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Nearly one in three Americans say it may soon be necessary to take up arms against the government


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7 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

That gives you 4 months before burning season starts.

If he’s lucky, the burning is not the only contributing factor. Once it stops raining, in November or December, the air quality starts to deteriorate quite rapidly. Then in January the burning starts and it gets even worse. 
My plan to move there when I retire has been shelved a long time ago, just because of the atrocious air quality for 4-6 months a year, and the dogged unwillingness of the authorities to do something about it. 

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11 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

That gives you 4 months before burning season starts.

Honestly, the air in CM has gotten a lot better.  The nasty burning season only lasted about a month this year, and it wasn't that harsh.  Maybe it's the rain come early this year.  But I hold out some hope that the gov is doing "something" to help out the citizenry. 

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On 8/1/2022 at 11:53 PM, Berkshire said:

You're right, it's not happening.  Not in 10 years, not in a 100 years.  Doesn't matter how many guns these people have.  These white nationalists, militia groups, and all manner of right-wing nutters, they all talk a good game.  But if it means going to prison for their ideology, they all pee in their skirts.  They talk tough, but are mostly cowards. 

This post brings to mind that fellow who was arrested in relation to that Charlottesville tiki-torch rally in 2017.  He was an organizer, and maybe a week later when they caught up with him he cried, actual tears, said he didn't mean to hurt anybody, all that stuff about patriots shedding blood for love of country etc was just talk. 


Another cry-baby was an actual baby, the Rittenhouse boy.  Was I the only one who thought the bawling was phony, obviously performed previously for school principals and such?  (I have a nephew that does the same thing: when the going gets tough, CRY.)  Off the stand he is nowhere near contrite, even asked to have his assault weapon returned. 


Keep an eye on this lad, I'm expecting bigger things from him in the future.  He wants to go to college in Texas.  If his fellow students shun him for being what he is he just might get a new weapon and get the last word.  When he gets to court he knows he just has to turn on the tears, like last time.  But Texas being Texas, that good guy with the gun we hear about just might settle him down once and for all.



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