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Thailand’s Ministry of Public Health encourages public to refrain from drinking alcohol and risky activities to help prevent Omicron spread


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The Thai Ministry of Public Health urged the public to refrain from drinking alcohol, visiting poorly ventilated areas, and doing other risky activities to help reduce the spread of the Covid-19 Omicron variant.

would other risky activities include riding or driving on the roads? Ban using the roads for a few weeks would save a lot of lives!

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7 hours ago, jacko45k said:

He is right.... recently saw some pics from Treetown and all of those drinking were not wearing masks....drinking alcohol obviously makes people do stupid things!

Kind of difficult to drink (or eat) while wearing a mask! ???? 

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Just now, Midwit said:

2 weeks to slow the spread and protect the health care system. Isn’t that what we were sold 2 years ago?  The health care system has had 2 years to prepare, the country is jabbed up and the Omnicron seems to be less deadly. Continued restrictions and lockdowns are idiotic. 

Two years ago we did not yet have Covid...... 

Now we have a different Covid...... 

Restrictions and lockdowns may help the health service to keep going during a busy period from a highly infectious variant. 

It  is hoped infections will peak and then fall quickly... then restrictions will be gone. At the moment, they are not idiotic... what we had over Christmas and New Year was idiotic.

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6 hours ago, JRG23 said:

Thai government. World leaders.... But seriously do they know how stupid they are? Do they actually realise that most sensible people regard them as a complete joke.

They are too arrogant to realise anything about what other people think and so therefore don't give a t o s s.

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6 hours ago, Thaiophil said:

Once again the ridiculous obsession with alcohol. Zero evidence from Omicron ridden countries that alcohol has anything to do with the spread.


Making restaurants stop serving at 2100 is counterproductive as more people cram in earlier.


Nobody has stopped Omicron and these irritating and economically damaging measures will just prolong the pain

"Once again the ridiculous obsession with alcohol."


Correct, large gatherings of people are the problem - not alcohol.



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1 minute ago, kiwikeith said:

I will drink beer Chang at the elephant park. sit talk and drink with the elephant's as they so far don't catch omicrom

Rie sarah, if spelt right TO SOUND RIGHT,,, means stupid nonsensical in the beautiful language of THAI.

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I laugh at this, there are people on here who complain bitterly about how busy the Treetown area is, then add to the problem by going themselves, have you thought about getting beer in at home ? Oh, let me guess, you don't drink at home so you need to go out - How chuffing stoopid is that ?

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10 hours ago, brianthainess said:

Yes as PREDICTED. The Holidays were allowed to go ahead and now I hear that the local government hospital on Koh Chang is full, thanks a lot Prayout, it may have given people a chance to earn some money, and it was good to see some life back on the Island but was it really worth it ?   

Not for the rest of Thailand, that's for certain.

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It wouldn't surprise me if it turned out the big alcohol manufacturers are behind some of the constant decade after decade hypocrisy from public health "experts" in Thailand. Seems a reasonable speculation that the big boys can weather a squeeze on alcohol better than their less moneyed competition. Of course, also too its a political game that ministry people feel they can win by being against drinking and bars and alcohol and sin at every turn and for any excuse year after year.


Don't think it is because they are Buddhists either, proper Buddhists don't shoehorn others into what they think is right and wrong. Proper Buddhists would have much better discrimination and wisdom due to caring about actually benefitting others and having the clarity of mind and focus to act and lead wisely. If you are just looking out for your career and working in the government and banning drinking or limiting it stupidly year after year, you ain't no Buddhist, it doesn't matter how often you go to the temple and pray for your wealth to expand or often you look up at statues of the Buddha and feel something. No, at the end of the day you are just a puritain/hypocrite perhaps and/or a self-centered opportunist.


Disallowing people from going out and meeting friends year in and year out is far more harmful than allowing people to drink and get together. I doubt people in the ministry curb their quaint drinky winkies with Mr and Mrs. Hobbs the Nob and have many nice smug laughs.  As human beings our life depends on our being to socialize and meet with each other, it goes without saying and they know that.  You cannot get rid of alcohol and the problems it sometimes causes by disallowing people from congregating because they might have a drink or two. Its obvious to any reasonably intelligent and sensible adult. So, these ongoing lockdowns at this point are really kind of an outrage at this point. Any virus has long past its due date as being any threat to anyone. If the hospitals are over-flowing, I don't know, but if they are it is something else.


You people in the public health ministries have a problem with your whole life perspective and you perenially put it on the whole rest of the country. You are utterly out of touch with nature and  the cosmos and yourselves and your people, or the depth and awesome horror of even your own mind. Did you dream those things last night? You probably don't dream either, you'd lose your blinking poodle's diarrhea  if you remembered any of it. What if you had one of your own thoughts? What would you do with yourself? Perhaps go out and have a drink with a friend? Yeah, see! What a dangerous and risky universe we are surrounded by. Even your own mind can be the most dangerous weapon that your mind has ever thought up. There is no way out.   Nature is everywhere but you people screw everything up trying to save us from the universe we were born into, to try and put us all in a safety bubble. If you want to live in a florescent lit box with nothing but dusty photos of your authority figures festooned with all manner of dusty garlands for company and perhaps some soap operas for a little screamy argy bargy and wife beatings and an illusion of connection with society then have at it but don't push us all in there. I accept my mortality even welcome it. I don't want to live forever, I want to move on when I've had enough of the party here. You want to live in a funeral parlor with formaldehyde cocktails instead of alcohol to preserve you and botox injections and skin whitener treatments afraid of your own shadow go ahead but most of us don't want that.


The Sun would absolutely fry the entire planet in a second if it were close enough. The moon might be hollow and house millions of super intelligent lizards that like to eat people, you don't know do you oh Health Ministers. The sun is unfathomably enormous hot and horrifically dangerous, its power makes a nothing out of the Ministry of Health indeed all life on earth, but get rid of it and you'd never have been born. What the hell is a few drinks then?  Alcohol has no power by itself nor does drinking behavior. It completely depends on who is doing it. Its utterly foolish and insane to year in and year out like the Mad Hatter sit up there with your insane illogic about drinking and creating bans and rules that the authorities grow weary of enforcing in 6 months, or if not just never enforce at all. Things like turning the labels around in shops so people can't see that it s beer and what not and banning beer ads in bars and internet sales of alcohol on and on.


Automobile accidents kill many. Do we start wringing our hands about the horror of drivers and cars and start jumping up and down "You selfish nitwit you endanger children's and senior citizen's lives by going out and driving!" And start banging pot and pans with spoons on the veranda about it? No. Do we  lockdown the highways and say, "So many people die in car accidents! And cars are what enable  people to go long distances and meet others where they infect each other with disease! So we cannot allow you to drive anywhere anymore. You'll have to stay home! Its for your own good!" That doesn't seem that much more absurd or different to my mind. It is all so frustrating and stupid and aggravating. Lots of luck getting tourists to come here, And if you are worried about Omicron maybe have a chat with the medical authorities in South Africa where it started. I think they'll tell you you are not rsponding sensibly, not even remotely, especially when the economy is battered and people so tired of all of this.



Edited by Gilligan In Drag
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14 hours ago, kiwikeith said:

I will drink beer Chang at the elephant park. sit talk and drink with the elephant's as they so far don't catch omicrom

They have been known to pick people up with their trunks and swing their heads into tree trunks.....

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On 1/8/2022 at 11:52 AM, ikke1959 said:

Alcohol is used for handsantizers and not to drink....If you drink it you will be vulnerable for Covid.. Only the Tonglor area, and the blue zones are excepted...

Nonense.. I am wondering when Thailand will grow up. Alcohol, cofee, tea, softdrinks it doesn't matter what you drink, but you have to act responsible

I have heard many Dr's say, limit your alcohol and smoking as it will be harder for you to get over Omicron, especially heavy smokers as Omicron infects the bronchi 70 x more than delta, that is why it spreads so fast, your breathing out heaps of virus, the good news is that people are over it in a few days, so cut the fags back for a while and don't get to much Dunk

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