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Shocking Discovery: Kindergarten Boy's Barbaric Murder Shocks Chiang Mai Community


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It wouldn’t take much to put up fences around schools, and one teacher seeing over departures. It should be law that stipulés the names of the people allowed to pick up.  Then , it’s down to education, first , I see many kids walking home or on the public bus from school. I have seeing the older boys smoking or with a can of beer ! Maybe this isn’t so in the small villages.  Parents should pick up or have designated family/ friends on the list who can.  Education terribly lacking in children, parents and Thai males, who famously are known for their bad behavior and violence.  The children who grow up in Thailand will one day be like their parents.,

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15 minutes ago, wazzupnow said:


You don't get it...you can't educate a water buffalo...


The biggest problems with Westerners, is that they think everybody else in the world has a western mind.




That has been the biggest problem with US foreign policy problem solving. A bunch of guys from Iowa, Nevada, Alabama, Delaware, Pennsylvania, or Illionois, California, etc... dictating foreign policy to Afghanistan or the DRC.




Edited by tkramer
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12 hours ago, chickenslegs said:

I'm wondering how it is possible that a 5 year old can be taken from school by an unauthorised person.


Slack security by the school, maybe. Good work by the police (a phrase not often heard).


This pos deserves a beating before he is executed. A case like this makes me happy that Thailand has ended it's moratorium on capital punishment. 

I entered “sad” but it was for the child. I have no issue, where concrete evidence is presented, to carry out a death sentence (better luck in your next life).

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5 hours ago, JeffersLos said:

I'm not usually one for corporal punishment, but ..... a bullet behind the ear wouldn't seem inappropriate. 

1. He confessed the crime.
2. I guess that he didn't commited such crimes before.
3. He cooperated with the police.

He will be back on the streets in a few years at the worst.

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4 hours ago, hotchilli said:

Back room, injection.

No need to let this one keep breathing.

Or the same as many others?



Court orders release of teenage mother who dumped baby in river.

The Juvenile and Family Court in Thailand’s Nakhon Pathom province today (Monday) ordered the release of the teenage mother who dumped the body of her 8-month-old baby into the Tha Chin River in February, after the public prosecutor failed to indict her within the 90-day limit.

The court also ordered the return of 9,000-baht surety, put up by the Win Win Foundation as bail for the 17-year-old mother.

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It's not only Thai males. It's a feature of the (cool heart) society.   Nobody is allowed to show irritation or anger.   There seems to be no concept of anger management in Thai culture.   On this site and in the newspaper we often read reports of murders due to outbursts of temper.   I notice that women and girls lose their tempers too.  I have experienced awesomely angry nurses, pedicurists, etc.   I have been shouted at for a continuous five minutes by a nurse.   While dozing during a pedicure, in a normal voice, I erroneously accused a woman at a nail salon of not washing my left foot.  Her explosion of anger was awesome.


More pertinently, a Vietnamese girl student in one of my ESL classes in California was shot in the temple by a young man who was somewhat mentally challenged.   Her family had allowed him to live with the family to be her servant.   One day, the family decided that they didn't want his services any more and told him that he had to move out.  He pretended that he wanted to drive the girl somewhere, took her out to the car and shot her in the head.  Unfortunately, the family wasn't psychologically sophisticated enough to ease his departure from the family.


I think that Thai schools or temples or some cultural agency should teach anger management.  Many lives would probably be saved.   RIP to all of the people who have died as a result of outbursts of anger.

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18 hours ago, Sig said:

I'd be interested where you read that. It didn't say that in the original article that I read on the Thai Rath website.
It mentioned that the case started by the father reporting his son was taken. It mentioned that the father was a 32 year old ชาวไทใหญ่ (Tai Yai person).
Then later when mention of the perp came up, it referred to him as a หนุ่มชาวไทใหญ่ (young Tai Yai person).
Nowhere did I read anything about him being from Myanmar and living in Thailand. Yes, Shan is equivalent to Tai Yai, with Tai Yai being the more commonly used term in Thailand, but it doesn't mean he isn't a Thai national at all. Of course, the Thai media mentions his ethnicity because of their infamous prejudice against ethnic minorities, so they'd love you to think he's from Myanmar, but it sure doesn't sound like it in the way the article is written.
Perhaps you don't know, not sure.... but Tai Yai is not a nationality. It is an ethnic group, a quite large one - in the millions, spread across several countries, primarily Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, and China. And they've been living in what is now northen Thailand since long before borders were ever made after Thailand annexed the the Kingdom of Lanna. Arguments could be made that they are just as much, if not more, natives of Chiangmai as Thai people. And this guy most likely is a Thai national/citizen. Being how Thai media loves to deflect attention about anything bad to anywhere else but Thailand, I'm sure they would have specified he was from Myanmar if they knew he was.


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18 hours ago, Docno said:

It says it in the second article above: "... identify the suspect as 29 year old Jai Kongkham, who is a Shan national living in Thailand."

Ah, I see. I hadn't scrolled down to see that second article. It looks like it was an article originally written in English by a Thai writer. I have serious doubts that it is accurate since they misuse the English language in identifying the suspect as a Shan national. There is no such thing as a "Shan national", as I explained earlier.
The writer is a 27 year old who grew up in Bangkok, studied in Bangkok, and lives in Bangkok. Of course she could be very well studied and extremely diligent in her work and do a fantastic job, but maybe just missed this bit here, but if she might match my experience over the past 20+ years with Thais and their knowledge of history and of the northern minority ethnic groups, my guess is that she is wrong and the guy is a Thai national who is of the Tai Yai ethnic group. At any rate, there is no info regarding his nationality.
Since she is a translator... I'm wondering if she might have based her article on the Thai language article in Thai Rath or, more likely, from the article that the photo on her Thaiger article is attributed to, from the Facebook page of "chiangmainews". In That article, they identify the perp with the same language as in the Thai Rath article - and from that, she likely translated this part incorrectly. It wouldn't be surprising at all.
Anyway... thanks for pointing me to that second article that I didn't see.

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On 8/17/2023 at 1:30 PM, roietfortress said:

brilliant plan mate. let the many suffer for the sins of a few.





That's it then let the kid get taken out of the school get brutally murdered ! Carry on as normal then , that's a brilliant plan ! ????

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Racist post and replies removed. 


As noted by a number of posters, the alleged perpetrator was a Shan national.  I think we can dispense with the unsubstantiated claims about Thai males.  

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11 hours ago, jak2002003 said:

The guy was not Thai! 


Thanks for the racist rant though...not.

What makes you think he wasn't Thai? I agree with you on the racist part. People are nuts sometimes when they go on about that. But just because this guy is of the Tai Yai ethnicity doesn't mean he's not Thai. Thailand consists of people of multiple different ethnicities, just like everywhere else. He may have been born, raised, and educated in Chiangmai. No article I've read would lead anyone to think anything different (Other than the Thaiger translated article that appears to be poorly translated, calling him a Shan national, of which there is no such thing).

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9 hours ago, Scott said:

Racist post and replies removed. 


As noted by a number of posters, the alleged perpetrator was a Shan national.  I think we can dispense with the unsubstantiated claims about Thai males.  

There is no such thing as a "Shan national". That was from what appears to be a poorly translated article from Thaiger. No other article that I've seen (In English or Thai) makes that uneducated error and they all simply mention that he is a Tai Yai person, of which, by the way, there are probably somewhere between 100,000 - 300,000 in Chiangmai province. I've heard all sorts of estimates. I've never seen an real studied estimate of how many of those may have been here for centuries and how many were born in Burma, but of certainly many were born in Burma and many were born in Thailand.
Tai Yai people have been in the area of present day northern Thailand for ages and were clearly a part of the Lanna Kingdom before Thailand annexed these northern provinces. So, as far as anyone without more detailed info than news articles have given can tell, this guy is Thai. If he were from Burma, I'm sure the media would have gone out of their way to say so. They love to pin blame on anyone not Thai. That's probably why they labeled his ethnicity because their history has shown a long honored tradition of prejudice against the ethnic minorities, sometimes referred to as "hilltribe" people. So, they show their ethnocentric prejudice and others display their gross racism against Thai males here... all the same disgusting thing.

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10 hours ago, gaucan said:

I'm European white male, if u find that relevant.. not to say that Europe is any good either..


seems like typical American white ass behavior tho... to move your broke ass over to third world Asia to save money and then  belittle everyone who wasn't privileged enough same way as you were. 


if you not gonna respect locals despite their lower IQ cuz of broken education system, and despite less opportunities than you had, you might as well fck off Asia, noone wants you there.


you will never be able to look at things objectively, privileged white ass

I agree with some of your sentiment, but your marginalization, or stereotyping, or prejudice against Americans was an unnecessary bit to throw in there. You're behaving the same as your criticism. I've seen plenty of that kind of behavior from Europeans, Brits, Aussies, Chinese, Arabian, Russian, Indian, Korean, etc, etc.... but you decide it's an American white thing????? Should I stereotype what Marxist wokeness is?

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On 8/17/2023 at 4:52 AM, webfact said:

The suspect, well-acquainted with the remote vicinity due to years of employment, adroitly executed the shocking deed, evading any suspicions from the community.

Seriouly, did somebody get a <deleted> thesauraus for their birthday?

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  • 4 months later...

This is exactly why my child wears this https://kidsoclock.com.au/ to school, we have it set up for a 500mtr 'ringfence" at the school.

If at any time the watch moves out of the 500mtr "perimeter ringfence" my wife and I get an immediate alert sent to our phones.

Then we can track the location via google maps with live updates, can also discreetly call the watch and listen to what it's microphone is picking up.

Plenty of features, panic button that instantly calls both our phones, and can use it for normal calls and also video calls.

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