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New COVID Variant 'HV.1' has rapidly overtaken the #1 spot of previous mutations in the U.S.

Red Phoenix

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3 hours ago, GroveHillWanderer said:

Covid is not "another type of flu" - it's from a completely different family of viruses. Covid is a coronavirus, influenza is not.


Also, viruses do not always become less virulent as they mutate, that's just a common, but mistaken assumption.


Viruses can evolve to be more deadly



As that article points out, one classic example is bird flu - it was initially mild in humans, but evolved to become more deadly.

Just have to trust nature to sort things out.


The more the 'white coats' fiddle in their labs, the more people will suffer the consequences.

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5 hours ago, thaicurious said:

But the more a person misuses colorful photos of even scientific data in an attempt to convince that his fear is valid while ignoring the actual data interpretations of the science itself, the more we might suspect at play the art of politics, not the medical arts.


A total misunderstanding. 

I do not fear the virus.  I have a robust immune system (never vaxxed, and never sick by the way) and if I got covid I didn't even notice it. 

But yes I fear for my loved ones that were deluded or coerced into taking the shots.

Those that are currently still lining up to get the latest jab to 'protect' themselves, are the fearful - and gullible - ones.

The current jab is 'expected' 'may' 'should'  protect you from catching covid, while its composition is mainly targetting an almost extinct variant.  So its effectiveness is questionable (similar like the yearly Flu-vaccines which are based on Guesswork which variant would be dominant for the coming season).  

And then I am not even addressing the potential serious adverse effects of the mRNA-shots. 


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19 minutes ago, Red Phoenix said:

The current jab is 'expected' 'may' 'should'  protect you from catching covid, while its composition is mainly targeting an almost extinct variant.  So its effectiveness is questionable (similar like the yearly Flu-vaccines which are based on Guesswork which variant would be dominant for the coming season).  


This is the language of the 'white coats'; should, expected, may. Can't they say for certain? No! Of course not. Most of this data comes straight out of computers. In the real world - the world of nature - these 'shoulds', 'maybies' etc; don't exist.


Look at a fallen tree. Soon nature gets to work dismantling it. Then bacteria reduce it to nothing. We seem to be looking at things completely the wrong way. Nature has all the answers. We must learn from nature, not try to alter or improve on it in some secret lab.


As for Flu-vaccines being based on Guesswork. Well!! If we were privvy to the white-coats' software, we too could be guessing.

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[Mask} sales in Thailand still throo the roof.

Some people making a fortune and laffin' their heads off.

School kids still wearing masks...Really?

Public Health Ministry 4 year old recording of "recommended to wear mask" on BTS -

Such a subservient country unless they are behind the handlebars or wheel. But I luv the country!🙃🙃

Edited by stats
"muzzle" trolling term removed
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On 11/2/2023 at 10:24 AM, Lucky Bones said:

[Mask] sales in Thailand still throo the roof.

Some people making a fortune and laffin' their heads off.

School kids still wearing masks...Really?

Public Health Ministry 4 year old recording of "recommended to wear mask" on BTS .

Such a subservient country unless they are behind the handlebars or wheel. But I luv the country!🙃🙃


Have not had food poisoning in Thailand since Covid started. I love the paranoia, but up 2 u

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1 minute ago, Celsius said:


Have not had food poisoning in Thailand since Covid started. I love the paranoia, but up 2 u

Fair enuff. Never had food poisoning in 11 years living here and previous 6 years on/off visits.

Maybe your immune system a bit wonky or have an aversion to Thai street food?🙃🙃

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1 hour ago, Eleftheros said:

Collectivist types love these computer models and their projections and estimates.


First, they love the thought of some authority figure making decisions on their behalf. Second, they much prefer these low-resolution, one-stop-shop kind of 'answers'. And third, they are entirely comfortable with the fact that you can prove anything you want with computer models, simply by altering the inputs and assumptions.


On the other hand, the idea of thinking for themselves terrifies them.

What computer models would that be Eleftheros? You've read and checked on the facts that are contained in the citations and links contained in the article no? 

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5 hours ago, Red Phoenix said:

The current jab is 'expected' 'may' 'should'  protect you from catching covid

No responsible person of science or medicine currently utters such nonsense as you seem to enjoy propagandizing. To my memory, feel free to check me, in this pandemic, only pre-Omicron was there science showing vaccine would prevent "catching covid". But that's been off the table since about 2022 with the advent of immunity evasive omicron and its subsequent offspring, with vax since then at best (but good enough to control the pandemic) reducing symptoms leading to hospitalization and death, both of which the vaccines have measurably accomplished so that the world's hospitals and morgues could handle the rest. Or don't you remember patients piling up in hallways, ventilator shortages, body fluids dripping out of tractor trailers awaiting processing by local morticians. Because pre-vaccinations this was getting real disgusting real fast. The current hope with vaccines is that the next gen mucosal (nasal or oral) vaccinations will have a better efficacy against transmission.


But that is not, as you've just wrongly said so you can deceivingly counter, claimed about the current boosters.

Edited by thaicurious
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1 minute ago, Eleftheros said:

That would be the computer models used to estimate the amount of lives saved by inoculation, for a start. Of course it's a computer model. You can tell that by the wording of "3.5 million to 5 million lives". They didn't count them, they estimated them using various input parameters, and that range is their best estimate. The same goes for the CDC study from 2015 estimating lives saved by flu vaccines.


The "facts" in the citations and links, those that I've looked at, are simply more computer model estimations. It's computer modelling all the way down.


And to repeat, you can get computer models to say anything you want. If you know the desired result, it is trivial to have a computer model generate it, as the wretched Neil Ferguson of Imperial College proved with his estimate of how many Brits would die from Covid, a disastrous exaggeration which informed much of the UK government's catastrophic response to the virus.


That would be the computer models used to estimate the amount of lives saved by inoculation, for a start. Of course it's a computer model. You can tell that by the wording of "3.5 million to 5 million lives"


Ok seeing as that is your starting point, where are those referenced computer models that you are so sure of?

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12 minutes ago, thaicurious said:

No responsible person of science or medicine currently utters such nonsense as you seem to enjoy propagandizing. To my memory, feel free to check me, in this pandemic, only pre-Omicron was there science showing vaccine would prevent "catching covid". But that's been off the table since about 2022 with the advent of immunity evasive omicron and its subsequent offspring, with vax since then at best (but good enough to control the pandemic) reducing symptoms leading to hospitalization and death, both of which the vaccines have measurably accomplished so that the world's hospitals and morgues could handle the rest. Or don't you remember patients piling up in hallways, ventilator shortages, body fluids dripping out of tractor trailers awaiting processing by local morticians. Because pre-vaccinations this was getting real disgusting real fast. The current hope with vaccines is that the next gen mucosal (nasal or oral) vaccinations will have a better efficacy against transmission.


But that is not, as you've just wrongly said so you can deceivingly counter, claimed about the current boosters.


Okay, I adapted my statement:

The current jab is 'expected' / 'may' / 'should' reduce your symptoms leading to hospitalization and death, when catching covid.

But of course the large majority of the population still believes the earlier 24/7 propaganda that the jabs will 'protect you from catching covid'.


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37 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

Hyperbole. Another cultist that immediately dismisses an article without actually reading it.


Who is a cultist? Not me Brian if it is me you are nodding towards.


I didn't read the article, but I did read the part you quoted:


"Immunization currently prevents 3.5-5 million deaths every year from diseases like tetanus, pertussis, influenza and measles,” the World Health Organization wrote in a recent roundup celebrating its 75th anniversary. “As diseases like polio and diphtheria fall out of living memory, people are increasingly vaccinated against diseases they have never seen, making it harder to understand how devastating they can be.”


I called it monumental cowpoo. It is simply untrue.

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33 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

There you go, you didn't read it and dismiss it without reading the facts in the multiple sources referenced in the article. Typical



You highlighted the section below. If it is not representative of the 'fullfact' article then why post it? Pasted again below.


"Immunization currently prevents 3.5-5 million deaths every year from diseases like tetanus, pertussis, influenza and measles,” the World Health Organization wrote in a recent roundup celebrating its 75th anniversary. “As diseases like polio and diphtheria fall out of living memory, people are increasingly vaccinated against diseases they have never seen, making it harder to understand how devastating they can be.”


I read it and I don't agree with any of it. Apart from the bit not in quotes.



Edited by stats
unsourced and unsubstantiated claim removed
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