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Thailand eyes travel bubble with China and Malaysia


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12 minutes ago, RandiRona said:

Let me refresh you knowledge before you start speaking from your talking points. Also before you try and make it vs Chinese, let me tell you that Chinese people are victims and its CCP which is the problem. Chinese are most hard working folks and running the world's factories. So dont try to make it against normal Chinese folks.


The Chinese government will not participate in a second phase of the World Health Organization's investigation into the origins of Covid-19, a top health official announced Thursday, after the possibility of the virus leaking from a Wuhan lab was included on the proposal.

You said your piece and I don't wish to make this an endless flurry of óut-of-topic' diversion. WHO has made a statement and sent their missions and concluded that lab leak is extremely unlikely. 


The WHO released an initial report from its investigation into the origins of Covid-19 in March, in which it determined that the virus probably originated in an animal before spreading to human beings around December 2019. 



By the way, your classification of the Chinese as victims is really sad and misinformed. Chinas global rise in economics, military and diplomatic spheres are reflected in a poll by Ash Center (USA)that citizens range from relative to high satisfaction with their government. Not slighting the Americans, the survey team revealed only 38% of respondents were satisfied with the government and I wouldn't called them victim. 

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27 minutes ago, Neal182 said:

It's sort of embarrassing really.. Talking about travel bubbles when many countries are opening up. I shake my head and smile when I see Thailand living like it's 2020. 

Again, the only "bubble" here is that this designation probably will allow Chinese and Malaysians to skip insurance and quarantine requirements that the rest of us must comply with. Haven't seen anything about insurance, I admit, but the Bangkok Post today did say the "bubbles" would mean no quarantine for those two countries.

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Aside from getting their hair dye the leaders don't have a clue!  Yesterday the big news they were having a meeting to ease the restrictions once the intro or ass kissing was behind Puppet Chan ask anyone have any good ideas silents!  

Future PM Anutin digs into his bags of tricks pull out the only thing he had from the past " Bubble" ????

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I read that in Sweden they will not even recommend to be tested for Covid, as it does not give any meaning, given the high infection numbers, mostly with Omicron.

Way to go, leave the bloody bug behind and let asian countries like China and Australia or New Zealand ???? to lock down their countries.

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3 hours ago, JonnyF said:

Not happening. Xi wants all the money spent in China as their economy teeters on the brink with the housing crisis.


Sorry Thailand, you backed the wrong horse. 

Like one of Thailand's leaders did in the 40s. Backing Japan to win.

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5 hours ago, hotchilli said:

Just drop the whole bubble sh*t and open the country to every nation.

Double vaxxed and PCR test result prior to departure.

ZERO required on arrival.

I agree partly , why ? double vaxxed ? do you include sinovac and sinopharm that have been proved worthless against the virus ? However if a Pfizer or Moderna booster have been given , that apparently does work , no matter what the first 2 jabs were . . A PCR test on departure can miss detection of omicron in the early stages of the virus but it will mean that those on the flight are less likely to get the infection . A day 5 test would pick up the virus but in reality it would men a 5 day quarantine to make any sense ( as opposed to what the new testngo rules are ) . 

I do agree on opening up globally for travel but the amount of fake vaccination certs make it less  than a perfect solution . It seems that many countries have conceded that the virus cannot be controlled and thus they are opening up to protect their economies . Also there are new covid  anti viral medicines that are proving to be effective in the treatment of the covid virus  and lessening the burden on the hospitals.

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4 hours ago, Leadidge said:

Masks aren't mandatory and I doubt this has much to do with the spread. It happens everywhere!

Many dress dirty and don't shower? Its a bit hard when you have no money or new clean clothes and don't have access to a shower! I also doubt very much, that the 'dirty' ones will be able to go on holidays to China!!!

There’s a mush higher percentage of people not wearing masks in china than in Thailand. 

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9 hours ago, smedly said:

how are they so disconected with what is going on there 


Hard to figure


Chinese are not coming here any time soon, they are just working up on a new deadlier virus to spread while they are operating a zero tolerance


Phase 1 - has been a massive success - they have destroyed the free world


Phase 2  ? 

Any corroborating evidence for these allegations? And the virus duty fully stopped at the border to the less free world?

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Thailand as a tourist destination for westerners is dying on it's feet and will soon be a pariah country to all. People in Thailand think they are clever (although the really clever ones escape to other countries) and don't seem to understand the old adage, ' you can fool all of the people some of the time......................' The writing is on the wall for this nasty, corruption riddled country. Much like the weedy little boy in school Thailand tries to cozy up to a powerful 'friend' - like they did in 1941 when they sided with Japan while the rest of s e Asia went the other way. 90%of tourism in Thailand revolves around the willingness and speed of Thai women getting horizontal (very willing, very quick) but who wants to do that with covid still rampant. As for China calling Thais dirty, that is rich coming from a country where people urinate and defacate in the street and on public transport in public. I couldn't believe what I was seeing when I was in China and, what's worse, no-one batted an eyelid.

Both China and Thailand reckon their civilizations pre-date western civilization. If this is the result I prefer to stay uncivilised.

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11 hours ago, secondtime said:

Xi recently watched a program about Thailand and said:  "90% of Thais are not wearing masks. This is the reason their country is being infected all around.  Many of them dress dirty and don’t shower."


There's no way Xi will let dirty Thai tourists into China. 

Have a look at any China town in the world and you will see what dirty is.

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The bamboo curtain has gone up, and until China drops their zero Covid policy, will not come down. It is so useful - stop anything coming in which you do not want (especially to punish nations not bending to their will), or the wrong ideas spreading. Xenophobia is number one!

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9 hours ago, John Drake said:

The "bubbles" could be about removing the insurance and quarantine requirements for China and Malaysia while keeping them in place for America and Europe. Permanently. 

this is clearly going to be a huge advantage to chinese travellers compared to the competitor races of the west, and we will just be lied or given fabricated info, from the news, on the difference and ease given to the chinese travellers, just like in the future with land rights/citizenship, in secret/private make it easy for chinese, in public make it seem too difficult for all other foreigners 

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4 minutes ago, humbug said:

this is clearly going to be a huge advantage to chinese travellers compared to the competitor races of the west, and we will just be lied or given fabricated info, from the news, on the difference and ease given to the chinese travellers, just like in the future with land rights/citizenship, in secret/private make it easy for chinese, in public make it seem too difficult for all other foreigners 

I must admit that to my conspiratorial mind, what you describe is exactly what they have planned.

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