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Thailand Pass To Entice More International Tourists


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45 minutes ago, paahlman said:

Nobody seems to ask the obvious question.


Why is the Thai e-pass website not ready yet. Today is 28th.and it stipulates to open on the 1.nov. Whats the purpose of that for the thousands of people that have ordered tickets to arrive between let us say around 1.st to 4th. Nov. They will not be able to get the pass. Why did they not open it last week for example.


Hotels are getting a lot of cancellations now in the beginning of nov. also because of this.. Someone did not plan this in an efficient manner.

No one asks the question cuz we already know the answer: Gross ineptitude. If history is any indication, then this WILL not work any better than the 90 day online. The 90 day is merely a nuisance. This Thai Pass thing will most likely leave travelers stranded, possibly unable to enter particularly the first week of November. This will ripple around the world (the audience Thailand really REALLY wants to attract) and “Voilà!" - foot shot yet again.

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19 hours ago, HappyExpat57 said:

Now, here's my quandary - You have to take a Covid test and show you're negative to board a plane. What use is another test after getting off the plane other than to generate revenue for the people performing the test? Did I suddenly get Covid from any of the OTHER passengers who ALSO tested negative?

That's a really good point and one I have commented on several occasions. The truth is any returning Thai nationals do not need the negative PCR test 72 hours before boarding a flight UNLESS specified by the airline. Thai airways insist all non-Thai have the test but not Thai meaning you can board a Thai flight with every chance an untested person will have Covid and infect other passengers on the plain. When I come back in December my wife will simply walk through but I will merrily jump through hoops!! AND they wonder why the Chinese cant be arsed to come to Thailand. Still no direct flight from BA either which shows how little uptake there is even with just 1 day quarantine...be great when this circus is not run by clowns!!  

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1 hour ago, spidermike007 said:

Thanks, but other than the enormous fortune made, the job would be an absolute nightmare. And besides, I am far too caring and compassionate for a job only accorded to psychopaths. 

Fair enough.


spidermike007 Man of the Year 2022.

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20 hours ago, HappyExpat57 said:

Now, here's my quandary - You have to take a Covid test and show you're negative to board a plane. What use is another test after getting off the plane other than to generate revenue for the people performing the test? Did I suddenly get Covid from any of the OTHER passengers who ALSO tested negative?

I don't approve the test upon arrival but you may be negative 72 hours before arriving, catch the virus between the test and boarding and have symptoms later. You can get infected in the plane too, even if there is little chance to.


What I don't like is the 1 night quarantine in a specific hotel and to have to pay for the test upon arrival. Thai government should pay for that test on arrival.

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20 hours ago, HappyExpat57 said:

Now, here's my quandary - You have to take a Covid test and show you're negative to board a plane. What use is another test after getting off the plane other than to generate revenue for the people performing the test? Did I suddenly get Covid from any of the OTHER passengers who ALSO tested negative?

I think that can also use antigen test takes 15 20 minutes and ready 

I done 1 in Vietnam to travel to another province it was only 10 usd get document and go 

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20 hours ago, HappyExpat57 said:

Now, here's my quandary - You have to take a Covid test and show you're negative to board a plane. What use is another test after getting off the plane other than to generate revenue for the people performing the test? Did I suddenly get Covid from any of the OTHER passengers who ALSO tested negative?

Yes, according to this schema you can.


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Anyone know where you have to stay (hospital or quarantine hotel) if you get the dreaded 'positive' on arrival?

Could turn out very expensive if it's the hotel.

If it's a hospital stay,it would be hell on earth but at least insurance would pay.

Can see it now, 6 year old kid on a two week holiday with 'positive' parents asking...daddddd, when can we go to the beach? Ouch!!

I'm steering well clear of the country until the test on arrival is ditched.

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56 minutes ago, KhaoYai said:

Completely agree with you but there's nothing that can be done - I doubt they have any understanding of how stupid they look to the outside world. The system of social deference and saving face prevents them from seeing how things really are.


There are thousands of examples but to illustrate a couple:


As other UK members will probably remember, there was a period last year where the Thai Embassy in London were telling people who wished to travel to book a flight and reserve a hotel without any dates.  I sent and re-sent an e-mail to them asking how this was possible but each time I got the same reply - book a flight and reserve a hotel, madness. Clearly they had not been given full/correct details from the MFA but would they question them? Not even politely - it is simply not done to question the words of a higher authority/person. - they simply passed the (crazy) instructions on.


Another, a friend had a problem with an extension of stay application at a local immigration office.  The boss at that I.O. was wrongly (almost certainly deliberately) quoting the rules and refusing to issue the extension.  My friend called 'Head Office' in Bangkok and asked them if the I.O.'s requests were correct. He was told that they were wrong and based on what he stated, there was no reason to refuse the extension.  When he asked 'Head Office' if they would call the I.O. and advise them of their 'mistake', he was told this was not possible.


Then there's the refusal to have a native speaker proof read items published in English.  I've seen glaring mistakes in both governmental and private company's publications. I wouldn't use Google translate if I wanted to sell my products in France.


So I doubt pictures drawn with crayons would do anything at all - they would not even understand the sarcasm.  I don't even think, as some do, that they don't care what foreigners think. I doubt its as complicated as that, as far as I can see there is simply no rational to their thinking - not one that fits outside Thailand.


Even with their tourist industry decimated for almost 2 years, the attitude is that tourists should feel lucky to be able to visit Thailand again - not vice versa!


I've discussed this with an educated Thai friend who's lived in Norway for 20 years and they totally agree.

The attitude of the staff i've dealt with at the thai embassy in London has been disgusting.

I'm very well mannered when talking to them but always get spoken to like i'm scum.

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2 hours ago, AMFWolfie said:

That's a really good point and one I have commented on several occasions. The truth is any returning Thai nationals do not need the negative PCR test 72 hours before boarding a flight UNLESS specified by the airline. Thai airways insist all non-Thai have the test but not Thai meaning you can board a Thai flight with every chance an untested person will have Covid and infect other passengers on the plain. When I come back in December my wife will simply walk through but I will merrily jump through hoops!! AND they wonder why the Chinese cant be arsed to come to Thailand. Still no direct flight from BA either which shows how little uptake there is even with just 1 day quarantine...be great when this circus is not run by clowns!!  

Just another great reason to not fly Thai airways, as if anyone really needed more.

Forget the Chinese though, they are not travelling until way into 2022 at the earliest, unless someone really enjoys state quarantine facilities. https://edition.cnn.com/2021/09/29/china/guangzhou-covid-quarantine-center-mic-intl-hnk/index.html

Which means Thailand will just scrabble around for anyone to come in the middle of pandemic to the epicentre of ASEAN covid where you get locked up at your expense if you test positive.

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22 hours ago, HappyExpat57 said:

Now, here's my quandary - You have to take a Covid test and show you're negative to board a plane. What use is another test after getting off the plane other than to generate revenue for the people performing the test? Did I suddenly get Covid from any of the OTHER passengers who ALSO tested negative?

Does it say how long for the test results to be  returned after arrival? I know some people waited 3 days for their results and that was only at the local hospital.


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8 hours ago, bberg said:

COE is a problem, personally I have applied after already been given a non-immigrant VISA but don't get answer on the COE I cannot plan or book the remaining.


I have applied in South Korea, Thai embassy are impossible to contact by phone, they never answer, they do answer on emails but it takes days/weeks.


Unless I get answer by Friday (tomorrow), my intended travel is 3rd November being a Wednesday (mid week to have a chance to get PCR test provided in time - 72h before) and depart also on a Wednesday for same reason, getting the PCR test in time before travel, I will have to gamble on the new Thailand pass opening 1st November 9am Thailand time or cancel the trip altogether or postpone until later when its possible to obtain all the documentation required to travel. 


If Thailand want tourists and visitors coming the systems must be achievable.


Another issue is the high added cost to your travels, for me I expect approx. 800USD in added cost to the travel which is basically 5 PCR tests, extra hotels, extra flight and added insurance - to my usual travel expenses. This is per person - for a family it would for most people by impossible. 


Also; the added risk of somebody in m vicinity during my travel will be found COVID19 positive I will be subjected to 14 days quarantine at my own expenses and my whole travel ruined altogether. 


Its seems, ironically, the least of anybody's worries these days is the virus it self but the bureaucracy and penalties of being in the wrong spot at the wrong time. 


I travel because of close family illness with days left to live I hope to be able to see before departing this planet.     



Further to my quest to enter Thailand to those who are interested in real life struggles.....


I am very fortunate in my work, I have resources to assist and help with my queries - with help we managed to finally get Thai embassy on the phone, we called for approx. 2h over 40 calls joint effort when somebody answered the phone. When asked status on my COE the reply was, yes - aware of the application. Further asking when I could expect feedback - the person said "will do it now". They had been aware for days but not pushed the application on in the system. We asked further what the process was upon the answer was the COE was approved when they replied soonest. 


Upon receiving the answer, my next task was to update travel (flight ticket) plus hotel booking, done in 2 min......and send back awaiting for yet another answer from same Thai Embassy. By now the clock had passed midday and they wont be answering anything before tomorrow which is Friday. My COE was still not approved despite what the embassy staff had informed on the phone. 


Since I am traveling after 1st November I should not be subjected to 7 days quarantine hence I only booked 1 day in a hotel which is 200m from my condo, for own convenience to walk home after proved COVID19 free, a day locked up awaiting PCR result which I assume is done at airport arrival!


I am entering on a VISA, non-immigrant VISA single entry - I don't risk tourist VISA this time, I need to reopen my bank accounts, update my car and motorbike licenses, renew insurances and travel to different provinces due to family illness.


Non-immigrant VISA was easy compared to COE!!


I am waiting for final COE, I doubt it will be "just like that".....but I might be positively surprised. 


Failing COE; my final chance is Sunday 1st November 9am when the new Thailand Pass supposedly is available. 

Failing that - my travel must be rebooked or cancelled.


Its been an absolute hell ride which is not over yet. The easy answer is "Don't travel to Thailand just yet". I do it because family is literarily on the last leg and this would be my only chance to see her alive, the next visit will be a temple visit that we, as a family, know.


Keep in mind - I have everything in place, resources, insurances, house registration - the lot, still I am struggling due to system inefficiency.  






Edited by bberg
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31 minutes ago, Ty Hareways said:

The attitude of the staff i've dealt with at the thai embassy in London has been disgusting.

I'm very well mannered when talking to them but always get spoken to like i'm scum.

I fully understand that - I've had exactly the same experience but whenever I've posted on the subject, as usual someone comes along and says how pleasant their experience was and that I must have been rude.  I've had 20 years of learning how to deal with Thai's and I know very well that being rude/getting angry is counter-productive.


I don't doubt that there are some pleasant staff at the RTE London but I haven't been lucky enough to speak to them yet.  I've always experienced a 'like it or lump it' attitude.  I would also say that my wife (Thai) also found them very rude.

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28 minutes ago, NeoDinosaw said:

The testing company my wife had to use to get into UK did the same thing


My testing company in Sweden was a beauty shop where I was asked to spit in a test tube.

Paid my fee and 12h later I got my certificate.

Only available testing facility in my hometown for travel certificate.

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23 hours ago, HappyExpat57 said:

Now, here's my quandary - You have to take a Covid test and show you're negative to board a plane. What use is another test after getting off the plane other than to generate revenue for the people performing the test? Did I suddenly get Covid from any of the OTHER passengers who ALSO tested negative?


Covid test results can be faked and can be bought in the market just like vaccination records. Or it can be real but the procedure was not done properly giving a false negative.


So to be doubly sure, it's better to test again by the authorities in Thailand.


Edited by EricTh
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1 hour ago, Ty Hareways said:

The attitude of the staff i've dealt with at the thai embassy in London has been disgusting.

I'm very well mannered when talking to them but always get spoken to like i'm scum.

I have similar experience in Thai embassy and also Thai immigration. It's because the number of applicants who want to go to Thailand is enormous, so they can afford to be rude.


Thailand is definitely not the land of smiles as wrongly portrayed by some marketing companies. 





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On 10/27/2021 at 1:24 PM, HappyExpat57 said:

Now, here's my quandary - You have to take a Covid test and show you're negative to board a plane. What use is another test after getting off the plane other than to generate revenue for the people performing the test? Did I suddenly get Covid from any of the OTHER passengers who ALSO tested negative?

Sorry my mistake, I need glasses. I thought you said onboard. I agree then, the parameters are massive but I would like to think statistically these checks will narrow things down a bit.

Edited by bangkokbonecollector
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1 hour ago, HappyExpat57 said:

Everyone is required to enter with Covid insurance. Be SURE that "asymptomatic positive hospital coverage" is included in the policy!

That is a bloody diamond of a point, well done sir! Thankfully I have not got my policy yet and will make sure of this. I am also planning on taking two packs of my own Lateral flow tests so I will be testing myself if they try and claim I am positive.

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17 minutes ago, EricTh said:

I have similar experience in Thai embassy and also Thai immigration. It's because the number of applicants who want to go to Thailand is enormous, so they can afford to be rude.


Thailand is definitely not the land of smiles as wrongly portrayed by some marketing companies. 





Hmmm I would say you are half right. I think you have to understand that even if you are being polite and have all your documents in order, they are dealing with hundreds if not thousands of others who are rude and who do not have their documents in order....ever. I really hands to God never had a problem with the staff in the London embassy and I found them to be just very stressed but not intentionally rude. It is a tough job man.

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