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Molesting children under 15 means up to 20 years in jail, warn RTP


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1 minute ago, Neeranam said:

I'm confused. You say you want to increase the sentence to rape/sexual abuse to 25 years but are for rehabilitation. Do you think it takes 25 years for someone to be rehabilitated?

25 years in jail is a very long time. 


17 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

I am all for rehabilitation and would hold out hope for it if governments across the world would invest heavily in such programs.


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7 minutes ago, Neeranam said:

lol, that is what I was replying to! 

lol, is not what you quoted!


So now you see how I feel.


Rehabilitation does not work because no one is prepared to invest in it.


Until that is done my views remain unchanged.


Though I will never waver from the view that rape is unforgivable and without well funded, proven to  work rehabilitation programs, alongside post release long term invasive monitoring of the scum who rape, punishments need to be very harsh.

Edited by Bluespunk
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1 minute ago, Bluespunk said:

lol, is not what you quoted!


So now you see how I feel.


Rehabilitation does not work because no one is prepared to invest in it.


Until that is done my views remain unchanged.


Though I will never waver from the view that rape is unforgivable and without well funded, proven to  work rehabilitation programs , alongside post release long term invasive monitoring of the scum who rape punishments need to be very harsh.

Thanks for clarifying. 


Personally, I feel 10 years is enough of a deterrent. 


I have strong views on the laws of cause and effect but won't bore you with them. 

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4 minutes ago, Neeranam said:

Thanks for clarifying. 


Personally, I feel 10 years is enough of a deterrent. 


I have strong views on the laws of cause and effect but won't bore you with them. 

Well we do disagree on the time that should be served but that's life.


It wouldn't bore me to discuss cause and effect but I just don't feel this thread is the place to do so.

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I believe the age of consent in Thailand is 15 but, if you pick up in bar or club it is 18. Correct me if I am wrong, reason being they should not be in a bar/club under 18. So pick up in village, 7/11 etc. no problem. But aged porky pig preying on young gals for abuse is still a sick way to act and a sad reflecting on their view on life which they would never get away with in their own countries.

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21 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

I am all for rehabilitation and would hold out hope for it if governments across the world would invest heavily in such programs.

I also believe that rape is unforgivable and that rapists should be locked away from society.

Let’s see how rehabilitated they are after 25 years. 

The following comment is about rape in general, not specifically about children.


Personally I think the term rape is overused and IMHO incorrectly used these days.

I.e. recently I read that now some people don't want that early James Bond movies are shown anymore because James Bond (played by Sean Connery at that time) raped someone in a movie.

What is now by some people and some jurisdictions called rape wasn't rape some time ago. I.e. Julian Assange was  accused of raping a woman the second time when he has sex with her. Apparently the first and third time he used a condom and the second time he didn't use a condom. And some time afterwards the woman considered that was rape. Really?

And what about if a person has sex with a 17 year old teenager. Depending on the country (or state) it can be legal, illegal or only legal under certain conditions. 

Personally I think rape should be called rape if someone attacks a person for sex. And personally I think the victim should at least shout at the attacker or better grind her nails in his face. That is clearly rape. Is it really rape if a women thinks many years later that now she thinks what a guy did to her a long time ago was rape - but apparently at that time she didn't think so?


Personally I think real rapist (see above) should go to jail or be executed. But should anybody go to jail because a woman somehow thinks (in the hindsight) that she should call call something rape which she didn't even complain about at the time when it happened? According to that almost any man can be accused of being a rapist maybe many years after the event.

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7 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:

The following comment is about rape in general, not specifically about children.


Personally I think the term rape is overused and IMHO incorrectly used these days.

I.e. recently I read that now some people don't want that early James Bond movies are shown anymore because James Bond (played by Sean Connery at that time) raped someone in a movie.

What is now by some people and some jurisdictions called rape wasn't rape some time ago. I.e. Julian Assange was  accused of raping a woman the second time when he has sex with her. Apparently the first and third time he used a condom and the second time he didn't use a condom. And some time afterwards the woman considered that was rape. Really?

And what about if a person has sex with a 17 year old teenager. Depending on the country (or state) it can be legal, illegal or only legal under certain conditions. 

Personally I think rape should be called rape if someone attacks a person for sex. And personally I think the victim should at least shout at the attacker or better grind her nails in his face. That is clearly rape. Is it really rape if a women thinks many years later that now she thinks what a guy did to her a long time ago was rape - but apparently at that time she didn't think so?


Personally I think real rapist (see above) should go to jail or be executed. But should anybody go to jail because a woman somehow thinks (in the hindsight) that she should call call something rape which she didn't even complain about at the time when it happened? According to that almost any man can be accused of being a rapist maybe many years after the event.

I feel we are light years apart on this issue...for example the reference you made to a scene in a film and what assange did I feel, personally, were rape. 

Edited by Bluespunk
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6 minutes ago, phetpeter said:

I believe the age of consent in Thailand is 15 but, if you pick up in bar or club it is 18. Correct me if I am wrong, reason being they should not be in a bar/club under 18. So pick up in village, 7/11 etc. no problem. But aged porky pig preying on young gals for abuse is still a sick way to act and a sad reflecting on their view on life which they would never get away with in their own countries.

What difference does it make if the abuser is an old porky pig or a 20-year old muscleman?



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8 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:

And what about if a person has sex with a 17 year old teenager. Depending on the country (or state) it can be legal, illegal or only legal under certain conditions. 

What has this got to do with rape?

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1 minute ago, Bluespunk said:

I feel we are light years apart on this issue...for example the reference you made to a scene in a film and what assange did were rape. 

Some people call it rape.

My point is that there is a huge difference between what was considered rape until a few years ago and what some people and some laws in some countries call rape in these days.

I.e. about Julian Assange: The woman who accused him said she had consensual sex with him before and after he raped her. At least for me that brings up the question: Which woman who was just raped by a guy would consent to sex with him after that rape. That doesn't make any sense. 

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4 minutes ago, Neeranam said:
13 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:

And what about if a person has sex with a 17 year old teenager. Depending on the country (or state) it can be legal, illegal or only legal under certain conditions. 

What has this got to do with rape?

As far as I know they call it rape these days if according to the law of the country where it happened the teenager was underage.

I.e. sex with a 17 year old girl is legal in some countries and illegal in other countries. And when it was illegal in the country where it happened then they call it rape even if the girl agreed to it.

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1 minute ago, OneMoreFarang said:

As far as I know they call it rape these days if according to the law of the country where it happened the teenager was underage.

I.e. sex with a 17 year old girl is legal in some countries and illegal in other countries. And when it was illegal in the country where it happened then they call it rape even if the girl agreed to it.

Some laws are outdated. In Scotland you can get married at 16 but can't have a beer or drive a car.. 

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24 minutes ago, phetpeter said:

I believe the age of consent in Thailand is 15 but, if you pick up in bar or club it is 18. Correct me if I am wrong, reason being they should not be in a bar/club under 18. So pick up in village, 7/11 etc. no problem. But aged porky pig preying on young gals for abuse is still a sick way to act and a sad reflecting on their view on life which they would never get away with in their own countries.

Age of consent in France is 15, so if you were French it'd be OK.

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12 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:

Some people call it rape.

My point is that there is a huge difference between what was considered rape until a few years ago and what some people and some laws in some countries call rape in these days.

I.e. about Julian Assange: The woman who accused him said she had consensual sex with him before and after he raped her. At least for me that brings up the question: Which woman who was just raped by a guy would consent to sex with him after that rape. That doesn't make any sense. 

The statements made the victim of assanges actions and behaviours make perfect sense as to why his actions were rape.


As I say, light years apart...we are not going to agree.

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Just now, Neeranam said:

Aren't you the guy that had a child with a teenager? If so, how old was the mother?

Youngest woman I've ever had sex with was 19, and I was 17.

We met in a pub where she provided me with alcoholic drinks.

Maybe I should report her for molesting me?

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2 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

Youngest woman I've ever had sex with was 19, and I was 17.

We met in a pub where she provided me with alcoholic drinks.

Maybe I should report her for molesting me?

Ah, OK, sorry, I was mixing you up with another person then. 

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3 hours ago, Neeranam said:

It seems?


I don't want teachers to punish(hit) my children, and haven't known any parents who do, which would suggest it doesn't seem to be the case.

My own parents did... up to a limit I guess.!

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1 minute ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

Theres a difference between a parent disciplining  a child and a teacher hitting a pupil , not that I agree with parents hitting their child 

It seems what I posted went over your head.. read it in conjunction with what I quoted.

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1 hour ago, phetpeter said:

I believe the age of consent in Thailand is 15 but, if you pick up in bar or club it is 18. Correct me if I am wrong, reason being they should not be in a bar/club under 18. So pick up in village, 7/11 etc. no problem. But aged porky pig preying on young gals for abuse is still a sick way to act and a sad reflecting on their view on life which they would never get away with in their own countries.

That depends on the Parents giving consent to the relationship , if she's under 18 and gave her consent , the parents can still make a compliant the the  Police  and they will regard the matter as child rape .

  Also , even if the under 18 female gave her consent at the time , she can still change her mind after the event and make a compliant to the Police , even a few years later . Also if any money changes hands  its regarded as Child prostitution, whether she consented or not 

Edited by Mac Mickmanus
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