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What is reality? How do you make sure you are not in a bubble? And do you care?

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1 hour ago, jvs said:

Yes of course,every one has their own form of truth.

Everybody lies at some point, no argument. Having said that, it's important to stay true to yourself.

IMO the few lies I have told in my life were to avoid hurting people, can't say it worked all that well.

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One of the reasons these bubbles form is because losers need excuses for being losers. Autocrat wannabes like the US' former 'leader' seem to inherently understand that, as he is a loser himself. He gives the masses of his barely literate cult what they want, which is somebody else to blame for their own mediocrity and failure in life. That is the idea behind the silly, albeit dangerous, "Replacement Theory". Mediocre white guys now face a world where they have to compete with women and minorities, and deep down they know they are unable to compete fairly. Some clown comes along and tells them nothing is their fault, and there's a 'conspiracy' to neuter them and give power to 'others' who are not like them either in appearance or ideology/faith.


This is maybe going out on a tangent, but as tech obviates more and more human labor, the less skilled and less intelligent members of society are going to find it more and more difficult. What jobs they might qualify for will have a new and larger pool of people from which management can draw, or else machines will simply eliminate the need for human input. That will scare the mediocre and make them even more susceptible to the siren song of self-serving clowns, who just happen to know what buttons to push.


The implications of all of this are not pleasant. All of these losers will become increasingly angry, which means even more likely to find a comfort zone in a bubble. I read that in 2008, 8% of US males reached the age of 30 as virgins. Today, it is over 30%. These guys are not viewed as success objects, so they are unattractive to women. They can't get laid, and certainly cannot attract a mate. They even have a name now---Incels. They find Incel bubbles online, and they sit there blaming 'Chad' or '<deleted>' or anything except for the reality that they are losers who lack the ambition or talent to make themselves appealing. They are examples of Darwinianism in action. They are also ripe for exploitation.


The US is building an entire generation of horny, unskilled, angry, gun-owning losers who don't even understand the foundation upon which the US was built, which is democracy, and the goal of moving toward 'a more perfect union', which means genuine equality. The sweetest words these guys can hear is "It's not your fault" THAT is the bubble in which they will live.


It's not going to be pretty.

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6 minutes ago, Walker88 said:

One of the reasons these bubbles form is because losers need excuses for being losers. Autocrat wannabes like the US' former 'leader' seem to inherently understand that, as he is a loser himself.

I would never have classed him as a loser.

Lots of power, money and women defines a winner IMHO.


80% of the men in the world were designed to be nothing more than servants and cannon fodder. Generally these sort of men would never have much sex or manage to reproduce.

These men don't have a place in the modern western world.

I do agree, this gives rise to a lot of anger and possibly violence.

True forced loneliness being an example.

Edited by BritManToo
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On 5/19/2022 at 5:45 PM, Hummin said:

If you say it enough times, it becomes a truth, and that's where the power in words lies comes to become reality.


Also kind of self brainwashing to to think positive and create positive energy.

I believe that if you say it enough times people start to think that it is the truth. This is the basis of propaganda. The actual truth, however, never changes.


While your positive energy comment can be true I think a lot of propaganda creates hate and therefore is negative energy. Creating hate is the most common use for propaganda.

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5 minutes ago, ozimoron said:

I believe that if you say it enough times people start to think that it is the truth. This is the basis of propaganda. The actual truth, however, never changes.

You believe in vaccination and climate change.

Some people believe in god.


On many topics there is no truth, just personal opinion and private fantasy.

I respect your right to your personal opinions, but once you start telling me what to do, and try to force your opinions on me as 'the truth', then we have a problem.


Edited by BritManToo
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11 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

You believe in vaccination and climate change.

Some people believe in god.


On many topics there is no truth, just personal opinion and private fantasy.

I respect your right to your personal opinions, but once you start telling me what to do, and try to force your opinions on me as 'the truth', then we have a problem.


I don't "believe" anything about vaccination and climate change. Rightly or wrongly I accept the science. I substitute critical thinking for "belief"


I agree that many subjects don't involve truth or lies they are opinion as you say. Truth may include the absence of wilful lying.

Edited by ozimoron
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1 hour ago, Walker88 said:

One of the reasons these bubbles form is because losers need excuses for being losers. Autocrat wannabes like the US' former 'leader' seem to inherently understand that, as he is a loser himself. He gives the masses of his barely literate cult what they want, which is somebody else to blame for their own mediocrity and failure in life.

In part I agree with you. And obviously it is not difficult to call all his supporters uninformed stupid idiots - I am sure there are enough of them.

But that is not the whole truth. That so called leader wouldn't be in that position if not lots of intelligent, well informed and rich people would support him. Poor stupid losers wouldn't be able to decide who becomes president if there wouldn't be enough powerful rich people with the same ideas.


That is another part of our current media and especially social media. "The others are all stupid." No they aren't! At least not all of them.

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1 hour ago, BritManToo said:

I would never have classed him as a loser.


Today I walked up the road and voted in the Australian election. I hope Labour win as the Liberals are not friends of public servants and limit pay rises and cut staff.. the point is everyone is friendly and goes about voting and there's no talk of fake this or fraudulent that. If you look around the world that civility, common sense and courage is in short supply. That's one reason why I think he is a loser. 

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Propaganda is not necessary only negative or untrue, and if you love your gf and wife, and think she is the best thing that happened to you, its fair propaganda to tell you she is the most beautiful woman in the world for you, even she ages together with you? 

It is not about making real bad things coated in pink light, and twist negative bad truths. 

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24 minutes ago, Hummin said:

Propaganda is not necessary only negative or untrue, and if you love your gf and wife, and think she is the best thing that happened to you, its fair propaganda to tell you she is the most beautiful woman in the world for you, even she ages together with you? 

It is not about making real bad things coated in pink light, and twist negative bad truths. 

Maybe just tell her you love her, or she looks nice, rather than the most beautiful woman in the world schtick.  Lies are lies and have an affect on the liar. I know you are meaning well but I think such an approach can catch up with you even in keeping your wife happy. 

She's probably sick of you saying it, and can hear the insincerity in your voice, and maybe the way you look at other woman, or the charge on the credit card to something mysterious, tells a different story. Or maybe you believe it, or mainly believe it, or believe it in a way,  as you love her, so all good. 

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I like The Economist. It's very centrist and actually talks a little bit about the rest of the non-johnny Depp-obsessing world. In general, English have the best media, at least in English. If a person from Germany wants to talk about the slant of Der Spiegal, that would be great.


Splitting hairs on whether every last Ukraine situation reported is true or not seems to favor Russian interests. There's too much on the ground atrocities etc. that have been documented to death to worry if a single instance is correct or not.


Worrying seriously about being fundamentally lied to is another unwanted gift from Trump. If someone talks about "the narrative", Ala Fox News, I suddenly remember that I left the stove on and I have to go. Never to return.

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17 hours ago, Walker88 said:

One of the reasons these bubbles form is because losers need excuses for being losers. Autocrat wannabes like the US' former 'leader' seem to inherently understand that, as he is a loser himself. He gives the masses of his barely literate cult what they want, which is somebody else to blame for their own mediocrity and failure in life. That is the idea behind the silly, albeit dangerous, "Replacement Theory". Mediocre white guys now face a world where they have to compete with women and minorities, and deep down they know they are unable to compete fairly. Some clown comes along and tells them nothing is their fault, and there's a 'conspiracy' to neuter them and give power to 'others' who are not like them either in appearance or ideology/faith.


This is maybe going out on a tangent, but as tech obviates more and more human labor, the less skilled and less intelligent members of society are going to find it more and more difficult. What jobs they might qualify for will have a new and larger pool of people from which management can draw, or else machines will simply eliminate the need for human input. That will scare the mediocre and make them even more susceptible to the siren song of self-serving clowns, who just happen to know what buttons to push.


The implications of all of this are not pleasant. All of these losers will become increasingly angry, which means even more likely to find a comfort zone in a bubble. I read that in 2008, 8% of US males reached the age of 30 as virgins. Today, it is over 30%. These guys are not viewed as success objects, so they are unattractive to women. They can't get laid, and certainly cannot attract a mate. They even have a name now---Incels. They find Incel bubbles online, and they sit there blaming 'Chad' or '<deleted>' or anything except for the reality that they are losers who lack the ambition or talent to make themselves appealing. They are examples of Darwinianism in action. They are also ripe for exploitation.


The US is building an entire generation of horny, unskilled, angry, gun-owning losers who don't even understand the foundation upon which the US was built, which is democracy, and the goal of moving toward 'a more perfect union', which means genuine equality. The sweetest words these guys can hear is "It's not your fault" THAT is the bubble in which they will live.


It's not going to be pretty.

Things have fallen apart. Abandon all hope.


America’s rhetorical sphere has descended into chaos | The Hill



Healthy civilizations hinge on being able to decide things through discussion and debate. That debate must be based on honest, accurate information that leads to conclusions based on the prevalence of reason. America’s rhetorical sphere today is sorely lacking in those standards.


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On 5/19/2022 at 10:12 AM, OneMoreFarang said:

Obviously it's not true. I tell my gf the same. There can only be one most beautiful girl in the world! ???? 

Oh yes it is true, her chemistry with me make her the most beautiful! As long I want that to be the truth, it is true. 


When both is willing to nurture the relationship it creates the bonds needed to go the long way even we both getting older by time.


I guess you also see it when two people really care for each other, support each other and do the little extra to make the partner better, and also the present as the future.


Sounds like wishful thinking ???? but I believe if both is willing to do that extra little ting it is possible.

Edited by Hummin
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17 minutes ago, Hummin said:

Oh yes it is true, her chemistry with me make her the most beautiful! As long I want that to be the truth, it is true. 


When both is willing to nurture the relationship it creates the bonds needed to go the long way even we both getting older by time.


I guess you also see it when two people really care for each other, support each other and do the little extra to make the partner better, and also the present as the future.


Sounds like wishful thinking ???? but I believe if both is willing to do that extra little ting it is possible.

How does one do that? I mean finding someone beautiful when she ages? 

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4 minutes ago, Grecian said:

How does one do that? I mean finding someone beautiful when she ages? 

In relationships, there's usually quite a bit more to the relationship than what the other person looks like .

  If you just want to look at a nice face , you can put a photo on your wall 

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18 minutes ago, Grecian said:

How does one do that? I mean finding someone beautiful when she ages? 

If you love yourself and what you see, maybe that reflex your look on older women to, especially someone you care for. 


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