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why obesity is not a choice (i disagree partly)

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The bottom line

When it comes to obesity, multiple factors are at play, many of which are beyond your control, including genetics, childhood habits, medical conditions, and hormones.

Though becoming overweight or developing obesity may not be a choice and shedding excess weight may be difficult, you can lose weight if you choose to.


@Chomper Higgot @placeholder


Even the article quoted by placeholder states that you can lose weight if you choose to.


Sure its not easy and some people will have a harder time but its not impossible for MOST people.


The most valid reasons are poverty and education and illness IMHO


The rest can be combatted, and things can be done about it.


I feel for many it is a choice, if you keep drinking beer or eating bad foods then that is a choice. 


I don't judge people about that choice, but i do judge people who use these things as an excuse not to make changes.


Life is not fair there is a huge difference between people and their metabolic rate and things will be easier for some then for others. I workout with a guy that struggles to put on weight and muscle. I am at the other end of the spectrum. If am not really strict i get fat. So i made a conscious choice to do certain things and not do other things.


If it was up to me id be eating junk food all the time as it taste good. If there were no health or weight implications id be drinking loads of syrup with soda too. Its that simple. And yes I have lost the battle a few times most recently during covid times. Now im back in (reasonable) shape but going for more. So i know the pitfalls of weight loss and I know its different for everyone. 


Now if people like their beers or alcohol and are not willing to stop drinking and are fat then its a choice. Sure there are people who can drink and stay lean but that is life we dont have the same genetic make-up. Things will be easier for some then others. I won't dispute that. But like they said in the article MOST people can lose weight if they choose too. 


It requires lifestyle changes and if your not willing to make those then so be it, but then don't say things can't be done.


Its a sign of times that people want everything to be easy. I don't judge people for what they do or how they look. But I will call people out who say things CAN'T be done. 


Unless of course your poor, have an illness that prevents you from doing things, or are too low educated to understand the basics of nutrition. 

  • Haha 1
9 hours ago, KhunLA said:

Everything is about choice, and you live or die by the ones you make, chose.  Unless a medical condition, all excuses are BS.  

I largely agree with you, i feel education and poverty are good excuses too. There are so many diets (fad diets) and tricks shops use to make us buy stuff that is bad plus healthy food is more expensive then fast food.


But i posted this topic because some people said being fat is not a choice. While it might not be a conscious choice it still is a choice in a way.


I got (fat (developed a bit of a belly) because of covid, its gone now next step is a 6 pack (though that has always been a hard thing to do for me at least the lower part). Giving myself 2-3 months to get there. Probably will involve a lot of patience sticking to the right foods and more cardio then now.


Though anyone who knows anything about dieting knows its like 80% diet and 20% exercise (when i say diet im talking about changes to how you eat not per say a fat diet ect but just a meal plan or a way of eating). For me that is no processed foods, and hardest of all (no sugary drinks).



  • Like 1
9 hours ago, 86Tiger said:



The bottom line is if you consume more calories than your body needs to function you will gain fat.


I just went thru this myself.  Today is 144 days of reduced calories and exercise.  I am down 25.4 pounds as of today.


Simply cut sugar and carbs over long enough period and you will lose fat.  There is no short cut, no magic pill.


Do it.  Start today.  Do it with determination and a sense of urgency and good things will happen.

I agree about the sugar, though not about the carbs (unless your talking processed foods) there are quite a few healthy carbs. I feel that food programs are highly individual but once you stick to the basis or not taking too much sugar and cutting out processed food half of the battle is won. 


It takes time to lose weight and people should have patience that is one thing that i have learned.

9 hours ago, KhunLA said:

Everything is about choice, and you live or die by the ones you make, chose.  Unless a medical condition, all excuses are BS.  


It's nice to sit in a comfy chair, getting your overseas pension and say everything is about choice.


Some people don't get a choice. Living healthy is not a choice for many as much as it's not a choice for old Thai women who sit on the street begging for food. 


My absolute favorite about choice is when some rich American goes on and on about his hard work as if that's the only thing that made him rich and not the about actual opportunities that helped him get rich. 


There is no choice, stop dreaming. I highly doubt obese people want to be obese.

  • Like 1
1 minute ago, Pravda said:


It's nice to sit in a comfy chair, getting your overseas pension and say everything is about choice.


Some people don't get a choice. Living healthy is not a choice for many as much as it's not a choice for old Thai women who sit on the street begging for food. 


My absolute favorite about choice is when some rich American goes on and on about his hard work as if that's the only thing that made him rich and not the about actual opportunities that helped him get rich. 


There is no choice, stop dreaming. I highly doubt obese people want to be obese.

Poverty is a great excuse, but lets talk about foreigners living in Thailand for them it certainly is a choice. I totally agree about poor people as bad food is cheaper as healthy food. No argument from me on that point. (that is why i made that point in the OP)

  • Like 2
3 minutes ago, KhunLA said:

I've been 73 kg, and I've been 100 kgs, and yea, it's a choice.  Nobody forced me to eat pastry everyday and be a couch potato.  Now I hang around 80 kg,   I could easily use my 'bad back' as an excuse for everything.  That would be an excuse.  I can't jog any more, but I can walk or ride a bike. 

Bad back is usually a lifestyle choice as well.

Eat less, exercise more, lose weight and that bad back is gone forever.

As for jogging, all that ever did for me is hurt my knee and ankle joints.

Walking, hiking, cycling is the way to go IMHO.


PS. I was also in the same weight range as you.

7 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

Bad back is usually a lifestyle choice as well.

Eat less, exercise more, lose weight and that bad back is gone forever.

As for jogging, all that ever did for me is hurt my knee and ankle joints.

Walking, hiking, cycling is the way to go IMHO.


PS. I was also in the same weight range as you.

Not sure if damage that is done to a back can always be repaired. As for jogging, i tried the treadmill recently and it was not the best experience. I will use it again but at an incline for just walking for a longer period.


Depending on weight and other limitations some stuff is more dangerous then other stuff. I like rowing (like is a big word.. dont hate it). 


But for weight loss its 80% diet, exercise is great for health but not so much for weight loss (at least does not pay as big a role as diet). But it sure does help for cardiovascular and other health. 

14 minutes ago, robblok said:

Not sure if damage that is done to a back can always be repaired. As for jogging, i tried the treadmill recently and it was not the best experience. I will use it again but at an incline for just walking for a longer period.

Treadmill is the only exercise I do.


I hate running, I mean I really do, but it is absolutely the best thing for sweating and circulation. And after I run, I start feeling better. I drink more water, or course, my stomach reflux which is chronic improves dramatically and I sleep better at night.


But I'm pretty anal about the time I run. It has to be between 4-5pm and on empty stomach. Just a cup of coffee before.



  • Like 1
8 minutes ago, robblok said:

Not sure if damage that is done to a back can always be repaired. As for jogging, i tried the treadmill recently and it was not the best experience. I will use it again but at an incline for just walking for a longer period.


Depending on weight and other limitations some stuff is more dangerous then other stuff. I like rowing (like is a big word.. dont hate it). 


But for weight loss its 80% diet, exercise is great for health but not so much for weight loss (at least does not pay as big a role as diet). But it sure does help for cardiovascular and other health. 

I suffered intermittently from back problems until my GP (in the UK) referred me to a specialist who 'discovered' I had one leg longer than the other. I compared this to having different sized wheels on a car , that is everything ends up off balance and wear is exacerbated on certain joints. Fixed it be wearing a shoe lift, oh and not lifting anything too heavy.  Always made me laugh when the safe lifting weight in an office is 12kg and on a building site it's whatever the architect deems to suit his vision.


Covid has limited my healthy lifestyle. By closing the bars and restaurants it reduced the number of occasions I walked to my local bar!  So I resorted to an exercise bike and attacked it with vigour; then could hardly walk for the next 3 days. 


Now the serious stuff, I'm closing in on a big birthday and have started to lose weight (about 5 kilo in a year). I hope it's not a problem and just the fact I used to eat huge meals with a mountain of potatoes followed by 3 or 4 deserts in the past.  Rice just doesn't work for me.

7 minutes ago, Pravda said:

Treadmill is the only exercise I do.


I hate running, I mean I really do, but it is absolutely the best thing for sweating and circulation. And after I run, I start feeling better. I drink more water, or course, my stomach reflux which is chronic improves dramatically and I sleep better at night.


But I'm pretty anal about the time I run. It has to be between 4-5pm and on empty stomach. Just a cup of coffee before.



It is all about finding an exercise that you like, IMHO there is no best exercise there is only the exercise that you keep doing. 


I will be on the treadmill more but probably walking at an incline. But the time i ran at the treadmill i was wearing weightlifting shoes. These have no cushioning (bad for lifting). So that could have influenced how i felt.


I am also a bit OCD about exercise, i like to get it done in the morning (at least my cardio). The weight lifting sessions are usually in the evenings (not every evening of course).


Its all about finding what YOU like and can keep on doing you seem to have found it. Well done.

  • Like 1
4 minutes ago, DaLa said:

I suffered intermittently from back problems until my GP (in the UK) referred me to a specialist who 'discovered' I had one leg longer than the other. I compared this to having different sized wheels on a car , that is everything ends up off balance and wear is exacerbated on certain joints. Fixed it be wearing a shoe lift, oh and not lifting anything too heavy.  Always made me laugh when the safe lifting weight in an office is 12kg and on a building site it's whatever the architect deems to suit his vision.


Covid has limited my healthy lifestyle. By closing the bars and restaurants it reduced the number of occasions I walked to my local bar!  So I resorted to an exercise bike and attacked it with vigour; then could hardly walk for the next 3 days. 


Now the serious stuff, I'm closing in on a big birthday and have started to lose weight (about 5 kilo in a year). I hope it's not a problem and just the fact I used to eat huge meals with a mountain of potatoes followed by 3 or 4 deserts in the past.  Rice just doesn't work for me.

Actually, i have a similar problem with leg length. I had posture problems when i was younger. 


Lifting heavy is not a problem for me but i do that in the gym. Lifting heavy stuff that has a strange shape or form is a totally different thing. I can remember bringing the 98kg treadmill up the stairs with gf assisting. In the end we opted for the flipping approach. It was heavier than some of my workouts (where i lift more weights). 


Yes if you go to fast at a bike or any kind of exercise machine you will suffer. You have to ease yourself into it. Now I am not known for going easy even though i try. But eventually your body will adjust and the muscle pain will go away. Some muscle soreness is never a problem


Losing weight should not be a problem unless its muscle that your losing. (Muscle helps you burn calories although not too many).


As long as your losing weight because of less food and not some kind of health problem it should be ok. I have always had to eat a little bit as my metabolic rate is not high. Its sucks but that is just what i got to work with. Some people can eat a lot and not gain weight. That is life we all got different genes and can't expect everyone to be the same.


I could put in as much effort as lance Armstrong and never come close to his performance. Its relatively easy for me to build muscle but shedding fat to get super lean is a different story. We just have to work with what we have.


But no matter what we have we can always improve (unless we already did then at some point it ends)



  • Like 1
9 minutes ago, robblok said:



I am also a bit OCD about exercise, i like to get it done in the morning (at least my cardio). The weight lifting sessions are usually in the evenings (not every evening of course).



Yes... And that brings me back to choice. Not many people have the luxury of time like we do. People are in different situations.  

7 minutes ago, Pravda said:


Yes... And that brings me back to choice. Not many people have the luxury of time like we do. People are in different situations.  

Not everyone that is for sure, but most do have evenings free. But yes it can be hard for some. But most people have time to watch TV then there is also time to exercise. (but your remark is valid if you have a busy life its a lot harder)


But exercise is not the main thing in weight loss. Though research shows it helps a lot with maintaining weight.


I am not sure how long you run, but my rowing sessions are only 20 minutes (will build up to 30). The intensity is quite high though. But as i am losing weight I don't want to go full out yet. I want to be able to increase cardio if weight loss stalls. 


But if your like a factory worker with a family its a lot harder to exercise. I know a lot of Thais that have like 9 to 9 jobs. That makes it really hard then food is even more important.

1 hour ago, BritManToo said:

Bad back is usually a lifestyle choice as well.

Eat less, exercise more, lose weight and that bad back is gone forever.

As for jogging, all that ever did for me is hurt my knee and ankle joints.

Walking, hiking, cycling is the way to go IMHO.


PS. I was also in the same weight range as you.

Yes it was, sadly.  As I chose to work the job, manual labor, heavy lifting, for a company that wouldn't schedule the OT when needed, or replace sick calls.  Management getting their bonuses by not.


2 herniated discs & surgery along w/ 5 degenerative disc later, and I could easily have a great excuse to be a LPOS.


Not in my nature.


73 kg was out of boot camp, 100 was my heaviest.  I get knocking on 90 and I feel huge, and I'm 175cm.  Below 80 and I feel really small. Working on those love handles, always a challenge.  Loss some upper muscle mass, and 1 leg is noticeable thicker than the other.  But all good, especially when I see someone on crutches, in a wheelchair, or with 1 or no legs.

1 minute ago, KhunLA said:

Yes it was, sadly.  As I chose to work the job, manual labor, heavy lifting, for a company that wouldn't schedule the OT when needed, or replace sick calls.  Management getting their bonuses by not.


2 herniated discs & surgery along w/ 5 degenerative disc later, and I could easily have a great excuse to be a LPOS.


Not in my nature.


73 kg was out of boot camp, 100 was my heaviest.  I get knocking on 90 and I feel huge, and I'm 175cm.  Below 80 and I feel really small. Working on those love handles, always a challenge.  Loss some upper muscle mass, and 1 leg is noticeable thicker than the other.  But all good, especially when I see someone on crutches, in a wheelchair, or with 1 or no legs.

Removing love handles without losing muscle can be hard. Usually it helps to lift weights to preserve muscle. (though with your bad back that is probably not an option). Other options are to go really slow when slimming down as not to remove muscle.

1 hour ago, robblok said:

Removing love handles without losing muscle can be hard. Usually it helps to lift weights to preserve muscle. (though with your bad back that is probably not an option). Other options are to go really slow when slimming down as not to remove muscle.

I know how to exercise, just lack motivation most times.  Old house had a small pool (3X5), but I made one end 2+ meters deep, so I could tread water, along with floor exercises, push up, bar/chin ups, and just use my own weight.  Never invested in bench or machine, as know I wouldn't use.  When too cool to use pool, then stationary bike, or pedal bike, all no / low impact aerobic.   Arms & pecs noticeable smaller from when a youngin'.


In states I had a NordiTrak, that was awesome for good work out.  Actually working (mixed manual & supervisory) was a good work out, though fine line between work out & aggravating my back.


Now I walk a bit, with dog at the park every morning and usually surfside in the evening.  Heat & humidity is brutal at times.  Tuckers us out ... ????

  • 2 weeks later...
On 1/22/2022 at 1:08 PM, KhunLA said:

I know how to exercise, just lack motivation most times.  Old house had a small pool (3X5), but I made one end 2+ meters deep, so I could tread water, along with floor exercises, push up, bar/chin ups, and just use my own weight.  Never invested in bench or machine, as know I wouldn't use.  When too cool to use pool, then stationary bike, or pedal bike, all no / low impact aerobic.   Arms & pecs noticeable smaller from when a youngin'.


In states I had a NordiTrak, that was awesome for good work out.  Actually working (mixed manual & supervisory) was a good work out, though fine line between work out & aggravating my back.


Now I walk a bit, with dog at the park every morning and usually surfside in the evening.  Heat & humidity is brutal at times.  Tuckers us out ... ????

I read more and more about the importance of exercise. (not for weight loss though but other stuff). I actually after years of insomnia am starting to sleep better. I always lifted weight 3-4 times a week at a high level. No slacking that is just not in my nature. However i disliked cardio. Always found excuses not to do it.


But recently I started it say more then a month ago. The aim was for weight loss but i got a side effect i never imagined. I Being able to sleep much better. Meaning I don't have to take drugs like (xanax or others anymore to sleep). I am quite happy about that.


Now im in the process of learning to exercise a bit less fanatic. Always chasing better times on the rower was not a good idea as im too competitive and kept pushing myself to my limits. Now i try to have 5k row that gets me sweating panting and so on but does not leave me for dead.  Its just hard to motivate myself the next day if you exercise at that intensity knowing you will have to do better ????


Weight loss is still ongoing but im at levels of bodyfat that i can live with. But with this program (exercise wise) and the foods im eating I feel like i can go on forever as its not boring me (food wise or exercise wise). There is hunger at times but not that much.


Different from other times, I do take a lot more protein shakes and try to keep food as high as i can while losing fat. No longer afraid to eat when i need to lose weight. I guess i found the right foods for me.


I believe that its highly individual what foods one should eat (after ditching the processed foods of course). After that do whatever you like.


I would advise you to keep on doing some exercise (not for weight loss) but for the other benefits. Like better brain, sleep, protection against all kind of stuff you get when you age. (walking is exercise)


Im sure you get some exercise taking the pictures you posted before.

  • 1 month later...

I googled eating slowly. Turns out eating fast makes you fat. You eat less when you go slow. So eating slow tips


1 put fork down after each bite

2 drink water better bites

3 talk to someone



On 1/22/2022 at 1:07 PM, robblok said:

Not sure if damage that is done to a back can always be repaired. As for jogging, i tried the treadmill recently and it was not the best experience. I will use it again but at an incline for just walking for a longer period.


Depending on weight and other limitations some stuff is more dangerous then other stuff. I like rowing (like is a big word.. dont hate it). 


But for weight loss its 80% diet, exercise is great for health but not so much for weight loss (at least does not pay as big a role as diet). But it sure does help for cardiovascular and other health. 

Diet is 100%. Exercise is for muscles.

13 hours ago, Sparktrader said:

Diet is 100%. Exercise is for muscles.

Ah an other one that thinks he knows it better then the experts. They all say its 80% diet 20% exercise. You can lose weight without exercise but you probably lose muscle too then and that means problems later on with your metabolic rate. Then you become a skinny fat.


No denying that its mainly about diet that is why all the experts say 80% diet. In the other post you talk about insulin spikes did you know that exercise reduces those ? That exercise helps you to control insulin and to make sure you don't burn muscle instead of fat. 


Now I must say that this that i included a lot of cardio (always did weight lifting). I am getting much leaner than before. Probably not needed for the average guy. But if you really want to go low in fat percentage cardio definitely helps. Can speak from experience. If you just want to lose some weight and not have a fat belly you can do without. If you want to go to six pack territory then cardio helps especially for that last part of the fat loss journey.



  • 4 weeks later...
On 3/21/2022 at 10:27 AM, robblok said:

Ah an other one that thinks he knows it better then the experts. They all say its 80% diet 20% exercise. You can lose weight without exercise but you probably lose muscle too then and that means problems later on with your metabolic rate. Then you become a skinny fat.


No denying that its mainly about diet that is why all the experts say 80% diet. In the other post you talk about insulin spikes did you know that exercise reduces those ? That exercise helps you to control insulin and to make sure you don't burn muscle instead of fat. 


Now I must say that this that i included a lot of cardio (always did weight lifting). I am getting much leaner than before. Probably not needed for the average guy. But if you really want to go low in fat percentage cardio definitely helps. Can speak from experience. If you just want to lose some weight and not have a fat belly you can do without. If you want to go to six pack territory then cardio helps especially for that last part of the fat loss journey.



The experts ie bodybuilders say its 100% diet. Burn 1000 calories eat 1000. Burn 4000 eat 4000.


Its 100% diet cause diet has to match your daily routine.


Lazy people should eat 1000 calories to 1400 only.



On 1/22/2022 at 2:54 AM, KhunLA said:

You want to be rich (I'm far from it), but if so, WORK FOR IT. I grew up in economically depressed areas, to alcoholic parents, and would be great excuses to be a useless LPOS, as I know, knew many who used it as an excuse to stay that way.  If happy, fine, but don't cry about it, and say you didn't have any opportunity.  Been working since 12 yrs old.  Real legal salaried jobs since 16.  Multiple jobs at the same time, 8-12-16 hr days. 5-6-7 day weeks.  Jobs I didn't like or want, until I found something better.  Learned to work smarter not harder long time ago.


You can waste money, and buy 'flash' <deleted>, or build equity.  Buy c r a p that depreciates, or appreciated ... that's a choice.


Don't want to be fat ... EAT HEALTHY.  Try exercising, even if just walking.

Or just stop living life through a device and go the F outside, stop watching TV, vid games, matter fact, unplug completely.


If you are fat, try, just try, choose to eat less than you burn.  It's far from rocket science.  Oh yea, walk that 100 meters to 7-11 instead of riding motorbike to it.  Take the stairs instead of the elevator.


I've been 73 kg, and I've been 100 kgs, and yea, it's a choice.  Nobody forced me to eat pastry everyday and be a couch potato.  Now I hang around 80 kg,   I could easily use my 'bad back' as an excuse for everything.  That would be an excuse.  I can't jog any more, but I can walk or ride a bike. 


If you have time to sit around and watch hours of TV, you have time to exercise, even if just walking.


Plenty of financially secure, even rich people in Thailand (Thais) that started with nothing.  Plenty of healthy thin people here, not because they are starving.  Plenty of healthy folks that use to be fat, because then chose to change, diet and or lifestyle.  Plenty of fatties here also .... BY CHOICE.


Apparently they do want to be, as not doing anything to avoid it. and the choice they made.



I was going to reply to this post but you say it all perfectly - the only thing I would add is that health services globally could manage many health conditions much better if people weren't presenting themselves for treatment with the added complications to treatment that arise in fat people. 


Good post buddy

Good luck

On 1/22/2022 at 8:59 AM, Pravda said:


It's nice to sit in a comfy chair, getting your overseas pension and say everything is about choice.


Some people don't get a choice. Living healthy is not a choice for many as much as it's not a choice for old Thai women who sit on the street begging for food. 


My absolute favorite about choice is when some rich American goes on and on about his hard work as if that's the only thing that made him rich and not the about actual opportunities that helped him get rich. 


There is no choice, stop dreaming. I highly doubt obese people want to be obese.

You're making comparisons about two different things.  One I agree with, one I do not.  Yes, if one is born rich, one's opportunity to remain rich is much better than someone who grew up poor and seeking to be rich.  It's difficult to move up in social class in this day and age. 


But as to obesity, that is much more of a personal choice that one has control over.  While it's partially genetics, i.e., a person with "fat genes" will have a more difficult time staying thin, it's not as difficult as trying to move up in social class.  It's more of a personal choice.  And yes, obese people can choose to not be obese. 

  • Like 1
53 minutes ago, Berkshire said:

You're making comparisons about two different things.  One I agree with, one I do not.  Yes, if one is born rich, one's opportunity to remain rich is much better than someone who grew up poor and seeking to be rich.  It's difficult to move up in social class in this day and age. 


But as to obesity, that is much more of a personal choice that one has control over.  While it's partially genetics, i.e., a person with "fat genes" will have a more difficult time staying thin, it's not as difficult as trying to move up in social class.  It's more of a personal choice.  And yes, obese people can choose to not be obese. 

Easy to make $0.5m a year if you have $10m to invest. Simple dividend plan. Rich people are very lucky. A lot of rich kids are tools though spoilt rotten.

1 hour ago, Sparktrader said:

Not eating for 20 hours each day is best way to reduce insulin.


Weight loss is like saving money. You save by not spending. You lose weight by not eating.

Not only will it reduce insulin, it will also make it harder to eat too much food. OMAD is one way to cut down on calories.  Not for me but it works for some.


Berberine can help you with your insulin too. For me its 3 meals a day that work. Plus of course working out but mainly just making sure I eat good foods and not too much.

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