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Are you actually hungry ? Habit or need ?

The Cobra

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My trigger point is 13 stones (82.5 kg) and I hit that on boxing day last. I threw away my old analogue scales, who's dial I could barely read and bought myself a good digital machine. this I've placed in a prominent place in my lounge so I can't avoid it. I swore to get down to 11 stones (70 kg) in two months, which I easily achieved by:


Drinking whisky with soda instead of sugary mixers (I don't drink beer, ever).

Eating high fibre cerial for breakfast with almond milk.

Eating lots of fish, boiled vegetables and fruit.

Cut out butter on my toast and sandwiches.

Bought the missus an air fryer so very little oil consumed.

With the help of a sensitive front tooth, cut out all food and drink containing more than a small amount of sugar.

Cut out low fat desserts (tend to load up with sugar to compensate) and diet drinks and yoghurt which somehow make my weight increase, also aggravate my dodgy tooth        (Believe it's the acid).

Stopped having my late evening bag of crisps.

Drink lots of water instead of coffee, becomes normal after a few days and the more you drink the thinner you get.

A good walk, bike ride or swim every couple of days, but I've being doing this for years anyway.


More or less sticking to the above do's and don'ts and my weight has more or less levelled out at around 71 kg. I hardly ever feel hungry.


Works for me but probably not for everybody. The thing I mainly put the weight loss to is having the digital scales somewhere where you're almost tripping over them and being able to read the display easily whilst standing.



Edited by jesimps
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