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Is this the end of Thailand's Tourist Industry?


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Governments that have good business advisors realize that when the going gets tough the regulations are withdrawn to be in line with or easier than competitors.

The military led government  imagines richer tourists want to jump hurdles. Clearly they don't. 

The tourism industry would like tourists of all financial shapes and sizes of course and don't expect only billionaires. 

Time for a shakeup in thinking by those at the top.

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Chicken feed explained. Approx. 1.5 million border runners, doing the trip every month, spent an average of 350'000 - 400'000 Baht per year each; do the maths and the mind boggles. 

The chicken feed was scared away to Cambodia, then the Russians came - and left, the Chinese came - and left and now it is the South Asians and Middle Easterners. Every tourism professional will confirm, that none of those groups are compatible per se with the Westerners (Europe, North America or Australia), although it was the Westerners being - by far - the best spending slice of the cake. 

Thailand went down the same way as Greece, Spain, some North African countries etc. A good product outpaced itself, got catapulted off the competition ramp by greedy cheaters, two-tier pricing and, in Thailand's case, complete overcomplication by the immigration goons with TM6, TM30 while longer term visitors are herded brainlessly into the immigration offices every 90 days; the extension procedure requires the same 2kgs of papers and photocopies, latter to be signed only with blue ink. 

For how long does Thailand think they can get away with it? In my opinion, the point of no return has passed quite some time ago, but explain that to the semi-divine Khon Thai and the ever-so-illogical masters of the successive governments of this beautiful country. 

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20 hours ago, Robin said:

I am soon to be returning to Thailand with no visa, after letting my Retirement visa expire while in UK, an shocked as to how difficult/ uncertain it is to get a visa to enter Thailand.

Huh?  What could be easier than visa exempt entry?

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20 hours ago, Robin said:

How many people are going o jump through the hoops set up by the current Junta, when there are plenty of other destinations much easier to get into?

The people who want to come to Thailand will, but, which "hoops"?

Edited by Liverpool Lou
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19 hours ago, internationalism said:

it's better then in 80ties.

you got now 30 days (not 28).

no insurance, no hotel booking. Still need vax certificate.

You need exit ticket within 30 days. That always was the case.

There are talks about 45 days visa exempt 

The 45 day visa exempt was not approved by whatever committee on 16th June since when, silence.

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11 hours ago, pomchop said:

i suspect that eventually nearly ALL the bar beers between beach road and second road will get shoved out, bulldozed to make room for more hotels/condos/shopping centers etc....won't happen over night but much of that land will become too valuable to support anything but highrises...just a matter of time..."good news:" is it will take a while and bars etc will get shoved further away from ocean but  will still be around in some form or another.

"won't happen overnight"...so we can call it Project Pantene? 


sorry, showing my age there ????

Edited by Lemsta69
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21 hours ago, Robin said:

 Thailand does not want  'ordinary' tourists; only 'high quality tourists' spending $500++ per day, and staying for 14 days.

Where has that been stated by Thai authorities?   It's ok, got it, nowhere.

Edited by Liverpool Lou
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20 hours ago, Robin said:

Thailand appears to think that everyone in the world wants or need o visit Thailand and will do or pay almost anything to do so

Which new costs, specifically, are now being charged to visitors that forces them "to pay almost anything" to enter? 

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20 hours ago, Robin said:

Is there any reason to visit Thailand in preference o other SE Asia destinations?

Will anyone, apart from Thais care?

You're welcome to go elsewhere (even though, ironically, you're coming here) but, you're right, no one will care if you don't, not even Thais.

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Once the CCP relaxes shut-downs and lockdowns of its 1.3bn people (and counting),

due to enforced Covid restrictions, Thailand will have a bottomless well of tourists to

keep dipping into. I believe the Thai government has one eye on this enormous potential

on the doorstep, which will again be unlocked at some stage, and can be somewhat

blasé about the future of tourism for the country as a money-spinner and foreign-

exchange earner. 


Tourists from other countries will simply be the cherry on the top of the sundae.

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15 hours ago, Lorry said:

And the feeling applying for a new visa or an extension is not nice - 

it used to be a mere formality,  now the possibility of rejection is very real. 

What are you talking about?  As it has always been, if you meet the requirements your application will not be rejected.

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The UK visa website gives contradictory information on the 60-day tourist visa. On one page it states the pre- covid fairly simple requirements but when you try to complete the online application you get all the <deleted> about declarations, £5k in a bank account for three months, proof of prepaid accommodation etc, etc.  And, of course, today's new rule.  This seems to be confused with the requirements of the STV which appears on another page and is all wrong, giving details of extending within Thailand not applying in the UK and if you arrive by cruise ship or yacht, as we all do. What a mess.  Ironically the Laos Thai Embassy website is still with the original requirements for the 60-day tourist visa, for which you can book a five-minute slot between 9 am to midday to submit the papers and B1k to collect the visa two days later.  
A very silly and pathetically stupid petty snobbery seems to have developed in Thai immigration combined with nasty mean-spirited xenophobia, which mostly damages Thai people working in hotels and tourism.  We can choose to go somewhere else, they cannot.  

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15 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

What has changed?

I still see lots of tourist who spend maybe 100 or 200 USD per day.

It's like having a shop and aiming for customers who buy the thing with the highest profit. Yes, you can aim for that, but lots of other customers still come and buy other things. And nobody tells those other customers to go away.


It's still easy for tourists to come to Thailand and enjoy a holiday.

I am not up to date about the regulations but I guess it's more difficult now for people to stay here many months or all the time. I.e. people who retire here need to have 800,000B in the bank. That's 2192B per day or about 60 USD per day. Is that a problem if Thailand wants that people have at least 60 USD per day? I don't think so.

And it's obviously up to Thailand and the Thai people.

Think about all the restrictions which other countries have for foreigners who want to live there all year long. Many countries have much stricter regulations than Thailand. And it's every country's right to have any restrictions they want. There is no such thing as a right for every person to live wherever they want.


Oh, come on, you're being rational and realistic, that's not going to go down well here!

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Indonesia has reverted to the VOA system instead of visa exempt. again.


half a mil for 30 days, extendable once for 30 days. Rupiah that is. and initially not at all ports of entry.


not at all easier than Thailand. try again because your first attempt at Thai bashing was a spectacular failure.

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9 hours ago, ExpatOilWorker said:

33% busy?

Airports of Thailand (AOT) President Nitinai Sirismatthakarn (centre) met with the Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) to discuss the lack of flight connections to Thailand which the airports boss revealed are only operating at 33% of the level seen in 2019.


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20 hours ago, The Hammer2021 said:

I don't really understand what the OP is suggesting.  I thought You can still roll up here for a 30 day visa/ no visa for most nationalities. And you can still extend.

Is the OP suggesting this is not possible?

Exactly, as far as visa exempt is concerned nothing much has changed.

The OP has a bee in his bonnet as he found the E-visa system a bit challenging.

Whether people like it or not it is no longer the 1980s and many only want to move with times when it suits them.

How many would be prepared to throw away their smartphones and go back to the days when all you had was a vandalised red box on the street corner. 


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31 minutes ago, Liverpool Lou said:


my thoughts are Thailand made their bed ... what with all the quarantine and who knows how many folks were cheated out of their money because everyone wanted a piece of the pie. 

I wouldn't believe half of their test results as it's always about cheating and getting money. 

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3 minutes ago, sandyf said:

Exactly, as far as visa exempt is concerned nothing much has changed.

The OP has a bee in his bonnet as he found the E-visa system a bit challenging.

Whether people like it or not it is no longer the 1980s and many only want to move with times when it suits them.

How many would be prepared to throw away their smartphones and go back to the days when all you had was a vandalised red box on the street corner. 


A vandalised phone box smelling of p짚!


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21 hours ago, Farang two dot zero said:

Fully agree with your analysis this selection by money may be valid for retirees but certainly not for tourists looking for cheap exoticism !

sorry to say this is the case - thai government cant see the true facts .really not wanting  ordinary tourist- their loss 

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