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France to ban female students from wearing abayas in state schools

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4 minutes ago, RichardColeman said:

That picture speaks a million words about what is wrong with western education and integration !


The picture  is misleading. Abayas do not cover the head, they are just long dress.

Hijab have already been banned for more than 15 years in France, this is not the same thing.

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35 minutes ago, candide said:

I also would no be surprised about the girls feeling relieved, being allowed again to dress like the other girls, i.e. with just jeans and sweat-shirt

The problem is that many of the girls choose to wear abayas and do not wish to dress differently. Saying that they are force is not always true.

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4 minutes ago, BarraMarra said:

Did it happen? I am not going to start page after page of incidents but it happens especially in Yorkshire and other areas of high Muslim communities. The excuse is the usual it is because photos or Videos are taken, In reality, it is the fear of upsetting non-Christian pupils.

Some Schools may decide not to have Nativity plays , that is up to individual schools to decide that , but the plays were not banned as claimed , Schools just decided not to have them for whatever reason 

Just now, Nick Carter icp said:

Some Schools may decide not to have Nativity plays , that is up to individual schools to decide that , but the plays were not banned as claimed , Schools just decided not to have them for whatever reason 

Its ok Nick you can admit it does happen in high Muslim areas or skate around it.

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4 minutes ago, BarraMarra said:

Its ok Nick you can admit it does happen in high Muslim areas or skate around it.

Your claim is that Nativity plays are banned in the U.K , that claim is incorrect . 

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18 minutes ago, Nick Carter icp said:

Your claim is that Nativity plays are banned in the U.K , that claim is incorrect . 

Ok Nick I will retract that statement however there are Schools up and down the UK  where Nativity plays have been removed due to the Christian belief of Jesus that some Muslim parents object to. In some Schools 95% are Muslim origin with Immans as Teachers. How would you feel if your Son or Dau came home one day and said Daddy today i learned about the prophet Muhammed.

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3 hours ago, KhunLA said:

Can you get any more racist than that.  Are the other religions restricted from wearing such clothing;

Jews & kippah/ tznuit

Sikh & dastar

Amish & organdy head bonnet

Uni religion or Atheist from a scarf

No one should be allowed anywhere in public with their face covered. Simples.

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6 minutes ago, BarraMarra said:

Ok Nick I will retract that statement however there are Schools up and down the UK  where Nativity plays have been removed due to the Christian belief of Jesus that some Muslim parents object to. 

Can you give a link to show in which Schools this has happened ?

1 hour ago, KhunLA said:

I can definitely agree with the removal of all identifying 'labels', as the root of most issues. 


We're human, not nationalities, race, religion, gender or colors.

IMO you are trying to have it both ways. The wearing of an abaya is an identifying label, yes?

Governments and taxpayers should not be dictated to by shrill minorities. If a secular education is unacceptable on the grounds of religious beliefs, they are free to use their own money to establish private schools.


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8 minutes ago, Sigmund said:

Same for the bible and M16 tooting,  mass murderers in America and other western nations - no better.

Point taken, although Putin as a mass murderer does take some beating.

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6 minutes ago, Sigmund said:

Point take,

Are some other western leaders any better if you look deep into the picture or their actions behind the scenes ?

One could argue Bush, Blair etc. were no better in Iraq. Or Reagan with Nicaragua, Johnson in Vietnam.

The reason I single out Putin is because he is following the Stalin model of forced repatriation ( children as well ), and genocide. AFAIK no Western leader has gone that far.

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1 hour ago, Sigmund said:

In a Church a Mosque or a Synagogue...religion is plainly an excuse and outlet for many freaks who just want to take the readings out of context and spread their hate with preaching extremists.


The Bible, the Coran, the Torah and so on,  have never advocated for hate in their texts.

What?  Have you read them? 


They are all on about hell and punishment, damdarion and eternal torture. 


They tell their believers to go out and either convert people to their reigion or kill them...smash babies heads on rocks, force raped women to marry their attaxker.  Their gods also kill and smite the enemy nations and lands of people who don't believe in that religion. 

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2 hours ago, RocketDog said:


Every religion boasts of their very own 'One True God'.

Makes me wonder if all those gods have a religion  with One Truer God.

Or if all those gods have an annual get together, like a G7 meeting...

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3 hours ago, wombat said:

The more we empower minorities the more they want untill the minority dictate to the majority

True. But do you really see the Muslims in France demanding ALL girls\women cover their heads\bodies?

Freedom of religion means anyone can worship and believe who or whoever they want as long as they don't force anyone else to go their way or stop anyone going another way.

Now, if they start demanding special prayer time during school schedule - that would be wrong. 

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2 hours ago, prakhonchai nick said:

Ones religious belief, if they have one, is -or should be, a purely private matter (sadly in most cases hoisted upon one at birth). It should be kept that way. PRIVATE. Not open for all to see. Do what/wear what you like in private, but conform to accepted norms in public.

Expected norms?


What is "norm"?

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4 hours ago, KhunLA said:

Can you get any more racist than that.  Are the other religions restricted from wearing such clothing;

Jews & kippah/ tznuit

Sikh & dastar

Amish & organdy head bonnet

Uni religion or Atheist from a scarf

Yes they are !

  • Haha 1
46 minutes ago, jak2002003 said:

What?  Have you read them? 


They are all on about hell and punishment, damdarion and eternal torture. 


They tell their believers to go out and either convert people to their reigion or kill them...smash babies heads on rocks, force raped women to marry their attaxker.  Their gods also kill and smite the enemy nations and lands of people who don't believe in that religion. 

Definately no doubt though that you ... you have not read any of the religious books (Koran, Bible, Torah...)


You are completely confusing the point between what is written in these religious book and how it is interpreted by the radicals, belivers in their hate preachings and sayings.

3 hours ago, JensenZ said:

They are working on it. I don't think Amish clothing is much of a concern in France...

Are their none that immigrated from Switzerland or Germany in France ?


edit & answered: "At the beginning of the 18th century, the Amish communities once more had to face persecution ... Louis XIV decreed their expulsion from French territory."

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