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10 wounded in South Carolina mass shooting, mayor confirms


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3 hours ago, EVENKEEL said:

I'm going there in a few months. God Bless America.......

I have been to America many times. It's a wonderful country in many ways. But boy, do you ever have some fruitcakes and wingnuts in it. The phrase "Only in America" is nothing if not factual.

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I've owned guns since a child like many friends who grew up in the West where hunting and open space is common.  I'm not sure what can be done in USA about these high numbers of killings.   Arming teachers is a ridiculous idea.   Semi auto guns were common in the early 1900's but only held 5-6 rounds.  My grandpa had a rem 32 auto rifle for hunting.  

I don't believe military training is required.   I bet by 18 I was a better marksman than 70% of all military members.  Being an accurate marksman has more to do with eyesight, patience, breathing, calm mind and practice. I was reloading ammo by 17. Most of my guns are in a safe. I haven't used any of my guns in years for fun or hunting.  I have used archery for last 20 years as it's more sporting and challenging.   But in the past when I go to the skeet range or desert to shoot one of my guns I enjoy it immensely and say I should go every week.   I was raised 1 shot- 1 kill so when a roommate after college bought an AR-15 in 1985 I said what do you need that for?  He said it was just as much protected by the 2nd amendment as my bolt action rifles.  After some thought I had to agree.  

I'm sure at least 2 of my guns have no tracking to my ownership as I'm sure is the case of a vast number of guns owned today.  In the 80's and 90's gun shows were amazing.  They had one big one that used the Dallas cowboys stadium and the entire outside walkway under the stands was full of guns.  Private parties with guns over their shoulders with paper for sale signs.  Hand a dealer or private person cash and a gun trade was made or trade a gun for another.  Add in all the stolen guns plus the illegally imported gun and what is a gun ban going to do?.  There are already multiple guns per Capita. How will banning future sales effect anything? Even a registered gun buyback (impossible) won't remove all guns.  

All these comments and only 1 mentioned video games? I learned at an early age the damage a bullet can do and I held the animal whose life I just took.  What about these TV and movies where a gun seems to just stop a life in a second with no suffering.  Even the best heart shot and the animal lives and moves for what seems like forever.  A double lung shot and I've timed the final breath several times at 5 minutes.   I think all grade 5 children should have to kill s chicken or rabbit and prepare it for eating.  I had this idea long before the massive vegetarian movement and before I heard the word vegan

What has happened to our youth.  Fatherless children?

Lack of hunting experiences?

Glorification of guns being used in video games and movies?

Overcrowded jails with drug war victims so violent criminals get out early or go free?

I do worry as water, food shortages increase in this World.  Bigger and bigger gap between rich and poor. I'm just glad I live in a nice safe neighborhood and knowing many people are good at heart and have a semi auto and 1440 round box of ammo.  To me a gun is an amazing tool.  How the actual shells are made and how accurate the rounds can be.   When I was a lad under 16, without a vice or many modern tools I made a crude gun that fired .25 caliber bullets I made out of the shoulder of bolts and I tested it and it was accurate and even deadly.  With all the 3D printers and home tools available now there is no stopping of guns.   We need to change the minds of these shooters. 

How do we do that is the question. 

Such emigrant hate, even expressed here, when 80-90% of Americans are emigrants in the last 5-6 generations or less.  Who is responsible for this hate? I have used many Latino workers and they are hard working like American workers of the 70's.   It's funny this close the door after I use it mentality.   These crazy religions that cause such decisive issues. The poor state of public education. The overcrowding of cities with no good outlook besides crime.  The in your face commercialism of what success looks like.  Just look at the foothold name brands are gaining in 3rd World countries like Thailand. Niki, nestle, apple, Starbucks or your a nothing person. 

I really don't see a quick solution. 

Edited by Elkski
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10 hours ago, KhunLA said:

Anyone think the politicians that are for gun restrictions, don't work in, out of a building with armed security.  Don't travel or attend speaking engagements without armed security.


Do as I say, not as I do mentality.  Doesn't everyone deserve the same level of security.

Everyone has the same level of security where I am, gun own ship is restricted, licensed and controlled.


Even to the pony most cops don’t carry guns.


Freedom from fear, you should try it.

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10 hours ago, KhunLA said:

Anyone think the politicians that are for gun restrictions, don't work in, out of a building with armed security.  Don't travel or attend speaking engagements without armed security.


Do as I say, not as I do mentality.  Doesn't everyone deserve the same level of security.

Could be that Politicians who are against people owning guns are concerned that the people with guns would try and shoot them ?

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10 hours ago, KhunLA said:

Anyone think the politicians that are for gun restrictions, don't work in, out of a building with armed security.  Don't travel or attend speaking engagements without armed security.


Do as I say, not as I do mentality.  Doesn't everyone deserve the same level of security.

And they need the same level of training. Without that training how secure are they? And what's more important, how secure are the people around them?

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Just now, Mac Mickmanus said:

That They sometimes fire those guns at people they don't like 

And is that a good thing to shoot at people just because you don't like them or is that a bad thing? Let me put this another way just to make this easy for you. What usually happens to people who who shoot at other people just because they don't like them? Are they given pats on the back? Or are they put in prison or maybe even shot and killed?

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10 minutes ago, placeholder said:

And is that a good thing to shoot at people just because you don't like them or is that a bad thing? Let me put this another way just to make this easy for you. What usually happens to people who who shoot at other people just because they don't like them? Are they given pats on the back? Or are they put in prison or maybe even shot and killed?

Well , thank you for simplifying  it for me to understand and thus now I can answer your question . 

  There are many instances of people using guns to shoot other people they don't like and various things happened to those shooters . They may get shot themselves , they may escape and go undetected or they may get arrested and tried in Court .

  So, to answer your question, there isn't a usual outcome to people shooting others as the consequences vary  

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31 minutes ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

Well , thank you for simplifying  it for me to understand and thus now I can answer your question . 

  There are many instances of people using guns to shoot other people they don't like and various things happened to those shooters . They may get shot themselves , they may escape and go undetected or they may get arrested and tried in Court .

  So, to answer your question, there isn't a usual outcome to people shooting others as the consequences vary  

Thanks for answering the second part. Now what about the first part? i.e. "And is that a good thing to shoot at people just because you don't like them or is that a bad thing? "

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5 minutes ago, placeholder said:

Thanks for answering the second part. Now what about the first part? i.e. "And is that a good thing to shoot at people just because you don't like them or is that a bad thing? "

Is that a genuine question ?

  *Yes mate, its a good idea to shout anyone whom you don't like , people who don't indicate when turning , people who smoke ,  people who swear , people who dont take a shower often , shoot them all*

   Sarcasm alaert 

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8 hours ago, formanth said:

That is a very good point. So when's the compulsory military service happening?

And will you step in to lead the group and 'straighten 'em out ?

Good luck getting their attention from their phones or them not freaking out once they hear a gunshot not on Playstation.

If you do your job effectively, then any "good guys" won't have any need to "blow away" any "bad guys" because they will have been trained to give the utmost respect to firearms and society at large, right?


Which is the whole point of training "any civilian", right?  

What are you trying to say?

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Was this the Tulsa shooting?  if not more people were shot in Tulsa as well. The USA

is having an issue with its 2nd amendment, which is totally outdated. Too bad that Ted Cruz, Donald

Trump and other powerful Republicans are all supporters of the NRA, or should I say heavily

supported by the NRA. Yes lots of blood money on their hands.

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  • 2 weeks later...

For generations the US citizens have had hundreds of millions of firearms of all types but, since the VN era, parents have failed as a whole almost in the raising of their children properly.  The newest are more opinionated, lack morals of any kind, no religious feelings, spoiled rotten and just to much of a ""me first and only" society.  Too many of them feel entitled to benefits of all kinds yet have done absolutely nothing to deserve any benefits.  I read that Maine has the strictest gun laws but the lowest killings.  This is also true for many major cities including Chicago.  It is just about impossible to confiscate over 300 million firearms so more extreme laws against bad users of firearms should be passed to incarcerate those individuals for the rest of their lives.  That is my opinion anyway and I am a gun supporter though I don't need an AR-15 or the like, just a shotgun!


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