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Provincial governors in Thailand told to prepare plans for COVID-19 surge


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1 hour ago, herfiehandbag said:

If, as is the case here, the local market has today been closed down ( I don't yet now for how long) then it poses major problems for getting access to food. The Thais shop daily, rather than relying on well stocked freezers.


1 hour ago, herfiehandbag said:

Ours has also closed (unless we both are talking about Wiang Chiang Rung). Do you have any idea how long it is closed down for? If it is more than a few days there will be a lot of rotting fruit!

I have just had a chance to have a good look at the signs - closed from today (18th) to the 22nd.


The adjoining grocery store has also been closed. The 7/11 next to them seems to have escaped!


Incidentally, @Pouatchee what on earth do you find confusing about my two posts quoted?

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2 hours ago, hotchilli said:

Again, again and again

yet I've never ever heard of a single company owner being jailed for employing illegals or aiding & abetting in people trafficking.

We will probably never hear of any to many over stuffed envelopes being passed around 

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3 hours ago, stephenterry said:

And Big Pharma has made billions on that one premise. 


Yes, people with serious medical conditions are at risk, but those vaxxed up to their gills and natural immunity people who have suffered and recovered from previous variants would be very unlucky to even need  hospital attention from Omicron.  Even non-vaxxed people, if otherwise healthy, could escape serious infection. 


From what I can make out some Omicron infected people suffer from bronchial attack  - which is not necessarily serious unless it extends to the lungs where it could cause damage if not medically treated. 


As for the Thai population, I feel sorry that the government is really not up to ever managing Covid, because they are so insular in their beliefs.  Pity the Japanese didn't colonize them when they had a chance a few centuries ago. 

And yet there are 70,000 people in Thai hospitals today, and 3,000 people are dying from Covid every day in the USA. 

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49 minutes ago, Pouatchee said:

Stop it dude, I'm gonna cry!

-->Financially secure people with no children shouldn't be allowed an opinion.

I like this one the most. Orwellian thought police at its height

You use 'US' as if you have a shadow army... you sound like the bullies when I was a kid.

"My brother is bigger than yours"... so lame I don't need a team behind me

'Us' refers to most of the population as 'you' are now in the minority. 


Wanting to keep restrictions/not open up after 2 years of financial and educational ruin is just pure selfishness, vaccines are available,  its time to move on.


(Who calls people 'dude' these days?????  ????????)



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1 hour ago, ed strong said:

There are more people fully vaccinated in Thailand then in the UK.


Africa as a continent has less around 80 % of vaccinations than the UK and Thailand. Yet they have far fewer cases and deaths, when i mean far fewer i mean around 70% less.


Just examples that don't add up, Countries seem to just make it up as they go along or get influenced by their bigger brothers, in terms of how the control the data and what gets released.









Suggest you actually get your facts straight.

It's percentage of population that matters.

Your posting misinformation.


Edited by Cherrytreeview
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2 hours ago, EricTh said:

Why is there a surge when the vaccines are supposed to be 'highly effective'  than before the vaccination drive?


Thailand's fully vaccinated rate is now 70% which is close to herd immunity.


By right, it should be lower than 2000 daily cases which was the average last year.


Becaue Omicron laregely escapes any immunity from vaccines (aside possibly from the booster shot. They onyl way of of this is for people to gradually become infected over an extended period of time. Constant closures of schools and other sorts of lockdowns is just delaying herd immunity. 

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9 hours ago, Bkk Brian said:

While they are busy doing that Omicron is happily spreading throughout the Thai community and cares not what factories they check for migrants.

Its the sub variant of Omicron  thats the issue.  The Sealth Variant is an unknown factor here if it will be bad or not

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2 hours ago, CG1 Blue said:

These are measures which should be in place anyway. Why does he persist in associating Covid with 'outsiders'? 


The Omicron variant is rampant and unstoppable, but thankfully relatively harmless. Omicron doesn't need foreigners to help it spread. 


Stop turning Thais against foreigners, and stop making Thais even more paranoid when the rest of the world has accepted Omicron is bringing about the end of the pandemic. 

Its the sub Variant  of Omicron  known as the Stealth Variant  and its deadly not like plain old Omicron,  so, yeah!  There is cause for alarm and a possibility  of going back like before., and the rest of the world isnt all encompassing the Omicron  as the end of it, well not any more.  Its getting bad again and death too are rising.

Edited by WEBBYB808
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3 hours ago, DavisH said:

Becaue Omicron laregely escapes any immunity from vaccines (aside possibly from the booster shot. They onyl way of of this is for people to gradually become infected over an extended period of time. Constant closures of schools and other sorts of lockdowns is just delaying herd immunity. 

What a joke.  You have your medical or scientific  degree to back up this insane theory.  There is still too much unknown, as the term long covid from Omicron  is now a factor,  and you think exposure  to any form of this is the way?  You obviously  aren't  aware of the Omicron  mutation  and Sub Variant  known as the Stealth Variant.   Its Its highly transmissible and more severe than Omicron.   But you already know this since you have a medical  degree or Scientific degree... correct?

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1 hour ago, WEBBYB808 said:

Its the sub Variant  of Omicron  known as the Stealth Variant  and its deadly not like plain old Omicron,  so, yeah!  There is cause for alarm and a possibility  of going back like before., and the rest of the world isnt all encompassing the Omicron  as the end of it, well not any more.  Its getting bad again and death too are rising.

Do you have any proof of this new deadly variant? 

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10 hours ago, Jimbo2014 said:

Here is a suggestion.  Stop counting cases and stop sending people to hospital just because they have Omicron.  The death toll is tiny when compared to other forms of preventable death in Thailand (diabetes, car accidents, pollution).  Stop test and go as its insane when you already have likely around 50K cases a day.  Count deaths if you must but publish them with other forms of death and let people assess risk.  The latest research shows that recovering from Omicron protects against other forms of Covid.  

And provide the early treatment options that are available in other countries and that have shown remarkable success in clinical practice.

Edited by Harveyg
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5 hours ago, jcmj said:

The Omicron affects most people like the flu and is gone within days. Sure some unhealthy individuals will have it bad, but no worse than them getting any virus when their bodies are compromised. The powers at hand have no clue what they’re doing. Just look around the world and take some clues. I guess with the elections and holidays coming up it is in their best interest to make it seem worse than it is so they can continue to control the people for their own benefits. 

How much economic damage has there been? I suspect it is the small business, mom and pop, that has suffered the most. I’m wondering if someone benefits from that. Is there any evidence that larger entities have gabbled up the business from smaller ones?

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so they are shifting the blame from the dirty farang and onto the illegal migrants, finally! as usual, very late to look at the data, but eventually getting there. must be shifting the public fear away from the farang so they can make it easier for them to return without getting ostracized or blamed. it's always been the migrants, local tourists and party-goers that have been spreading it tho, whether the gov't admits it or not.

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4 hours ago, WEBBYB808 said:

What a joke.  You have your medical or scientific  degree to back up this insane theory.  There is still too much unknown, as the term long covid from Omicron  is now a factor,  and you think exposure  to any form of this is the way?  You obviously  aren't  aware of the Omicron  mutation  and Sub Variant  known as the Stealth Variant.   Its Its highly transmissible and more severe than Omicron.   But you already know this since you have a medical  degree or Scientific degree... correct?

They don't go in for such swotty stuff.

They prefer listening to anti-semitic vegan cooks (yes there are such things) in Germany, or the 'doctor' here who treats cancer with sugar globules and issues false vaccination exemptions. Like the creep who caused kids to die and be crippled with his MMR lies, these great 'freedom fighters' fled the country when the going gets rough. Happy to abandon their hapless followers.

Navalnies these creeps certainly are not. But they do know how to prey on people's fears.

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15 hours ago, Bkk Brian said:

While they are busy doing that Omicron is happily spreading throughout the Thai community and cares not what factories they check for migrants.

I think the abacus is broken, according to local friends and family, its everywhere, our good friend who has 3 kids went to Huahin hospital and was sent home and told to take para every four hours and isolation until she felt better, 10 days she isolated for and fine, husband and kids who were with her while she was infectious {b4 she isolated never got infected, she was double vaxxed,. 


Back here in NZ my 10 Yr old son brought it home from school, my Thai wife got it I got it and the son of course. The worst sufferer was my wife double dose of Pfizer, my son and I not vaccinated but have been taking vitamin d3, me 5000 iu along with K2 zinc and magnesium, my son 2000 iu and zinc, my wife now taking the same as me and getting well now after 5 days. 

Suffered headaches, running nose, fatigue, coughing up flem and a few body aches, I kept working around the house, mowing lawns ect the son was running around with a cough and mild headache but the wife who was double vaccinated feared worse with 3 days in and out of bed, being Thai they are not good listeners, but now I make sure she stays hydrated and takes her vitamins she's nearly back to normal, today is day 6, I also got everyone onto high dose vitamin C when it began, me I'm 69 and unvaccinated and flew through it, but we're not all the same, this is my experience and not advice, stay hydrated, that's one thing most of us neglect, cheers 

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18 hours ago, nchuckle said:

Then you need to understand  better what is really safer rather than the illusion of preventing something that is already here and is not particularly harmful to most. Assuming you can grasp that then perhaps to understand the damage done and economic costs associated with keeping closed vital industries- because that’s a heavy toll ,just ask tourist industry. It’s not like the no cost precaution of wearing a seat belt. 

Ho mg someone that understands what is going on, good for you Sir

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15 minutes ago, stephenterry said:

That's 0.001% in Thailand with a 65m population, and IMO, many would be suffering other medical issues. As for the USA, IMO, many are dying with Covid, not by Covid - as their population is generally unhealthy with other serious medical issues. 


Try not to exaggerate the Covid infection death rate, flu death stats are greater, particularly when Omicron infected. 

Your math is wrong. 


One percent of 70 million people is 700,000 people. So 70,000 hospitalized is 0.1%.


The rest of your post is likewise worthless. 

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4 minutes ago, Danderman123 said:

Your math is wrong. 


One percent of 70 million people is 700,000 people. So 70,000 hospitalized is 0.1%.


The rest of your post is likewise worthless. 

Yes, 0.1% is correct, missed the %. Statistically, 0.1%  is not serious enough for governments to lockdown everything. That's the fear factor again.    

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