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Expert Predicts Rise in COVID-19 Cases But Herd Immunity Possibility From Omicron


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16 hours ago, peter zwart said:

Omicron coronavirus variant will develop into a live vaccine that provides immunity without the need for booster shots.

Finaly some one that make sense. Let the European knuckleheads listen to this man. 

Our leaders too, they are more heavyhanded. 

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4 hours ago, Yme said:

Despite the propaganda, research to date has NOT shown any lasting immunity arising from prior infection and in fact suggests reinfection raises risks of both severe disease and Long Covid.  

The long-term effects of Omicron are not known, but so far it appears that the serious potential vascular effects including Long Covid are reduced because the principal infection locus is the throat rather than the lungs. It remains to be seen how long immunity will last for individuals infected with Omicron who had no previous immunization by infection or jab.

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1 hour ago, ArcticFox said:

Based on what model?  Because that prediction is a model.  The Imperial College 'scare' modelling has been getting this wrong since March 2020. 

By the time we hit 2025, my guess there is going to be a revolution in medical ethics driven by events over the previous 5 years. 

It wasn't "scare" modelling. It was valid scientific modelling based on the information at the time. The estimate isn't unreasonable given the lack of vaccines at the time and the current estimates are still very scary.




Here is a revision and discussion of those initial Imperial College estimates. If you do provide references then try to make sure you have the latest information otherwise you are misleading people by omission.





Edited by ozimoron
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4 hours ago, Muzzique said:

This isn't going away for a long long long long time...  Herd immunity will only be for the variants now...  It's a coronavirus and it will mutate..  and it will keep mutating...  COVID is going nowhere.. These guys just  don't seem to get it..


This is the new normal..

There is no return to the past.


Air travel health checks, COVID vax passes for entry to any business, social distancing and facemasks are here to stay so learn to live with it. You can vaccinate everyone in the whole World and it will simply mutate in the wildlife there is no way back..






Let's hope that this will finally get the world to seriously monitor China and West Africa to spot emerging threats early on.

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19 minutes ago, placnx said:

With this train of thinking, I wonder how long it will take the hospitals in Denmark to overflow with patients. Oops....

They are not deliberately letting it run rampant, just stating what will happen once its over..................

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3 hours ago, unblocktheplanet said:

I read that Omicron is unlikely to replace Delta, a far more serious variant. we all want to be out of this but it's way too early to let down our guard.

Yes, Delta is still out there, and in the US it's still playing out. Letting down defenses now would be extremely ill advised.

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If that's the case for Omicron, then why does Thailand still need to quarantine people coming to Thailand?


Just open the gates!


They sometimes do things that are contradictory to their statement.

Edited by EricTh
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2 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

if you don't believe we are entering the endemic stage where this virus is now a cold/flu, then that is up to you,

I do not believe I said that.... I am hopeful that is the case, and believe it is likely true. 

This doctor did not speak out early, he is just a parrot saying what was said over a month ago to my recollection. John Campbell said it at the end of November! 

My fear is everyone believes this to be the case and caution is thrown to the wind..... that will lead to unnecessary deaths. 


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1 hour ago, Pinot said:

Flu will kill 50,000 people a year. Omicron will kill 450,000 it is estimated. It's nine times more deadly than the flu. You're wrong. Dead wrong. 


One shot of flu vaccine is highly effective. Not the case with the covid vaccine. The next month will see a huge increase in covid cases. The hospitals will be overwhelmed. DO NOT TREAT THIS LIKE A COMMON COLD OR FLU. 



More misinformation and lies to spread fear.  Why do you do it?  What do you gain from this?     


“Globally, the World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that the flu kills 290,000 to 650,000 people per year”



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55 minutes ago, ozimoron said:

All the anti vaxers say that. It's a dog at my homework response. In general it's a red flag for came from a conspiracy theory or pseudo science site. You could at least have mentioned that the study came from the Imperial College, better than nothing at all which is what we had to put up with.


edit: I could find nothing from the Imperial College which supported your claim. Do be so kind as to provide a link, it's basic forum etiquette.

For Imperial College, read Prof. Neil Ferguson. The guy who has a history of providing wildly overblown computer model stats in regard to virus epidemics. Sars, Bird Flu, Ebola, BSe, etc. -This was before Covid. The guy is basically a failure, providing wrong data and computer modelling, but mysteriously still granted large funding and importance.





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24 minutes ago, James105 said:

More misinformation and lies to spread fear.  Why do you do it?  What do you gain from this?     


“Globally, the World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that the flu kills 290,000 to 650,000 people per year”



He does it because it fits within his belief system... the same belief system that's been around from the start.

This is not the flu, everyone needs to treat this with kid gloves, 

otherwise, the world wouldn't be in the situation it is right now.

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15 minutes ago, huangnon said:

For Imperial College, read Prof. Neil Ferguson. The guy who has a history of providing wildly overblown computer model stats in regard to virus epidemics. Sars, Bird Flu, Ebola, BSe, etc. -This was before Covid. The guy is basically a failure, providing wrong data and computer modelling, but mysteriously still granted large funding and importance.





That wasn't my point and would have been revealed if the poster had bothered to provide some links. It pains me greatly when people make pronouncements of facts without substantiation. It is a HUGE red flag.

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Medical Expert?  All over the world they left the idea of herd imunnity as it is simply not possible with Covid.   If you had covid-19 delta you still can get Omicron. Herd immunity is simply not possible to many scientific publications which have been published since the last year. And now a medical expert in Thailand discovers the new light and thinks, that regardless what all other experts and even the WHO are saying, that Herd immunity is possible? What a joke !


Edited by ThailandGuy
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17 hours ago, CG1 Blue said:

Sounds plausible. I hope he doesn't pay a price for his plain speaking. There is a lot at stake if the pandemic peters out too quickly. 

How right you are, the Hospitals and Pharmacies are not going to be too pleased if what Dr Manoon says is true, and they probably are in with the unelected PM and his hordes where finance is concerned.

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4 minutes ago, ThailandGuy said:

Medical Expert?  All over the world they left the idea of herd imunnity as it is simply not possible with Covid.   If you had covid-19 delta you still can get Omicron. Herd immunity is simply not possible to many scientific publications which have been published since the last year. And now a medical expert in Thailand discovers the new light and thinks, that regardless what all other experts and even the WHO are saying, that Herd immunity is possible? What a joke !

He has some basis for making those comments.


"With new versions forcing vaccine makers to retest jabs, the virus that causes COVID-19 has proven highly unpredictable.

But the latest variant to sweep the globe has persuaded some experts that long hoped-for collective immunity is in sight, and that the virus may be evolving into a relatively benign seasonal illness."





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18 hours ago, fangless said:

Some good news! facts and commen sense.  Stop the restrictions and treat this $£$£ as the common cold or flue!

So, whilst this is good to hear: a leading Thai scientist speaking sense/truth, I have 2 questions:

1. If I copy and paste this this to my Twitter and FB account - how long a ban will I get from each.

2. Saying things like that in a public forum, how much longer will he have a job?

Remember, in the 2020's "The narrative is all powerful!"

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1 hour ago, ArcticFox said:

Drop the following search terms into Google and do your own reading.
"Imperial College London 500,000 deaths covid model"


Modelling: yeah, so the SAGE committee who decide the UK's response to the pandemic (odd that, I thought the populace voted in the government to run, and make decisions for,the country. Not some think tank full of communists) uses modelling and they show highdeath rates. Here's the thing though, when they requst the models to be made the brief they give is "What would be the WORST scenario if no action, vaccination program, masking, lockdowns were in place?" and the model is made to those specs. So, obviously, they are not showing reality, just a version of reality they have cooked up. The modelling graphs have appeared online and show the "projected"  death rates but bear no resemblance to the "actual" death rates. They are used as a tool to force governments with a weak disposition to enforce more hardships on their populations. They have no other purpose.

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1 hour ago, James105 said:

More misinformation and lies to spread fear.  Why do you do it?  What do you gain from this?     


“Globally, the World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that the flu kills 290,000 to 650,000 people per year”



It is your responsibility to protect the sick and the overweight/obese.


The WHO estimates that at least 2.8 MILLION PEOPLE DIE EVERY YEAR from being overweight or obese.




The only responsible thing for slender, healthy people to do is to be vigilant in not only LOUDLY voicing our concerns on forums such as this but to engage in actively slapping the beers and cheeseburgers out of the hands of every persons who has a BMI over 24 (or maybe 25).  Better yet, we should prevent them from even entering any establishment that sells such life threatening food and deny them healthcare because they are burdening the healthcare system and hospitals are overflowing due to their disregard for their own and others health.

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2 hours ago, EricTh said:

If that's the case for Omicron, then why does Thailand still need to quarantine people coming to Thailand?


Just open the gates!


They sometimes do things that are contradictory to their statement.

"If that's the case for Omicron, then why does Thailand still need to quarantine people coming to Thailand?"

Only one answer.  Money. Hospitals, Pharmacies, Insurance Companies, and most of all The Soldiers Government.

Edited by possum1931
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30 minutes ago, ozimoron said:

That wasn't my point and would have been revealed if the poster had bothered to provide some links. It pains me greatly when people make pronouncements of facts without substantiation. It is a HUGE red flag.

Like this unsubstantiated pronouncement:

"Delta was well on the way to being controlled by vaccines before omicron mutated in an unvaccinated person."


Your "pronouncement" is an assumption, based on nothing more than an unproven theory.

But if you have a "link" to prove otherwise, you should provide it here.


In the meantime, here are some links to the theories.





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1 hour ago, EricTh said:

If that's the case for Omicron, then why does Thailand still need to quarantine people coming to Thailand?


Just open the gates!


They sometimes do things that are contradictory to their statement.

$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ is the answer to your question. 

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