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Thai PM has wonderful news for the people: You may use your cars


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14 hours ago, connda said:

So he just signaled that in the near future he may ban the commoners from driving because <insert ludicrous reason here>.  Rising prices in a free market take care of themselves as rapidly increasing prices creates demand destruction.  When prices get up to 50+ TBH/liter the average Thais will be reining their driving in drastically.  In the meanwhile, it's nice having a car that get over 50 miles/gallon.  The price can double.  Big deal.  :thumbsup:

I drive a scooter, i spend on average  320B / month, so yeah the price can go up 10x I still don't care.

But with the gas prices going up, everything from food to flights to electricity will increase. That will sting more.

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Earlier this week, I saw three police cars in a line with flashing lights, followed by what looked like a big black van, then three more police cars with flashing lights following.


Must’ve been a very dangerous person in that ‘van’. And all that fuel being used.

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While being unable to verify the figure, it remains a blunt lie, if he says to "spend 600 million Baht daily to help with keeping diesel prices as low as possible". 

Taken the figure as correct it means that there is 600 million Baht less in the tax coffers for submarines, helicopters and other toys for the army, 600 million Baht less to be stolen in bright daylight by some members of the public service. The government cannot spend a single cent which it did not collect from its tax payers first. So much to terminology.

Speaking of savings, the all-knowingly Uncle Too might want to look into this government's staff force. Tens of thousands of braindead officers sit, sleep, eat, mobilephoneplay around with jobs for the sake of creating jobs. Stop this daily avalanche of thousands of tons of photocopies, issue people after the second renewal lifelong driving licenses, facilitate immigration and delete TM30 and the 90-days (latter must employ thousands of FTEs - full time equivalent) - then you're talking savings. Less offices, less energy and less useless waste of salaries for useless staff. 

So, my guess without knowing the numbers is, that one submarine less (or none of them at all) would make a positive dent in the household budget of the chosen land! 

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19 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

He is doing everything in his power to open the country up again, and increase tourism revenue.

He is increasing exports.


He is abiding by all of the terms of the ASEAN charters he signed, and allowing the duty free importation of all beer throughout ASEAN. Bintang, Beer Lao, Bia Saigon, Bia Huda, Bia Ha Noi, Dagon, Saigon Special, 333, are on all of the supermarket shelves as we speak. We are no longer subject to the very low quality local beers, as promised in the recent ASEAN charter, that Thailand agreed to and signed. 


He is making visa policy easy, simple and streamlined, and all tourists are very happy about that.


He is working on the attitudes of government workers, and making sure they are open and friendly to both tourists, and ex-pats.


He is improving traffic and public safety. He is working day and night to eliminate the air quality issues, that have become a catastrophe for the nation. 


Corruption is being eliminated, and innocent fall guys are no longer getting charged for murder, and being put to death. The taxi mafia on Samui and Phuket have been eliminated, and tourists can now get a taxi at a fair price. They are also adding multiple options of cheap public transportation on the Southern islands. 


Life is better for all now that this great man is demonstrating his genius and vision on a daily basis. All he cares about is the welfare of his own people, and the happiness of both tourists and the ex-pat community. He contemplates this day and night.

LOL..........I Reeeeaaaaalllllyyyy want an ounce of whatever you are inhaling, man, it is magic stuff.............

p.s. thanks for the laugh this morning............:clap2:

  • Haha 2
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17 hours ago, Cake Monster said:

if you cannot afford to put Fuel into your Vehicle of Choice, you should never have bought it in the first place, as its beyond your means.

That's silly.  When I bought 1st car, OK, 20 yrs ago, think 91 was about 13 or 14 baht.  Recently, Sept 2020, bought new car, and don't remember at the time but beginning of 2021, E85 was only about 18 ish baht, and now on the way to 32 baht. 


Not something people can actually plan on, a 60% jump in price, and only about 10% due to Ukraine.  Which in reality, shouldn't even have affected it.  Would think Russian oil is actually cheaper now for the buyer.  Ukraine has nothing to do with the price increase at the moment.  They are simply making up for the diesel price freeze ... IMHO


Not really an issue for me, as don't drive the ICE that much since getting the E-motorcycle last year, which cost < 5 baht to top up, and good for about 50-60 kms.  So <40 vs 1200+ baht to go about 400 kms, about the range of the ICE's full tank.


If someone wanted something inexpensive to get around town on, not a scooter, then Suzuki Celerio would be my recommendation, 330k to buy & 20 kpl.  Doesn't get any cheaper than that for an ICE.

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15 hours ago, worgeordie said:

I can afford to , but many others ,with the price of daily necessities rising due to

inflation , the debt they already have , maybe they cannot,  fairly easy for most

people to purchase a car, it's the running costs that they fail to take into account.

regards worgeordie



Its all too easy to borrow the cheap Money being thrown around by the Banks at the moment.

However, a vehicle, no matter what kind, has essential running costs.

Things like Fuel, Servicing, Tyres, Excise Duties  and breakdown costs all have to be taken into consideration.

My Accountant once told me, that if you have loads of Money to burn, buy a new car.

Its something that depreciates by 30 %  the moment you receive the keys to it, its only used approximately 3 % of its entire life for the purpose it was designed for, and is outdated by a newer model every 2 Years.

Vehicles are the biggest waste of Money known to man, and when things get a little tough with the rise in Fuel costs, then those people that are overstretched will suffer badly. 

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