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Why IS It That Super-Smart People, Almost INVARIABLY, Turn Out to Be Atheists? Hear it HERE…Straight from the Horse’s Mouth!

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1 hour ago, ozimoron said:

I understand perfectly. My point is that religious people are incapable of ever answering this question and refuse to attempt to do so. Always.


Not one person here has attempted to explain how there can only be one god yet many religions not have they attempted to explain why their religion is true and the other not. It's just crickets. Put them on the spot and they fold.

The three major religions belive in the same god, as mentioned earlier, as well many buddhists accept Jesus, and believe Jesus had lived several lives and reached higher state as a budda or what we call prophet. 


As said before, it is more that is similarities in the different belief systems, than what seperates them. 



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1 hour ago, Hummin said:

The three major religions belive in the same god, as mentioned earlier, as well many buddhists accept Jesus, and believe Jesus had lived several lives and reached higher state as a budda or what we call prophet. 


As said before, it is more that is similarities in the different belief systems, than what seperates them. 



lol All cheeses are similar in that they are all cheeses.

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9 hours ago, Hummin said:

The three major religions belive in the same god, as mentioned earlier, as well many buddhists accept Jesus, and believe Jesus had lived several lives and reached higher state as a budda or what we call prophet. 


As said before, it is more that is similarities in the different belief systems, than what seperates them. 



That explains 3 religions, what about the other 11,997


I suspect more people have worshiped the sun as a god than any other religion

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3 hours ago, RichardColeman said:

Maybe you are missing the point that God is allowing them to be atheists through freedom of thought ? Maybe the atheists secretly thank eve for eating the apple ? 

Do you think that God cares about humans on an insignificant planet?

If I were to ascribe human emotions to God, I'd say that God has better things to do that care if we believe in a deity or not.


I'm sure many on the Titanic were praying to God to save them, as the ship sank, but how did that work out for them?

IMO we are on our own till we cark it.

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3 hours ago, JBChiangRai said:

That explains 3 religions, what about the other 11,997


I suspect more people have worshiped the sun as a god than any other religion

Religions of any shade are man made constructs. Faith is in a higher power, and is not dependent on men with funny hats to tell them what to do.

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13 hours ago, ozimoron said:

I understand perfectly. My point is that religious people are incapable of ever answering this question and refuse to attempt to do so. Always.


Not one person here has attempted to explain how there can only be one god yet many religions not have they attempted to explain why their religion is true and the other not. It's just crickets. Put them on the spot and they fold.

Should be careful what you write.


That was explained on the Do you believe in God thread on this subforum ( and probably more than once ), but you can go look for yourself. Only 595 pages to look through.


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On 7/27/2023 at 5:43 AM, Lacessit said:

Just curious - can you name some famous scientists who were or are Muslims? It does seem rather strange God should be so selective of the Christian faith.

Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi was a 9th-century Muslim mathematician and astronomer. He is known as the “father of algebra”, a word derived from the title of his book, Kitab al-Jabr.  


Many Muslims were leading scientists around a thousand years ago.


This is a widely known fact - surprising that you would ask - I learned this in high school years ago in California.

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On 7/29/2023 at 1:43 PM, JBChiangRai said:

I think you can say almost every religious government is bad, you can't say the same about secular government.

I'm agog to know which secular government you consider to be "not bad".

I will only agree that IMO some governments are less bad than others.

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1 minute ago, TravelerEastWest said:

Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi was a 9th-century Muslim mathematician and astronomer. He is known as the “father of algebra”, a word derived from the title of his book, Kitab al-Jabr.  


Many Muslims were leading scientists around a thousand years ago.


This is a widely known fact - surprising that you would ask - I learned this in high school years ago in California.


IMO had it mot been for Muslim scholars keeping learning alive during the dark ages, we'd still be in them.

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On 7/29/2023 at 1:52 PM, JBChiangRai said:

Beyond the 5 senses is where God works in your imagination. You're welcome to try and give factual evidence of your experience.


I repeat, there is absolutely no evidence for any god.


I guess one can live one's entire life without seeing that God is all around us. Seems more than a few have a plank in their eye.

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13 hours ago, Hummin said:

The three major religions belive in the same god, as mentioned earlier, as well many buddhists accept Jesus, and believe Jesus had lived several lives and reached higher state as a budda or what we call prophet. 


As said before, it is more that is similarities in the different belief systems, than what seperates them. 



You still can't / won't explain why each religion thinks theirs is real and the others not, much less say which one is real.

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On 7/29/2023 at 2:27 PM, Lacessit said:

In Australia, we got Robodebt. The  Prime Minister of Australia was the architect of that scheme, which caused several people to commit suicide. It was basically war upon the poor.

Said Prime Minister, Scott Morrison, is a devout Pentacostal Christion.

In Afghanistan, explain to me how prohibiting the education of women enhances any of the values you mention.

You are laboring under the delusion humility, compassion, kindness, honesty and the importance of truth are the exclusive preserve of religions. They are not, and there is ample evidence of that being the case.

You want truth? Celibacy in priests has nothing to do with enhanced holiness or moral authority. It was formulated by the Catholic Church to protect church property from inheritance claims.

Any psychiatrist will tell you when natural human sex drives are suppressed, it is statistically inevitable a proportion of persons under interdict will develop perversions.

There are quite a few examples before the courts, of senior church officials who covered up for priests who were sex offenders, by shifting them between parishes.

In Russia, the Orthodox Church supports the genocide of Ukrainians. How do you reconcile that with religious values?

IMO you are confusing religious values with religion.

Religious values are moral values and religion is something some people use to control the masses.

Many of us have moral values, but are not religious.


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On 7/29/2023 at 2:01 PM, herfiehandbag said:

Hitler was brought up by a Catholic mother.

There is no evidence that once he was out of his teens, she no longer had any influence, and she had died, that he either practiced Catholicism or received any of the Sacraments.

Given he served in WW1, I would be surprised if he believed in religion after. No need to die to experience hell after being in that.

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4 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

IMO you are confusing religious values with religion.

Religious values are moral values and religion is something some people use to control the masses.

Many of us have moral values, but are not religious.


The sense of decency, fairness and not doing wrong by people has nothing to do with religion. Churches are among the worst adherents to those values. The strongest religious value, particularly in the christian churches is paedphilia.

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On 7/29/2023 at 2:54 AM, GammaGlobulin said:

How did LIFE begin in our Godless Universe?

And, further thoughts concerning Why Super-Smart people are UNABLE to believe in God/gods:


In several of my previous comments, I have linked to a few precious tidbits given off by that Super-Nova of a Scientist, and My Main Man, Sean Carroll. (Educated at Villanova University and Harvard University; Research and Teaching at CalTech, Santa Fe Institute, Johns Hopkins University; Influences: Einstein, Boltzmann, Richard FEYNMAN!, David Hume, etc.)


Definitely, here is another Royal Institution gem from Sean which will answer ALL/MOST of your questions about our Godless Universe.


I know you guys are going to love it. (Please watch the entire video IF you want to know more about what's up with our Reality and our Universe.)

And, nothing that I can think of could be more...ON TOPIC!

This will answer your question about where LIFE came from, as well as the origin of the Universe, AND...what will happen to the Universe in the far, Far, FAR distant future.



Please watch the other Sean Carroll video I linked in a previous comment.

Both are exactly ON TOPIC, elucidating and full of optimism for all men of Free Will and Good Cheer.


Bless you guys!





Still digging then!

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To all those that claim there is no God, explain how the universe came to exist.

There is a lot of matter in the universe, so where did it come from? How did atoms occur? How did the laws of nature by which all things abide come to exist?

Are you claiming that they just happened out of nothing?

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4 minutes ago, ozimoron said:

You still can't / won't explain why each religion thinks theirs is real and the others not, much less say which one is real.

Why do you continue to ask such ignorant question? I explained how religion is formed culturally, evolved from tribe to tribe, and up today as we see it as power centers such as Jerusalem, Mekka, and Vatican state. 


World leaders, politicians and religious leaders use their position to influence their audience. 


Im not member of any religion, and do not believe in any man made religion either, so I do not understand why you continue being so arrogant towards me.


I like history and also read religious text's as well psychology, and form my knownledge and opinion based on what I can comprehend, or understand. 


I just have a voice and an opinion about how the world function and how easy manipulated people are, be it religion, politics, investments and diets to mention a few. 

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2 minutes ago, Toxane said:

"I don't believe in God, but it's good that he exists." ~ Dad

I may not have to believe in organised religion these days, but without it I doubt humanity would have emerged from the cave. IMO no other organisation could have united warring tribes or provided a safe space for learning.

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1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:


I guess one can live one's entire life without seeing that God is all around us. Seems more than a few have a plank in their eye.

Again, a claim not backed up evidence, please give an example.


1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I'm agog to know which secular government you consider to be "not bad".

I will only agree that IMO some governments are less bad than others.

Secular democracies get changed though voting if they don't deliver what the populous wants, a religious government is there to stay and has no checks & balances.

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Just now, JBChiangRai said:

Again, a claim not backed up evidence, please give an example.


Secular democracies get changed though voting if they don't deliver what the populous wants, a religious government is there to stay and has no checks & balances.

Again, a claim not backed up evidence, please give an example.


No evidence I give you would be accepted, so I'm not going to try. I had my Damascus moment and that's good enough for me.

I'm not actually bothered if anyone believes or not as it doesn't make any difference to me


Secular democracies get changed though voting if they don't deliver what the populous wants,



Forming coalition governments means an unpopular party gets to rule the roost. I'm well acquainted with that situation.


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1 hour ago, TravelerEastWest said:

Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi was a 9th-century Muslim mathematician and astronomer. He is known as the “father of algebra”, a word derived from the title of his book, Kitab al-Jabr.  


Many Muslims were leading scientists around a thousand years ago.


This is a widely known fact - surprising that you would ask - I learned this in high school years ago in California.

I am not aware of the individual name. I am aware there were leading scientists who were Muslims a thousand years ago, and more.

What surprises me is the fact that, in modern times, there seems to be no scientists of note among Muslims. Given there are about 1.4 billion followers of Islam, I have to wonder why.

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15 hours ago, ozimoron said:

I understand perfectly. My point is that religious people are incapable of ever answering this question and refuse to attempt to do so. Always.


Not one person here has attempted to explain how there can only be one god yet many religions not have they attempted to explain why their religion is true and the other not. It's just crickets. Put them on the spot and they fold.

It's off topic here, so that could be a reason why no one is motivated to answer your question.


The tone of your question already displays contempt for religion and that you don't really want an answer, but just an excuse to belittle anyone who believes in God.


The answer to your question is simple. There is only one God. There can be only one God. The different religions interpret God differently, and this is what is causing your delemma. Most don't care to argue with people like you who have already made up their minds that God does not exist. Invariably that's a fruitless task. Nothing will make you change your mind.


Just for comparitive purposes, you'll find that most scientific theories are also hotly debated. Theories are not proven fact. Neither Scientists nor people who believe in God will ever be able to prove their theories.


'One of the most popular misconceptions about science is the notion of “scientific proof.” Although it may seem paradoxical, there is no such thing as “proof” in science, only scientific evidence"


http://ds-wordpress.haverford.edu/psych2015/projects/chapter/scientific-proof/#:~:text=One of the most popular,in science%2C only scientific evidence.


The debate is not so complicated: How did the universe come to exist?


1. On its own with no help from a supernatural source.

2. Created by a supernatural source.


Choose your religion and lets all agree to disagree.

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I tend to align myself with Stephen Fry.


if there is a god then he’s an evil capricious god and I want nothing to do with him.  I would ask him to explain bone cancer in children.


I am amazed seemingly intelligent people cannot break free from the legacy shackles caused from the imprint of religion in their childhood.


It’s all dogma and nonsense.

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20 minutes ago, JBChiangRai said:

I tend to align myself with Stephen Fry.


if there is a god then he’s an evil capricious god and I want nothing to do with him.  I would ask him to explain bone cancer in children.


I am amazed seemingly intelligent people cannot break free from the legacy shackles caused from the imprint of religion in their childhood.


It’s all dogma and nonsense.

This is one of the reasons why the Atheistic point of view is so popular. They are beholden to nothing. The nature of God (good or evil) is irrelevant, but it definitely shows that you are angry with the indoctination you received in your childhood. I received my fair share of indoctrination in my childhood too, but it didn't prevent critical thinking. 


The great physicist Richard Feynman once said, “I have approximate answers and possible beliefs in different degrees of certainty about different things, but I’m not absolutely sure of anything.”



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2 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

To all those that claim there is no God, explain how the universe came to exist.

There is a lot of matter in the universe, so where did it come from? How did atoms occur? How did the laws of nature by which all things abide come to exist?

Are you claiming that they just happened out of nothing?

How do you get from not understanding how the universe was created  to proof that God exists?


2 hours ago, Hummin said:

Why do you continue to ask such ignorant question? I explained how religion is formed culturally, evolved from tribe to tribe, and up today as we see it as power centers such as Jerusalem, Mekka, and Vatican state. 


World leaders, politicians and religious leaders use their position to influence their audience. 


Im not member of any religion, and do not believe in any man made religion either, so I do not understand why you continue being so arrogant towards me.


I like history and also read religious text's as well psychology, and form my knownledge and opinion based on what I can comprehend, or understand. 


I just have a voice and an opinion about how the world function and how easy manipulated people are, be it religion, politics, investments and diets to mention a few. 

Why is it ignorant? It couldn't be more fundamental or simple. Which religion is real? All my life religious people dodge this question like kryptonite and nothiong has changed.


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