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​​​​​​​‘Europe’s war’ increasingly gets attention in cozy Thailand


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21 hours ago, webfact said:


Finally, I return to the war. It really helps to put our own pathetic pandemic angst and worries into perspective.

So how do you feel now, was it not you who said that you felt proud of your son joining the army, does that not cause you some angst with the current situation ?

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19 hours ago, topt said:

Hmm, the question that springs to my mind is where do you draw the line. Who makes that distinction?

Arguably you could end up with all sorts of sports "stars" and "celebrities".............

Especially if they were guilty of being in cohorts with a bookmaker and suspended for a year for drug taking.

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I find it interesting that people who admit they don't read an original post can't resist the urge to make a critical response.  It seems some others do the same without admitting to it.


I'd like to thank the OP for taking the time to write an insightful and informed post.  Although I don't agree with everything, I read it all and appreciate a thoughtful post.  


As for two sets of rules, the OP admits there are two sets of rules when saying "some leeway is probably afforded to an AN employee."


Sometimes there is a fine line.  Posts or comments that drive viewership and advertising are not the definition of a 'clean' post.  Above, I think the OP is confused about the difference.


As for banning and punishing posters for reactions and comments, it's a shame the rules are not applied evenly.  I've experienced it myself.  Perhaps the rules are not concise enough, or perhaps there is too much individual discretion with the moderators.  Having said that, I also appreciate the work they do, and I don't envy their job.


Finally, I just have to say it: OP please pick one or the other; first person or third person.

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21 hours ago, BobBKK said:

Most Thais I know are unconcerned and ignorant of wars and stuff outside their coconut but one did tell me about "terrible" Russia attacking "innocent" Ukraine. I didn't want to spoil her mood by talking about Donbas and the rapes and killings there since 2014.

People like there wars clean - this side is GOOD and that side is BAD. Simple isn't it?

Most Thais are Small Vehicle Buddhists, so paddling their Own Canoes, Right ? ... So wars do not really count for them ? ... ??? Or a Military Government ??? ….... Or Parental control for TV, and the Internet, and rotten Violent Movies (Usually Third rate American ones ? Dubbed in to Thai ???) ... All Delusion right ...


Bad Luck about the Poor Troops Conscripted ! and even worse the Civilian Population killed !!! Or who have their Lives just totally Ruined !!! .... And all by something that they more often than not just have, Nothing to do with !!! ...


... And well a bit, Off topic, ... But No, ? .... Take a look at the Australian east Coast Floods !!! Something that NO ONE ... Like NO ONE !!! Really ever expected !!! ... In the dry, hot, country of Drought and Fire !!! ... … But also millions affected !!!  and hundreds of thousands who also have had their lives ruined as well, and some probably Terminally !!!  ... As the Government might not let them rebuild ? even if they could  (Like in some of the Victorian badly Fire affected towns, after the last Black, whatever day it was, tragedy there) .... …. Like, just another ..TOTALY ? Unexpected Disaster ! ? ???


Not to mention the rest of us who have just been destroyed by CV 19. 


Plenty to be upset in the world I think, just now ??? ...


And Yes, .... probably Well time to take a look at Small Vehicle Buddhism I think ??? ... And God Bless the Thai People !!! ... And their Thinking. ???

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20 hours ago, topt said:

Hmm, the question that springs to my mind is where do you draw the line. Who makes that distinction?

Arguably you could end up with all sorts of sports "stars" and "celebrities".............

Well, he WAS pretty good, and he also stuck with his guns also !!! .... And just did his Job ! as best he could ! and as a human being, ... and he WAS pretty Innovative with Spin Bowling also. Like not just a lanky Speed Bomb, Quick !!! .... But a Clever and thinking, ....  Spin Bowler, .... !!!


Yes well worth Remembering I think.

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20 hours ago, tomazbodner said:

Flew Aeroflot in the late 90's over Sheremetyevo and while that 24 hours stop-over was utterly boring with nothing to do, and the restaurant accepting that meal voucher among worst in the World, the entertainment provided by the staff at airport was legendary.


One scene I can't forget was the guy at the arrival to transfer gate. The door was shut as many from fully loaded, 90+ minutes too early Boeing 777 reached the spot. With straight face, he would say that he's sorry but he's got no keys. Another man who was supposed to come with the keys went drinking last night and is totally drunk so nobody knows when he'd be coming. Maybe today, maybe tomorrow... He then fabricated a story full of stereotypes about Russians that was absolutely hilarious. But he said all that with such a straight face that after a while we weren't sure anymore whether he was joking or serious.


After 20-30 minutes of show absolutely worth a stage performance, with large proportion of non-Russian passengers close to heart attack, he pulled the key out of his pocket, opened the door and said "Welcome to Russia!"


Aeroflot, at least back then, despite flight attendants looking like very serious Maths teachers, provided excellent service in the air.


On the way to Bangkok, we started descending without any announcement somewhere between Afghanistan and Iran... Figured out we've landed in Turkmenistan when armed security forces boarded the plane, pointing assault rifles at anyone who moved. Many thought plane's been hijacked, then we saw soldiers took someone off the plane on a stretcher. Only half an hour after taking off again, captain came on PA and said he's sad to announce that the passengers he was trying to save life of, has died on the way to hospital...


A few years later, shortly after takeoff, I was asked if a very sick elderly Filipino gentleman could sit with me in the last row. He was having severe difficulties breathing and could not really speak. His elderly wife crying next to him... Remembering Aeroflot I've asked flight attendant whether we'd land to send him to hospital, and in front of him and his wife she said "We'll offload him in Bangkok". He struggled another 30-40 minutes before passing away.


This happened on certain airline with hopping animal on the red tail, where on boarding a woman with a child in her arm, asking flight attendant to help her put bag up in the bin was told "that's not my job".


Compared to that, Aeroflot certainly provided more humane service, although their flight attendants weren't smiling supermodels.


Now obviously, that was 20+ years ago. No idea what their service would have been now.

Yes I flew Aeroflot when I was younger, and it was OK and even interesting, like Nice Food ! ... And well I did the Trans-Siberian also ... though with Airlines nothing has ever beaten the Air Asia flight, just down to Malaysia,


… when a Main Land Chinese Farm Type ? Looking Woman with a Chinese tour group, was angry with the A/C being too high, ? and no blankets, …. So she put her hand in between the Thai Hosties legs, when her back was turned, …. well as fat as her tight shirt world let her !!! ...  And then lifted it, as only one Woman could do to another !!! ….


And well, the Hostie, screamed and Jumped, so high she nearly hit the roof !!!  … and she was Horrified !!! .... But quickly regrouped and then started threatening to have the Peasant, Chinese Woman Arrested !!! … but then she just backed off on that and just loudly started calling her a Rat !!! ... and well then moved to the collective ? …. For the whole Main Land Chinese tour group !!! … shouting something like … “You are all Just Rats”  “Just Behave” …. At all of them, who actually all looked like they WERE actually enjoying the show !!!


Though the Thai woman never Really Lost I thought, as she held her self Really ! REALLY Well I thought !!! …. along with “Well If I had done that I reckon that I WOULD have ended up in Goal” !!!


… Like a very VERY Funny Flight that one Really !!!

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Some suggested that there was one rule for the common poster and one for Rooster. Not so. While I accept that some leeway is probably afforded to an AN employee, Rooster must follow the rules too. It may interest you to know that as a private poster I was banned from the site for a considerable time in 2020/21 for comments made about a delicate subject. Yes, banned from the firm I work for! The TWTW column continued probably because it's a popular source of clicks and advertising revenue thanks to how good it is.


By virtue of the fact of raising this thorny issue the question has unfortunately been answered ???? 

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Thanks for your news up date.  I am not surprised that Putin has ordered all media in Russia to call the invasion

of Ukraine, as a special operations, after all, no news media is allowed to say much if anything at all if they are in Russia.

  It is also known that Russian and Ukraine have been fighting in the eastern part of Ukraine for several years.

     To see the shelling of so many cities in Ukraine, is as heartbreaking as it is horrible. I am so glad that the bordering countries

are helping the Ukrainians that are leaving their country to stay alive. The news story of the rich former cops son having his

EV Porsche  car crash with a motorcycle is certainly breaking news, and it will be interesting to see more reports on it.

  I am hoping that the rules and restrictions caused from COVID 19 keep being more relaxed by the end of the Hot season

in Thailand.  For now we should all be happy that our home countries and Thailand are not directly at war for now.

  I just watched a news story from Latvia, and their vodka that is rebranded as Stali Vodka. If I buy any

it will be their brand or the British Smirnoff brand. Oh and another news story that  in Saudi Arabia

81 people were mass executed today.  Guess they were all bad guys, and will not be costing anyone more money to

feed or care for them.   The world keep on turning, and life goes on for all of us lucky people.



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4 hours ago, Mark mark said:

Yes I flew Aeroflot when I was younger, and it was OK and even interesting, like Nice Food ! ... And well I did the Trans-Siberian also ... though with Airlines nothing has ever beaten the Air Asia flight, just down to Malaysia,


… when a Main Land Chinese Farm Type ? Looking Woman with a Chinese tour group, was angry with the A/C being too high, ? and no blankets, …. So she put her hand in between the Thai Hosties legs, when her back was turned, …. well as fat as her tight shirt world let her !!! ...  And then lifted it, as only one Woman could do to another !!! ….


And well, the Hostie, screamed and Jumped, so high she nearly hit the roof !!!  … and she was Horrified !!! .... But quickly regrouped and then started threatening to have the Peasant, Chinese Woman Arrested !!! … but then she just backed off on that and just loudly started calling her a Rat !!! ... and well then moved to the collective ? …. For the whole Main Land Chinese tour group !!! … shouting something like … “You are all Just Rats”  “Just Behave” …. At all of them, who actually all looked like they WERE actually enjoying the show !!!


Though the Thai woman never Really Lost I thought, as she held her self Really ! REALLY Well I thought !!! …. along with “Well If I had done that I reckon that I WOULD have ended up in Goal” !!!


… Like a very VERY Funny Flight that one Really !!!


Meanwhile, in Mariupol  ¯\_()_/¯

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7 hours ago, brianthainess said:

So how do you feel now, was it not you who said that you felt proud of your son joining the army, does that not cause you some angst with the current situation ?

I feel great and have no army angst. Thx for asking. 

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5 hours ago, Stargeezr said:

Thanks for your news up date.  I am not surprised that Putin has ordered all media in Russia to call the invasion

of Ukraine, as a special operations, after all, no news media is allowed to say much if anything at all if they are in Russia.

  It is also known that Russian and Ukraine have been fighting in the eastern part of Ukraine for several years.

     To see the shelling of so many cities in Ukraine, is as heartbreaking as it is horrible. I am so glad that the bordering countries

are helping the Ukrainians that are leaving their country to stay alive. The news story of the rich former cops son having his

EV Porsche  car crash with a motorcycle is certainly breaking news, and it will be interesting to see more reports on it.

  I am hoping that the rules and restrictions caused from COVID 19 keep being more relaxed by the end of the Hot season

in Thailand.  For now we should all be happy that our home countries and Thailand are not directly at war for now.

  I just watched a news story from Latvia, and their vodka that is rebranded as Stali Vodka. If I buy any

it will be their brand or the British Smirnoff brand. Oh and another news story that  in Saudi Arabia

81 people were mass executed today.  Guess they were all bad guys, and will not be costing anyone more money to

feed or care for them.   The world keep on turning, and life goes on for all of us lucky people.



Yes indeed, Poland is being particularly kind and proactive. UK is dragging it's heels mindful of the Brexiteers and their hateful xenophobia who voted the Tories in. 

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I too remember my first flight on Aeroflot in 1972 from Moscow to Leningrad return (now St Pete's again). Instead of carpets on the floor they had those rubber mats you would find in return kitchens. Passenger comfort was not a priority as the climb out of Moscow was close to 45 degrees followed by a sharp turn towards Leningrad. Much better service and comfort in 2020 when I flew Aeroflot from Malaga to BKK via Moscow, that flight was the same as you would expect from any modern airline

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7 hours ago, Marvest said:

I find it interesting that people who admit they don't read an original post can't resist the urge to make a critical response.  It seems some others do the same without admitting to it.


I'd like to thank the OP for taking the time to write an insightful and informed post.  Although I don't agree with everything, I read it all and appreciate a thoughtful post.  


As for two sets of rules, the OP admits there are two sets of rules when saying "some leeway is probably afforded to an AN employee."


Sometimes there is a fine line.  Posts or comments that drive viewership and advertising are not the definition of a 'clean' post.  Above, I think the OP is confused about the difference.


As for banning and punishing posters for reactions and comments, it's a shame the rules are not applied evenly.  I've experienced it myself.  Perhaps the rules are not concise enough, or perhaps there is too much individual discretion with the moderators.  Having said that, I also appreciate the work they do, and I don't envy their job.


Finally, I just have to say it: OP please pick one or the other; first person or third person.

I'm used to mixing up my pronouns having lived in Thailand and spoken Thai for so long, he says.

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On 3/12/2022 at 3:03 PM, Old Croc said:

I once had a post deleted and was warned about insulting language because I used the word "P-m" to describe a fine English gentleman. (The o is deleted in case someone reading now becomes incensed)

My rejoinder that even the BBC uses it on air occasionally was ignored.


Try a search of the forum for the word now..



Similar for me, not deleted but given time out in the sin-bin. seems the powers that be need some education in the use of and application of the English language as it is spoke ????

Edited by Artisi
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Just now, BostonRob2 said:

Congratulations to both of you for make it fearlessly into the second paragraph then having the courage to post of your experiences. Might I suggest a good language school like ECC that could help with reading English. The fees are quite reasonable even for baht conscious retirees. Mention my name though, I get commission. 


Just now, BostonRob2 said:

Congratulations to both of you for make it fearlessly into the second paragraph then having the courage to post of your experiences. Might I suggest a good language school like ECC that could help with reading English. The fees are quite reasonable even for baht conscious retirees. Mention my name though, I get commission. 

Sarcasm never goes down well. Especially when one is paid to write a column.

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3 hours ago, Artisi said:

Similar for me, not deleted but given time out in the sin-bin. seems the powers that be need some education in the use of and application of the English language as it is spoke ????

spoke or spoken, or either? Asking out of curiosity as I'm not 100% sure

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19 minutes ago, Dumbfounded said:

spoke or spoken, or either? Asking out of curiosity as I'm not 100% sure

Spoke is the past tense of speak, I was just playing with words, if you need to be pedantic, it should be "spoken" ????

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On 3/12/2022 at 12:12 PM, nchuckle said:

If red buttons are pushed there’ll not be an iota of difference on Your fate whatever of Putin’s list you were on. Geography to a small extent might ameliorate slightly the fallout ,but catastrophe is guaranteed.  The overwhelming majority of countries condemned him and even if he survives he can’t function without dealing with them and the West in particular. Those countries haven’t'stayed out of it' in any meaningful way ,but will be remembered for their equivocation. 

That's not how geopolitics work, Germany and Japan that started WW II are super economic powers now,...German scientists with Nazi affiliation were eagerly flown to The USA to help constructing there rockets and even head there space program,...They are all well remembered,..

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15 hours ago, off road pat said:

That's not how geopolitics work, Germany and Japan that started WW II are super economic powers now,...German scientists with Nazi affiliation were eagerly flown to The USA to help constructing there rockets and even head there space program,...They are all well remembered,..

Kindest thing I can say is my point has gone right over your head… ???? 

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9 hours ago, nchuckle said:

Kindest thing I can say is my point has gone right over your head… ???? 

Not really,...My point was the enemies from yesterday are now our good friends, and those that helped our enemies are incorporated in our societies. And are not punished for helping our enemies,... 

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On 3/12/2022 at 11:50 AM, BobBKK said:

Most Thais I know are unconcerned and ignorant of wars and stuff outside their coconut but one did tell me about "terrible" Russia attacking "innocent" Ukraine. I didn't want to spoil her mood by talking about Donbas and the rapes and killings there since 2014.

People like there wars clean - this side is GOOD and that side is BAD. Simple isn't it?

Is your hero Putin or Patrick Lancaster???

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On 3/12/2022 at 8:37 AM, tomazbodner said:

Flew Aeroflot in the late 90's over Sheremetyevo and while that 24 hours stop-over was utterly boring with nothing to do, and the restaurant accepting that meal voucher among worst in the World, the entertainment provided by the staff at airport was legendary.


One scene I can't forget was the guy at the arrival to transfer gate. The door was shut as many from fully loaded, 90+ minutes too early Boeing 777 reached the spot. With straight face, he would say that he's sorry but he's got no keys. Another man who was supposed to come with the keys went drinking last night and is totally drunk so nobody knows when he'd be coming. Maybe today, maybe tomorrow... He then fabricated a story full of stereotypes about Russians that was absolutely hilarious. But he said all that with such a straight face that after a while we weren't sure anymore whether he was joking or serious.


After 20-30 minutes of show absolutely worth a stage performance, with large proportion of non-Russian passengers close to heart attack, he pulled the key out of his pocket, opened the door and said "Welcome to Russia!"


Aeroflot, at least back then, despite flight attendants looking like very serious Maths teachers, provided excellent service in the air.


On the way to Bangkok, we started descending without any announcement somewhere between Afghanistan and Iran... Figured out we've landed in Turkmenistan when armed security forces boarded the plane, pointing assault rifles at anyone who moved. Many thought plane's been hijacked, then we saw soldiers took someone off the plane on a stretcher. Only half an hour after taking off again, captain came on PA and said he's sad to announce that the passengers he was trying to save life of, has died on the way to hospital...


A few years later, shortly after takeoff, I was asked if a very sick elderly Filipino gentleman could sit with me in the last row. He was having severe difficulties breathing and could not really speak. His elderly wife crying next to him... Remembering Aeroflot I've asked flight attendant whether we'd land to send him to hospital, and in front of him and his wife she said "We'll offload him in Bangkok". He struggled another 30-40 minutes before passing away.


This happened on certain airline with hopping animal on the red tail, where on boarding a woman with a child in her arm, asking flight attendant to help her put bag up in the bin was told "that's not my job".


Compared to that, Aeroflot certainly provided more humane service, although their flight attendants weren't smiling supermodels.


Now obviously, that was 20+ years ago. No idea what their service would have been now.

I was at the airport in 2016 and 2019 and I thought of it as another normal big airport, not the best nor the worst. I also flew with Aeroflot in 2016 and again it wasn't much different from western airlines.

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On 3/12/2022 at 2:27 PM, vandeventer said:

I guess if people stick their head far enough in the sand they won't see anything bad in the world. Did they see Cambodia when the Pol Pot era was  in play in 1975?

Just like the western press will not critically report that fleeing Ukrainians are being searched like criminals to make sure that all males above 18 do not leave.
And only limited civilians are allowed to leave when the humanitarian corridors open so that the majority can stay to act as human shields.
It's against human rights that people are being made to stay to fight the war against their will .

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