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Digital Pass Question?


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1 hour ago, Nanaplaza666 said:

Is this the jeffr2 that's been living under a rock ?? People that have been vaccinated can still get infected and spread covid . The vaccine is only to prefent death and serious illness(hospitalization) so those anti vaxxers should be more afraid of you(if you have been vaxxed) then you should be of them . So you can LOVE IT all you want ,but your COMMENT doesn't make any sence . 

Over 84% of those who have died from COVID-19 in Thailand were not vaccinated, or did not have an official record of vaccination, and 7.2% had received just one vaccine dose, according to the Centre for COVID-19 Situation Administration (CCSA).

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2 hours ago, chrissables said:

If vaccines work why would you worry about the unvaccinated? 

They have just cancelled the vaccine passport in the UK, there is a reason for that i suggest.

Yes and No...basically just for local venues....pinch of salt..LONDON -- Authorities in Britain have decided Not to Require vaccine passports for Entry into Nightclubs and other Crowded events in England. 

Health Minister Sajid Javid said the government has Shelved the idea of vaccine passports for Now but could Reconsider the decision if COVID-19 cases rise exponentially once again.

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17 minutes ago, HappyExpat57 said:

If a vaccinated person contracts Covid, their transmission rate is lower.

Correct, their viral load is 13 times lower than a person who is unvaccinated, but we can try to explain that to those who don't get it till we turn blue, personally, I like being white so I will let them work it out as they will sooner or later.

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36 minutes ago, 2ndhomepattaya said:

Over 84% of those who have died from COVID-19 in Thailand were not vaccinated, or did not have an official record of vaccination, and 7.2% had received just one vaccine dose, according to the Centre for COVID-19 Situation Administration (CCSA).

They must have got it from unvaccinated people.


Would it have been different if they were vaccinated, I think so, although older with more than one pre-existing condition don't do too well, that said, those older with a healthier immune system tend to survive.


I think if we didn't have vaccines today we would all be a much messier situation, i.e. lots more deaths, so the more vaccinated, the lower the impact of the virus until we can get it down to a level of the common Flu or Cold which is a few years away at the moment as they have to concentrate on 3rd world countries getting vaccinated.

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1 hour ago, Rinrada said:

Yes and No...basically just for local venues....pinch of salt..LONDON -- Authorities in Britain have decided Not to Require vaccine passports for Entry into Nightclubs and other Crowded events in England. 

Health Minister Sajid Javid said the government has Shelved the idea of vaccine passports for Now but could Reconsider the decision if COVID-19 cases rise exponentially once again.

..as a follow up..fio..Holders of the EU COVID-19 Vaccination Passport or the British NHS COVID Pass can travel Freely amid the Coronavirus pandemic as the International Air Transport Association (IATA) has Recognised both Passes as verified Proof of vaccination for Travel. ....Now up to Thailand to do the same..eh..  https://www.schengenvisainfo.com/news/eu-uk-vaccination-passports-officially-recognised-by-iata-travel-pass/

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If digital passports allow businesses to open, then the economy (read; Thai people) will benefit, of course they will, they will have money coming in again.


I have a lot of sympathy for those who medically can't take vaccines, or have been trying to get them but can't, who may not be able to use these businesses/travel.  No sympathy at all for anti-vaxxers who help to prolong the pandemic, if they can't travel or mix with vaccinated people, that's nobody's fault but their own.

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2 hours ago, Rinrada said:

Yes and No...basically just for local venues....pinch of salt..LONDON -- Authorities in Britain have decided Not to Require vaccine passports for Entry into Nightclubs and other Crowded events in England. 

Health Minister Sajid Javid said the government has Shelved the idea of vaccine passports for Now but could Reconsider the decision if COVID-19 cases rise exponentially once again.

As i said they have been cancelled. 

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4 hours ago, Nanaplaza666 said:

Is this the jeffr2 that's been living under a rock ?? People that have been vaccinated can still get infected and spread covid . The vaccine is only to prefent death and serious illness(hospitalization) so those anti vaxxers should be more afraid of you(if you have been vaxxed) then you should be of them . So you can LOVE IT all you want ,but your COMMENT doesn't make any sence . 

What? I never lived under a rock. But didn't go to discos when things were bad.


You seem to not understand what the vaccine does. Stunning. Terrible to post misinformation.

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5 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

Because if the unvaccinated get infected, they can still infect others also good luck with anyone in the UK getting into a lot of countries without a vaccination passport.


Care to share that link where they cancelled the vaccination passport.

The un-vaxed are the means by which the virus mutates because they enable it's transmission. And we, the vaccinated then have to start worrying about if the/a newer variety will overcome our protection. 

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6 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

Because if the unvaccinated get infected, they can still infect others also good luck with anyone in the UK getting into a lot of countries without a vaccination passport.


Care to share that link where they cancelled the vaccination passport.

The fully vaccinated can still get covid the vacs only help you not to die. Or get really unwell. So the vaccinated have more chance of spreading it simply because they dont know if they have it

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23 hours ago, Jeffr2 said:

Yes. It means the majority of us (soon to be in Thailand also) don't have to worry about anti vaxxers infecting us while out.


Quantas just initiated this as has many hotels, cruise ships, restaurants,etc. Love it.

Replace anti vaxxers with blacks, go back 40 years and you have apartheid South Africa. The white population never hated blacks. With the help of media censorship and propaganda, they were lead to believe that their lives and the livelihoods were in danger. This tactic had been used many times in the past. 'Anti vaxxers' are not selfish, dangerous, stupid or uninformed. They see the same picture as you but from a different angle. Their ideas and believe are not wrong, just different from yours. If the subject of contention changes to something else, you, your family and your friends may find yourselves on the side of the persecuted next time around. For now, you are on the same side as Verwoerd. Has it occurred to you that you are standing on the side of dishonest, power hungry governments and corrupt pharmaceutical companies, willing to turn against everyday people. Has the sum of your life experiences really brought you only this far?

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3 hours ago, 2ndhomepattaya said:

Over 84% of those who have died from COVID-19 in Thailand were not vaccinated, or did not have an official record of vaccination, and 7.2% had received just one vaccine dose, according to the Centre for COVID-19 Situation Administration (CCSA).

The point is this. If the vaccine is effective then those that had been vaccinated have nothing to worry about. If I or anyone else want to take our chances with the virus rather than the vaccine, then that is our choice. We don't need a parent to hold our hands. If the vaccine is not effective, then why are you taking it and trying to convince others to do so? 


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3 hours ago, Dick Z said:

The non vaccinated will use up hospital resources so health care will be more difficult to get for those who are social citizens. The upside is that there will be less and less irresponsible idiots based on natural selection.

Statistically you are more likely (I think around 80+%) to die from covid if you are obese, suffer from hypertension or heart disease. So you are correct about natural selection, but it will not be based on whether you believed in the vaccine or not, it will be based on how well you've looked after your own health in the past.

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19 minutes ago, TheRealRobin said:

Statistically you are more likely (I think around 80+%) to die from covid if you are obese, suffer from hypertension or heart disease. So you are correct about natural selection, but it will not be based on whether you believed in the vaccine or not, it will be based on how well you've looked after your own health in the past.

You are half correct. Statistically you are more likely (I think around 80+%) to die from covid if you are obese, suffer from hypertension or heart disease AND if you are not vaccinated.

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54 minutes ago, malthebluff said:

The fully vaccinated can still get covid the vacs only help you not to die. Or get really unwell. So the vaccinated have more chance of spreading it simply because they dont know if they have it

For one thing, they are much less likely to transmit the virus. Furthermore, most people who get the virus are asymptomatic. So, given vaccinated people with the virus and 1,000 unvaccinated people with the virus I think it's fair to say the vaccinated are less likely to be spreading the virus.

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5 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

I'm never 100% right.


I know this much, of the 13,000 plus people who died in Thailand from 1 April to 9 September 2021 as reported here om Asean Now 84% were unvaccinated, 60% plus that dies were older than 60 years of age.


Those above who are gone forever didn't stand a chance as Thailand missed the boat when it came to getting vaccines for the country, thanks to both Anutin and Prayout who should have resigned as no one in their right frame of mind would allow people to travel when Delta broke out, so the sole blame has to be theirs, they own it.


The above said, if those above were vaccinated, statistics worldwide show that the death count is and would be down.


We all know the vaccines aren't 100% effective, no vaccine is, but it's like taking antibiotics why do you take them when your sick, because you know that they might make you better, and that is the way I see vaccines, they are protection, not only to you, your family and others.


If you and others think you can fight Covid and be victorious in being immune or creating super antibodies, that is your choice, I and others see an opportunity here to reduce its viral load and spread through vaccinations which also reduce the deaths.


We all have choices, my choice was to get vaxed, your might be to wait and see and if you get it, fight it, that is what choice is all about, but for me, I have done enough research to say to myself, vaccines are the only way out for me, again, it's all about choice.

I got my second jab of pfizer yesterday so i also choose to vaccinate , but that wasn't what i was talking about .

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4 hours ago, 2ndhomepattaya said:

Over 84% of those who have died from COVID-19 in Thailand were not vaccinated, or did not have an official record of vaccination, and 7.2% had received just one vaccine dose, according to the Centre for COVID-19 Situation Administration (CCSA).

So your point is ??? Isn't that axactly what i am saying , vaccinated people are more dangerous to unvaccinated people then the other way around . 

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