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Do you believe in Ghosts?

bob smith

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7 minutes ago, fredwiggy said:

That's a long time ago. People are still slaves to wrong thinking now.

My God. Head....Brick Wall. Bye.

7 minutes ago, fredwiggy said:



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7 hours ago, bob smith said:

well that did open up a rather large can of worms....

Well, I guess it takes one to know one..

Ghosts, I mean.


And by Ghosts, I mean Foreign Ghosts or Farang Ghosts.


And, the proper term for Foreign Ghost in Chinese is YangGui or YangGuiZi (洋鬼 or 洋鬼子).


I have been a Foreign Ghost all my life, and loving it.


I suggest YOU, too, get comfortable in your own skin,

Comfortable enough in your own skin so that people having different skin, meaning different customs and culture, might not bother you so much.


Someday, YOU might lose all your money...again.

And then, it's entirely conceivable that you might need to depend on kind locals for a handout.


Just an innocent observation, and,

I hope you might take it to heart,




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1 hour ago, Mark Nothing said:

Ghost is defined secondarily in the dictionary as a disembodied soul.


The primary definition of ghost being the seat of life or intelligence.


Near death experiences seemed to indicate the soul being separated from the body.  And the patient could recall from memory when the patient came back to life.


Thailand has ghost houses everywhere and I noticed many decades ago how different this country felt to all the others I traveled to and one possible explanation is satisfying the ghosts.  


 I think ghosts exist.



You’re wrong. 

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5 hours ago, bob smith said:

seems that some members could do with reading Sapiens.

This is a dumbed down book for dummies.

Not surprised that you are recommending it.


There are many reviews of this POPular book on the web.

I suggest you actually READ a few.

This is the same genre as Pop Psychology...


For example:




So, anyway, I would not be surprised if you secretly believe in Ghosts, as well.


You know...

Sort of a Closet Ghost-Believer...








Edited by GammaGlobulin
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1 hour ago, GammaGlobulin said:

Well, I guess it takes one to know one..

Ghosts, I mean.


And by Ghosts, I mean Foreign Ghosts or Farang Ghosts.


And, the proper term for Foreign Ghost in Chinese is YangGui or YangGuiZi (洋鬼 or 洋鬼子).


I have been a Foreign Ghost all my life, and loving it.


I suggest YOU, too, get comfortable in your own skin,

Comfortable enough in your own skin so that people having different skin, meaning different customs and culture, might not bother you so much.


Someday, YOU might lose all your money...again.

And then, it's entirely conceivable that you might need to depend on kind locals for a handout.


Just an innocent observation, and,

I hope you might take it to heart,




Completely irrelevant to the whole conversation. I know you consider yourself some kind of intellectual heavyweight but relevance to the topic is always a good start. 

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5 minutes ago, GammaGlobulin said:

This is a dumbed down book for dummies.

Not surprised that you are recommending it.


There are many reviews of this POPular book on the web.

I suggest you actually READ a few.

This is the same genre as Pop Psychology...


For example:




So, anyway, I would not be surprised if you secretly believe in Ghosts, as well.


You know...

Sort of a Closet Ghost-Believer...








you are quite a nasty individual really.

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6 minutes ago, Walker88 said:

Your Jesus guy, if he did rise from the dead, missed his second chance to say owning other human beings is wrong. He certainly didn't say anything about it in his first 33 year iteration. I would call that pretty immoral, since theoretically his dad made everybody and loves everybody. I have no need for any deity, especially an immoral one like your Christian god.


I always wonder what your deity was doing from quadrillions of years ago until he decided he needed some little creatures to tell it how special it was? Why bother with 200 billion galaxies, when a fish bowl would do as well? Get the fish to applaud and say, Great job, god ! Thanks for the plankton !


I question your spurious statement that 'half the scientists believe in god'. What constitutes a 'scientist' in your mind? You just made that number up, didn't you? Can you break it down to give the % for cosmologists and particle physicists?


If your god---with absolutely zero proof of its existence and tales of simple parlor tricks written hundreds of years after your messiah died, then edited and selected from among many (plagiarized) 'spiritual texts' that others had written---could always exist, or come from nothing into existence, why can't the Universe, which DEFINITELY exists, be the same?


I'll repeat something that seems to escape you. You toss out 'common sense' to suggest something could not come from 'nothing'. Common sense a thousand years ago said the Earth could not possibly be round, because we'd fall off. Common sense could not imagine a force that works on particles with mass, or even particles without mass under the right conditions (like photons). Your 'common sense' cannot imagine muons and quarks and bosons and all the other subatomic particles, and how some of them move in and out of existence. That reality is as far above your ability to understand as it was for a sheep herder in Frankia to understand gravity or electromagnetism, much less the strong and weak nuclear forces. Since the sheepherder couldn't understand gravity, he decided a god must be responsible for him not falling off the Earth, just as you need a god to explain what you are incapable of understanding.


You also had plenty of choices (other than science), but chose the belief system most common in the land of your birth. Had you been born in Mecca, you'd likely be just as adamant about Allah and Mohamed, and if born in Salt Lake City you'd be wearing magic underwear and listening to the Greatest Hits of Donny and Marie.


By the way, if you 'fully understand gravity' as you say, you are the only human who does, and plenty of physicists would like to have a chat with you.


Quote of the day “Greatest hits of Donny and Marie”


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I read a book once and can't remember the name but it was written by one of the world's best spiritualist mediums. He told the story of a Church priest who was contacted through the medium, he named his Church the day of his death and what killed him. The Medium spoke the same as the priest. To validate the story a tape recording was played to the Audiance by the priest while he was preaching a sermon some 20 years before. The recording was identified from a member of the original congregation. as the original priest talking. Another reading was from a Soldier killed in 1918 during the Great War.  He states he only had to survive 2 days and his war was over due to the Armistice but he had to go over top 1 more time he said he saw a large bomb crater and he decided to jump in for cover. He recalls looking up and seeing his old pal from the same regiment what he found strange was his pal was killed weeks ago he didn't realize that he had been shot dead and fell into the bomb crater. The medium said his Pal was there to take him to the other place as there was no family or loved ones when he passed, the closest was his pal who he would recognize.

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1 hour ago, BarraMarra said:

I read a book once and can't remember the name but it was written by one of the world's best spiritualist mediums. He told the story of a Church priest who was contacted through the medium, he named his Church the day of his death and what killed him. The Medium spoke the same as the priest. To validate the story a tape recording was played to the Audiance by the priest while he was preaching a sermon some 20 years before. The recording was identified from a member of the original congregation. as the original priest talking. Another reading was from a Soldier killed in 1918 during the Great War.  He states he only had to survive 2 days and his war was over due to the Armistice but he had to go over top 1 more time he said he saw a large bomb crater and he decided to jump in for cover. He recalls looking up and seeing his old pal from the same regiment what he found strange was his pal was killed weeks ago he didn't realize that he had been shot dead and fell into the bomb crater. The medium said his Pal was there to take him to the other place as there was no family or loved ones when he passed, the closest was his pal who he would recognize.

Well I for one am convinced. 
Great story. You got any Harry Potter?

Edited by johnnybangkok
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9 hours ago, Walker88 said:

How about when you die and find out you backed the wrong horse, and Jesus was a fraud but Mohamed or John Smith or the Vikings or ancient Greeks nailed it?


Pascal's Wager, which you sort of tried to plagiarize, ignored the fact that there are dozens, maybe hundreds of supreme deities manufactured by humans since Oldavai Gorge. It's almost like buying a lottery ticket, as you have many chances of not winning an invitation to the 'true paradise'.


You also seem to assume that a non-believer (don't call anyone an atheist, as that is a disparaging term made up by the superstitious. To borrow from Sam Harris, YOU are an atheist with respect to the vast majority of deities, while non-believer just eliminate the last one. Also, why is there no term for those who don't believe in astrology? Maybe THAT superstition has finally died, so no need.)   cannot be moral, and thus not be allowed into anybody's paradise.


Deities are totally unnecessary for morality, and nobody's deity or prophet was particularly moral anyway.


Do you think Moses came down with the stone tablets he chipped out and said, "Guys, I've got some bad news. No murder, no stealing"


Morality emerges when humans decide to co-exist. Humans make rules so that we can be 'civilized'. No god rulebook needed.


Also, it was HUMANS who decided slavery was wrong, that owning other human beings was wrong. Your Jesus had no problem with slavery. Really immoral guy, and totally undeserving of any paradise.

How about when you die and find out you backed the wrong horse, Humans made rules, following God's commandments, which, even if you leave those out that are about him, make perfect sense. You might read this, because you're understanding of slavery is limited.....................https://ac3.org/2016/01/did-jesus-condone-slavery

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9 hours ago, johnnybangkok said:

Quote of the day “Greatest hits of Donny and Marie”


There you go , again, assuming what I or anyone else knows. That is a common trait among narcissists, who also assume they are somehow better than anyone else. Anyone,like you, can research online and find out things. Anyone, like you, can listen to a few scientists and believe, naively, that what they say is gospel. Yes, many have found out things about our universe that we didn't know earlier. That's what they do.Things that you mention that were unknown or unbelievable were found to be true. Many things. I believe, like most everyone does, in scientists. That doesn't mean I believe everything, as that would make me, like you, gullible. You spend a lot of time trying to prove to me that my God doesn't exist. Why? What happened to you that you lost faith? Or did you never have faith, and were taught by parents that there can't be a God? Or maybe, you are too smart to believe in something you can't see or feel, and let others decide for you. Did a loved one die, and you thought, there can't be a God, because so much evil exists in this world, and he doesn't do anything about it. To you, simple parlor tricks are just that. To us, the believers, they are miracles, things we see everyday. You have no evidence the universe started all by itself, so your argument means nothing also. You can go and look up what a scientist said, and it may seem logical to you, because, without faith, you have a closed mind and can't believe there is a creator of everything. Everything you have stated in your posts is common knowledge to people who wonder about our universe. Including myself. Thinking you know something and another doesn't is ignorance. Where did you learn these things? Online. Do you know everything you know is available to me also? The difference between us, besides your closed ,ignorant mind, is that I believe in God, even though I haven't yet seen him. You believe in what others have told you, that there is an explanation for how the universe started. I say God created everything. I have faith he exists. It isn't just common sense to believe the universe had a creator. You can't prove otherwise, so answering me shows the narcissism and not intelligence. One of us is wrong. It just might be you. From Isaac Asimov, if you know who he is...........“Your assumptions are your windows on the world. Scrub them off every once in a while, or the light won’t come in.”― Isaac Asimov

Edited by fredwiggy
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1 hour ago, fredwiggy said:

Speak for yourself, oh clueless one

Just for using a phone or laptop and wifi....making your thoughts appear somewhere else far away the moment you hit "SEND"....would have branded you a witch by the very folks whose superstitions you believe.


You would have been burned at the stake. "He's a witch !"


"Common sense" would have dictated that without any visible connection, no way you could make your words appear so far away from where you sit. Obviously witchcraft and the Devil's Work.


The zealots who would have killed you, sent you to eternal damnation, would have done so knowing their god would approve, because nobody could possibly conceive of radio waves, wifi, microwave towers.....even electricity.


Because of SCIENCE, you get to control this devil's tool, or to put it another way, your deity has lost his powers, because science explained and exploited what superstition used to grant to the made-up deity.


Today, you make the same mistake, using the same words. You are totally incapable of understanding the science related to subatomic particles, so you still subscribe to the superstition. You cannot burn us at the stake, but instead---as you have done with your comments---threatened us with eternal damnation, whether we are more moral people than you or your god, if we don't subscribe to your superstition.


And you cannot see that you are just a 21st Century Dark Age cultist.



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33 minutes ago, Walker88 said:

Just for using a phone or laptop and wifi....making your thoughts appear somewhere else far away the moment you hit "SEND"....would have branded you a witch by the very folks whose superstitions you believe.


You would have been burned at the stake. "He's a witch !"


"Common sense" would have dictated that without any visible connection, no way you could make your words appear so far away from where you sit. Obviously witchcraft and the Devil's Work.


The zealots who would have killed you, sent you to eternal damnation, would have done so knowing their god would approve, because nobody could possibly conceive of radio waves, wifi, microwave towers.....even electricity.


Because of SCIENCE, you get to control this devil's tool, or to put it another way, your deity has lost his powers, because science explained and exploited what superstition used to grant to the made-up deity.


Today, you make the same mistake, using the same words. You are totally incapable of understanding the science related to subatomic particles, so you still subscribe to the superstition. You cannot burn us at the stake, but instead---as you have done with your comments---threatened us with eternal damnation, whether we are more moral people than you or your god, if we don't subscribe to your superstition.


And you cannot see that you are just a 21st Century Dark Age cultist.



You do know you look more ignorant with every post don't you? How would you know anything about me by my posting that I believe in God, that he created the universe, and it didn't just happen or always was there, which is a guess someone made and you believed?                                                                                                                                            A person with an above average IQ can understand most anything put their way. I'm a little more above that. Not a genius level like my dad was, but close. I myself, believe you are a person who might know a little about science, but rely on google to learn more, like millions of others.                                                                                                                           You might be a very low IQ person, trying to bolster their ego by arguing a point online with a stranger that you know zero about, besides my faith in God, and believing he made everything. I think he did, you think he doesn't exist. How can you say either way when you have no proof either way? And you assume I threaten everyone with eternal damnation when I haven't threatened anyone. It's not mine to judge. I only can spread the word. You don't believe, that's up to you. I can't send you to hell. That's your deal. I don't follow a cult. I'm not that ignorant. I follow God because of faith. I believe he exists for many reasons, a few of which are what I see and have seen all my life.                               Do you think everything in the universe, from an insect's wing, to the fact that the earth is exactly the right distance from the sun to sustain life, how everything alive has all it needs to survive here, how the moon controls the tides, how gravity keeps us on earth, the intricacies of the brain, all the different species on earth, and millions of other miracles, that all of this just happened and came to be out of nothing?                                    I know what science gave to us. I'm on my computer typing these words, because someone invented all of this. They have the intelligence to invent things, because they were given a brain, like almost all of us, from a creator. That brain came from nothing? A big bang that made everything we know. I don't think so, but you do.                                     And like I said before, when you die, you will know the truth, and then it will be too late. Not because of me, but because the entity that made everything has the right to have laws. Laws which we must follow because he is the creator, and his laws make sense so we don't hurt others.                                                                                                                          I don't like a lot of what happens here, from the continual onslaught of narcissists and their evil ways, to depression which ruins millions of lives, and diseases which do all of us in eventually. But I'm going to compare 85 or so years to forever, and that the pain ends when we die, if we believe. As before, if you are right, and there is no God, you have nothing to worry about. If there is a God, and you don't believe, then you do.

Edited by fredwiggy
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Who you gonna call? Thai Ghost-Busters:




Thai Ghostbusters is the low budget reality TV show concept that could get sold immediately.


Buddhism was originally forced on the Thai's to replace their low-down animist ways. And yet, it thrives along side it with Naga amulets, ghosts, rice-water rituals and on and on.


Just like they were never conquered, they were never fully assimilated into Buddhism either. Long may their animist-rebel spirit run.

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2 hours ago, fredwiggy said:

How about when you die and find out you backed the wrong horse, Humans made rules, following God's commandments, which, even if you leave those out that are about him, make perfect sense. You might read this, because you're understanding of slavery is limited.....................https://ac3.org/2016/01/did-jesus-condone-slavery

No point debating this because faith by definition is not necessarily logical. You could instead be saving souls. A recent bar girl thread has some horrid posts. Rather than debating Gods existence why not show why he is your inspiration and show the heathens the error of their ways. Praise Jesus. 

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2 hours ago, bob smith said:


Without class. 

Such a society cannot exist. 

First you call me DUDE. 

Now you talk of classlessness.

You're not a Marxist are you? 


Everything quiet enough for you at the coffee shop, this morning?


Any anarchists around, eating illegal food? 


No ghosts, I hope. 



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