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PM accuses Opposition of distorting facts, bent on discrediting government


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Here is an interesting fact based on GBP forecast of one small country and one larger country, both of which have had their borders closed for the same period as Thailand and Singapore also depends on tourism.


Thailand 2021 GDP forecast - 0.7% revised down

Singapore 2021 GDP forecast - 6 - 7%

China 2021 GDP forecast - 8.5%


You can still run a growth economy in Covid if you are smart about it.


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Some nerve on that guy accusing others of creating conflict.... This is the same guy who lead a coup against and elected Government, which many believe at some level were actively working with PDRC to create the conflict in society to justify said coup.

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I find it amazing that these old guys in power even bothers to go to “work” every day.


If me with all that money, I would retire and hire 20 super hot girls to entertain me.

I am sure it would be way more fun and less risk of getting caught for corruption, hated or even killed.


Why the hell even bother when he could be getting a 40-hands relaxing massage instead? Especially when he  clearly even sucks at his job.



Edited by khunpa
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14 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha hit back at opposition MPs today, accusing them of distorting facts to discredit his government, undermining public confidence and constantly seeking to create conflicts in the country.

He keeps firing blanks when the opposition are firing bullets and throwing grenades' at him. Better surrender while you still can. 

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12 hours ago, internationalism said:

apparently his boss is going to dispose of him.

likely gen apirat "red buffalo" will replace him - that one is seriously emotionally unstable nut. His father made a coup at his time. He is bloodthirsty 

Yes, I've been wondering why ApiRat is so quiet these days ...

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18 minutes ago, khunpa said:

I find it amazing that these old guys in power even bothers to go to “work” every day.


If me with all that money, I would retire and hire 20 super hot girls to entertain me.

I am sure it would be way more fun and less risk of getting caught for corruption, hated or even killed.


Why the hell even bother when he could be getting a 40-hands relaxing massage instead? Especially when he  clearly even sucks at his job.



they still have to work for their boss, if they just want to quit on their own will, they will be reduced to prison cell.

Only boss can not work and have a harem of 20.

Once they start their military, police carriers, and want to go to the top, it's a lifetime contract. Before retirement they are ordered to shift to politics, civil service, sit at ministerial committees  

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16 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

On the second day of the no-confidence debate today (Wednesday), the prime minister told the House that he has been listening attentively to the points raised by the Opposition and has, so far, not found any worthy of consideration, although he had not expected them to speak positively about him or his administration.

Sheer arrogance.

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16 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

“It is normal for them to oppose, but they must also put the country first,” said the prime minister, as he maintained that he is doing everything for the good of the nation, even though he may fail in some areas.

Like preventing agencies from procuring vaccines when they were needed.... that was a doozy.

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“It is normal for them to oppose, but they must also put the country first,” and I suppose this unelected PM is doing that, putting the country first?? Both him and the other half of The Chuckle Brothers are only putting themselves first. We have a PM who was educated at a Military Academy, and how do you describe the other one, something to do with health when his only degree was in some sort of engineering. What a joke, the pair of them.

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"put the country first"


What I'd expect from an authoritarian regime such as China but not from a democratic regime that puts the People first wherein "Sovereign power belongs" to the people.

PM Prayut, please read your Constitution, Chapter I, Section 3: "Sovereign power belongs to the Thai people."

Or do you deny through supporting military coups to overturn the power of the Thai people in violation of the Constitutions?


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Th rumour ablazed that he may lose the confidence vote this Saturday when his own party House representatives will turn against him. The party coup is engineered by some of his closest military friends as rumoured. If true he will have to resigned. Pray that this will happen but I dread who will replace him. 


He also losing hard liner royalist yellow shirt supporters like Tanat Thanankitamnuay or popularly known as Hi-so Look Nat. Famous for driving his Porsche into a red-shirt protesters in 2010 and joined the street rallies held by the PDRC. He is now a regular feature of anti-Prayut protests. His wealthy Thai royalists family support his street protests.


Edited by Eric Loh
wrong paragraph
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