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Change Location of Appointment for Second Vaccination


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I, and a number of others, were offered a vaccination at a second location after having received the first.


I chose not to take the second offer rather to stick to plan and get both vaccinations at the same hospital.


My reason for doing so was to ensure my record of vaccination was consistent and complete.


Like you, I had only recently moved to Chonburi and needed to make two trips to Bangkok, this I feel was a minor inconvenience compared with the Byzantine bureaucratic nightmare of some jobs worth making an issue out of my vaccination records.


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I would call the hospital you want it moved to and ask them if it is possible.


That's what my wife did for her second shot but we are in Ratchaburi.  Her first shot was at Bang Sue and she had the second one moved to a local hospital.  They had to call and get the allocation moved first.

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I tried to change mine and was told I couldn't as the government had already allocated my second dose to the first hospital.  As it happened, through another of the schemes, I got a new appointment more locally, so I took that and cancelled the first one.

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5 minutes ago, DefaultName said:

I tried to change mine and was told I couldn't as the government had already allocated my second dose to the first hospital.  As it happened, through another of the schemes, I got a new appointment more locally, so I took that and cancelled the first one.



The response you received, whilst perhaps not unexpected, is patently wrong; it has been officially announced that you can change location for appointments for 2nd jabs...


I called Bangkok Pattaya Hospital but they fended me off by saying their scheme is only for expats who have not previously received a vaccination - they said I needed to contact a government hospital.


That I am now working on...



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PR Thai Government 

9 September at 09:00  · 

The Department of Disease Control has revealed information about the second dose of COVID-19 vaccine, which the public has been asking about, as follows:

(1) The public may change the medical institute for the second dose of vaccination, if necessary, such as having to go back to their home province. Those who wish to change the place of vaccination may contact a hospital affiliated with the Ministry of Public Health two weeks before the appointment date to make an appointment at that hospital;

(2) People who wish to donate their blood may do so after their first or second jab but should wait 14 days;

(3) Those who are currently in quarantine and wish to change an appointment date for vaccination may contact the medical center where they made the appointment, or contact the Mor Prom center at 0 2792 2333; and

(4) People who get infected with COVID-19 after receiving the first dose of vaccine may get the second jab 1-3 months after the date that they get infected with the virus, or if they have already recovered from the disease and passed the quarantine period. If they were infected with COVID-19 more than three months ago, they should get vaccinated as soon as possible.


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2 hours ago, MrJ2U said:

Why don't go to Bangkok the day of your jab?


It's just a two hours drive.


This changing places will most definitely be out of the realm of Thai thinking.


Good luck.

Thanks. That is what I have and will keep that as my backstop.


However, if I can avoid the Bangkok trip, I will.


I will venture to one of the local government hospitals this week and test your theory......I fear that you may be right.

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On 9/15/2021 at 10:56 AM, hotandsticky said:



The response you received, whilst perhaps not unexpected, is patently wrong; it has been officially announced that you can change location for appointments for 2nd jabs...

I too recall reading that a short time ago but cannot find it now.

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