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5 minutes ago, fredwiggy said:

Assuming things you know nothing about again. It would be best if you stopped replying because it just shows hate and ignorance. I am neither brainwashed or need any sympathy from you. Actually, I feel sorry that your mind is closed to God, because he is the only chance you have to have anything after this life. I've mentioned that I'm not into any particular religion, being a Christian, looking at Jesus as God's son and our best chance at entering Heaven. I am a good, decent person, for the way I treat my significant other, my children and other people, and that won't get me into Heaven like knowing God will. You're saying God is evil and he created people in the first place, you being one of them. People can be evil, as many world leaders have shown us. Answer me one question. Just how do you think this world came to be? Because anyone that believes that the universe just happened by chance isn't too bright, as there has never been any proof otherwise. A creator now, that makes sense, especially as I've mentioned, the earth is the only planet we know that has life, and it just happened to occur just the exact distance from our sun to enable life to occur, and has everything life needs to sustain itself. A stroke of luck perhaps? And how did this life happen? All from one explosion many years ago, and out of this explosion came not just all the planets and stars in the universe, but all the species on earth, and the intricacies of the human brain and it's wonders of creation itself? Everything every species, including us, needs to survive is here. Another wall of text, with no substance? You haven't said one word to support another possibility. If you don't believe there's a God, why do you call him a murderer, petty, evil, nasty or enslavement endorsing, when it's people who have done this since the beginning? He has reasons why he doesn't yet intervene, or maybe he sometimes has, and we haven't seen it. People, including children, have come back from being clinically dead, and have mentioned seeing something, and children of telling things they couldn't possibly have known. A Myanmar monk was dead for three days, and about to be burned at the temple, when he came back, and mentioned he saw Buddha in hell. Hard to explain. Things happen all the time with no explanation, miracles have happened, or are they just coincidences?










Big surprise, another wall of poorly formated nonsense, full of anecdotes and nothing to back up your claims.


If your god is almighty then he could stop torture, murder, rape, and a plethora of other horrible things in the world with the flick of a finger. He chooses not to, and you justify that by calling it "free will", all with the goal of you personally going to heaven. That's not the mark of a good person. Quite the opposite.


"and it just happened to occur just the exact distance from our sun"


I repeat: Earth's distance to the sun fluctuates GREATLY. It's not at some magical distance where one slight shift would cause it to not be able to support life. And I again point you to the allegory with the puddle. The pothole wasn't created to perfectly fit the puddle, the puddle adapted to the circumstances.


"Just how do you think this world came to be?"


You can read up on the Big Bang here, on a level even you should be able to understand. As to what existed before that, we don't know, and that's totally fine. We're not gonna scream "Science did it!" and pretend like that is the end of it. We're going to create hypothesis and theories, and see what the evidence points at, like grown-ups. Even if the Big Bang should be proven to be false, you're not one step closer to proving that the Christian god created the world. You have 5000 other gods to compete with, with vastly differing and contradicting ideas as to how it happened.


"You haven't said one word to support another possibility."


I have, but you're to thick to take it in, apparently. The information is there for you to read and possibly understand. I can't force you to. The Big Bang, evolution, cosmology, etc. There's a reason religion is referred to as a "steadily shrinking bubble of ignorance".


"If you don't believe there's a God, why do you call him..."


Because this imaginary, evil monster is what you worship and defend. Imagine defending John Wayne Gacy or Ted Bundy, saying: "They probably had their reasons! It's beyond your understanding! It's all about free will!"


"All from one explosion many years ago, and out of this explosion came not just all the planets and stars in the universe, but all the species on earth, and the intricacies of the human brain and it's wonders of creation itself?"


Thank you for proving without any reasonable doubt that you have no idea what you're talking about ???? Again, read up on what the Big Bang actually was and how it lead to the formation of stars, planets, etc. You can then move on to evolution for elementary students. I'd advice you to take a closer look on the deficiencies, flaws, and vestigual elements of the human body, since many Christians have this weird idea of it being "perfect".


"A Myanmar monk was dead for three days, and about to be burned at the temple, when he came back, and mentioned he saw Buddha in hell. Hard to explain."


A Hindu was dead for several days and said he met Vishnu, Shiva, and the rest of the gang, who told him they are the only gods in the world and that all other religions are wrong. Hard to explain that. I guess we have proof that Hindus were right all along. Because that's how anecdotes work, right?

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1 hour ago, Myran said:

Big surprise, another wall of poorly formated nonsense, full of anecdotes and nothing to back up your claims.


If your god is almighty then he could stop torture, murder, rape, and a plethora of other horrible things in the world with the flick of a finger. He chooses not to, and you justify that by calling it "free will", all with the goal of you personally going to heaven. That's not the mark of a good person. Quite the opposite.


"and it just happened to occur just the exact distance from our sun"


I repeat: Earth's distance to the sun fluctuates GREATLY. It's not at some magical distance where one slight shift would cause it to not be able to support life. And I again point you to the allegory with the puddle. The pothole wasn't created to perfectly fit the puddle, the puddle adapted to the circumstances.


"Just how do you think this world came to be?"


You can read up on the Big Bang here, on a level even you should be able to understand. As to what existed before that, we don't know, and that's totally fine. We're not gonna scream "Science did it!" and pretend like that is the end of it. We're going to create hypothesis and theories, and see what the evidence points at, like grown-ups. Even if the Big Bang should be proven to be false, you're not one step closer to proving that the Christian god created the world. You have 5000 other gods to compete with, with vastly differing and contradicting ideas as to how it happened.


"You haven't said one word to support another possibility."


I have, but you're to thick to take it in, apparently. The information is there for you to read and possibly understand. I can't force you to. The Big Bang, evolution, cosmology, etc. There's a reason religion is referred to as a "steadily shrinking bubble of ignorance".


"If you don't believe there's a God, why do you call him..."


Because this imaginary, evil monster is what you worship and defend. Imagine defending John Wayne Gacy or Ted Bundy, saying: "They probably had their reasons! It's beyond your understanding! It's all about free will!"


"All from one explosion many years ago, and out of this explosion came not just all the planets and stars in the universe, but all the species on earth, and the intricacies of the human brain and it's wonders of creation itself?"


Thank you for proving without any reasonable doubt that you have no idea what you're talking about ???? Again, read up on what the Big Bang actually was and how it lead to the formation of stars, planets, etc. You can then move on to evolution for elementary students. I'd advice you to take a closer look on the deficiencies, flaws, and vestigual elements of the human body, since many Christians have this weird idea of it being "perfect".


"A Myanmar monk was dead for three days, and about to be burned at the temple, when he came back, and mentioned he saw Buddha in hell. Hard to explain."


A Hindu was dead for several days and said he met Vishnu, Shiva, and the rest of the gang, who told him they are the only gods in the world and that all other religions are wrong. Hard to explain that. I guess we have proof that Hindus were right all along. Because that's how anecdotes work, right?

I think I explained why God allows things to happen, but you might have missed that in lieu of just not reading what I posted and formulating your own opinion. WE have free will, not God. He allows us to do whatever we want, hopefully abiding by his laws, and gives us the chance to choose his ways our own own selfish ways. Eccentricity allows the earth to fluctuate in distance from the sun by 1.7%, something we learned many years ago. The earth's movement is called an ellipse, another thing we knew in grade school. But it still remains a perfect distance away to allow life to flourish, unlike other planets in our solar system. If the earth adapted to this, how did that come to be? Oh I forgot, the explosion. Again, you assume you know what I can or cannot understand. Kinda arrogant, and maybe a little narcissistic. You have no idea how much I know about anything, and if you did, you would vanish from this forum very embarrassed.                                                                                                         You say there are 5000 other gods, with vastly different ideas on how this universe was created, and I say there's only one. How do you know how many gods there are if they don't exist? You are still, again, believing other people and their theories, none of which has been proven either, on how things came to be. How is that different than my thinking, which makes more sense, than theirs?                                                                                                                                                                                         Gacy and Bundy did have their reasons, It's called insanity, and coming from a background of abuse and hatred towards women, or mental illnesses that may have been inherited, like schizophrenia.                                                                                       I know what the Big Bang is about, but what made it happen? Did it just happen, or was it God's doing? I'm guessing you can't answer that without googling another scientists viewpoint.                                                                                                                 The human body is far from perfect. It isn't supposed to last forever, and that's exactly why we believe in God. We know we're all going to die, and it usually is from the body, which no one calls perfect, wearing out. It's an amazing thing, but still has flaws, which God put there so we would have faith in believing in the afterlife, knowing full well these bodies will fail us all. Pretty simple actually, if you spend a moment and think about it. Spend more time thinking about what to do in your life instead of trying to put down someone that is far more knowledgeable than you could imagine. It isn't working and only makes you look like someone who doesn't try and help others.

Edited by fredwiggy
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1 hour ago, fredwiggy said:

As far as ascending into heaven, that's between me and the God I believe in.

According to the church, salvation can only be achieved through the church and it's representatives.

Edited by BritManToo
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24 minutes ago, fredwiggy said:

I think I explained why God allows things to happen, but you might have missed that in lieu of just not reading what I posted and formulating your own opinion. WE have free will, not God. He allows us to do whatever we want, hopefully abiding by his laws, and gives us the chance to choose his ways our own own selfish ways. Eccentricity allows the earth to fluctuate in distance from the sun by 1.7%, something we learned many years ago. The earth's movement is called an ellipse, another thing we knew in grade school. But it still remains a perfect distance away to allow life to flourish, unlike other planets in our solar system. If the earth adapted to this, how did that come to be? Oh I forgot, the explosion. Again, you assume you know what I can or cannot understand. Kinda arrogant, and maybe a little narcissistic. You have no idea how much I know about anything, and if you did, you would vanish from this forum very embarrassed.                                                                                                         You say there are 5000 other gods, with vastly different ideas on how this universe was created, and I say there's only one. How do you know how many gods there are if they don't exist? You are still, again, believing other people and their theories, none of which has been proven either, on how things came to be. How is that different than my thinking, which makes more sense, than theirs?                                                                                                                                                                                         Gacy and Bundy did have their reasons, It's called insanity, and coming from a background of abuse and hatred towards women, or mental illnesses that may have been inherited, like schizophrenia.                                                                                       I know what the Big Bang is about, but what made it happen? Did it just happen, or was it God's doing? I'm guessing you can't answer that without googling another scientists viewpoint.                                                                                                                 The human body is far from perfect. It isn't supposed to last forever, and that's exactly why we believe in God. We know we're all going to die, and it usually is from the body, which no one calls perfect, wearing out. It's an amazing thing, but still has flaws, which God put there so we would have faith in believing in the afterlife, knowing full well these bodies will fail us all. Pretty simple actually, if you spend a moment and think about it. Spend more time thinking about what to do in your life instead of trying to put down someone that is far more knowledgeable than you could imagine. It isn't working and only makes you look like someone who doesn't try and help others.

"Kinda arrogant, and maybe a little narcissistic."


Hahahaha, coming from the guy that thinks the ENTIRE UNIVERSE was created especially for him and a select few.


"The earth's movement is called an ellipse"


It's really encouraging to see you using Google and actually learning some real facts about the world, instead of relying on a book of fairytales. Keep it up, buddy!


"you would vanish from this forum very embarrassed"


Hilarious. You've demonstrated time and time again that your understand of science and the natural world is on a very biblical level.


"But it still remains a perfect distance away to allow life to flourish, unlike other planets in our solar system."


There's literally trillions and trillions of stars in the universe, so the chances of having a few million planets at a good enough distance from their respective suns to support life are fairly big. Earth might be unique in that life has developed, but it's far from the only planet that could support life.


"If the earth adapted to this, how did that come to be?"


No idea what you mean by this. Environmental factors don't exist in a vacuum, but affect each other. Water in a naturally cold climate will be frozen and water in a warm climate will be liquid and/or evaporate. Was either natural environment created for the purpose of having water in a specific form? Of course not. They're just environmental factors affecting each other.


"How do you know how many gods there are if they don't exist?"


Because there are records of these gods and their respective religions... I thought it was fairly evident, but I'll spell it out to you since you seem to have some issues with taking in information: I don't believe in any of these gods, including yours. That's another really funny part of you religious people. You're literally saying that 4999 gods are made-up and not real, while I'm saying that one additional one is made-up and not real.


"I know what the Big Bang is about, but what made it happen?"


We don't know that, but we're working on it. I know it's tempting to shove "the god of the gaps" in every nook and cranny that science hasn't found an answer for yet, but it's really getting ridiculous.


"How is that different than my thinking"




"which God put there so we would have faith in believing in the afterlife"


Jesus Christ. "You see all this stuff that points towards the human body NOT being intelligently designed? That's proof that the human body was intelligently designed." How can you take yourself seriously? Your arguments are absolutely laughable.

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On 7/6/2023 at 11:41 AM, Goat said:

I cant recall any time I have been wrong.


Stickers are for school girls. Why would any grown man give the slightest?

I cannot think of any forum that does not have emijons, so it seems to me the norm for forums to provide them, so I think you are wrong for the first time...????


Please keep your school girl thoughts to yourself, this is a grown man/lady forum, talking about nannies is OK though in your case....????..................????

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50 minutes ago, Myran said:

"Kinda arrogant, and maybe a little narcissistic."


Hahahaha, coming from the guy that thinks the ENTIRE UNIVERSE was created especially for him and a select few.


"The earth's movement is called an ellipse"


It's really encouraging to see you using Google and actually learning some real facts about the world, instead of relying on a book of fairytales. Keep it up, buddy!


"you would vanish from this forum very embarrassed"


Hilarious. You've demonstrated time and time again that your understand of science and the natural world is on a very biblical level.


"But it still remains a perfect distance away to allow life to flourish, unlike other planets in our solar system."


There's literally trillions and trillions of stars in the universe, so the chances of having a few million planets at a good enough distance from their respective suns to support life are fairly big. Earth might be unique in that life has developed, but it's far from the only planet that could support life.


"If the earth adapted to this, how did that come to be?"


No idea what you mean by this. Environmental factors don't exist in a vacuum, but affect each other. Water in a naturally cold climate will be frozen and water in a warm climate will be liquid and/or evaporate. Was either natural environment created for the purpose of having water in a specific form? Of course not. They're just environmental factors affecting each other.


"How do you know how many gods there are if they don't exist?"


Because there are records of these gods and their respective religions... I thought it was fairly evident, but I'll spell it out to you since you seem to have some issues with taking in information: I don't believe in any of these gods, including yours. That's another really funny part of you religious people. You're literally saying that 4999 gods are made-up and not real, while I'm saying that one additional one is made-up and not real.


"I know what the Big Bang is about, but what made it happen?"


We don't know that, but we're working on it. I know it's tempting to shove "the god of the gaps" in every nook and cranny that science hasn't found an answer for yet, but it's really getting ridiculous.


"How is that different than my thinking"




"which God put there so we would have faith in believing in the afterlife"


Jesus Christ. "You see all this stuff that points towards the human body NOT being intelligently designed? That's proof that the human body was intelligently designed." How can you take yourself seriously? Your arguments are absolutely laughable.

I'm thinking your whole life is based on assumptions, derogatory statements and research on Google. Who said the universe was created for me and a few others? It's here for everyone. The afterlife in Heaven is for those that believe in God. I use Google to look things up I already don't know, or want more information about, just like the billions of others out there.                                                                                                                                                                                                                     I never said my understanding of science was anything to do with biblical. Science is a study of the world by observation and testing of theories. Biblical is about the Bible and the writings told to man by God. Not the same.                                              There are planets outside of our solar system. If there is life there is anyone's guess.                                                                                The earth adapted to being in a fluctuating ellipse.  I'm saying God made everything, including the earth and it's orbit. Sorry if that went over the head.                                                                                                                                                                         Okay, science hasn't found an answer why the Bang happened, I'm saying everything happened from God. No proof otherwise.And again, since it's not getting through, there isn't ANY evidence the universe wasn't created, and just happened. Your quote- "You see all this stuff that points towards the human body NOT being intelligently designed? That's proof that the human body was intelligently designed."  ........Yes, by God.                                                                                                                        Do you not know that assuming you know anyone online or in a forum, how much they know,what they do, or anything else for that matter, is the habit of a teenager? That it's a need to try and control others you think you are superior to. What you are actually doing is putting your own perspectives and values in a situation, thinking your way is correct and mine isn't, this without proof of your argument and only theories which you believe to be facts. I've said I'm a believer, that I will not take a chance on my soul by turning my back on God, knowing in my heart he is real. You, for some reason, although coming from a Christian background, "made up your own mind" and turned away from your parents thinking, for whatever reason you either came up with, or someone else brainwashed you into.  My arguments are as valid as yours. Neither of us has real proof that God does or doesn't exist. All along I've said it's common sense that everything was created, because matter, which is everything, can not come from nothing. You look around every day of your life and you see the miracles of life and the universe. They just happened? I don't think so. When you die, remember what I've said when you come in front of God. Myran: I'm sorry God, fredwiggy was right, I should have listened. God:  I'm sorry Myran, yes, you should have  Satan, I have another one for you  Satan: Okay God, Hey Hitler, put this one in the same room as BritmanToo, they can tell stories about life in Thailand.                                                                     

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7 minutes ago, fredwiggy said:

I'm thinking your whole life is based on assumptions, derogatory statements and research on Google. Who said the universe was created for me and a few others? It's here for everyone. The afterlife in Heaven is for those that believe in God. I use Google to look things up I already don't know, or want more information about, just like the billions of others out there.                                                                                                                                                                                                                     I never said my understanding of science was anything to do with biblical. Science is a study of the world by observation and testing of theories. Biblical is about the Bible and the writings told to man by God. Not the same.                                              There are planets outside of our solar system. If there is life there is anyone's guess.                                                                                The earth adapted to being in a fluctuating ellipse.  I'm saying God made everything, including the earth and it's orbit. Sorry if that went over the head.                                                                                                                                                                         Okay, science hasn't found an answer why the Bang happened, I'm saying everything happened from God. No proof otherwise.And again, since it's not getting through, there isn't ANY evidence the universe wasn't created, and just happened. Your quote- "You see all this stuff that points towards the human body NOT being intelligently designed? That's proof that the human body was intelligently designed."  ........Yes, by God.                                                                                                                        Do you not know that assuming you know anyone online or in a forum, how much they know,what they do, or anything else for that matter, is the habit of a teenager? That it's a need to try and control others you think you are superior to. What you are actually doing is putting your own perspectives and values in a situation, thinking your way is correct and mine isn't, this without proof of your argument and only theories which you believe to be facts. I've said I'm a believer, that I will not take a chance on my soul by turning my back on God, knowing in my heart he is real. You, for some reason, although coming from a Christian background, "made up your own mind" and turned away from your parents thinking, for whatever reason you either came up with, or someone else brainwashed you into.  My arguments are as valid as yours. Neither of us has real proof that God does or doesn't exist. All along I've said it's common sense that everything was created, because matter, which is everything, can not come from nothing. You look around every day of your life and you see the miracles of life and the universe. They just happened? I don't think so. When you die, remember what I've said when you come in front of God. Myran: I'm sorry God, fredwiggy was right, I should have listened. God:  I'm sorry Myran, yes, you should have  Satan, I have another one for you  Satan: Okay God, Hey Hitler, put this one in the same room as BritmanToo, they can tell stories about life in Thailand.                                                                     

"Who said the universe was created for me and a few others?"


You, since you believe that the universe, Earth, and everything else was created for the benefit of humans. I can't imagine a more self-centered idea.


"I never said my understanding of science was anything to do with biblical"


No, I did. In the sense that it's incredibly wrong and based on ideas that people came up with 2000 years ago to make up stories for things they didn't understand.


"I'm saying God made everything"


Based on what? What makes the Christian story about the world's creation any more believable than the thousands of other creation stories that other religions claim are true?


"And again, since it's not getting through, there isn't ANY evidence the universe wasn't created"


There we have it. An absolute classic when Christians have nothing to bring to the table. There isn't ANY evidence that the Millenium Leprechaun didn't accidentally conjure the universe into existence through a particularly violent bowel movement. We can make up a million different stories that can't be proven to have not happened, and all are equally as viable as your god.


"Yes, by God"


Haha, what? Did you seriously just claim that lack of evidence of intelligent design is proof of intelligent design?


"Do you not know that assuming you know anyone"


No idea where you're getting that from. I'm not assuming to know you. I presume to judge all fallacies and ignorant things you write as signs of your unintelligence and brain washing.


"My arguments are as valid as yours"


No, saying "God did it!" is not valid, while pointing at actual scientific evidence for things such as cosmological history, evolution, and similar concepts are valid.


"Neither of us has real proof that God"


Again, this is absolutely ridiculous and only puts your god on the same level as the flying spaghetti monster, Bigfoot, and other made-up creatures. The burden of proof lies solely with the one making fantastical claims.


"You look around every day of your life and you see the miracles of life and the universe. They just happened?"


I haven't seen any miracles. I've seen some pretty amazing things and incredible coincidences, but nothing that points towards a god existing.


"When you die, remember what I've said when you come in front of God"


I'll happily spit in your evil god's face when I meet him, knowing I'm so much better than him (not that it'll ever happen, since there nothing points to him existing). But I'm sure you two will have loads of fun talking about children being kept as sex slaves, tortured and tormented for years.


If you ever meet such a person, don't forget to tell them how much your god loves them, that they were tortured and raped for a very good reason, and that they have a reserved spot at god's table (unless they have been lazy, envied anyone, or felt pride, in which case they're going straight to hell for eternal torture).


"Satan, I have another one for you"


Remember lines like this when you claim that you're a good person. That when someone doesn't share your beliefs, you think they should end up in hell and be tortured for eternity. Never forget that this is what you, a self-proclaimed "good person", thinks. Truly evil on an absolutely frightening scale.

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9 hours ago, Myran said:

"Who said the universe was created for me and a few others?"


You, since you believe that the universe, Earth, and everything else was created for the benefit of humans. I can't imagine a more self-centered idea.


"I never said my understanding of science was anything to do with biblical"


No, I did. In the sense that it's incredibly wrong and based on ideas that people came up with 2000 years ago to make up stories for things they didn't understand.


"I'm saying God made everything"


Based on what? What makes the Christian story about the world's creation any more believable than the thousands of other creation stories that other religions claim are true?


"And again, since it's not getting through, there isn't ANY evidence the universe wasn't created"


There we have it. An absolute classic when Christians have nothing to bring to the table. There isn't ANY evidence that the Millenium Leprechaun didn't accidentally conjure the universe into existence through a particularly violent bowel movement. We can make up a million different stories that can't be proven to have not happened, and all are equally as viable as your god.


"Yes, by God"


Haha, what? Did you seriously just claim that lack of evidence of intelligent design is proof of intelligent design?


"Do you not know that assuming you know anyone"


No idea where you're getting that from. I'm not assuming to know you. I presume to judge all fallacies and ignorant things you write as signs of your unintelligence and brain washing.


"My arguments are as valid as yours"


No, saying "God did it!" is not valid, while pointing at actual scientific evidence for things such as cosmological history, evolution, and similar concepts are valid.


"Neither of us has real proof that God"


Again, this is absolutely ridiculous and only puts your god on the same level as the flying spaghetti monster, Bigfoot, and other made-up creatures. The burden of proof lies solely with the one making fantastical claims.


"You look around every day of your life and you see the miracles of life and the universe. They just happened?"


I haven't seen any miracles. I've seen some pretty amazing things and incredible coincidences, but nothing that points towards a god existing.


"When you die, remember what I've said when you come in front of God"


I'll happily spit in your evil god's face when I meet him, knowing I'm so much better than him (not that it'll ever happen, since there nothing points to him existing). But I'm sure you two will have loads of fun talking about children being kept as sex slaves, tortured and tormented for years.


If you ever meet such a person, don't forget to tell them how much your god loves them, that they were tortured and raped for a very good reason, and that they have a reserved spot at god's table (unless they have been lazy, envied anyone, or felt pride, in which case they're going straight to hell for eternal torture).


"Satan, I have another one for you"


Remember lines like this when you claim that you're a good person. That when someone doesn't share your beliefs, you think they should end up in hell and be tortured for eternity. Never forget that this is what you, a self-proclaimed "good person", thinks. Truly evil on an absolutely frightening scale.

Assuming as always, haven't said one word proving your side is correct as far as how the universe came to be, Arrogant , ignorant and twisting answers around to suit your small minded ego. You are like one of the reasons I don't like living here. A small insect flying around your face, no matter how hard you try, it still keeps coming back annoying you, and doesn't serve a purpose other than that. Lastly, I didn't say you or anyone else should be tortured forever in hell. It was a joke, foretelling what may happen to you since you think there is no God, for whatever reason brought you to this thinking. Try actually reading and comprehending what I've said before you waste time spouting hatred. For someone who doesn't believe in God, you sure have a lot of hate for him. And like I mentioned, most of that hate usually comes from childhood. And again, you will meet him,even though your closed mind thinks he doesn't exist and this universe happened by itself. You still have time to repent.

Edited by fredwiggy
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29 minutes ago, fredwiggy said:

Assuming as always, haven't said one word proving your side is correct as far as how the universe came to be, Arrogant , ignorant and twisting answers around to suit your small minded ego. You are like one of the reasons I don't like living here. A small insect flying around your face, no matter how hard you try, it still keeps coming back annoying you, and doesn't serve a purpose other than that. Lastly, I didn't say you or anyone else should be tortured forever in hell. It was a joke, foretelling what may happen to you since you think there is no God, for whatever reason brought you to this thinking. Try actually reading and comprehending what I've said before you waste time spouting hatred. For someone who doesn't believe in God, you sure have a lot of hate for him. And like I mentioned, most of that hate usually comes from childhood. And again, you will meet him,even though your closed mind thinks he doesn't exist and this universe happened by itself. You still have time to repent.

As I mentioned earlier... ZEALOT

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26 minutes ago, Skipalongcassidy said:

As I mentioned earlier... ZEALOT

As I mentioned earlier, ignorant, and also a zealot, one who is determined to get their point across, that another who is replying on faith, is yes, passionate about that faith, but by no means fanatical.

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3 hours ago, fredwiggy said:

Assuming as always, haven't said one word proving your side is correct as far as how the universe came to be, Arrogant , ignorant and twisting answers around to suit your small minded ego. You are like one of the reasons I don't like living here. A small insect flying around your face, no matter how hard you try, it still keeps coming back annoying you, and doesn't serve a purpose other than that. Lastly, I didn't say you or anyone else should be tortured forever in hell. It was a joke, foretelling what may happen to you since you think there is no God, for whatever reason brought you to this thinking. Try actually reading and comprehending what I've said before you waste time spouting hatred. For someone who doesn't believe in God, you sure have a lot of hate for him. And like I mentioned, most of that hate usually comes from childhood. And again, you will meet him,even though your closed mind thinks he doesn't exist and this universe happened by itself. You still have time to repent.

Mate, mate, mate. You threatened people with eternal torture for not believing the utterly unproven thing that you believe. That's what religion does to some people: it makes them evil, and at the same time allows them to think their good.


Never forget that this is what you think about people who don't agree with you. Absolutely disgusting.

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1 minute ago, Myran said:

Mate, mate, mate. You threatened people with eternal torture for not believing the utterly unproven thing that you believe. That's what religion does to some people: it makes them evil, and at the same time allows them to think their good.


Never forget that this is what you think about people who don't agree with you. Absolutely disgusting.

You sure extract some strange things from what people say. I haven't threatened anyone. Making a joke out of what you've been saying, that either God doesn't exist or you'll spit in his evil face because you're better then him, is just that. You don't believe, nor for that matter, care what happens to you when you die.                                                                                                                      I am an empath, if you know what that means. For your benefit, it's the opposite of a narcissist. It means I care about others, that I have feelings for others pain, can put myself into others shoes ,and would never hurt anyone that didn't try and hurt me or my friends and family. You can use google again if you wish. You have been acting the part of a malignant narcissist, believing you are superior to others (you're not), smarter than I (you're not, and that's not an hypothesis, it's coming from observation on what you say), arrogant, just like a narcissist acts, trying to control others, which you can't do here, as I'm well aware of narcissism and why others act the part.                                                                                                                                                                              Again, if you actually care to read and understand what I've been posting, I believe in God, that the universe had to be created, that matter, which comprises everything in our universe cannot come from nothing, that it came from God, our creator. That's plain common sense thinking. I don't believe what scientists say, just because they are scientists. Granted, a lot of them are smart in their fields, and do it because they are into whatever particular subject they choose, and they get grants and money from corporations, government  and development agencies to help with research that will benefit some or all of us. This doesn't make them infallible, nor does it make me and others believe everything they say, because that would make us gullible. I'm not saying they're doing it all for the money, and to get paid, but that is a motivation, along with a desire to help.                                 I've actually been doing the part of a Christian, making you think about what I've been saying, because as a Christian, it's my duty to tell others about God. What they do with that information is up to them. I do hate people, which I know is wrong, that intentionally hurt others, like child molesters, rapists, human traffickers, crooked police, politicians, judges,and  lawyers, and those who rape the earth for profit., because after all, I'm human, and don't like when others take advantage of the innocents. I do wish God would intervene but that's not his deal. He gave us free will to live whatever way we choose, and in my thinking, diseases, natural catastrophes and the like, are his way of trying to wake us up. He's always been in charge, and pride and ego makes people think otherwise. I can't prove God exists, and you can't prove the universe just happened. Faith is believing in something you can't see. I want to go to heaven, as this world has shown more evil than good to me in 66 years, and if God can create everything from his mind, surely he can create a place with peace, love and no more pain. People make the problems on earth, not God.

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2 minutes ago, fredwiggy said:

You sure extract some strange things from what people say. I haven't threatened anyone. Making a joke out of what you've been saying, that either God doesn't exist or you'll spit in his evil face because you're better then him, is just that. You don't believe, nor for that matter, care what happens to you when you die.                                                                                                                      I am an empath, if you know what that means. For your benefit, it's the opposite of a narcissist. It means I care about others, that I have feelings for others pain, can put myself into others shoes ,and would never hurt anyone that didn't try and hurt me or my friends and family. You can use google again if you wish. You have been acting the part of a malignant narcissist, believing you are superior to others (you're not), smarter than I (you're not, and that's not an hypothesis, it's coming from observation on what you say), arrogant, just like a narcissist acts, trying to control others, which you can't do here, as I'm well aware of narcissism and why others act the part.                                                                                                                                                                              Again, if you actually care to read and understand what I've been posting, I believe in God, that the universe had to be created, that matter, which comprises everything in our universe cannot come from nothing, that it came from God, our creator. That's plain common sense thinking. I don't believe what scientists say, just because they are scientists. Granted, a lot of them are smart in their fields, and do it because they are into whatever particular subject they choose, and they get grants and money from corporations, government  and development agencies to help with research that will benefit some or all of us. This doesn't make them infallible, nor does it make me and others believe everything they say, because that would make us gullible. I'm not saying they're doing it all for the money, and to get paid, but that is a motivation, along with a desire to help.                                 I've actually been doing the part of a Christian, making you think about what I've been saying, because as a Christian, it's my duty to tell others about God. What they do with that information is up to them. I do hate people, which I know is wrong, that intentionally hurt others, like child molesters, rapists, human traffickers, crooked police, politicians, judges,and  lawyers, and those who rape the earth for profit., because after all, I'm human, and don't like when others take advantage of the innocents. I do wish God would intervene but that's not his deal. He gave us free will to live whatever way we choose, and in my thinking, diseases, natural catastrophes and the like, are his way of trying to wake us up. He's always been in charge, and pride and ego makes people think otherwise. I can't prove God exists, and you can't prove the universe just happened. Faith is believing in something you can't see. I want to go to heaven, as this world has shown more evil than good to me in 66 years, and if God can create everything from his mind, surely he can create a place with peace, love and no more pain. People make the problems on earth, not God.

"that matter, which comprises everything in our universe cannot come from nothing"


No one has made this claim.


"that it came from God, our creator. That's plain common sense thinking."


It's the opposite of common sense. You could make up a billion stories about how the world came to be that don't involve the scientifically accepted theories, and all of them would be equally viable as your god. 


"diseases, natural catastrophes and the like, are his way of trying to wake us up."


Why? If he's almighty, then he can easily prove that he exists and make the world a much better place without taking away anyone's free will. You're willing to accept these huge leaps in logic by calling it faith. What would you say to a parent that lets his children run out on a busy highway or play with a loaded gun and justifies it by saying: "They have free will"?

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Making up things isn't how things are proven. Scientists have many reason why the universe is expanding, but no proof how it originated. If you read what I've been saying, and understand what I've said, it's ours, as Christians, the over 2 billion believers, that God created everything. Some scientists believe in the RNA principle, a hypothesis, and that DNA came from this. A guess. Some believe that life might have originated on Mars, and came here from meteorites. A guess. Many scientists believe that God made everything, and that the universe  was started in one place, and is expanding as we speak. maybe it is, but again, God started things, which shows that those scientists still had the sense to believe in a creator. I find it hard to believe in Noah's Ark, but with God, who can create the universe from his mind, anything's possible. There is evidence that the whole world was never under water, but the whole world wasn't inhabited by humans back then. Hubble himself made a guess that the universe was expanding. He made observations that he "interpreted" that this was happening. Might be true, as others have followed and said. Everything goes back to where I said, matter can't come from nothing. I didn't say a particular scientist made such a claim. I have faith, you don't, period. What we as Christians believe doesn't correlate to your accepted way of thinking. You came to this conclusion because something happened in your life where you lost faith. You said your parents were both religious, meaning they must have passed that thinking down to their child(ren), IF they cared enough about their kids. I didn't grow up with you, so I can't assume what happened there. Sometimes a mean, abusive parent will use religion to "teach" their kids discipline, the fear of God, and the belt if you don't listen. Sometimes a child may have no real relationship with his or her parents, who are religious, and they'll think,"what's the use believing in God if you end up that way"? Many will lose a family member or dear friend and blame a God that's heartless and cruel, not understanding that when that person died, it was his time to leave earth and be with God. Of course wanting that person back isn't being selfish, but if there is a God, and you're a believer, going on to heaven is a much better place than this earth by far. Like I said, we only live a very short time, and the difference between 90 years and 5 is negligible compared to forever. As far as what would I say to a parent that let's their child go wild and do stupid things while under their care, "You shouldn't have had children if you didn't care enough about them to teach them the difference between right and wrong, respect for elders, animals, other people and yourself, and that there is a higher power".

Edited by fredwiggy
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1 hour ago, fredwiggy said:

........... as Christians, the over 2 billion believers, that God created everything.

Would point out Christians are not cohesive, Catholics being in the majority (to which you dissent). I suspect Muslims outnumber any one Christian sect.


You must have a lot of time on your hands, I don't read past the first two lines.

Edited by BritManToo
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2 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

Would point out Christians are not cohesive, Catholics being in the majority (to which you dissent). I suspect Muslims outnumber any one Christian sect.


You must have a lot of time on your hands, I don't read past the first two lines.

You also, as you respond pretty often. This is Isaan, kid at school, not a drinker but socially on weekends, gym doesn't open until 14:00, one of the most boring places on earth, so it's either music, movies or here on computer. More Christians than any other believers, but if you divide into religions, Catholics yes are the majority of Christians. Muslims follow as far as numbers behind Christians. Atheists or agnostics are about 7% of worlds population.

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  • 2 weeks later...
1 minute ago, cliveshep said:

Came across this article on, admitedly, a Christian site, a while back. ~It makes very interesting reading written from a Scientific viewpoint as opposed to a faith one.


The conclusions are surprising but fact based.



There's nothing scientific about that article at all.

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On 7/6/2023 at 10:29 AM, worgeordie said:

If you post anything wrong on this forum , Liverpool lou ,will quickly be along

to correct you , maybe multiple times  ???? winking eye......


regards Worgeordie


so true ....  

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On 7/6/2023 at 10:13 AM, sirineou said:

I often get the confused emoji at some of my posts. I don't get it! If you are confused about something wouldn't the  most prudent course be to as a question?

or If you think I am wrong about something point it out, and if indeed I am wrong I would say fair enough, or stand corrected (Just dind yesterday) ,

Who among us have never been wrong? and if indeed you have been wrong in the past , as all of us have, why is it not possible that we are wrong now? 

If I still think I was right , state why I think so ,and provide quotes and links 

Are we here to have a conversation or are we here to arbitrarily judge?

I  know a bunch of wise ass guys will post  a bunch of confused emojis to this OP , I know I would if this was someone else post, ????

Unfortunately you are not allowed to post reactions to your own post???? 

Don´t worry! The confused emoji are only used by people who do not care and are to lazy to think. Just leave it. ???? 


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