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Do you Yearn for Days of Yesteryear when Suits and Ties were de Rigueur? Arguably, no matter how hot the weather, dressing UP always improves one’s mood.


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4 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:

If a guy has a beautiful girl at his side the it doesn't matter what he wears. The guys will only look at the girl and the women will only look at the girl. His outfit doesn't matter at all.



You have too much Paul Gauguin in your blood, maybe.

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Well, I don’t know about you, but I think that, after reading this important topic, it is time for me to get my assthetics in gear, and begin to dress in ways which improve my mood, and which also help to reestablish myself as a member of the civilized human race.


I mean, how many of us can even tolerate living like a country bumpkin, for long, without going off the rails?  If you want to go off the rails, then this is the best way to do it.


For one thing, as a beginning, I will keep all my clothes pressed, and hung up in the closet, rather than dumping them, after washing and drying, in a heap on my floor, just waiting for an infestation by scorpions.  In fact, I have, during recent weeks, barely missed stepping on two scorpions in my bare feet.  I just lucked out.  And, it was only because I heard them scurrying on the floor that I had the sense to turn on the lights, and avoid extreme pain from a sting.


Yesterday, I watched a movie about Howard Hughs, and sympathized with him, so much, regarding his social isolation.


Hughes developed so many strange quirks and foibles toward the end of his life. No one wants to end up like Howard.


So much great potential, in Howard, almost totally wasted at the end of his life. And, as for us, if we just remain isolated, or if we let our personal hygiene deteriorate, or IF we do not dress UP, but instead choose to don cargo shorts and ragtag attire, then, I am thinking, there might be no hope for us, and we might begin to deteriorate in body and mind.


I have no knowledge of any significant Metropolitan Opera here in Thailand. Nor am I aware of any opera such as you might see in Vienna, as in the Vienna State Opera.


Even, I know nothing similar to the Grand Ole Opry of Nashville, here in Thailand.


Personally, I would dress UP, gladly, to hear two guys:


JS Bach



I love both of them, though not equally.


Can I not just dress up and go to see either one at a concert hall nearby, which is really what I would most love to do?  I would give my right arm to attend, these days.  I have heard so much about JS Bach, for example.


Nothing lasts forever.


Whatever is good will go bad.
Whatever is bad will not last.

In fact, Entropy 

is the true “God” which rules our world.


Therefore, if you wish to know this world, then you must understand entropy.


Here is a lesson in Entropy…..


A tied tie is a higher state.


The Second Law of Thermodynamics states that any tie you might tie will become untied, and that you will need to re-tie your tie.


Also, when a woman reaches out to untie your tie, then you know that you are on the verge of something called love, or, as Stanely Kubrick loved to say, in Clockwork Orange, “the old in and out”, or was that Anthony Burgess who first coined the term.


Wow, Man!

Time to get out in the world and stop “thinking too much”, maybe.

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3 hours ago, GammaGlobulin said:

Listen, My Friend, I realize that you are just having a bit of fun with my important topic, which is entirely within your right, and which is also appreciated.


But, really, is debauchery the only thing you think about?


Or, in some cases, do you ever appreciate the esthetics of purer beauty?


I just cannot believe that you spend every minute of your day focused on assthetics, instead of aesthetics!


You must have some redeeming something about you.


(I know you do, by  the way.)

IMO debauchery is the only thing worth thinking about.

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16 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Always hated ties. I had a suit made in Bkk and only wore it once.

If a place won't take me because I'm not dressed posh enough I don't want to go in it. If people don't accept me because I'm not dressed posh enough they ain't worth knowing.

Recalling Abbie Hoffman's quip about never trusting anyone that wears a tie [and suit]. ????

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14 minutes ago, LomSak27 said:

I yearn. Often I sit and yearn.





Maybe, it might be OK to ignore the squalor in your own life.

However, it is never acceptable to ignore the squalor in others lives.

One must always help.


Thank you for the link.

Did you listen to it, carefully?


Thank you....!




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I'm silently irked at the slovenly appearance of some travelers on planes. I'm talking men wearing beach attire on international flights. Truly disgusting. No self respect. Now my father was a man who dressed as well as circumstances permitted. I have a pic of him in NYC in the 1920's dressed in knee high shiny leather boots, suit and fedora and he worked as a farm hand as he traveled America and Canada as a newly arrived immigrant. I remember as a kid, going to work each day in a factory he'd shine his boots. Sadly I'm not my father and I've never attained his level of fashion. 

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I am TRULY sorry, My Friends, to disillusion you about your collective belief that Warren Buffet is wearing USD400.00 suits from China.


This is NONSENSE, yet cute thinking, and naïve thinking.

Even, might I say, this is childish thinking.


Warren Buffet does NOT wear cheap suits, as I stated above, in my opinion.


The only way for you to convince me that Warren Buffet wears cheap suits is for you to post a video of Buffet walking into a Walmart and picking a suit off the rack.




Sometimes, even Warren Buffett does not know what he is buying.


Sure, he might think that he is getting cheap suits, but that is only because the supplier pulls the wool over his eyes.


Am I right, or am I wrong?

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One more thing:


I guess most of you love Xi's New China, and his Belt and Road, and Chinese products, and even Chinese suits, which some might call neo-Maoist suits.  Buffet loves China, just as he loves slurping any drink that might make him more money, and this fool will never take his money with him, so very unfortunately.


So, how many of you would be proud to say that, "I am wearing a Chinese suit, made under an Authoritarian Communist Regime"? 


Somewhere along the line, one must draw the line, and it might happen sooner than you think.


Any implied politics aside, just from a fashion perspective, would you like to look like a Coke-slurping, and burping, Buffett?


Or would you prefer to look like an Aston Martin-driving person with a beautiful suit, obviously not made in either Russia or China?


Hands down, like Philby, you would choose to be in Russia, or China, and live the fashionable life....right?


No matter how much money one might have, still, one can be stupid about much.


Nice suit:





Coke-slurping fiend from Omaha, lacking any fashion sense:


(Except, he is wearing quite a BEAUTIFUL tie, one must admit.)






Edited by GammaGlobulin
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6 minutes ago, mokwit said:

Seems to me your status here is decided by how white your skin is, rather than how you dress. seriously.

Seems to me, skin color has always been very unimportant on this forum.


But, back to the topic:


Please feel free to wear your Little Mao Suits, if you prefer....

Just buy everything, China, from Walmart, off the rack.


And, you might want to get your teeth fixed, if you do decide to dress DOWN.


Although, why Zhou En Lai did not get his teeth fixed, while in France, is a question still to be answered by future historians.

Maybe he preferred his "natural" dental look, while riding around in his Buick.


Chinese suits are a joke...Haha!



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On 9/23/2021 at 12:31 PM, GammaGlobulin said:

One more thing:


I guess most of you love Xi's New China, and his Belt and Road, and Chinese products, and even Chinese suits, which some might call neo-Maoist suits.  Buffet loves China, just as he loves slurping any drink that might make him more money, and this fool will never take his money with him, so very unfortunately.


So, how many of you would be proud to say that, "I am wearing a Chinese suit, made under an Authoritarian Communist Regime"? 


Somewhere along the line, one must draw the line, and it might happen sooner than you think.


Any implied politics aside, just from a fashion perspective, would you like to look like a Coke-slurping, and burping, Buffett?


Or would you prefer to look like an Aston Martin-driving person with a beautiful suit, obviously not made in either Russia or China?


Hands down, like Philby, you would choose to be in Russia, or China, and live the fashionable life....right?


No matter how much money one might have, still, one can be stupid about much.


Nice suit:





I think he looks like the ugliest Bond of them all - he would not have cut it as a male model, although could perhaps have served as a funeral director's assistant or milkman.  Nonetheless, one of the best, his jacket seems to have been tailored for a less muscular gentleman - perhaps Piers Brosnan or Timothy Dalton, his handkerchief is neatly stowed in his breast pocket, not flamboyantly standing out in a triangle, and his tie is knotted for neatness rather than comfort.   He does have quite a severe haircut, and tremendous sticky-out lugs.

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On 9/23/2021 at 12:55 AM, GammaGlobulin said:

Two follow-on pertinent questions to this topic are:


Do you tie your tie with a Windsor Knot, or Not?


Do you part on the right, or the left?


This second question is, most certainly, only for the men who wear pants, and not for the women who also wear pants.



The second question, if posed by a tailor, would have been, "Which side do you dress, sir?"



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It's too hot to wear suits and nice textiles in general. Dress standards here in Pattaya are deplorable. Greasy cargo shorts, horrible vests revealing stinking matted armpit hair, ugly flip flops showing yellow toenails..dreadful lack of style and class and to be honest some foreigners  especially the white ones are often dirty   disheveled, stained clothes, grubby trainers, Ill shaven....so it's no wonder locals look down on them.

Edited by The Hammer2021
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On 9/23/2021 at 5:31 AM, GammaGlobulin said:






Coke-slurping fiend from Omaha, lacking any fashion sense:


(Except, he is wearing quite a BEAUTIFUL tie, one must admit.)






Rather like Bond's liking his drink shaken, not stirred (or is it the other way round?), one may wish to proffer ones preference for imbibing in general: are you a slurper or a sipper? The sage of Omaha may have a decent tie but no way I'd slurp (guzzle?) my drink in that fashion, plus it's 15 - 20 years since that kind of fizzy abomination passed my lips and the last time was on a blazing hot day in Mexico coming down from one of the Mayan temples and I was dying of thirst, so even I am mortal. And yes, I guess I did guzzle it down rather sharpish. In general though drinking any liquid from the bottle isn't my style, and since this is a rather Thai / tie-obsessed forum I like my Singha, Chang or whatever beer I am drinking drunk from a glass perhaps with a little ice as I do like my beer cold and it warms up ever so quickly in Thailand, and no, I seldom sport a Windsor knot, indeed the size of my knot varies according to my mood. 

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7 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Looks like a suit to me. Coat matches the pants. Tie.

Can't remember the last time I wore a tie, or a suit, for that matter.

Must be my monitor. Trousers darker than jacket.

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When business dress relaxed at work I continued to wear a Tie. 

One director asked why do you continue to wear a Tie?

I informed him I had many white long sleeved shirts that had years of wear left in them! The said shirts no matter how crisp and neat the crease in the sleeve, looked way too plain and cried out for a colourful tie.

Oh says the enquirer is that all, I'll get you a few casual 'company' shirts.

Of course never happened, the white shirts, and ties continued to wear well until I left ????

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On 9/22/2021 at 10:19 PM, StreetCowboy said:

For myself, and many of the other younger members of this forum, shoe trees, like stair rods, are but a quaint memory from our youth.

No doubt, someone will chirp up to say that is even before their recollection, a vanished trace of times gone by like pricing in shillings and pence on the back of books.  Well, that is their loss.

Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it, and their revision may not be as simple as wearing a tie and twelve pence in a shilling.

On the bright side, my son can play the Archers theme tune, and also the Z-Cars theme tune, on his flute.  If only others would do their part to avoid repeating history.




The Archers is alive and kicking and can be heard ON BBC SOUNDS. Shula will be organizing the Dilwali festival soon

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I've always been a follower of fashion as far back as the 60's when I was a Mod I never had a job were we had to dress up so when it came to going out at the weekends it always felt good to get dressed up suit, shirts and tie and nice shoes, and wash the car first,

Music and fashion 

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