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Aussies retain The Ashes


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As Pat Cummins said, an anticlimax.


The Poms should not whinge about their weather having saved Australia from defeat, the same weather has saved their bacon multiple times.

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England threw caution to the wind in their first innings of the fourth test because they were aware of the weather and it came off for them. They batted too long. That was an error in judgement.


Australia came into the game knowing the weather also and the unlikelihood of being bowled out twice whilst still behind on the scoreboard.


If the weather wasn't known, both teams would have played a different style of game. Australia were highly defensive in their bowling and fielding options they were still reserved but less so in their batting.

Australian bowlers look like they are out of options with the Duke ball. They are not prepared to set full attacking fields and bowl a consistent line for any amount of time which leads to very defensive play. Leg Theory with 2 back behind square is a very defensive "attacking" option.

Having a deep third man, a deep gully and deep backward point all on the boundary to Baristow was rather tepid field planning to say the least.

Dan Vettori spent a lot of time yawning during that test. Maybe he needs to be working on more attacking strategies to get England's bats out.

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1 hour ago, bignok said:

That great English weather saved game 4. Wonderful rain. Merv says hi.

I dunno Big Bird. I would have preferred it didnt rain. I am sure we would have won anyway. The English are good at one thing, and that is losing everything apart from the toss.


The dropped catches, the stupid batting, the limp wristed bowling, the poor captains decisions, the ground staff preparing a batting pitch with rain forecast. 


I think they have won one test against Australia out of the last nine.

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An Aussie Test legend has exposed some truly staggering, clueless comments from the deluded, whingeing English cricket team.






England’s costly errors throughout the series crippled their chances of winning back the urn for the first time in eight years — and it seems they are looking for someone else to blame.



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Aussie sport broadcaster Gerard Whateley also delivered a scathing rant when speaking on his SEN radio show, slamming England for claiming to be “moral victors”.

“Seriously, cry me a river England,” he said.

“The bleating coming from the other side of the world – honestly. You’d think there had never been a Test match washed away. And that the weather had never assisted the home team’s endeavours previously.”

He went on to say England had been selective in their memory and said the home team had been “shameless” in preparing pitches that best suited their advantage.

“In defeat they have claimed to be moral victors,” he said.

“They have applied the letter if the law and the spirit of the game selectively to suit their actions. They have whinged relentlessly.


I could not have said it better myself. They have their heads shoved up their own ....... they believe their own bullsh..



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England’s biggest whinger has been exposed as a hypocrite as the Poms launch a full-scale moral offensive after Australia retained the Ashes.




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9 minutes ago, Keeps said:

And hopefully remain unbeaten in a home series against the Aussies going back to 2001. The last time the Aussies won a series in the UK God was still a young lad. (I can already picture the abuse if Aussies go on to win the 5th test) :-)

Poms have won once in Oz since 1980s

Edited by bignok
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Now, I'm not going to mention that though am I? I'm an arrogant, whingeing Pom :-)


The last win for England in Oz though was 2011 so a decade more recent than Aussies last win in the UK. England also won three matches by an innings in that series. Also the first team to score 500+ in 4 innings in an Ashes series. 

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19 minutes ago, Keeps said:

Now, I'm not going to mention that though am I? I'm an arrogant, whingeing Pom :-)


The last win for England in Oz though was 2011 so a decade more recent than Aussies last win in the UK. England also won three matches by an innings in that series. Also the first team to score 500+ in 4 innings in an Ashes series. 

2006/7 was 5 nil



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6 minutes ago, RAZZELL said:

Wow, some sad comments from Ozzies on here :bah:


There have been 4 tremendous Test matches and it was a real shame this was spoiled by the weather.


2-2 going into the final Test would've been fantastic.


And sorry to say, whatever legacy they may have this current Australian team will always be remembered for "sandpaper" gate.


"We saw you cry on the telly!" :passifier:



Poms ball tampered in 2005. Admitted in a published book!

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1 minute ago, TimeMachine said:

Dont watch cricket anymore.  Too childish now. The stumping affair.  Kids in the playground.  Tigers for 2023 Premiership. Yeah baby!  He says with a childish grin. 

Stumping was mild. Footballers do far worse.

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1 minute ago, bignok said:

Stumping was mild. Footballers do far worse.

Haha.  A little agreement with you.  Are you talking about the sexy photos?  Faking for frees? High cowardly hits?  

Afl culture is pretty good compared to others.  Elbow to the stomach one moment and then shake hands and laugh afterwards. 

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3 minutes ago, TimeMachine said:

Haha.  A little agreement with you.  Are you talking about the sexy photos?  Faking for frees? High cowardly hits?  

Afl culture is pretty good compared to others.  Elbow to the stomach one moment and then shake hands and laugh afterwards. 

All grubs

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Transformed by Culture ? remind us where you Aussies came from. POM is Prisoners of Mother England  Ooops we cant remind you of your heritage before us POMS sent our naughty boys to Botany Bay Yor country men ( Australians ) were running round the bush chucking spears and funny shaped pieces of wood. and as for cheating who first came up with the Term  " Sledging " . You won your Ashes because of bad weather not winning it on the field.

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2 minutes ago, BarraMarra said:

Transformed by Culture ? remind us where you Aussies came from. POM is Prisoners of Mother England  Ooops we cant remind you of your heritage before us POMS sent our naughty boys to Botany Bay Yor country men ( Australians ) were running round the bush chucking spears and funny shaped pieces of wood. and as for cheating who first came up with the Term  " Sledging " . You won your Ashes because of bad weather not winning it on the field.

Yes the convicts were poms not aussies.

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