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Biden suggests voting for Republicans is a threat to democracy


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The democratic party including Biden should stop taking about Americans and instead try talking TO THEM as Reagan, Trump and others did. He may have a better chance of saving what few votes remain for dems on Nov 8.


If half the voters are a threat to democracy as Biden suggests, (whatever the Biden definition of democracy may be, America is not a democracy, it is a constitutional republic, N Korea, and former E Germany are democratic republics), then what’s Biden plan to deal with this threat? He has no plan, just more vitriol aimed at any voters he dislikes and who vote republican. To Biden and leftists, democracy appears to mean that state of equilibrium reached when everyone votes the way they are instructed.


There will be a solution though and soon, tune in November 8th for the GOP and tens of millions of voters answer to and provide their solution for democracy.

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7 hours ago, Hanaguma said:

To be honest a big part of the problem has been that voting laws and systems changed so suddenly in 2020. The advent of more voting by mail, extended periods of advance voting and so on make it look very easy to cheat.  For a lot of people, voting means going to the polls on election day, proving you are eligible to vote, and voting. Anything that messes with that simple system can be easy to corrupt. 

That "simple system" has been corrupted through-out US history through voter intimidation and restrictions on voter registration.


However the increased use of vote-by-mail, early voting and voter drop boxes has so far resulted in a trivial amount of fraud.


I extend to you the invitation I am now extending to everyone who claims it is easy to cheat through vote-by-mail, extended voting, etc.:  How can you easily cheat and get away with it?  All these voting methods involve identifying yourself and leaving a paper trail.

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On 11/7/2022 at 11:16 AM, Saanim said:

Do you have a plausible attribution to your statement?


Do I really need to provide links to show that Trump has repeatedly claimed the 2020 election was stolen?  I thought that was common knowledge, but here you go:  https://www.forbes.com/sites/andrewsolender/2020/11/29/all-the-elections-trump-has-claimed-were-stolen-through-voter-fraud/


I hope Forbes isn't too liberal and left-wing for you.  You can easily find other sources.


Now if the problem is that you don't see how undermining people's faith in election integrity without credible evidence is a threat to democracy, I can't help you. 

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32 minutes ago, heybruce said:

That "simple system" has been corrupted through-out US history through voter intimidation and restrictions on voter registration.


However the increased use of vote-by-mail, early voting and voter drop boxes has so far resulted in a trivial amount of fraud.


I extend to you the invitation I am now extending to everyone who claims it is easy to cheat through vote-by-mail, extended voting, etc.:  How can you easily cheat and get away with it?  All these voting methods involve identifying yourself and leaving a paper trail.

Those are very general questions. If all comes down to what each state decides. According to the National Conference of State Legislators, only 8 states require photo ID to vote. Four more will also accept non photo ID. That leaves 38 states where any form of ID is not needed.



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1 hour ago, Phoenix Rising said:

If, by that reply, you categorize trump as a "true leader" then you and I live in different universes. In the universe I inhabit trump is obviously not even fit to lead a gaggle of geese across a lightly trafficked road.

Well Biden is and I'm sure some of the geese might make it to the other side of the road.

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1 hour ago, Hanaguma said:

Those are very general questions. If all comes down to what each state decides. According to the National Conference of State Legislators, only 8 states require photo ID to vote. Four more will also accept non photo ID. That leaves 38 states where any form of ID is not needed.



It's all very simple, and history has shown it to be very resistant to fraud.  Perhaps you've been through the procedure.


You register to vote.  This involves proving your identity through birth date, social security, driver's license number, or some other manner(s).  When you show up to vote you identify yourself.  The workers at the voter precinct check their list of registered voters for that precinct and, if you are on the list, allow you to vote.  After you vote your name is checked on the list to prevent you from voting again.  All this can happen with or without a photo ID.  The pictures in photo ID's are sometimes so bad or dated as to be of little use anyway.


You are only allowed to vote in person in one specific precinct.  If you show up to vote and find that someone else identified themselves as you and voted in your place, you can complain to election officials, police, the press, etc.  I don't ever recall any reports of that happening.


The problem with voting in person is that it often involves long lines, and not all precincts are in easily accessible locations.  This is most often a problem in poor and/or urban areas.  People who don't want poor or urban people to vote like to make it difficult.


Voting by mail involves similar security checks.  Conducting massive vote-by-mail fraud would involve a lot of work identifying people who are eligible to vote but (probably) won't, registering in their names with sufficient information to "prove" you are the people you are trying to vote for, giving an address for delivery of the absentee ballot (who's address will you use?), returning the ballots in sufficient quantities to affect the outcome of the election, and hoping none of the people you are illegally voting for find out someone voted for them.  All of these steps involve a paper or digital trail, and of course involve the address you need to provide to receive the ballots.  You will put yourself in significant legal jeopardy.


The fact that you don't hear or read about fraud of this nature is not because it is easy, but because it is difficult, very risky, and has very little prospect of affecting an election.


The most common voter fraud I've read about is from people wealthy enough to have residences in two or more states, making it comparatively easy to register to vote in both or all these locations.  However these tend to be well off, conservative, Republican leaning people, so the Republican Party doesn't make much of an issue about them.


Now I'll repeat my question:  How is anyone going to commit election fraud?  Why would anyone do all that work and take on so much risk for so uncertain an outcome?  Why is there no evidence of this kind of widespread fraud?


Just because Trump and other election deniers say that it happens doesn't make it true.

Edited by heybruce
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This was back in Sept when most believed in Biden's recent remarks, lets see how this plays out now:


Majority sees Trump MAGA movement as threat to democracy: poll


A majority of Americans believe former President Trump and his “Make America Great Again” movement poses a threat to democracy, according to a new Reuters-Ipsos poll. 


One in 4 Republicans agreed that the party’s MAGA wing is a threat to democracy, while 60 percent said they don’t believe Trump’s movement represents the majority of their party, the poll said. 



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14 hours ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

I am quite sure that every voter in the USA is aware of what happened and they haven't forgot about it , so no need to remind anyone of anything .

   It was a protest /demonstration that went too far and got out of hand , but at the end of the day all the demonstrators went home and things continued as normal and Biden received the Presidency . 

   Now the Dems are getting a much mileage out of that as possible and trying to portray it as a threat to democracy.................even though it ended up being democratic last time .

   (And BTW , lets forget about all those who never accepted Trump as their President and tried for four years yo over turn THAT election result) (And the current attempts to stop him from running in the next elections) 

John Oliver can be a mixed bag but you might like to watch his show tonight on youtube to get the gist of the risk of what is happening if you genuinely do not see it. So many candidates denying Trump lost and shouting about voter fraud that never happened.

There's a difference between a few democrats raising issues once or twice after Trump won and such a widespread disrespect of free and fair elections based on such dodgy conspiracies in this case. 

The irony is that Republicans would probably do well on Tuesday without the lies and nonsense. Inflation is a b i t c h.  

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1 hour ago, Eric Loh said:

Never was inspired by him that he would lead the country and the free world to a better place.

I am sure USA and the world is better place under the Biden admin, but please show me and other's exactly what is better.


Trump's approval is higher than Biden's, and will increase likely, and should not come as a surprise.


Trump approval_NOV-4_Rasmussan.jpg

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4 minutes ago, dotcalm said:

I am sure USA and the world is better place under the Biden admin, but please show me and other's exactly what is better.


Trump's approval is higher than Biden's, and will increase likely, and should not come as a surprise.


Trump approval_NOV-4_Rasmussan.jpg

Rasmussen??  Totally right wing bias.  Do you guys ever read anything that's not right wing propaganda?

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1 hour ago, vandeventer said:

You are from a different planet, everything Trump did right Biden changed, that's why America is in deep trouble.  It'd a shame you can't see that as many Democrats are switching sides on the 8 of November.

Right, strengthening NATO, confronting Russia, improving relations with our east Asia allies, passing an infrastructure bill that Trump never could pass....All are big mistakes in your mind.

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5 minutes ago, heybruce said:

Right, strengthening NATO, confronting Russia, improving relations with our east Asia allies, passing an infrastructure bill that Trump never could pass....All are big mistakes in your mind.

Well, American voters probably care less about NATO, Asia, etc and care more about the economy, crime, border security, CRT, their children's education, inflation, energy deficits, wokeness,  and the list goes on and on and NOTHING of Biden policies or actions have added value to any American's lives and the proof will be front and center on November 8th. Just go buy gas and some groceries before you vote!

Iran, N Korea, China, Russia all gonna take advantage of Biden's ineptness, and they already are.


Biden is a failure of epic proportions and the dems are going to burn in 36 hours!

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6 minutes ago, candide said:

Only a bit better, but still better than Trump!




Biden, your hero. 

Say good bye to him and the house, senate.

There's no hope for anything Biden at this point

It's over for them. 

Biden is destroying America.




Edited by dotcalm
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3 minutes ago, dotcalm said:

Trump is better, always has been and always will be. Biden is a loser, a liar, a cheat, an outright plagiarist been caught cheating in law school, has totally screwed up US foreign policy and energy policies at home and abroad and is laughed at and disrespected globally.

He quite likely is the laughing stock of the world and it's easy to see why. He dropped the ball big time in the Afghan gong show withdrawal. Americans died  because of him.

He's a failure, but if he has a few polls where his popularity is close to Trump, so what! 

Biden is a failure and you will see this play out November 8.

His own party wants nothing to do with him and they showed as much during his unwelcome during recent democratic election campaigning. Biden's not well liked by anyone now. He's done. You'll see in a mere 36 hours or so and in 2024 if he lasts that long.

Anyway it's off topic. The topic is MAGA being a threat to democracy.

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1 minute ago, Jingthing said:

Dude, democrats have known for a long time that it is highly likely they will lose the house in the midterms. Losing seats is standard in the midterms for the party more in power, and given the slim majority, it would be a wonderful shock and not expected to hold the house.

Lol...ok "dude"


Biden's got it all under control.


No need to worry, but just the same red wave it is.


Nobody votes for Biden's America disaster plan.

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7 minutes ago, dotcalm said:

Then all is good except about 120M or so voters are going to decide that for you and it looks like red is the color and the democratic party is out.

As has been explained, that is normal at this point in an election cycle.  Remind yourself of what happened in 2018.

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