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The way Thai schools organise stuff...

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So, I have been driving my granddaughter 70 kilometres daily right through kindergarten up to government 'technical college' as they call it.  In her previous school we received, at least three times, on a Sunday evening, the SMS "No school tomorrow'... or next week, Covid evidently, so I guess acceptable. 

I had thought that a technical college would have got their act together as far as basic stuff like schedules etc are concerned.

Now, three weeks in, I don't think that a single day of lessons has finished at the scheduled times, meaning I get a come get me call at inconvenient times, like when I am eating, etc. On Friday night on Facebook... Facebook! she saw that she had to go to school on Saturday for a health check, probably take all day. So that was my Saturday plans all effed up. Got her there before 8am, nothing happened before 09.30am, and she was finished at midday. 

At least we know when her Autumn break starts, that's a first, but don't know when the break finishes. 

Is there any point in complaining? Is this generally the case in Thailand? 

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Thai schools are very unorganized. There is no planning at all. In my country we all know when the holidays start and when they end, when the tests are and many other things. Here in Thailand I was teaching in several schools and everything changes by the day not so by the minute. Sportsday was planned and I asked the when is it so I can plan my lessons that was 2 weeks before the sportsweek should start..Heard nothing anymore than suddenly On Friday " Oh teacher Monday no sportsweek. is delayed  and we don't know when , but I let you know again. The week after on Tuesday afternoon all lessons cancelled because a meeting about the sportsweek that would start the week after on Monday..Just an example as so many.. And yes you have to be available 7 days a week because they dare to tell you on Friday that on Saturday there is a meeting with parents, or an English Camp / boyscoyt activity on Saturday and Sunday. as a foreigner we make plans for the holidays, but that is very difficult because the schools never give a date . I learned that I start with my final tests mostly end of January or begin February as there so many things changed in the schedule every time that I can't finish in time ....and Every year the same, as the have to invent the wheel over and over again. And as a teacher you are expected to be available 7 days a week as the students too it seems.

Edited by ikke1959
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As a teacher I still don't know when the Fall holiday starts, or who my M.1 students are, as they keep bringin in new ones during the semester. I'm tellin y'all, teachin in Thailand ain't everything if ya can't handle uncertainties and general chaotic stuff and everything.

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On 6/12/2022 at 9:13 AM, Caldera said:

Isn't this more about how YOU organize stuff? They probably assume that their college students stay nearby (in a dorm or otherwise), not that they employ their grandfather as a chauffeur on call duty.

They don't care about 14 year olds driving the same distance on motorbikes, so I guess, no, my experience isn't unique.

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