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Children Aged 5-11 to Receive Pfizer Vaccine

Jonathan Fairfield

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3 hours ago, KhunLA said:

Really depends on one's definition of a vaccine.  Which was changed, so these new 'shots' could be called a vaccine.


Before the change, a vaccine provide protection from getting the disease designed for. 


After the definition change ... well .. neither provided protection from contracting or transmitting.

Yes, they actually had the definition changes ... nuff said.

The name vaccine derives from the Latin word for "pertaining to a cow" And it was composed of pus taken from a cowpox lesion. That was what was originally meant by "vaccine". So if you think changing the definition of vaccine is scientifically relevant, then no one has been vaccinated for anything for quite some time.

Of course, if one take the wildly improbably position, as I do, that it's the scientific understanding of the bodily systems that made that original vaccine work, then maybe it  would be agreed that the definition of a vaccine should derive from that understanding. Ya know, from science.

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4 hours ago, LukKrueng said:

Yes, fully approved after about 1 year of the biggest ever clinical trial whereas normally it takes an average of 3-5 years to approve other drugs and vaccines....

There's a common misconception that the reason phase 3 clinical trials take as long as they do, is because the researchers are waiting to see if there are any possible latent effects that might pop up. The truth is that the trials take that long for reasons of economy. Phase 3 trials are expensive to conduct. So smaller groups are successively tested. If the results ffrom these early groups don't look promising or are even harmful, the clinical trials are discontinued. In the case of Covid 13, in the USA, at least, phase 3 trials were subsidized by the Federal Govt. So large numbers of volunteers were recruited simultaneously at the outset. In addition, trials overlapped. so that while Phase 2 trials were being conducted, Phase 3 trials were also initiated.

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8 hours ago, EricTh said:

This is really ridiculous and reflective of a tyrannical school. Why not change to another school?


Vaccination should be optional and the right to choose the type of vaccine are the basis of human rights.

The right to choose the type of vaccine is the basis of human rights. So before there was vaccination, human rights had no basis?

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9 hours ago, tomster said:

No child of 5 is at risk of having a bad education if they are not in school - in some countries they don't even start school until much later and they do just fine or better.


However, would you want to look you daughter in the eye when a currently unknown long term negative effect of the vaccine becomes known in several years time which could mean (for example) that she is unable to have kids herself?


I certainly wouldn't - to each their own but I feel the risk of the unknown side effects later in life far outweighs the risk to a child's education by missing a year or two kindergarten (I am in the same situation as you with young kids).



It's bizarre how some people fear the risk of latent and unknown side effects from a vaccine - which would be unprecedent - but don't seem to fear at all the possibility of latent affects from contracting covid-19, even though several pathogenic viruses are known to result in latent effects some of which are fatal.

Edited by placeholder
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10 hours ago, tomster said:

Plus the fact that the risk of side effects immediately after vaccination are probably more dangerous to the kids than coronavirus itself (which has now mutated to a common cold like upper respiratory tract virus that is killing basically nobody making a vaccine totally pointless)



But kids should get shots to protect elders, they say. Lol

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10 minutes ago, 2009 said:



But kids should get shots to protect elders, they say. Lol

Exactly? Really? Can you share the evidence that Tomster won't provide about the dangerous side effects that come with vaccination, and how the compare to the dangers of not being vaccinated?

And you think teachers and other adults who work in schools don't deserve protection?

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9 hours ago, tomster said:

Deaths covered by Khun La above - the true extent of vaccine related deaths is going to be more than officially reported (as with all vaccine deaths, this is well established and easy to Google for reference) whereas deaths "With" covid are generally accepted to be higher than they really are as people dying from completely unrelated illnesses are marked as covid deaths if they tested positive previously (and were asymptomatic/unaffected by covid).


As for it being very early days for deaths there is clear data out of South Africa (Younger population that European nations but still millions of older people) that Omnicron kills almost nobody. And their vaccine rate is around 30%.






If you notice the spikes they had in June-sep.

That was their delta period as far as i know, which also means a lot of South Africans had high amounts of anti bodies from prior delta infections when omicron arrived.

That could also lead to a lower death rate when omicron surfaced?


It does however thankfully looks like omicron are milder, but we still need a little time to see which way it goes, and we have to remember omicron are not dominant worldwide.


Back to the kids.

I assume most countries make statistics that show how many 5-11 year olds that get infected.

I know we do here in DK, and the group 5-11 has actually been the one group that had most infections pr 100000 in some of the previous months.

I can try and find a link if you want.


So maybe that is why it is a good idea to vaccinate them, so they don't infect a lot of other family members that then spread out to colleagues etc.

I know omicron changed the game plan, but we still have other variants, so you never know which one you get.


I can totally understand why even pro vaccine parents have second thoughts about vaccinating their kids, but if we don't trust FDA and EMA who can we then trust?


I just cross my fingers omicron will be the end of this pandemic, so it can turn endemic, where we maybe can vaccinate only the elder and people in risk groups.

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18 hours ago, Dmaxdan said:

Parental consent??

My wife recently received a phone call from our grandson's school basically saying that vaccines for the kids were now available but if we decline the offer then he will not be allowed to attend school!

He is six years old.


I'm absolutely livid about this, and I'm no anti-vaxxer.





Home schooling is an option.

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7 hours ago, 2009 said:



But kids should get shots to protect elders, they say. Lol

That could imply sacrificing the child (5-11) for the benefit of the elder ?


My wife and I have been double dosed, as have our children 17 & 12, as for the 7 year old, that is not going to happen as much as the boosters are not going to happen.


Enough is enough and the evidence, call it data/science whatever you like states that Omicron is less virulent and dangerous than it's predecessor Delta.


If and when our daughters school wishes to make it compulsory for our 7 year old to be vaccinated or they will not accept her in the school unvaccinated, then we will not only pull her out, we will also pull out the 12 year old and I will go to the trouble of mounting a law suite against the school. Now why would I bother, because for one, the government has not made it mandatory, i.e. it's a choice and for a school to try to enforce school entry for children by mandatory vaccines is unjustifiable, think about for a minute, the government says, "up to you", but the school says, you must.


Would be an interesting outcome and a precedent for the future if the pendulum swung my way and like I said, I would be prepared to take them on as opposed to changing schools, just to show them and others that they are not above the government, they are a school with no credentials in the field of medicine, e.g. they receive advice from the government when it comes to viruses, so why make the vaccine mandatory when the government isn't ?


Open and shut case as far as I am concerned, early settlement out of court, nope, all the way, regardless if I won and received a $ in compensation. Lesson be learned ?     

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2 hours ago, rattlesnake said:

Out of all the people I know who have taken the Covid jab, one died from a stroke, one developed a severe case of myocarditis which has prevented her from doing virtually anything for the past 6 months, one has lost all her hair, one has permanent headaches preventing him from working for the past 3 months, one has lost 8 kilos and developed arthrosis, one is so tired all the time he can't even go for a jog anymore. All of them but one have admitted that their ailments began right after inoculation. Don't you think that maybe, just maybe something is going on here?

Lots of things could be going on. Which is why I have no use for claims from anonymous persons.

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5 hours ago, TheScience said:

I don't want an mRNA vaccine and I don't need children to protect me.


Many countries in Europe have entirely halted giving Pfizer to teens. It might be only males but im not seeing gender anymore ????

You're a big tough guy and if that virus goes anywhere near you, you'll punch it out?

The reason that these European countries aren't giving Pfizer to teens is because they have an alternative vaccine to give: Moderna. The threat from Pfizer to their health is still less than the threat posed by Covid.

The Benefits of Vaccinating Kids against COVID Far Outweigh the Risks of Myocarditis


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Who doesn't miss Polio, or Diphtheria?


Vaccine Table - Thailand


1 Month    Hepatitis B Vaccine No.2
2 Months    Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis, Polio Vaccine No.1
     Haemophilus influenzae type B vaccine No.1
     Invasive Pneumococal Disease Vaccine No.1
     Rotavirus Vaccine No.1
4 Months    Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis, Polio Vaccine No.2
     Haemophilus influenzae type B vaccine No.2
     Invasive Pneumococal Disease Vaccine No.2
     Rotavirus Vaccine No.2
6 Months    Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis, Polio Vaccine No.3
     Haemophilus influenzae type B vaccine No.3
     Hepatitis B Vaccine No.3
     Invasive Pneumococal Disease Vaccine No.3
     Rotavirus Vaccine No.3
7 Months    Influenza vaccine No.1
8 Months    Influenza vaccine No.2
9 -12 Months    Measles, Mumps, Rubella Vaccine No.1
12-15 Months    Japanese encephalitis Vaccine No.1
     Invasive Pneumococal Disease Vaccine No.4
     Chickenpox/ Varicella virus Vaccine No.1
1.5 years    Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis, Polio Vaccine No.4
     Haemophilus influenzae type B vaccine No.4
     Chickenpox/ Varicella virus Vaccine No.2
     Japanese encephalitis Vaccine No.2

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Posts with screenshots of content from some sites without any supporting links to the sources of information have been removed as well as the replies. 


A post with a link to a conspiracy-pseudoscience site has been removed. 


Some troll posts with false and misleading information have been removed. 

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7 minutes ago, sungod said:

Nor is it yours to insist other people's children get vaccinated.

Certainly not mine, I would never presume to insist you do anything for your children (except maybe don't abuse them) but it may be the thai government's "right" to insist they receive vaccinations.



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2 minutes ago, mtls2005 said:

Certainly not mine, I would never presume to insist you do anything for your children (except maybe don't abuse them) but it may be the thai government's "right" to insist they receive vaccinations.



Sure, Governments make law, not TVF members nor schools.


The current law is voluntary, those crying for children to be vaccinated would do better to respect that.

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10 hours ago, placeholder said:

Exactly? Really? Can you share the evidence that Tomster won't provide about the dangerous side effects that come with vaccination, and how the compare to the dangers of not being vaccinated?

And you think teachers and other adults who work in schools don't deserve protection?

The side effects and even desths from the vaccine at easy to find on Google yourself.


The teachers and other adults can vaccinate themselves to protect themselves, duh.

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