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If you are listening to music - What's Playing ? (2022)


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2022 rolled in and you are all still listening same old, same old'

Nothing wrong with the same old, other than it is the same old.

How about you all bring something new to the table?

Found this girl surfing Youtube for interesting music.   The makes great use of loop recorders. For those who dont know what a loop recorder is. It is an device that records a riff or a melody, and tiy can set it on a loop while you move on to a different riff. 

As someone who plays a bit, she blew my mind, and humbles me, 


Edited by sirineou
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23 minutes ago, sirineou said:

2022 rolled in and you are all still listening same old, same old'

Nothing wrong with the same old, other than it is the same old.

How about you all bring something new to the table?


A couple of things


1- I add NEW music almost everyday to my collection.

2- When I post here I actual listen to the music I post here (try to do it in real time)

3- All Music I listen to I own/paid for!! (There are currently In my player (and that is Not all the Music I own) 13.641 Songs)

4- I do not listen via Spotify or some other streaming media!

5- My Player selects my Music (I just put it on Random and it plays)

6- The title of the Topic is What is Playing!! Not what is new (maybe create a new topic????)


But your point is very clear! :wai:

Edited by MJCM
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2 minutes ago, MJCM said:


A couple of things


1- I add NEW music almost everyday to my collection.

2- When I post here I actual listen to the music I post here (try to do it in real time)

3- All Music I listen to I own !!

4- I do not listen via Spotify or some other streaming media

5- My Player selects my Music (I just put it on Random and it plays)

6- The title of the Topic is What is Playing!! Not what is new :wai:

I am not trying to be rude , but in the same way that you really don't care what I am listening to, I also  don't really care what you are listening to, unless it is put into some sort of context that offer some value to me. 

Why are you listening to that song ?  Anything interesting about it? Without any context for me it would be  simple voyeurisms on my part to care what you are listening to;

But if there is something interesting in what you are listening to, like some interesting facts about it, or something I never heard before , then it offers value to people other than one's self. 

I don't know, Am I making any sense?. 

Tess Sultana is what I am listening to right now,  and the value that I bring to the table is that she is innovative and makes great use of loop recorders. Her timing is incredible, and do you think it is easy to sing , play and keep a beat? 

Anyway. enough of what I think

. Did you listen to her? what did you think?

If you have not listened to her, please do and give me your honest opinion,

There is no such thing as bad music if you like it, it is good, and if you don't, it does not matter what i think, for you at least, it's bad. 

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14 minutes ago, sirineou said:

I am not trying to be rude , but in the same way that you really don't care what I am listening to, I also  don't really care what you are listening to, unless it is put into some sort of context that offer some value to me. 

Why do you say this? Because I have not given a like yet? How do you know that I don't like it.


In whole honesty I haven't listened to that song you posted yet, because I am rather busy with something else but must of the songs (even in the 2021 topic) I listened to and found some real gems in there!!


Edit: If you look at the 2021 topic I tend (when I am not that busy) write something about the song I am listening to! Even some personal experiences!!

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2 minutes ago, MJCM said:

Why do you say this? Because I have not given a like yet? How do you know that I don't like it.


In whole honesty I haven't listened to that song you posted yet, because I am rather busy with something else but must of the songs (even in the 2021 topic) I listened to and found some real gems in there!!

No not at al I was just trying to inarticulately explain  why  I felt the way I did,

I don't like likes' I am not looking for validation, Likes are  IMO the end of a conversation not the beginning.  ,

I Like quotes, as you did here, It is the beginning of a conversation , and perhaps I can learn something new. 

Anyway thank you for taking the time to talk to me. 

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