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Savage Rottweiler attack on two year old in Pattaya: Owner meets police - faces jail and/or 10K fine


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4 minutes ago, sambum said:

I would think that 200 stitches should give you a good idea of the damages, and the mental damage to a 2 year old should be obvious!

200 or 2, all depends on where the stiches are. If head, no plastic surgery is needed, if face, it may still heal as he is a toddler, if mouth is disfigured, then may well need be.


Point of the post i made which the usual drama queen turned into a soap opera as he normally does, police are waiting for 2 parties to meet, and if they can agree on owner of the dog paying all the medical bills, including IF plastic surgery is needed.


Typical Thai visa clueless start to run their imagination wild, and come to conclusions without knowing anything.


I was bitten by my own dog right under the eyes (accident) 2 doctors told me i would need plastic surgery, when it healed, i did not need any plastic surgery. Have to wait and see how he is healing , unless a body part is seriously damaged, ie lips ripped out or something very bad. Stiches heal in time and some do not even leave a scar. my surgeries from young year can hardly see the scars.

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1 hour ago, renaissanc said:

I wouldn't be surprised! I hope that the dog apologised sincerely.

 read a report somewhere, that its not the first time this animal had lost its temper and bit someone !

Edited by riclag
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2 hours ago, pacovl46 said:

Why shouldn't Rottweilers be allowed to be kept???? The number of Rottweilers that attack someone in comparison to the number that are kept is quite small! 


The problem is NEVER the breed, but irresponsible keepers! 

Agree. I have friends here in UK who have had 3 Rottweilers over the years, 2 bitches and a dog. They have all been adopted from animal shelters, treated well and given loads of space to exercise. All 3 have been friendly, non-aggressive animals to have around.

Edited by VBF
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Rotties are not "savage" dogs. If raised right they are absolutely lovely animals. 


Yes, the owner should be in jail for letting his dog run free and for the damage the dog caused. Plus he should owe the family a large financial settlement and pay for all medical bills.


Also, some responsibility goes to the family of the child. If there are stray dogs around it's their responsibility to protect their child.


Dogs don't attack unless they're provoked. Something the child did made the dog feel uncomfortable and caused it to attack. So the parents should make sure that the child is secure when out of the house. 2 year olds should also not be "running free".


We have 6, count em, 6 dogs and they stay in our yard or when they are out on walks they are on a leash. This is a concept Thai people don't seem to get. We have a neighbor who lets their dog run free. Lovely animal who we've known since he was a pup, but when he's walking around it makes our dogs nuts and causes a lot of noise.


Many Thai people want dogs, but don't know how to care for them.

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4 hours ago, proton said:


'No mention was made of the dog in the INN story. 


The American Kennel Club says online that a "well-bred and properly raised Rottie will be calm and confident, courageous but not unduly aggressive.'


Well they would say that but the stats suggest something else- that they are aggressive and second only to the Pit Bull monsters for most attacks. Never mind a small fine, PUT THE DOG DOWN.

Well said! I'm browned off with the dirty noisy nuisance creatures. My next door neighbours for about seven years have recently moved out, thankfully. They kept nine (r) nine dogs in their garden. The new owner has two. Another neighbour moved a few days back, he had four dogs, the new owner also has four dogs, so no relief there. None of them are restrained, they just wander around barking at people and chasing bikes and motorbikes.

What's wrong with people that they have to keep more than one dog? I know from my own experience of dog ownership that it's easy to keep one dog under control, but difficult to train more than one. They egg each other on.

I'm not a complete dog hater (yet), I like to see a single well behaved animal and usually pet them, but these noisy, undisciplined things which you see wandering around here really put me off the creatures.

I would certainly support any dog caught attacking a person without provocation be put down immediately and jail time for the owner.

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The American Kennel Club says online that a "well-bred and properly raised Rottie will be calm and confident, courageous but not unduly aggressive.

Bunk.  Properly trained and under control of the owner.
I've been around wonderful Rotties.  They are the exception.  "My Rottie wouldn't hurt a fly!"  Yeah - until they do.
Most need a lot of hands on training.   Untrained Rotties will go after "weakness" in a person or another animals.  Including children or even 'weak' adults. 

Anyone who has a dog (I've got seven and two of them can cause damage and I'm aware of it - it's part of our defense-in-depth home security.  Should my dogs ever get out and hurt someone?  I'd be 100% at fault. 
And I'd take 100% responsibility.

So - It p***es me off to see owners trying to escape financial responsibility for their dog's behavior.  And Thailand's concept of compensation is absurd. Commoners get zilch.  Foreigner a little more than zilch if anything. 

200 stitches and the mental damage to go with it?  Put a price tag on that?  My bet?  The guy takes the 10,000 fine.  That will be less than the medical bills for the foreigner's kid.

And if that was my child?   Well - it's not my child.

Edited by connda
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4 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

Facing a cruel type of execution would be more appropriate. At a minimum, 5 years in prison, and the forfeiture of his home. 


This is serious business. Why is this being treated so lightly? Is he rich? Connected? 

Maybe because the child was a foreigner.....hopefully not!

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22 minutes ago, Jiggo said:

Force the owner to shoot his dog, then off to jail for quite a while...

He can’t. He’s half the world away at the moment and I’m sure he won’t be back to Thailand if Bangkok Hilton awaits.

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This poor kid have to suffer for life.

This is not the first time for this crazy dog

Owners must pay all medical bills and  .... at lease  10M 


... and this dog should be put to sleep ASAP


. . .

Edited by John7bkk
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This is just another example of a fundamental problem existing in Thailand regarding taking responsibility/ classifying criminal negligence as ‘accidental' and punishments not fitting the seriousness of the crime - hence the road accident statistics. It’s a cultural issue and a shortcoming which is largely endemic. 

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6 hours ago, worgeordie said:

200 stitches ....two year old child , yes he deserves jail.

a few months for him , a lifetime of suffering for the child.

regards worgeordie

The 200 stitches seem to have disappeared from the story. Expect further amendments in due course.

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8 hours ago, TheFishman1 said:

i’ve had several Rottweilers got them as pubs raise them and train them they were the best dogs I’ve ever had they would never just attacked a child a matter of fact our friends had little kids  The dog would sit by them and play with them and have a stranger came up to the child and the Rottweiler was there he would not attack the stranger right away but he would protect the child that’s their instinct I blame the owner of the dogs Rottweilers always get a bad rap I have many breeds of dogs and the Rottweiler by far was the best they’re loyal they’re calm and yes they’re good protection if somebody tries to break into your house but still they would just not attack for no reason

Incoherent ramble.

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