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Had 2 Doses - What do I need to do now?


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I've had 2 doses of Phizer now, my last was on the 12th last week, both done at Central, Samui.


I'm not sure what to do now to get my certificate.  I rang the helpline and they said to download the Mor Chana App.  I've done that, filled in my details and it just gives me a page with my profile pic and a QR code.


I see nothing about vaccinations etc


Does anybody have any info please

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4 hours ago, grain said:

Didn't they give you a record document after getting each shot?

After the first dose they gave me a little slip about the next dose etc.  But after the 2nd they didn't give me anything.  I didn't think about it at the time and just left after the jab.  But nobody told me different.

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I got my 2 doses of Astra Z in Khon Kaen (Bangkok Hospital at Central) in September and October. After the 1st dose I left with only an appointment slip for the second dose. It did at least have a phone number to call, so I phoned them up and said that I might be travelling internationally before getting the 2nd dose. They took my details and sent me a paper certificate very quickly.

At the second dose appointment I was directed to a station in the vaccination hall to pick up my paper certificate*, which covered both doses and a copy of which is in my wallet for inter-provincial travel etc. I have not been traveling internationally but was aware there might be a separate form of international certificate that I would need.

[* on reflection can't remember whether it was given onsite or they sent it a few days later]

Today I saw a posting by NNT (Govet press agency) via facebook about the Mor Prom app, encouraging English-speaking people to register on it:


Have just done that and, having registered (you might need a Thai to help you if you don't know how to use Google translate camera option and you will need to have two smart phones or a smart phone and laptop), there appears to be an option for getting an international vaccination certificate. I completed all the data and took a photo of my passport page for uploading. However when it comes to actually getting hold of the certificate in hard copy form it seems that you have to pick up in central Bangkok and make an appointment to do so (and pay an unspecified amount of cash). I live 500 clicks away; I'll apply for it later when I'm next going that way.

Maybe I will maybe I won't carry on down this Mor Prom route. International travel is still on the distant horizon. I'll wait to see if any other responders have any input to the question of what are the options for getting whatever is needed for international travel. I note that there is an option for getting an electronic book and QR code instead via this Mor Prom app. Would be grateful for any input on that option. What it means in practice.

To make any progress with registering on the Mor Prom app you will need the 13 digit code that should have been assigned to you at first dose stage - I see it being referred to at one point as your "citizen number" (shades of George Orwell's 1984). If you don't have that code then your first step will be to contact your vaccination centre for the second dose and get your paper certificate. You probably need that anyway for domestic use and as back-up to a mobile running out of juice at a critical time????


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Very Slow with 2nd jab. Almost no point now for medical reasons but good for Work & Travel outside Thailand.
My 3rd govt. jab was one month ago……..

Many people getting jabbed and then walking away without MOPH Certs.

Thats like passing through Border Imm. without an Entry Stamp. Weird.


With 2or 3 Hospital Paper Certs, Hospital Info or Reception Desk will load your device with MOPH Vax Record AND provide your handwritten Covid Intl. Pass Booklet, which can be computerized at Suvanabbum Airport or MOPH Provincial office, before leaving for another country, most of which now accept these MOPH Paper & Digital records.

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9 hours ago, SamuiAddict said:

I rang the helpline and they said to download the Mor Chana App.

Mor Phrom app is what they meant, and as mentioned already you'll need a 13 digit ID number and your mobile number to register.  The app looks like this on the Playstore:



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3 hours ago, SamuiAddict said:

After the first dose they gave me a little slip about the next dose etc.  But after the 2nd they didn't give me anything.  I didn't think about it at the time and just left after the jab.  But nobody told me different.

You'll need to go back and get that paperwork.


Once you have the paperwork you can use the morpom app and/or get the 50 baht yellow book from the main public hospital (s) in your province.  Yellow book takes a week to process and app is instantaneous.

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@SamuiAddict what ID did you use to get the jabs?


If it was your pink ID then that is the 13 digit number is what you need to enter in the MorPromt app.


If not you need to go back to the vaxx place and get your 13 digit reference number, they should have given you that with your first jab really.

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