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Thailand to consider cutting second COVID-19 tests on international arrivals

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They are quite capable of taking the peverbile, reduce it to 4 days they do not give a flying <deleted> about travel tourism they live in a bubble

7 hours ago, Bkk Brian said:

How many tourists have been going to CM lately,

Judging by the photos a friend sent me - it was very busy on Friday night.



13 minutes ago, KhaoYai said:

Judging by the photos a friend sent me - it was very busy on Friday night.

Wonderful but that was not my point..............read the rest of my post rather than edit it out of context

14 hours ago, Dene16 said:

Whilst i agree that one may still test positive between time of test and flight surely the airlines must  have a responsibility to protect their passenger's from any form of sickness.

Due to the variant being extremely contagious would you really want to get on a flight ( in close proximity with others) with a high possibility that you would also become infected and have your holiday ruined for at least a week.

I have caught, what they would determine a mild case of covid,  and although its bearable you have a very sore throat for 3 days , normal cold symptoms and generally tired for maybe 5 days.

The common symptom's normally associated with Covid are,  in a lot of cases no longer found,.

I was informed of this as i had none of them.

I don't think any airline has an obligation to impose their own rules on passengers. It suppose to be a national strategy, same for all airlines and airports in the country.

Imagine each having their own rules and passengers flying several airlines and several airports to their destination. It would be impossible to follow all those constantly changing rules and not falling into a trap.


For travel to thailand newer than 72h pcr test is needed (with an average passenger 36h test validity).

Add to that some average 24h waiting time for pcr negative results.

Add to that an average 20h intercontinental flight.

That is total 114h and 4.5 days from when travellers start taking serious covid precautions as not to be caught in thailand 1st test.

For omicron to develop into symptoms is only 48-72h.

Of course, you can get virus absolutely everywhere - from a health official in thailand airport handling your entry application at close proximity, minibus driver blowing used air from his cabin into passengers section, receptionist at hotel while waiting some 5-10 minutes for check in, bell boy in the lift taking you to your room.

By day 3-4 in thailand you can get covid symptoms from those very encounters, which are impossible to avoid. Each of those persons handles a hundred guests and mixes with general thai population at food courts, on public transport, at shops, markets and extended family living in common. 

Even if you lock yourself in the ASQ hotel for full 5 days, you can still be tested positive on the last day.

As you, and so many others, I also had already omicron. Just for a very brief contact with a positive cousin.


My insurance was depleted and paying an additional 90k cash for hospital bill is looming. Just because I happen to travel internationally 

  • Thanks 1
6 hours ago, thisisrascal said:


I'd like to think you're more intelligent than you're pretending to be. 


What we see is that provided you're vaccinated and not already at deaths door then Omicron is nothing to be particularly worried about and this is the case for the overwhelming majority.  The question is should society continue to be ground into dust to protect those who would likely die from influenza anyway? I think not, if you think differently then that's your prerogative. 

Shouldn't bother.

Too many have been deeply caught up in the indoctrination and established narrative, failing to absorb anything else that might shine true.

3 hours ago, Danderman123 said:

TaT wants to scrap the second PCR test, and replace it with an ATK test.


so, does that mean the quarantine for the 5th night would be scrapped?

If it is positive you will most likely be given a time the next day for a PCR ( most likely pos' result ) and stay wherever??? until you are escorted to your 10 day location.

20 hours ago, Dene16 said:

the airlines must  have a responsibility to protect their passenger's from any form of sickness.

As mentioned the pre flight PCR does not really protection to their customers, only somewhat.


It's a lottery for sure.


saw a video of philipines yesterday with no entry restrictions it was very quite.

Not saying same will happen thailand but flood gates wont open if they do, even keeping the TP is now a ridiculous meaningless gesture to a worldwide endemic virus.


Here in the USA the latest variant has got just about everyone. Numbers are falling quickly. Vaccinated are getting sick 2-4 days, unvaccinated much longer and makeup most of the hospitalizations. That being said numbers are down and yes this variant less severe. Many of the tested who come to the hospital for other reasons - all are tested-  are asymptomatic. Within 4 weeks the numbers in Thailand will also fall. The second test requirement is just dumb. Who wants to visit if they are positive day 5 because Omicron is pretty much everywhere- and then pay for 2 weeks in a corrupt hotel scam- even though they are asymptomatic. Vaccinated travelers should be greeted with open arms- if they do get sick it will most likely not require hospitalization. They will still spend money and go about their travels. The vaccines are easily acquired for Thais so they can be protected from severe symptoms.  We have 35 icu beds- the delta variant had 94% of them occupied with unvaccinated , we now have 6 Covid pts and most of them have other health issues . Covid loves the obese and unvaccinated. Anyway easily argued at this point the lock downs are doing more harm. 

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With the Thailand Pass being prone to hacking, the Thai government should just shut the whole idea down.

Go back to requiring Passport, visa and health insurance coverage only. Then and only then will the 

majority of tourists and travelers come back to this part of the world. The Thai governments should

realize that there are many other places in the world that also have tropical beaches.

On 2/19/2022 at 10:19 AM, Havenstreet1940 said:

...the team that comes up with all the rediculous beaurocracy currently ensuring would be tourists to other more accomodating coutries.

These "more accommodating" countries being namely?

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