccines that have not tried the test of time. 


BTW, my immune system is benefitted by daily ZINC, D3, Vit B&C. on top of a whole food plant based dietary regime. Covid certainly doesn't work effectively with a D3 strength pitted aginst it.

If you don’t get vaccinated, there is a good possibility that you will be really infected by Delta, and you will regret your decision.

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The rise of the Delta Variant takes the issue to another level.

This research from the UK looking at a huge number of cases for both Alpha and Delta variants suggests the chances are we are all going to get some version of it eventually ..vaccination or no.



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