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Yaba Offence


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I don't know the penalty but they do tend to land pretty hard on these folks. Let us know if you get an answer. I don't know what their cut-off point is for personal use versus dealing.

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Does anyone know what is the penalty (Fine or Jail) for a Thai who is caught with 80 yaba pills in his car....Thanks.

No idea of the official punishment, but do know of Thai's who have spent upwards of 5 years in jail for having less than 10 yaba pills. Not worth playing this game :o

Since he's your friend, just make sure he gets the best lawyer possible. He's gonna have to use every spare penny he has to get this reduced to minimum time... the lawyer will manage payoffs to all in the system (TIT). He's gonna be either doing hard time for years or spending many years paying back debts to those who help him out now!!!!!!

Edited by jayjayjayjay
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Sounds like jail time, say around few years at least (I mean real time spend).

Why you want to know?

A friend was arrested a week ago for doing just that......it's sad.

It's sad he was dealing drugs or it's sad he was caught?

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manage payoffs to all in the system

organising payoffs before starting trading should have been your friends main priority.

he deserves some meaty gaol time for his stupidity alone...........and you should choose your friends more carefully.

Edited by taxexile
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he probably was paying em off

possesion for supply can carry the death penalty.

take em out back an shoot em ,they are scum and ruining young lives.

its our kids who will have the shit pushed on them next!!!!!!!!

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I know of a guy (friend of a friend) who got 4 years for 4 pills as he didnt have the $ to pay to have a good lawyer etc

The dealers should know the risks involved really, sooner or later they may find themselves on the news as the one who got nabbed.

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I cannot understand why in a country like Thailand , where punishments are severe , people still feem attempted to deal

with yaba or anything other illegal which has similar punishments . Is the money that good ?

I do not think so , thats why I cannot and will not understand the intentions of these people who are making those decisions freely . For that I cannot feel sorry at all . But yes ofcourse for people who do it unwillingly or are pushed or threatened

blackmailed etc . Thats a good reason to say that the punishments are too hard for .

On the other hand those severe punishments does't make the selling and dealing any less in LOS.

So if it is working ? I doubt it , it is up to discussion for what are the cons and what are not !

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"they are scum and ruining young lives."

what about alcohol and tobaco companies? what about mcdonalds? what about video games?

methamphatamine is ok by you then ?????????????????????????

yes or no answer please !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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"they are scum and ruining young lives."

what about alcohol and tobaco companies? what about mcdonalds? what about video games?

methamphatamine is ok by you then ?????????????????????????

yes or no answer please !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

oh boy, here come the morality squad.

guys, have another sangsom, maybe the moral indignation will pass.

I may have to turn to drugs just to avoid this tedious crap

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"they are scum and ruining young lives."

what about alcohol and tobaco companies? what about mcdonalds? what about video games?

methamphatamine is ok by you then ?????????????????????????

yes or no answer please !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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"they are scum and ruining young lives."

what about alcohol and tobaco companies? what about mcdonalds? what about video games?

Umm, I believe we are talking about a man who was caught drug-running. We are talking about illegal drugs. Can you stick to the topic or do you have to add something so pathetically unrelated just to be heard in your meaningless life?

In 4 years on this thread I have read some crap but yours takes the cake . . .

Make a sentence using the following words: SiamSquare123, moron, a is

Ah, can't say I've done that before but it feels good . . .

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"they are scum and ruining young lives."

what about alcohol and tobaco companies? what about mcdonalds? what about video games?

methamphatamine is ok by you then ?????????????????????????

yes or no answer please !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

They're terrible drugs. Not all the small dealers are scum - they are addicts.

If they made alcohol illegal in Thailand, i wonder how many(much?) scum would appear?

Edited by Neeranam
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"they are scum and ruining young lives."

what about alcohol and tobaco companies? what about mcdonalds? what about video games?

But there is not a severe punishment for that is it ? maybe bad for your health but you can't compare

apples with pears . Although they are both fruits . Does not mean they are the same ! :o

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"they are scum and ruining young lives."

what about alcohol and tobaco companies? what about mcdonalds? what about video games?

methamphatamine is ok by you then ?????????????????????????

yes or no answer please !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

oh boy, here come the morality squad.

guys, have another sangsom, maybe the moral indignation will pass.

I may have to turn to drugs just to avoid this tedious crap

i thought this was an expat forum?

that is for people who live here in thailand

i cant beleive anybody who lives here and has any grasp of what is going on in the kingdom could be so nonchalant about the social consequences of methamphetamine!!!!! just another tourist i guess

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"they are scum and ruining young lives."

what about alcohol and tobaco companies? what about mcdonalds? what about video games?

methamphatamine is ok by you then ?????????????????????????

yes or no answer please !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

oh boy, here come the morality squad.

guys, have another sangsom, maybe the moral indignation will pass.

I may have to turn to drugs just to avoid this tedious crap

i thought this was an expat forum?

that is for people who live here in thailand

i cant beleive anybody who lives here and has any grasp of what is going on in the kingdom could be so nonchalant about the social consequences of methamphetamine!!!!! just another tourist i guess

so tell us whats going on? my experience is that huge numbers of people are using the stuff and the police are probably making a lot of money from it. sure it destroys some people, but so does alcohol

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BTW keenonk, you actually started the handbag fight with your 'take em out and shoot em' post

so you're hardly the one to start preaching about being constructive.

Unless you do actually have something constructive to say :o

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"they are scum and ruining young lives."

what about alcohol and tobaco companies? what about mcdonalds? what about video games?

methamphatamine is ok by you then ?????????????????????????

yes or no answer please !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

oh boy, here come the morality squad.

guys, have another sangsom, maybe the moral indignation will pass.

I may have to turn to drugs just to avoid this tedious crap

i thought this was an expat forum?

that is for people who live here in thailand

i cant beleive anybody who lives here and has any grasp of what is going on in the kingdom could be so nonchalant about the social consequences of methamphetamine!!!!! just another tourist i guess

a tourist of 11 years at the same address, with parnter and child. if you want to play the who has been here longer game, please let me know how long you've been around. though i really could not care less.

As for the question at hand, it was not: "Are drugs moral, or is meth bad?"

the op was:

Does anyone know what is the penalty (Fine or Jail) for a Thai who is caught with 80 yaba pills in his car....Thanks.

do you know the answer? I didn't think so, because you were so high up on your moral pony you forgot what the discussion was about.

everytime drugs are mentioned on TV some ignoramus states categorically that anyone involved should be shot.

there are plenty of people here who realize the damage that can be caused by meth or drugs in general if they are abused. Some know first hand, some like myself have seen it happen to friends or acquaintances.

meth is evil, we know that, you are belabouring the obvious.

a guy with 40 pills isn't necessarily evil. he is likely a small time addict (or even casual user) trying to defray the cost of his habit amongst a group of friends who are similarly inclined.

True evil is the power that manufactured the drug and distributed it around the country, likely under the watchful eye off somebody in a position of influence. They are the ones who profit off of the wholesale destruction of lives

There are probably a few here that use drugs recreationally with no ill effects while holding down positions of responsibility, raising families and the like. There are probably more who drink themselves to sleep in front of the TV nightly. It is a matter of personal choice. You know the facts and you have chosen your substance.

then there are a vocal group that have little to no knowledge of drugs beyond that they are bad and all users are junkies and killers. that where i place you. I you can make assumptions about who i am, why shouldn't i assume you are ignorant?

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"they are scum and ruining young lives."

what about alcohol and tobaco companies? what about mcdonalds? what about video games?

Video games have zero lives on their sleeve, McDonalds have a handfull directly linked - but I don't think you should blame the company if you die at 28 of a heartattack if you eat _nothing_ else but french fries for over 10-15 years.

Alcohol and tobacco versus drugs is often a matter of politics and, perhaps especially in the US, a decendant of a racial discrimriation system - but for crying out loud, don't do it here anyway.

If you wanna protest the drug-prohibition, do that. But don't do a crime and then complain that it should be legal.

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