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The Simple Reason Why You Wake Up Earlier As You Age

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There are many jokes that center around older adults waking up before the sun, and even more about teenagers’ late-sleeping habits. Turns out there’s truth to them: The time our body naturally goes to sleep and wakes up is not only part of our genetics, but part of the natural aging process, too.

As we age, our bodies change both internally and externally, which is a major factor behind the sleep changes that come later in life. “Like most of the things that change with age, there’s not just one reason, and they are all interconnected,” said Cindy Lustig, a professor of psychology at the University of Michigan.

We asked Lustig and other experts to break down the main reasons why this occurs, and what you can do to push back if you just want those few extra hours of Zzzs.


Earlier wake times are part of the natural aging process.

Like other aspects of our physical and mental health, the brain becomes less responsive as we age.


“The wiring of the brain is likely not sensing...and responding to the inputs as well as it should because it’s an aging brain,” said Dr. Sairam Parthasarathy, the director of the Center for Sleep and Circadian Sciences at the University of Arizona Health Sciences. These inputs include sunset, sunlight, meals, social cues, and physical activity that help mark where we are in a day.

“These are all what we call time givers, or they give time to the brain,” he said. In other words, they help the brain sense where it is in the 24-hour circadian cycle.

So, for a younger person, dinner time may help the brain understand that bedtime is in a few hours; for someone older, this connection may not happen.

The nerves that are supposed to give the brain time cues have undergone the same amount of degeneration as the brain, Parthasarathy said. This inability to sense time cues is part of the reason why older people tend to get tired before their children or grandchildren. And, as a result, wake up fully rested and earlier than the rest of the world.





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2 hours ago, scubascuba3 said:

i found if you go to sleep earlier you wake up earlier, who knew

Since I stopped having to go to work I stayed up later.


The only reason I wake up early is when the scumbags inconsiderate oafs wake me up with their foul noise they imagine is music played at setting 11.

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