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'Do your own research / I do my own research' has become code for conspiracy theory followers


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3 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

Karl Marx married a Baroness, lived off her money, and had sex with her female servants.

That's undisputed historical fact.


The idea of 'exploitation' arises when not paying people fair compensation for their work.

I've always paid the market value for the product, how about you?

Whatever Brit, your logic is flawed. Your exploitation of woman goes against the theories of Marx. This is pure capitalism that you exploit. Your just trolling your not that dumb.

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5 minutes ago, robblok said:

Whatever Brit, your logic is flawed. Your exploitation of woman goes against the theories of Marx. This is pure capitalism that you exploit. Your just trolling your not that dumb.

I pay for a product, you expect it for nothing.

Which of us is the 'exploiter'?

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2 minutes ago, rumak said:

I am often baffled when as well.............. when i read your posts on some subjects.   you really do think that you are always right.      the expression "like talking to a brick wall"   comes to mind

That is because you and I don't believe in the same thing called science. I believe in it while you .... 


And I certainly am not always right.

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35 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

His wealth should have been redistributed to the people a long time ago.

People who display such greed are by definition evil (according to the teachings of both Socialism and Christianity).

LOL. “Greedy” Bill Gates has given away $45 billion to charity over the years and oversees the largest private charitable foundation in the world that focuses on global health and poverty.

Edited by LarrySR
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3 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

I pay for a product, you expect it for nothing.

Which of us is the 'exploiter'?

You exploit poor woman while I on the other hand get exploited by a woman that makes more money then me. Im a victim.

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1 minute ago, rumak said:

i have the SAME  experience .     Misdiagnosis.   Prescribing dangerous drugs (black box warning) when not called for.   No care or critical diagnosis .   

So, yes,  google can be your friend in these cases.  ( but not as for Covid,  as they Censor all opposing views)

There we go again, showing why you and I will never see eye to eye. Plus false reasoning.


1 doctor did it wrong so all doctors are not as good as the information i find ont he internet.


Point being that too many scientist all agree to be wrong. Now in your experience one that i truly believe happened and is possible its one Dr making a mistake. I make mistakes in my work. However if work is checked and verified by many many scientists its a different story.


Had you had multiple Drs then chances were you would have gotten a better diagnose. Sometimes the one Dr who says otherwise is right but in most cases that is not so.

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4 minutes ago, robblok said:

You exploit poor woman while I on the other hand get exploited by a woman that makes more money then me. Im a victim.

I have a normal regular relationship .

We both earn our money and income separately and have sex freely when either of us want to . 

   Earning a living and the relationship is kept separate .

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1 minute ago, rumak said:

You wouldn't know what is true science if it hit you on the head.   You just repeat the narrative that you choose to read .    You would definitely lose any debate with one of the "crazy"  virologists that you are told give false information.  

please stop always thinking you know the truth.   like the OP,  very boring

Of course id lose a debate, hard to debate with crazies, same like with debating with religious people. 


I certainly don't think i always know the truth, but i have logic of reasoning on my side. 


Just ask yourself how many times a person like "Copernicus" comes around and how many times those people that pretend to be the one that knows better then the current consensus are wrong.



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Just now, Mac Mickmanus said:

I have a normal regular relationship .

We both earn our money and income separately and have sex freely when either of us want to . 

   Earning a living and the relationship is kept separate .

Same with me was a bit of a hyperbole as Brit thinks sex is a product.  I make enough, but the fact is the current one makes more then me. Not that I have a problem with paying for sex. I am just of the opinion that is not the case in every relationship. But Brit by his own admission is emotionally scarred by his English ex so I don't blame him.


But to then say he is a marxist and taking advantage of low wages in a country get woman and proudly talk about was a bit too much.

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18 minutes ago, rumak said:

thank you BM2.   C'mon ,  there must be a FEW more posters here who actually see this TWO YEAR completely crazy world shutdown for what it really is .    

What is it ? Can you give me the big picture? 

What is the real truth about Bill Gates?

Most people and places are open and free now, with some travel limitations,  so what happened to the master plan?

Some got rich and took advantage of a pandemic but it doesn't mean it was created through a conspiracy. 

The point is you can have thoughts on what might be but having that leap of faith to believe it is true is  a step too far. Like posting on the 'Do you believe in God' thread. 



Edited by Fat is a type of crazy
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17 minutes ago, rumak said:

thank you BM2.   C'mon ,  there must be a FEW more posters here who actually see this TWO YEAR completely crazy world shutdown for what it really is .    

Yes.  We see it as a global pandemic created by the release of a deadly virus.  With millions dead, millions more hospitalized and millions more suffering potentially life long consequences.

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3 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

To believe someone is the devil, you must first believe in God ...... and are therefor delusional.

Good and evil are however different concepts, and require no prior belief in supernatural entities.

Well put.  But perhaps that member does believe in god.  Either way, calling Bill Gates evil is ridiculous.  It's fueled by the fake news conspiracy websites.

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1 minute ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

It seems that Everyone will now need regular vaccinations to be able to function in life .

   An injection every six months in order to be able to live , or sit at home and starve or be jailed . 

That's probably the new normal.  Why would you starve sitting at home?  Doesn't make sense.

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1 minute ago, BritManToo said:

'Good' people don't accumulate vast amounts of money.

This is a truth the world must recognise.

You are aware he's donated a significant amount of his money?  Mainly to scientific projects researching vaccines.  Like mRNA.  Guess you didn't know that.

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Just now, Jeffr2 said:

You are aware he's donated a significant amount of his money?  Mainly to scientific projects researching vaccines.  Like mRNA.  Guess you didn't know that.

If he donated nearly all, holding no control of his donations himself, I might agree with you.

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Just now, Mac Mickmanus said:

Shops and restaurants and other food sources not allowing unvaccinated people in to buy food ?

Guessing you've never heard of food delivery?  Or, the ability of these people to do the right thing and get the jab.  Problem solved.

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