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Take care of me

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On 5/6/2022 at 10:51 AM, Walker88 said:

I think you nailed a very high percentage of female Thailand. So many feel they did the 'hard work' of making themselves attractive to you, so the rest is your responsibility.


I see there are some posters here who claim their woman is not like that. It may be true, and if so, congrats. I have an employee---Thai female, 25 years old---who absolutely insists on making a success of herself. She's smart, creative, hard-working, and ambitious. She is also quite attractive and has many men trying to hit on her. She also happens to have a foreign fiance whom she hasn't seen in several years (Covid) and has been 100% loyal to him as far as I know.


In my experience---yours may differ---this employee is a unicorn. Of all the male foreigner friends and acquaintances I have in Thailand, every single one of them is either currently in, or was previously in, relationships that fit your profile exactly. Virtual word for word similarity. Every single one of them. Some of these guys fit the caricature of the chubby, old, bald, moderate means farang walking ATMs, but others are well-kept, successful, would have no trouble attracting women back home, and the ages of my friends and acquaintances vary from late 20s to 70s. They all still had the Walking ATM part in the relationships. For a few, what they got (regular sex with a physically lovely woman) was worth it, until the constant pressure to 'help my sister's/uncles's/aunt's/someone I want to impress debt problem' became too much.


With my own anecdotal evidence as backdrop, the absolute LAST thing I would ever do is 'build the house', etc.  Sadly, from what I have seen, I would be hesitant to enter into any meaningful relationship here, especially since I'm not exactly poor. The women seem to smell money, even if you don't drive a Lambo, don't tell them your Gulfstream is parked at Suvarnabhumi, or ever say anything that would indicate your level of wealth. They get a sniff then laser focus on the prize.


Casual, shallow relationships seem a better way to go, notwithstanding the success stories some posters are adding to this thread. In any event, to any Thai woman hoping for the proverbial prize, there's a guy landing commercial at Suvarnabhumi as I write who probably can 'take care of you'. One born every minute.

I am youngish, fit and a multi-millionaire and i never have any of those laser focussed honeys zooning in on me ????

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36 minutes ago, smutcakes said:

I am youngish, fit and a multi-millionaire and i never have any of those laser focussed honeys zooning in on me ????

Yes, I've also encountered a couple of (fairly odd) white guys that couldn't even attract Thai gold diggers. Non beer/whisky drinking 'intense' vegetarians seem to top that list.

Edited by BritManToo
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On 5/5/2022 at 5:21 PM, jerrymahoney said:

Well OK but, if she is an all around hot number, if you take  too much time, maybe she'll just find someone else.

Some become fearful she will get away so they take the plunge. They forget they live in SE Asia where finding another one is a piece of cake.

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3 hours ago, YITB1980 said:

Some become fearful she will get away so they take the plunge. They forget they live in SE Asia where finding another one is a piece of cake.

That can work both ways especially if you think you're so %^&&* special.

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On 5/6/2022 at 1:37 PM, Walker88 said:

I suspect some people who use 'they' may have had a bad experience or two in Thailand, but that has no bearing on their degree of success or lack thereof with women at home or in other countries. Thailand is somewhat unique in the way foreign-local relationships are built, so whether the tale is one of success or failure, there might not be much transferable to other locales.

I've never had a bad experience with a Thai woman.

They were all great, even the ugly ones I woke up with after a night out with a few too many beers.

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20 hours ago, smutcakes said:

I am youngish, fit and a multi-millionaire and i never have any of those laser focussed honeys zooning in on me ????

Maybe you're not a "han sum man" ?


Thai women do have some standards. Money and fitness only go so far. What would the neighbors think if a woman came home with Quasimodo, even if he's wearing a Brioni and Stefano Ricci? /sarc


Play hard-to-get. Play the caterpillar rather than the butterfly. A real gold digger will take up the challenge of being 'the one' who can steal your heart. It gives her 'face'.


Personally, I couldn't see myself in a serious relationship with a Thai woman (though obviously I haven't met them all, or was too late to get the good ones others in this thread say they have). I've met the whole gamut, from bargirls to office workers to models to the pride of a hi-so family. The cultural gap is too wide (I've lived in many countries, so I am not culturally ignorant). I run screaming from myth and superstition, so any Iron Age belief system is a deal breaker, and very few people here have weened themselves from the drivel at the core of local society. Of course I'm not looking for someone to 'take care of me' either. While I admit to liking physical beauty, long term I need intellectual stimulation. A highly intelligent woman, to me, is damn sexy. Match a brain with a 'well-turned ankle', and there might be a future. If not, I have a memory to carry me through, and independence can grow on one over time.


Good luck to you.

Edited by Walker88
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