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TAT to Propose Visa Extension for Tourists


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12 minutes ago, Gknrd said:

Are you doing this?  It is a joke plain and simple. As much as I like Thailand is is a pain in the A$$. And I am not a cheap Charlie.  As I have stated I have looked into it. Pass, pass pass. 

Wasn't to bad before the laws changed on the retirement visa for westerners. I would put up with the nonsense of 90 reports and address changes. Now???  please. Thailand is a place to avoid at all costs for people with the funds to travel 6 months a year for a stress free retirement.

Nobody with the funds to have a second home is going to come to Thailand from the western world plain and simple. 


Thailand got arragant before covid and no matter what they did mattered for tourism. China?  the saving grace was Thailand's savior.  What a joke. If Thailand would of had a brain they would of know China is in decline and Covid only speeded things up.


To late for Thailand as a retirement destination now. No way no how. 

Not a cheap charlie but you won't pay 1900 baht for a visa extension! ?   90 day reports are not an insurmountable problem for the many people who, contrary to your thinking ,do indeed continue to  come to their second home from the western world.for extended stays and enjoy a stress free existence  (90 day reports can even be done online now!  are you aware of that ?)  what recent changes have now caused you to consider that Thailand is now to be avoided at all "costs"      the use of the word "costs" being further evidence of  "cheap charlie" status   can you not afford to put a bit of money in the bank over here and enjoy the freedoms offered by a retirement extension which is easily obtained at ones local immigration office with out needing to "jump through hoops"


"Nobody with the funds to have a second home is going to come to Thailand from the western world plain and simple. "

without doubt one of the most ridiculous statements I have read on here today ,   plain and simple

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19 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

According to him, TAT will also propose to end the requirement for visitors arriving by land from Laos and Malaysia to fill in the TM6 immigration form to facilitate their visits and prevent crowding at immigration checkpoints.

Complete waste of time anyway


Never put an honest address on there 

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19 minutes ago, Gknrd said:

Exactly, Thailand is a place to avoid at all costs IMO if retired. If you want to go stay a month or so it is ok. Other than that you would have to be nuts... haha

I travel all over the world, this is the worst place I have ever visited as far as immigration. 

Not to mention nickel and dimming you to death. What a racket.

Clearly you do not travel "all over the world" if that was the case you would be more informed as to other countries more onerous visa requirements. Fortunately (for the rest of us ) you are under no obligation to return here so why not just save your breath (and your money) and go to a place that you prefer, Common sense really, why stay where you are not wanted ? when other places are so much more inviting. Or would you be bored from not having enough to whinge about ?

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8 minutes ago, Bday Prang said:

Clearly you do not travel "all over the world" if that was the case you would be more informed as to other countries more onerous visa requirements. Fortunately (for the rest of us ) you are under no obligation to return here so why not just save your breath (and your money) and go to a place that you prefer, Common sense really, why stay where you are not wanted ? when other places are so much more inviting. Or would you be bored from not having enough to whinge about ?

Just back from Mexico and South America, stayed six months at 0 costs to me. If I want a retirement visa there all I have to show in Mexico is 150K US dollars.  

You clearly do not know what you are talking about. 

Didn't say I did not like it here. It is just not a retirement destination plain and simple. Or a destination for a relaxed extended stay. To bad really.

Been coming here and many other countries in the area for many many years.

Edited by Gknrd
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5 minutes ago, Gknrd said:

We will see, lets resurrect this in about 5 years and see where things stand. 

As of now, it's a pain in the a$$. With absolutely no incentive to make it a place to consider for me anyway.

To many other places that make a much more attractive and easy 6 month destination.

No incentive for you to consider as a place to visit ??  So I assume you are not actually here. So why on earth are you posting on this site.. Or if I am wrong and you are here, then why ? why did you come here ? presumably just to moan ?   Or  have  you recently  suffered some sort of "rejection" by the immigration  authorities here. yours is a classic response to that possibility

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4 hours ago, charmonman said:

I think they already tried that. Virtually no tourism for most of 2020, all of 2021, and the first half of 2022. Apparently it wasn’t working out so well. %10 is a pretty low estimate especially when considering multiplier effects.

Yes, 10% is a very low estimate, I have seen it estimated up to near 20%

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5 minutes ago, Bday Prang said:

No incentive for you to consider as a place to visit ??  So I assume you are not actually here. So why on earth are you posting on this site.. Or if I am wrong and you are here, then why ? why did you come here ? presumably just to moan ?   Or  have  you recently  suffered some sort of "rejection" by the immigration  authorities here. yours is a classic response to that possibility

In BKK as of right now. No rejection by immigration what so ever. Love it here and have been coming here for years. But, with the hassles now if I don't want to put 800K in the bank makes it a pretty Pi$$ poor destination. 

If you can read you would know that!  I assume you can read my other posts? Or is English not your language.

Edited by Gknrd
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3 hours ago, waders123 said:

Why not offer at the airport or border-crossing a choice, to qualified incoming visitors, an option of 30, 60, or 90 day visas?  Set the costs at say for 30-day free, 60-day 1000bht, and 90-day 2000bht?  You pay with a Credit card or baht to immigration and get your passport stamped; off you go.   This would be more streamlined, less hassle, and easier way to entice more tourists to visit Thailand.

That’ll keep the Immigration queues down.

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Slight problem in that the proposal is for the measure to continue up to 31/12/2022 .

That's only 4 months ahead.

This is not going to be practical for many, if not most  people as they have to arrange flights ,leave from work etc months in advance. Especially if you need a reasonably priced air ticket .

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4 hours ago, NorthernRyland said:

Stingy as usual. Why not 6 months? Are they weighing the pros and cons and decided that 6 months would be too much while 2 weeks is safe, considering the damage these people could do. Imagine all the terrible things that could happen if Europeans got into Thailand for a whole 6 months. It's not even worth considering.

Maybe they are thinking of all the potential money they would lose on  getting extensions, or permission to stay?

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10 minutes ago, Gknrd said:

Just back from Mexico and South America, stayed six months at 0 costs to me. If I want a retirement visa there all I have to show in Mexico is 150K US dollars.  

You clearly do not know what you are talking about. 

Didn't say I did not like it here. It is just not a retirement destination plain and simple. Or a destination for a relaxed extended stay. To bad really.

Been coming here and many other countries in the area for many many years.

Bearing in mind my assumed difficulty in understanding the English language as highlighted in another of your posts, I may be forgiven for thinking that you stayed in Mexico and South America for free!   "0 costs to me" were you actual words  If that is the case I would stay there 

I may not know what I am talking about. but I do know that $150k equates to over 5 million Baht which is far in excess of the money required for a retirement extension.


I don't normally play the part of a grammar policeman but if you are going to question my English language abilities perhaps you should read what you wrote in a previous post...


 "Thailand got arragant before covid and no matter what they did mattered for tourism. China?  the saving grace was Thailand's savior.  What a joke. If Thailand would of had a brain they would of know China is in decline and Covid only speeded things up."


No way that was written by a native speaker   sorry



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37 minutes ago, Gknrd said:

We will see, lets resurrect this in about 5 years and see where things stand. 

As of now, it's a pain in the a$$. With absolutely no incentive to make it a place to consider for me anyway.

To many other places that make a much more attractive and easy 6 month destination.


So far in my one month here I have wasted several days. 

1: Wanted a letter to gat a drivers license.  Waited in immigration 3 hours and they charged me 500 baht for the letter.

2: Wanted a letter to open a bank account 500 baht and another 3 hours. Then the hassle at the bank was another 4 hours.

3: Decided I would bite the bullet and put in the 800K, but changed my mind as I still have a home elsewhere and I do not support the current government.

4: Now have to leave after about two months and get a tourist visa if I want to come back. Then do visa runs to stay longer on that.


Give me a break.  

strange why somebody with no intention of staying here would apply for a driving license and a bank account and then even stranger.. having opened a bank account deciding not to deposit money in the bank . not because you don't want to stay here, but because you feel you would be supporting the government.   lol  I'm sure they will miss your support

I can do more than give you a break . I can offer you an alternative,  Just leave and don't come back  Problem solved

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49 minutes ago, Gknrd said:

We will see, lets resurrect this in about 5 years and see where things stand. 

As of now, it's a pain in the a$$. With absolutely no incentive to make it a place to consider for me anyway.

To many other places that make a much more attractive and easy 6 month destination.


So far in my one month here I have wasted several days. 

1: Wanted a letter to gat a drivers license.  Waited in immigration 3 hours and they charged me 500 baht for the letter.

2: Wanted a letter to open a bank account 500 baht and another 3 hours. Then the hassle at the bank was another 4 hours.

3: Decided I would bite the bullet and put in the 800K, but changed my mind as I still have a home elsewhere and I do not support the current government.

4: Now have to leave after about two months and get a tourist visa if I want to come back. Then do visa runs to stay longer on that.


Give me a break.  

So now there is no incentive "for me  anyway"  implying you speak only for yourself 

but an hour ago....

"Nobody with the funds to have a second home is going to come to Thailand from the western world plain and simple. "

You were speaking on behalf of everybody with the necessary funds

Has there been a very recent change in immigration policy ( like within the last hour)  or have you realised that what you wrote before was just plain wrong  I'll let you answer that 


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1 hour ago, Gknrd said:

Exactly, Thailand is a place to avoid at all costs IMO if retired. If you want to go stay a month or so it is ok. Other than that you would have to be nuts... haha

I travel all over the world, this is the worst place I have ever visited as far as immigration. 

Not to mention nickel and dimming you to death. What a racket.

but you keep returning,  why ?

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9 hours ago, it is what it is said:

the truth goes like this: "Without foreigners - both workers and tourists - the kingdom's economy has no future whatsoever."


not accurate, tourism only contributes around 11%-12% of GDP, if thailand really wanted to it could pivot its economy and rely less on tourism

Sorry but you really have no idea what you are talking about. The workforce in Thailand is shrinking and the population is ageing. Without foreigners, Thailand is DEAD. It's just a fact.


And I'm talking Burmese fishermen, Western retirees, Indian tourists, Japanese business men, you name it...

Edited by Baron Samedi
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9 hours ago, Iamfalang said:

Thai durian has outranked rice and para rubber as Thailand’s top export performer, with export volume last year estimated at about 187 billion baht, compared to 100 billion baht for rice exports and 90 billion baht for rubber, according to the Centre for International Trade Studies at the University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce.




NO NO NO!!! I am falang, I buy 20 baht noodle soup and get 150 baht massage!!!  I am the most important thing in Thailand.  Without my 20 baht this country would fail!!!!!!!!!!!!!

With such astonishing results, I'm wondering why the durian farm worker still sends his daughters to Pattaya? Could it be that the tourist industry is more lucrative for the average family than agriculture?


Anyway I don't understand the point you're trying to make by cherry picking stats...

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15 minutes ago, Andycoops said:

TAT, the world hub of proposals, hot air, predictions, estimates and no substance.

A completely clueless, useless organisation that should be totally scrapped.

That's probably very true, but who would replace them ? I don't think there would be many volunteers who could do any better, Its a bit of an unenviable job in the face of Raging inflation , shrinking economies , possible WW3 , Recent Pandemic , and whatever else they dream up to throw at us. Holidays may still be possible at present but I fear there is going to be bit of "belt tightening" required soon enough and holidays along with other luxuries will become a distant memory for some.


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