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5 hours ago, BarraMarra said:

Who the first super power to stick there noses in again ? and threatening other countrys to stay away or else???

Over 20 US citizens were killed, last I checked. Enough grounds to 'stick their noses'.

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2 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

How could anyone possibly know that? Did they have a poll while the bombs were falling?

What I do know for sure is that most if not all in Gaza hate israel, and thousands of Hamas supporters are being created.

There's a Palestinian polling research center. Been on for years. Referenced quite often on most media channels and outlets when related issues come up. I'm not sure about currently, didn't check, but on previous fighting rounds they managed to get results rather quickly. Deflect away.

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2 hours ago, Nick Carter icp said:

The British Police and now investigating the deaths of the 17 Brits killed in the Hamas attack .

   What will legally happen to the 8000 Hamas invaders ?

Will they be prosecuted for their crimes ?

   1000 people murdered , there need to be 1000 murder charges



It's of consequence in two scenarios:


(a) years later one of the murderers surfaces and tries to get a UK or EU visa etc.

(b) supporting evidence when classifying Hamas as a terrorist organization, or wishing to apply sanctions.

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1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:



IMO they are waiting for the ground attack, and will be ready for it.


More deflections.

Let's try again: Do you think that the Hamas anticipated the harsh Israeli response - with the expected destruction and death? The Gazan civilian casualties?

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On 10/8/2023 at 7:31 AM, Nick Carter icp said:


One more victim identified .

The lower photo is of her in the back on a truck after being murdered and her copse being desecrated and spat upon whist they were shouting "Allah Ahkbar" .

  She was attending a musical peace festival when she got taken 


r/AskMiddleEast - Hopefully you guys remember that there are real people behind the casualty numbers and that there are a lot of families and people being hurt.

The good news is that she may have survived , been reports that she is alive in a Gaza hospital .

   Seem some people praising Hamas for rescuing the injured woman  and taking her to Hospital in Gaza

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1 hour ago, MrMojoRisin said:

Sounds like a pretty decent waste of taxpayer money. What exactly do they hope to achieve?

(a) supporting evidence for classing Hamas as a terrorist organization, grounds for future sanctions and so on.


(b) data on identifiable murderers and participants, in case they surface up at a later time.


Guess you'd rather go for the nothing-to-see-here-move-along? Or are you still in damage-control mode? Denying this happened?

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12 hours ago, BarraMarra said:

The British SAS will be on standby for any rescue missions in Gaza and are likely in the early planning stages already.

No they won't. That said information on individuals, locations, techniques and equipment will be flowing into Israel. Their own military will provide the people on the ground.


If Israel asks for assistance with analysis and forensic work, in particular with identifying terrorists, they will get it, probably already are. Less likely but they may ask for assistance with planning and training - they are going to be busy in months to come. 

Edited by herfiehandbag
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1 hour ago, MrMojoRisin said:

What do you mean hunt down?

Surely they know exactly where they are or they wouldn’t be dropping so many bombs from 10,000 feet on residential areas - would they?

Surely how? Do you think that in this minute Israel knows exactly who murdered which child? Plus his exact whereabouts? No, you don't. Was there anything said about Israeli bombing specifically targeting specific Hamas people directly involved with killing children and babies? No, there wasn't.

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1 hour ago, MrMojoRisin said:

You don’t think facts are important?


The original source of the 40 beheaded babies has already recanted.


The only reason to continue promoting this story prior to official confirmation is to aid and abet in dehumanising Palestinians.

Biden says he’s seen ‘confirmed pictures of terrorists beheading children’ in Israel


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3 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Won largely by luck. Had more Exocets been successful the navy would have been sunk.

I remember the conflict well. Apparently Thatcher over ruled all the generals who were not in favour, given as how it could so easily go wrong.

That doesn't detract from the bravery and fortitude shown by the Paras- real hard men.

Funnily enough I remember it as well.


Off topic, but if you remember it so well you will remember that there were actually more Royal Marines than Paras involved, and that the major limitation on the Argentinian anti shipping air attacks was that they only had a few aircraft capable of launching the missiles. If that capacity had been greater, and the risk greater then the mainland air bases would have gone up. That would have been a major escalation, but...


Their aircraft carrier was already out of the game, it buggered off very quickly when the submarine threat became evident.


Anyway, whilst there were some nasty pieces of work amongst the Argentinian "players" none even came close to these savages.


This is not our war, in the sense that the Israelis neither want nor need British troops deployed - I very much doubt that they even particularly want American involvement, although their logistics chain will help. They will sort it themselves - it is rather what they will do.


And don't worry about UN troops either - in past years in the Middle East (and elsewhere) they have shown themselves about as much use as an ashtray on a motorbike. I have some experience of "UN duties", and their chain of command and decision making processes are about as robust and effective as balsa wood armour!


Edited by herfiehandbag
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34 minutes ago, Morch said:

It's of consequence in two scenarios:


(a) years later one of the murderers surfaces and tries to get a UK or EU visa etc.

(b) supporting evidence when classifying Hamas as a terrorist organization, or wishing to apply sanctions.

And of course if they get a good "fix" on one, they will tell the Israelis.

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10 minutes ago, norfolkandchance said:

I was on the Balcony back in the day. Waiting for my call up to arms.

You were the chap with the little white watering can watering the pot plants weren't you? The one who looked so surprised when the flash bangs went off, and that bloke in a respirator and Noddy suit abseiled past you?


What colour is the boathouse ...


Edited by herfiehandbag
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2 hours ago, Danderman123 said:

Here's what's going to happen in Gaza: 


Israel will physically control Gaza, and begin a hunt for members of Hamas. Some will go down fighting, others will commit suicide, and most will be captured. The latter will be tried and punished.


Just like German Nazis in 1945.

and a great many innocent women and children will be killed as "collateral damage". What a vile world we live in that innocents can be dismissed so casually.


Interesting that you include a comment about Nazis. Relevant, but not in the way you mean.

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Just now, thaibeachlovers said:

and a great many innocent women and children will be killed as "collateral damage". What a vile world we live in that innocents can be dismissed so casually.


Interesting that you include a comment about Nazis. Relevant, but not in the way you mean.

You do remember that during the process of liberation of Europe from the Nazis, many civilians were killed by Allied bombing.


Relevant to the situation in Gaza.


I am sorry, but you are rooting for pure evil. Did you likewise support ISIS in their murderous struggle against the US?

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1 hour ago, herfiehandbag said:

Funnily enough I remember it as well.


Off topic, but if you remember it so well you will remember that there were actually more Royal Marines than Paras involved, and that the major limitation on the Argentinian anti shipping air attacks was that they only had a few aircraft capable of launching the missiles. If that capacity had been greater, and the risk greater then the mainland air bases would have gone up. That would have been a major escalation, but...


Their aircraft carrier was already out of the game, it buggered off very quickly when the submarine threat became evident.


Anyway, whilst there were some nasty pieces of work amongst the Argentinian "players" none even came close to these savages.


This is not our war, in the sense that the Israelis neither want nor need British troops deployed - I very much doubt that they even particularly want American involvement, although their logistics chain will help. They will sort it themselves - it is rather what they will do.


And don't worry about UN troops either - in past years in the Middle East (and elsewhere) they have shown themselves about as much use as an ashtray on a motorbike. I have some experience of "UN duties", and their chain of command and decision making processes are about as robust and effective as balsa wood armour!


That's right, but the main takeaway was the "yomp" by the Paras. Wonder if they could do that now?


The entire UN is a very bad joke IMO. They created israel and then wrung their hands when it all went wrong subsequently.

Pathetic talking shop IMO.

Their troops just got kicked out of Mali as useless.

Gave cholera to Haiti.

Every conflict now all they can do is whimper to "stop fighting and be nice".

Pretty much invisible on this one, as the American's lap dogs IMO. Significant that the general assembly is in New York.

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7 minutes ago, Danderman123 said:

You do remember that during the process of liberation of Europe from the Nazis, many civilians were killed by Allied bombing.


Relevant to the situation in Gaza.


I am sorry, but you are rooting for pure evil. Did you likewise support ISIS in their murderous struggle against the US?

The allies didn't have laser guided smart bombs when they invaded France.

The Germans were an army of thousands and armed with heavy weapons, not just rifles and RPGs


Stop the baiting or go on ignore.

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2 hours ago, Nick Carter icp said:

The idea is to stop any  future Hamas groups from forming , wipe out the current lot of Hamas and also wipe out anyone who would think about joining them in the future and that is pretty much everyone in Gaza .

   That would stop Hamas from attacking Israel in the future

Wow - kinda sounds exactly like genocide.

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