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PM Accepts Vaccine from US


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BANGKOK, Nov 24 (TNA) – Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha presided over a ceremony to receive 1 million doses of the COVID-19 vaccine produced by Moderna and donated from the United States.


Michael Heath, charge d’affaires of the US embassy in Bangkok, ceremonially handed the 1 million doses of the COVID-19 vaccine to Gen Prayut. It was the second lot of donated Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine doses and a part of the total of 2.5 million doses that the US government promised to donate to Thailand.


Full Story: https://tna.mcot.net/english-news/line-today-english-news-830290


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This government has no shame.


It purports to be a developed country, able to produce it's own vaccines. Not able to produce the anti viral drug, as Pfizer states it is a developed country, but it still has donations. Still accepts donations, and countries are stupid, (or perhaps looking for an advantage), enough to donate the vaccines.

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It does seem obscene that Thailand (a moderately developed country, which could pay for them and with its own vaccine production facility) is getting donations of vaccine from the USA while many much poorer nations have received much less.

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many variables in the whole scenario IMO.

Political appeal, genuine need, surplus  at point of origin.

As increasingly obvious as fact that the virus of this ongoing declared pandemic is going to persist in some  variant form or other in spite of vaccination programs that retain a core residual element in the form of  young children is the other fact that the situation has provided an incredibly powerful utilization of "emergency" protocols and policies that if not already in existence have rapidly been invoked or created to the detriment of the majority and the benefit of  a minority in extreme differentials !

Near two years on from the frightening realization of this unfolding reality of a new global pandemic that was stupidly diverted into the distraction of "blame" which interesting co incidentally and conveniently  was aimed at a Nation that was presenting as serious competition to another Nation of indignant objection now the politicalization continues in a resort to the core motivation.....of that!

Gone is the original appeal to the concepts of global humanitarian concern in the "war on the virus"! 

Genocidal ambitions of would be dictators in various locations are secondary  to media hype about covid-19. Vaccine donations and/or developments related to the topic obfuscate accurate comprehension of that reality with "freedom of expression" conspiracy tales while in places such as Syria, Yemen, Libya  etc etc thousands continue to die by a combination of factors in the activities of war that purportedly are assisted in terms of military aid or political approval to "save" them !

IMHO I can find little difference in the "war"  against C-19.




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8 minutes ago, sammieuk1 said:

Now he will sell it to private hospitals so that those mugs who paid for it 5 months ago and still not had a single jab could get it! if not  a refund  now" LOL " or 1.650 million should buy a nice new Chinese tank ????

You are calling the millions of Thais who booked Moderna "mugs". Live in Thailand do you?

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They'll need every mRNA vaccine they can get.


The new strain looks like it'll easily evade Astra Zeneca, Sinovac,and its overpriced cousin,Sinopharm.


That thug Anutin needs to order 300 million mRNA vaccines pronto.  


Not diddly 30 million which actually is 10 million people with boosters.


That idiot!


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10 hours ago, Chris.B said:

It should be given to all the people who paid for and are waiting for Moderna.

I agree!  There are so many stories as to the purchased of the Moderna by who and whom?  particularly by the private sector through government authorization personally I'm lost with all the stories. 


When it comes to the 1 or 1.5 million doses arriving Nov 1st, reported ( was this purchased prepayment of donated? )  up to now I've only heard of the Thai Red Cross having it and distributing?  Yesterday talking to two friends who prepay in July one at Pattaya Memorial and Bangkok Pattaya they got SMS appointments for their prepaid Moderna this coming 29th Nov.  so that is a bit of good news.


Then as we know a few days ago the 1 million doses donated by U.S. arrived not sure what has happen to the donation 1 million by Holland?  nevertheless it is unknown at this point these free donations the government should do the right thing and provide it free just like the Pfizer!

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