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Earth on verge of five catastrophic climate tipping points, scientists warn


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On 12/7/2023 at 8:05 AM, novacova said:

You are wrong about what I believe is true. I’m wrong about what you believe is true. There, problem solved and nothing left to argue about.


i'm going to borrow this comment. fantastic. 

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On 12/7/2023 at 7:47 PM, parallelman said:

At low altitudes water H2O (vapour) is by far the biggest GH gas threat and at those levels the H2O molecules considerably outnumber CO2 molecules. However, as we all know,  H2O readily condenses forming clouds and rain but CO2 does not. Earth's gravity prevents CO2 escaping into space and so the 'blanket' gets thicker but it's the lower layer of CO2 that absorbs most of the energy. The higher layers simply keep the energy for longer and that is the problem. The current CO2 level is about 0.04% (trivia-Venus is the hottest planet in the SS but its atmosphere is around 99% CO2 :smile:) CH4, N2O and O3 are GH gasses to a lesser extent. As well as agricultural products humans and other animals (cattle for example) produce CH4.

Wind Farms, Solar Panel areas aren't supplying and cannot supply right now, the demand for electricity and fusion reactors, it seems, won't be near supplying the grid anytime soon.

So we've gotten ourselves into a bit of a rut. Well, what can we do? We could ALL stop using our combustion vehicles, stop using aircraft for holiday trips, stop using...That is just not going to happen! We have to face that our 'needs' have outrun progress in technology-for example the weight of the batteries in EV's is roughly 40% (give or take a little) of the total. The batteries will become smaller as research continues but it isn't going to happen overnight.

The dinosaurs were eating their way to being doomed, the asteroid/comet strike just made it sooner...is it now our turn? I think we are intelligent enough to avoid it.

Of course it might be just one big conspiracy to make us all bow down...everyone has to decide for themselves.


Wishful thinking. Humans will never give up their creature comforts even if it destroys the planet. The governments will never allow alternative means of producing the electric demands as long as they profit from oil. Even this push for EV will find more opposition than acceptance but still will need coal and oil to sustain the demands for electric. For those who think all this is propaganda for global warming they simply need to look at temperatures, basic sea life patterns, and the ice caps to know it is real. They are the ones who will slow the process to heal the planet. 

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3 hours ago, thesetat2013 said:

Wishful thinking. Humans will never give up their creature comforts even if it destroys the planet. The governments will never allow alternative means of producing the electric demands as long as they profit from oil. Even this push for EV will find more opposition than acceptance but still will need coal and oil to sustain the demands for electric. For those who think all this is propaganda for global warming they simply need to look at temperatures, basic sea life patterns, and the ice caps to know it is real. They are the ones who will slow the process to heal the planet. 

I was just trying to give a 'balanced very brief' intro to calculating problems. Unfortunately, I agree with you and my personal opinion is that we have already passed the point of no return for one reason or another. We got ourselves into this mess and the alternatives for even part correction are not acceptable. Fusion energy is still a long way off so we can discount that as a solution. Pity.

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