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Thailand announces new measures for foreign arrivals, New Year countdown details


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1 minute ago, Morpheus42 said:

Where to go? As far as I can see, the only two countries who are really resisting right now are Mexico and El Salvador. And in both of these places we might have freedom, but a lot of other dangers..


This world just got soo <deleted> mad.. But I am happy that at least you can understand my POV. It is really making me sick in my heart and I get pain in my guts when I read most comments here. Most people sadly do not want to understand my POV and are really full of hate just because I am scared of the vaccine and the whole digital dictatorship that is coming with it.


And regarding your previous post.. I am responsible, that is why I am NOT taking the shot. I need to provide for my family and cannot risk getting severely injured or dying from the vaccine. I am young and had COVID already, no big deal, so for me the risk of the vaccine is far higher than the risk of the disease, like for many other young people as well.

And again, it is not just about the shot. It is about the whole digital prison coming along with it. I will never support that. I better stay on our farm and grow our own food for the rest of our lives, but then there is this visa issue again... ????

you are fighting the wrong battle, the digital prison has been here since 2000s, nothing new, it was bound to happen and it will only get worse, better get used to it.


if you had COVID, then good news, the shots will make you stronger actually, you have almost no risk. For kids, it's another issue, no need to do it.


like I said, you are fighting a battle that can't be won, you already lost but you don't know it yet.


If the virus is indeed a "weapon", your best line of defense is the vaccination. Would you go in a battle field without a weapon, even if it was dangerous to carry around? the vaccine is your weapon.

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1 minute ago, jacko45k said:

People like me are ones who see the vaccinations as a solution and not something to be feared. I worry about catching Covid far more. I am not really mocking, but simply perplexed by such attitudes. 

You make your own suffering....just get on with life, I doubt you will ever be forced to be jabbed, but you will have to make sacrifices.

If you mean force = police and soldiers coming to me and injecting me by force, sure I think this will not happen, we are luckily not China (until now)


If you mean force = I will not be able to extend my visa and me and my family will be separated by force, I fear the probability for this is highly likely...



And honestly I am perplexed by your attitude. In my whole circle we know NO Covid deaths, but several vaccine deaths and even more vaccine injuries. I know the media and governments and many scientists are constantly telling the vaccines would be safe and side effects less problematic than the disease, but then there are other scientists and other medias that state something totally different. And I just chose to believe latter, based on my personal experience and what I heard from all the other people around me as well.

It would not be the first time that media and governments are just lying to the people.


And again, it is not just about the shots itself. It is about this whole digital vaccination passport, QR code thing that is coming along with it.

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1 minute ago, Morpheus42 said:

And again, it is not just about the shots itself. It is about this whole digital vaccination passport, QR code thing that is coming along with it.

continuing isolation can create paranoia, I think you might be suffering from it.


There are only a few minor cases with the vaccine, but yes it can happen. You are more likely to die from a bad case of the flu or COVID.


Are they using COVID as a way to have more control over us? of course, that's what they do. If it wasn't COVID, it would be something else. In Europe, they will be voted out in the next election. In Thailand, well good luck ????


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2 minutes ago, Morpheus42 said:

Based from all the experiences in my circle and from people around me, I do not trust the vaccine at all.

that might be the problem, you are in an "echo" chamber, that will increase your confirmation bias in your cognitive skills. You need to step back, and watch all this from a different angle.


Yes the anti-vaxx do raise a lot of valid points, and they might be proved right in the long term. But if we must go into the "conspiracy ground", it's quite possible that we are actually under "attack". So what do you do? hide and stay in lockdowns for the next 15 years, like a bad SFX movie from the 1970s? or take whatever we have to have a "normal" life.


The vaccination is the only way to get back to our "normal" life, no matter how you put it.

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2 minutes ago, GrandPapillon said:

continuing isolation can create paranoia, I think you might be suffering from it.


There are only a few minor cases with the vaccine, but yes it can happen. You are more likely to die from a bad case of the flu or COVID.


Are they using COVID as a way to have more control over us? of course, that's what they do. If it wasn't COVID, it would be something else. In Europe, they will be voted out in the next election. In Thailand, well good luck ????



Might be, but I do not choose to be isolated. I am forced. I cannot go anywhere anymore, now not even allowed to take part in the New Year Celebration ????

Again, my experience and the experience from the people around me is totally different regarding the vaccination side-effects and the disease. I know many people around the world who share the same experience.


It is not too late to oppose the Digital Vaccination Certificate and all these QR-Codes. They are implementing it right now, it is not done. There is a big opposition to it, even in Thailand.

I personally know MANY people in Thailand who are totally against it, just afraid and scared of speaking up because as soon as you say something against it, many people will call you bad names and whatever... And Thais do not like to have any confrontation.

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Just now, GrandPapillon said:

that might be the problem, you are in an "echo" chamber, that will increase your confirmation bias in your cognitive skills. You need to step back, and watch all this from a different angle.


Yes the anti-vaxx do raise a lot of valid points, and they might be proved right in the long term. But if we must go into the "conspiracy ground", it's quite possible that we are actually under "attack". So what do you do? hide and stay in lockdowns for the next 15 years, like a bad SFX movie from the 1970s? or take whatever we have to have a "normal" life.


The vaccination is the only way to get back to our "normal" life, no matter how you put it.

Not true. Every place where people get vaccinated, the people do not have their normal life back.

The only places where they still have their normal life are most countries in Africa, where they just refused everything and still living their old normal.


The old normal is NEVER coming back by compliance, it will just get worse. Just the "new normal" will be pushed on the people, BECAUSE they comply.


And no echo chamber. I am living in a village of 700 people and here now everyone knows that the vaccine is worse than the disease. It is our collective experience, not my isolated in an echo chamber.

The same experience in the village back home from my parents with 3000 people.

The same experience in the Albanian village of a good friend of mine with 5000 people.

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1 minute ago, Morpheus42 said:

It is not too late to oppose the Digital Vaccination Certificate and all these QR-Codes. They are implementing it right now, it is not done. There is a big opposition to it, even in Thailand.

I personally know MANY people in Thailand who are totally against it, just afraid and scared of speaking up because as soon as you say something against it, many people will call you bad names and whatever... And Thais do not like to have any confrontation.

it's definitely too late, it's here to stay.


"MANY" people is not the majority, so nobody cares about them. And because as you said, they are afraid to speak up, then there is nothing they can do to oppose this.


You lost, get used to it. And "MANY" people will not have the strength to fight this, anyhow. Just a question of time before they "surrender".

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here in Europe, we are back somehow to a new "normal" when you are vaccinated. For how long, that's a good question, but patience are running thin in the population, so any funny business with our freedom coming in the next 12 months using COVID is not going to fly. It will be revolt in the streets like we saw in Austria, Belgium, Holland, and it will be much worse.


Like I said, a lot of EU leaders are up to re-election in their home countries, and most will be voted out.


In Thailand, maybe COVID could be an excuse for a bigger revolt by the mass ????


Edited by GrandPapillon
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9 minutes ago, Morpheus42 said:


Might be, but I do not choose to be isolated. I am forced. I cannot go anywhere anymore, now not even allowed to take part in the New Year Celebration ????

so you choose to restrict your freedom by choosing not to restrict your freedom with a vaccination or a QR code? see your logic flaw here. You are not forced to be isolated. You are choosing to be.


Do you like to live in lockdowns too?

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2 minutes ago, jacko45k said:

What is the problem flashing a QR code, for heavens sake? I needed 4 copies of my passport and 6 signatures to get a 2 line bank letter today... and don't mention the Extension process!

amen to that, it's not like they are not asking all kind of ridiculous paperwork before COVID.

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8 hours ago, PuaSai said:

I'm going through quarantine right now.  Arrived Saturday and actually the process at Suvarnabhumi Airport was very fast and efficient.  WAY faster then I expected.  I didn't even get to sit in the initial chair line for more than a minute.  Immigration lines were very short.  I walked right up to be stamped to enter.  They didn't have the expedited lines for business or first class and they didn't need them.  


Taxi service was provided by the hotel and their staff met me and others at the airport and organized your ride to the hotel.  I rode alone having traveled alone and the driver's section was sealed off from me by clear plastic.


I did the Bangkok Sand Box, but because I wasn't in the U.S. for 21 consecutive days, I am quarantined for 7 days.  I even have 2 vaccines and a booster.  (Not bragging.  I only got the shots to come home.  If the situation was different I wouldn't have gotten them.)  After you arrive, you get the 1st RT-PCR test and wait 24 hours (or so.  My wait was less.  This was my 3rd PCR test this week for traveling.).  If negative, you're allowed to go outside, but have to finish the quarantine.  When I say you can go outside, I mean they let you go, say for example, to the mall you're hotel is attached to.  So, you're not a prisoner inside the hotel.  Basically I guess you can go anywhere, but you have to return to the hotel.  The 6th day you had to do a self test or you can have the nurse on staff do it.


The hotel and staff are very nice and the room is huge and clean.  The floor I'm on is a restricted floor.  Only people on quarantine can go up and get out on that floor.  You have to use your key card on the elevator before you push the floor button or a woman's voice announces loudly "you have selected a restricted floor."


All in all, it hasn't been bad except for missing a week with my family.  I wouldn't want to make them sick, so it's worth it to me.







Sounds like my own experience, maybe a different scheme? I had to do a 2 weeks quarantine early this year. But rather similar for the organisation and logistics in Suvarnabhumi on arrival. That's Thailand, it can be totally shambolic and at times it can be so well organised too, efficient, fast and pleasant.

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22 hours ago, smedly said:

because they are clueless - they make things so complicated that they are unenforceable, stupid nonsense 

They've been mixing-n-matching and vying for wishy-washy entry programs from the start.......goes back to the original COE/14-day quarantine protocol. 

Almost too comical, as it appears that they insist on changing/modifying their grand experiments every other week without being conscious towards any such consequences that might occur. 


The usual Thai convoluted political/military bureaucracy at work.

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26 minutes ago, Morpheus42 said:

Based from all the experiences in my circle and from people around me, I do not trust the vaccine at all. I do not believe it is making me stronger, from what I can see it is making people sick.

I am scared of it and I do not want to take it. I am not scared of the natural infection, that I had already and was mild.


And regarding the digital prison, you are right but I prefer fighting than just silently accepting and thinking there is nothing to do anyway. I have a family and I want to fight for their freedom.

You should get vaccinated.

You could get very seriously ill or suffer from long covid if you get covid.

You will not avoid omicron.


Go and get your 3 jabs.

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11 hours ago, Geoffggi said:

Good luck with this one, IMO the last time something like this happened was when three wise men were following a star ............................LOL

Ah that's why Pattaya's not included...they couldn't find a virgin.  ????????

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7 hours ago, Scouse123 said:

It is probably any country not on the list of the 63 approved countries for Test and Go.

I've just spoken to a friend who is travelling on Thursday (16th) and using the Thai Pass. He is assuming (and hoping!) that nothing has changed for him.

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2 hours ago, Morpheus42 said:

If you mean force = police and soldiers coming to me and injecting me by force, sure I think this will not happen, we are luckily not China (until now)


If you mean force = I will not be able to extend my visa and me and my family will be separated by force, I fear the probability for this is highly likely...



And honestly I am perplexed by your attitude. In my whole circle we know NO Covid deaths, but several vaccine deaths and even more vaccine injuries. I know the media and governments and many scientists are constantly telling the vaccines would be safe and side effects less problematic than the disease, but then there are other scientists and other medias that state something totally different. And I just chose to believe latter, based on my personal experience and what I heard from all the other people around me as well.

It would not be the first time that media and governments are just lying to the people.


And again, it is not just about the shots itself. It is about this whole digital vaccination passport, QR code thing that is coming along with it.

And yet, I personally know of nobody who has suffered any more than minor effects from the vax, but I know 2 people with "long-covid" plus i know one person who won't be vaxxed and cannot go home to France from UK as a result. Same as i used to have to get Yellow Fever shots to travel.

So I am perplexed by so-called "anti-vaxers"

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2 hours ago, Don Chance said:

'There is a myth out there that it's mild,'



"This variant here is so absolutely infectious now... This will reach every single person. Statistically speaking, there will be very few lucky ones," Jüni said.

I guess we will all get Omicrom, there will be so many people packing the hospitals that the health care system can no longer function, and people are dying in the streets. "Bring out your dead."  It will be the plague 2021-2022. 
If so, the "everyone is gonna die" fear narrative was correct and from now on anyone with a brain will believe the experts, governments, and Big Pharma.
I guess we all get Omicrom (or not), it will be mild and most people except for the feeble and at risk will be able to get over it in short order, and not a lot of people will die.
If so, the "everyone is gonna die" fear narrative is incorrect?  You will see the public do a quantum leap to the other side of the narrative and suddenly those who have been "good citizens" and have complied will be asking difficult questions.

Then?  Start a world war. 
Taiwan and Ukraine (China and Russia) are great places to poke in the name of freedom and democracy.  You know.  The attributes or "freedom" and "democracy" that - 'post-Covid' - most people have collectively given up in the West...in the name of safety, of course.

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On 12/13/2021 at 5:41 PM, koratkarlos said:

ignore this noise, forget it and go about your daily life.  There really is no other option.

Been doin' that for about 9 months now - it has saved my sanity and kept my blood pressure at a normal level. 

So much hogwash coz of this  China virus. 

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The so called new measures for foreign arrivals are perhaps not as absurd as might first appear. We still have test & go or sandbox for tourists or those of us trying to return to our homes and families. Much stricter if you don't fall in to these categories. So for test & go it all depends non whether you are coming from a listed country. The powers can of course add or remove a country from that list as they please turfing the hapless arrivee in to lengthy quarantine again.


The UK currently has broadly similar test & go rules but you can self isolate where you are staying which can be with friends or family. From what I hear the follow up is patchy or non existent. Friends waited 5 days without getting the results of the PCR self administered test on arrival. In that time they were not checked to see if they were obeying self isolation either. It was only a 5 day visit and they left UK before any result came in. 


I won't comment on the internal rules in Thailand other than to say they appear very complicated and so unlikely to be followed or heavily enforced.


I will say that road deaths seem always to have outnumbered Covid deaths in Thailand.

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6 hours ago, Don Chance said:

'There is a myth out there that it's mild,'



"This variant here is so absolutely infectious now... This will reach every single person. Statistically speaking, there will be very few lucky ones," Jüni said.

'There is a myth out there that it's mild,'


So let me get this right. There is no scientific proof so far that Omicron is very deadly or even dangerous compared to previous mutations. But this guy is saying he believes Omicron is going to be dangerous and deadly.


I think it's him who is creating a myth here!  

Edited by CG1 Blue
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Jüni added that the median age in South Africa is about 27, compared to 44 in Ontario.

“Age is the most important risk factor,” he said. “So we need forget about wishful thinking here with mild disease. We simply don't know.”



Age is the most important risk factor? So why is the Canadian government aiming to get 5 year olds jabbed? Too many contradictions from guys like him. 





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7 hours ago, Morpheus42 said:

If you mean force = police and soldiers coming to me and injecting me by force, sure I think this will not happen, we are luckily not China (until now)


If you mean force = I will not be able to extend my visa and me and my family will be separated by force, I fear the probability for this is highly likely...



And honestly I am perplexed by your attitude. In my whole circle we know NO Covid deaths, but several vaccine deaths and even more vaccine injuries. I know the media and governments and many scientists are constantly telling the vaccines would be safe and side effects less problematic than the disease, but then there are other scientists and other medias that state something totally different. And I just chose to believe latter, based on my personal experience and what I heard from all the other people around me as well.

It would not be the first time that media and governments are just lying to the people.


And again, it is not just about the shots itself. It is about this whole digital vaccination passport, QR code thing that is coming along with it.

Thanks for that. Lies, deception and control, that's all it was ever about. I know several double and triple-jabbed people who are regretting it as they realise they were duped.


And yes, those shots are incredibly dangerous and nobody should be taking them.

Edited by rattlesnake
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