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Video: "British" man mown down on Pattaya zebra crossing - multiple injuries, will report to police today


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If you have not been to the UK recently , I would suggest you also do not rely on people stopping at pedestrian crossings when you visit the UK.

There are huge numbers of unlicensed ,uninsured and untaxed drivers on the road. Plus many who originally learned to drive-in other countries where driving standards are appalling.  

Added to this is the absenceof road policing  in some areas, especially Kent. Not as bad as Thailand, but you do need to wait for traffic to slow/stop and watch for idiots while crossing. Many drivers in the UK speed up to intimidate pedestrians to stop them from even attempting to cross!!

Obviously  in LOS all the above applies in spades.

I witnessed a pedestrian fatality once in Thailand. Five minutes later the body was carted off in a pick up , no road closure while the incident was investigated and evidence gathered. So no chance of any prosecution.

It's your life, please take care of it and take extreme care when crossing roads.


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11 hours ago, 2009 said:

Thais are fine at driving a vehicle, but it's their attitude on the road that stinks. 

Flicking head lights 1000 meters to say they are coming and you must not impede their path! 555

In the states its the opposite ( the flickering is to acknowledge the other vehicle can go . This is understood but its use is officially frowned upon  .


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