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Would YOU watch HIS bag on the beach?


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On 11/27/2023 at 12:06 PM, Liverpool Lou said:
On 11/27/2023 at 11:56 AM, petermik said:

goodness me....I,ve just been to the toilet maybe I should post it on here as a hot topic....sorry but have you nothing else better to do?

Sorry, but have you nothing else better to do (to use your words)?  Where was his OP shown as a "hot topic"?


Today, the thread popped up in the column of Popular Posts on the right-hand side of the home page.




Hope this helps.

Edited by NanLaew
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28 minutes ago, bignok said:

The earphone guy is rude imo


I'll let you know when one of your opinions agrees with mine.

I have this mental image of you interrupting a couple mid-bonk on a beach, to ask for directions to the ice-cream stand.

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1 minute ago, Lacessit said:

I'll let you know when one of your opinions agrees with mine.

I have this mental image of you interrupting a couple mid-bonk on a beach, to ask for directions to the ice-cream stand.

Sex on beaches is illegal.



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21 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:


Everyone is 'always doing something'...       This is why we have the term 'excuse me'.... So that it possible to interrupt without being impolite. 



If I want assistance from anyone, I'll pick on someone who is not otherwise occupied.  I would still say excuse me.

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3 minutes ago, bignok said:

Is there a point to your ramblings?

I probably lost it responding to yours.

Mods - when will we get the delete notifications function back?

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23 minutes ago, NanLaew said:
On 11/27/2023 at 12:06 PM, Liverpool Lou said:
On 11/27/2023 at 11:56 AM, petermik said:

goodness me....I,ve just been to the toilet maybe I should post it on here as a hot topic....sorry but have you nothing else better to do?

Sorry, but have you nothing else better to do (to use your words)?  Where was his OP shown as a "hot topic"?


Today, the thread popped up in the column of Popular Posts on the right-hand side of the home page.

So?  The OP didn't post it as a "hot topic" as petermilk suggested.

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1 hour ago, richard_smith237 said:


Why is it indulgent to ask someone to keep an eye on your bag why they for a swim ??...  


Its not exactly an onerous task to allow someone to place their bag next to you while taking a dip... (frolicking in the water or otherwise).


Of course, a perfectly valid reason not to, would be if you are about to leave soon, or may go for a swim yourself etc... 


But, otherwise, telling someone 'no' in such a situation does highlight a degree of 'ayholeness'.... 


(not you), however, its of no surprise me to read some of the 'nay' responses and reasons from some of the posters who repeatedly re-affirm they are antisocial misfits. 



I think the beach is a bit different as it is a place you specifically go to relax and not have to think. Also when one is in close quarters with others one should respect others privacy.

This guy is saying - please be careful, and take note if my bag is there, so I can frolic and be care free.

I admit this is a trivial issue and likely I would say yes if someone asked but I do think it is a strange request given the reality of mainly quiet beaches, from what I see on the youtubes, and why he would trust me I am not sure.  In my minds eye they left the bag nearby rather than actually with me which made it worse as I need to regularly look up where the bag is .. spoiling my day horrendously. 

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I think under most circumstances many of us would be happy to watch somebody's bag, it's just not a big deal, I would never even consider the possibility that they were drugs inside, it would never enter my mind for good reason.


The fact that he reacted the way he did just means that he's a butthead, the world is full of buttheads, who cares? Water off a duck's back, those kind of situations mean nothing to me.


See you. Bye. Good riddens. 

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5 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:


Some hyperbolic 'whatifery' there along with an impressive absence of logic and reading comprehension. 


Since when is 'someone else's' bag an 'unattended bag ???


In an airport lounge, people have already gone through security...   keeping an eye on a neighbors bag while they pop to the toilet is hardly the terrorist security breach you make it out to be, neither is watching a seat neighbours bag on a train.... 


Me thinks in the aim of scoring a 'critical point' you over egg this pudding.... 


But.. if you are not willing to assist those around you in such simple ways that highlights something of your character. 


Let's play devil's advocate: If you would be a terrorist and you would like to leave a bag with a bomb on the beach. Do you think it would be better to just put the bag somewhere or ask someone to watch the bag? I am sure the second option would be less suspicious.


Personally, maybe I would do someone a favor, or maybe not. It would depend on the person asking nice and my mood and maybe my occupation at that time. I definitely wouldn't do it for anybody anytime. And why should I/we do that? 



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7 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:

 I didn't ask someone to watch it while I went for a dip, but, IF someone had stolen my bag, I'd have kicked myself for not asking.

But if you would have asked someone and that someone would have said: "Sure, I look after your bag." But then later you would return, and the bag is gone what then? Tell the guy that he is an a-hole because he didn't care? Or what?


It would be an interesting psychological test to look how many people would actually try to defend such a bag if someone would try to take it away. I guess some people would do something. But I guess it will also depend on who is taking the bag...






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On 11/27/2023 at 11:51 AM, henrik2000 said:

Today on Jomtien beach I was sitting in the sand, with noise canceling earphones and deep sunk in (earphone-compatible) work. The headphones are easily visible for anybody walking past, by their cables and black color.    


A middle-aged westerner and a younger Thai lady walked past me towards the water, held a yellow plastic bag my way and asked something. I didn't hear one word, because of the noise-canceling headphones, but assumed they asked if that bag was mine, what else could they mean? So I made a no-no gesture with my hands.  


They left the bag at the water's edge, splashed 10 minutes in the water and walked back past me, shouting something again my way.    


This time I took the earphones off, and we had this dialogue:    


I: “Sorry?”    

Man: “Thanks!”    

I: “Thanks for what?”    

Man: “Thanks for NOTHING!”    

I: “What do you mean?”    

Man: “Thanks for NOT watching our bag.”    

I: “0h sorry, you see I had the headphones in and was just assuming that you - "    

Man, interrupting: “Okay okay, have a WONDERFUL day!”    


He walked off with a superior air, no longer listening to my reply, and the lady laughed happily. He had shown her who the master is, especially as they towered upright over me, sitting below in the sand.    




No need to comment on their behavior, but would YOU watch a stranger's bag on the beach? Especially when you're occupied with headphone and complicated thoughts and sometimes trek to bathroom or snack stalls?    


I rather wouldn't watch a stranger’s bag on a Thai beach:    


- Someone might run off with HIS bag in MY care (either planned by him or not) 

- The bag might contain illegal stuff and be part of a setup    


Or would you?


you got what you deserved for "assuming" and taking no interest in what someone else was trying to tell you, and lying about understanding. 100% your problem.


it wasn't even about watching the bag or not, so this thread's title is a misrepresentation of what happened.


title should be "would you listen to what someone says to you on the beach" ?

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10 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:

But if you would have asked someone and that someone would have said: "Sure, I look after your bag." But then later you would return, and the bag is gone what then? Tell the guy that he is an a-hole because he didn't care? Or what?


But what if the that person has had a heart attack and all belonging are taken to hosptial with him (including my bag)... 


...  see what I did there....    I joined you in the rabbit hole of ridiculous 'whatifery'..... 




10 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:


It would be an interesting psychological test to look how many people would actually try to defend such a bag if someone would try to take it away. I guess some people would do something. But I guess it will also depend on who is taking the bag...





I think its already an interesting psychological test when seeing some of the daft responses we are seeing !!!... 

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6 hours ago, Fat is a type of crazy said:

I think the beach is a bit different as it is a place you specifically go to relax and not have to think. Also when one is in close quarters with others one should respect others privacy.

This guy is saying - please be careful, and take note if my bag is there, so I can frolic and be care free.

I admit this is a trivial issue and likely I would say yes if someone asked but I do think it is a strange request given the reality of mainly quiet beaches, from what I see on the youtubes, and why he would trust me I am not sure.  In my minds eye they left the bag nearby rather than actually with me which made it worse as I need to regularly look up where the bag is .. spoiling my day horrendously. 


I thought something minor spoiling someones day horrendously only occurred in Bob Smith's world... 


You make valid points though...  If the bag is placed 20m away, keeping that 'eye on it' could be an unwelcome PITA.

I'd at least expect them to put the bag near me. 


And to be fair to the guy... he's come to the beach to relax and doesn't want worry about theft when going for a swim...  thats understandable and I think most people would understand that and be open enough to keep any eye out... 

It also works both ways, perhaps the Op might want to go for a swim... there is someone who could now keep an eye out for their belongings while taking a dip... 


A bit of give and decency is not an onerous effort although - there are unwelcome extremes of that too.


Its one of those no rights and no wrongs issues... just a spectrum of varied appropriateness depending on the individual situation and location etc.



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On 11/26/2023 at 5:51 PM, henrik2000 said:

but would YOU watch a stranger's bag on the beach? Especially when you're occupied with headphone and complicated thoughts and sometimes trek to bathroom or snack stalls?    

.... Someone might run off with HIS bag in MY care (either planned by him or not) 

- The bag might contain illegal stuff and be part of a setup

Unbelievable that there were so many gullible stooges posting here in defense of someone who considered your time as less valuable that his. Correction , not one but two people who considered your time as less valuable than theirs. You are not a baggage clerk, a hotel bell hop, a train porter or a personal coolie waiting to be assigned to a task for a meager wage or tip. What was really at stake was not the loss of the bag.

It was the worry free fun and frolic that he THEY would have had to sacrifice,   at your expense. They could have easily shared the responsibility . It was not an emergency and  definitely did not override any social protocol of being considerate to other human beings in need of help or respite from suffering. 

@henrik2000 No need to rethink or recalibrate your decision. You did the right thing by accident.


  (2021 Halloween)  I once had a pair of guys wearing dresses  go ballistic on me for not taking a photo of them with their  phones for Fakebook at an  airport (LAX).  I have Tinnitus so I generally wear a combination of ear plugs and headphones . Initially when they came up to me waving the phones I handed them a pad and pencil to write down what the hell they were on about. I declined their invitation to simultaneously waste my time and miss my flight . Then the shouting began so I took the headphones off and the plugs out to find out that I was a  homophobe , probably a racist  and how one of them had fought in the US/ Iraq war to protect me. The laughing did not help calm them down . I had to catch my flight so I left them behind while still hurling insults at me...... Sometimes you have to cut the chord and move on.


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Hi all, thanks for more interesting input in an interesting dilemma.


When I was under the headphones, and the guy approached me first, he held the bag clearly my way, so his question must have been about the bag and not a tsunami warning. I am sure he would have placed the bag  next to me, had I agreed to watch it.

Personally I would not in my life ask a total stranger to watch my bag. You can prepare yourself for such situations by not bringing too much and maybe by carrying a waterproof pouch which is sold for situations just like that. That's why I was not even able to assume he might ask me to watch his plastic bag (plus I had been wrapped up in totally different thoughts for a while).

In Gambia, West Africa, I once went for a dip and left a half-transparent plastic bag with towel, change clothes and small money on the beach. A big guy appeared, looked happily at the bag, then at me and said, “oh is that one for me”, and started to walk away with my plastic bag. I shouted “police” etc (he was double my size, weight, height), and he dropped the bag and ran away. A vaguely similar thing happened nearby in Sierra Leone where taking away my bag with change things etc was announced, but not executed, while I soaked in the waters. I also happily assist to make other people's life a little easier or nicer, but this is not an eligible situation in my view, and in some other people’s view too, as we now know. When someone hurls abuse or aggressiveness at me, I try to “not even ignore them”, at least outwardly; invertly I cannot. I would certainly not talk back and pour oil into the fire


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On 11/27/2023 at 12:08 PM, topt said:

Actually you could argue it is an interesting moral dilemma......

Thanks, I actually thought so too.


But I agree I wrote the topic too early after the event. I should have focused on the question of "bag watching for strangers" and perhaps leave the altercation completely out of it; it was not my main issue, or maybe it should not have been my main issue.

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On 11/27/2023 at 1:05 PM, KhunLA said:

Error on the side of caution, as any 'unattended bag is suspect' in the 21st Century.  SAFETY (mine) FIRST


Live longer and happier with better choices, as I'm not in this world to make friends with strangers.

Sad, but true, with total strangers. If we had had friendly small talk before or if they had been pleasant enough beach neighbors for a little while, I would certainly have watched their bag, and without x-raying it (but I certainly see your point there). I might have attached their bag in my care to my arm to avoid any tragic mishap, which I never do with my own bags, at least not in Thailand so far.

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On 11/27/2023 at 1:12 PM, kwak250 said:

I once helped a thai man up that fell off his motorbike.

He was shouting at me and was drunk

My wife said he is saying I knocked him off so now I don't help strangers 

There you go, it's a dilemma. Thanks, interesting story.

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On 11/27/2023 at 5:41 PM, bignok said:

Basic manners to take headphones off to talk.


So you were rude to them first

They were rude second

Disagreed, but I see your point.


If it's not too small a thing I will add that he held the yellow plastic bag in my view, yet at the same time moved away from me towards the water line. So there was very little time for me to consider and react and to wake up from my earphone and thoughts. So he also asked me in a decidedly fleeting manner making me feel like a waiter standing around (a thought I only have now).

Had he fully stopped next to me and perhaps kneed down, of course I would have taken off the earphones and would have politely asked him to repeat his question. That's completely sure.

I will add another unimportant blip. In the Pattaya area I fall constantly prey to lonely, logorrheic guys who tell me their life story and sex exploits with little regard for me and without even trying to speak with less accent and more Oxford, as I'm obviously a non-native English speaker who might not be familiar with the newest Texan twang. By instinct I fight off such advances at early points, because I'm too shy and polite to cut them off later. That may have been a small part in my quick no no gesturing.


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