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$191 Dollars-Would you pay or not?


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I just arrived back in Los Angeles and went to my local CVS pharmacy and asked about the updated Covid 19 Vaccine.  It is free if your health insurance plan is in the CVS network.  Well because I have Pacific Cross health insurance it is obviously not in the CVS network.  I declined to pay.  

So I guess the days of the free Covid Vaccine in the US is over.  This could one of the reasons that fewer are lining up to jabbed.  

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You have to do your own risk-benefit analysis. Currently, I think I'm more likely to become seriously ill from the vaccine than from the Omicron Covid Virus. My last Moderna vaccine caused me Pericarditis and in the Autumn of 2022 my Mother had the bivalent Moderna vaccine booster and the next day suffered a blood clot which caused a stroke and brain bleed - she passed away shortly after. She had recently had a full medical check-up at the hospital to ascertain her fitness for surgery (knee replacement) and was passed as fit. 

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If Pfizer and Moderna et.al really want to successfully market their Covid shots, they are going to have to price them at about the same price as flu shots.  Really.  The shots don't stop transmission and they are now essentially marketed as "The Only Way You'll Escape Sure Covid-Death In A Hospital."  The only problem being is that most people with healthy immune systems can beat the weakened mutated forms of the virus.

The key term here is "marketing."  What's "marketing" anyway?  It's propaganda.
Propaganda stops working when people eyes and ears and direct experience shows them that the marketing/propaganda is flawed.  Then you can't even give the shots away1 no less sell them at about $200 a pop. 

1. "At least 215 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines purchased by EU countries at the height of the pandemic have since been thrown away at an estimated cost to the taxpayer of €4 billion."
-Politico EU, EU countries destroy €4B worth of COVID vaccines, Dec 18 2023

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1 hour ago, connda said:

Ditto.  Never took the shots.  Finally had Covid and it was nothing -  I've had significantly worse cases of colds and flus.  I just allow my immune system to take care of pathogens. 

On a side note, literally every one of my extended family members who took the shots came down with Covid after the shots.  At least in my extended family, those mRNA and AVV Covid shots didn't stop any of my family members from contracting Covid.  And out of those members of my immediate and extended family who chose to not take the shots, most like myself didn't contract Covid until 2023 and none of us went to the hospital other than to obtain a positive Covid test at the local clinic and sent with a bag of pills.  Me personally?  I verified Covid with a home test and I just stayed at home.  The Covid infection burnt itself out after a couple of days, then felt "off" for another couple of days and then all well again.  "Long Covid?"  <laughs>.  Yeah - 4 days.

Exactly, for me covid was like a relatively mild flu, a day of very low energy, 2 days of nasal congestion and sniffles, and then a cough that lasted for a few days. No big deal at all, but I am referring to Omi, and not Delta. But each subsequent variant has been getting weaker, so that's good news right? 


Covid is a has been. It is like an endemic flu now. 

Edited by spidermike007
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1 hour ago, sqwakvfr said:

I just arrived back in Los Angeles and went to my local CVS pharmacy and asked about the updated Covid 19 Vaccine.  It is free if your health insurance plan is in the CVS network.  Well because I have Pacific Cross health insurance it is obviously not in the CVS network.  I declined to pay.  

I wonder whether Pacific Cross is in the CVS network, and if not, why?


That said, having experienced a significant vaccine injury from my 2nd Pfizer, they'd have to hold a gun to my head to get me to take another.  2-1/2 years in, the left side of my face is still numb, my sense of balance is still off kilter, and my energy level (though improved), is nowhere near what it was pre-shot.


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5 minutes ago, sidjameson said:

Take a vitamin D pill. More effective.

Or get out in the sunshine and get your vitamin D the natural way. Combine that with a good brisk walk and it's even more beneficial and it's free.


And to answer O/P's question. No I would not pay $191 for a covid shot. I trust my immune system and my general good health to watch my back for me.

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1 hour ago, spidermike007 said:

Exactly, for me covid was like a relatively mild flu, a day of very low energy, 2 days of nasal congestion and sniffles, and then a cough that lasted for a few days. No big deal at all, but I am referring to Omi, and not Delta. But each subsequent variant has been getting weaker, so that's good news right? 


Covid is a has been. It is like an endemic flu now. 

Actually my symptoms were like this:
First 24 hours - Started with a headache, then fever in the 101 F range, and then an absolutely splitting headache.  Migraine type.
Second 24 hours - fever in the 99 to 101.5 F range.
Third 24 hours - fever broke but felt ragged and unwell - coffee tastes "off"
Fourth 24 hours - stayed at home and rested still feel unwell - coffee still tastes "off"
Day 5 to 6 - up and about.  Feel well enough but still pop Positive on a Covid test. Wear a mask (to protect others, not me) when I go out but limit going out to the local mom & pop store
Day 7 - Now negative and feel fine.  No lingering effects.  No "long-covid" <gasp, shutter, fear>


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4 hours ago, Sheryl said:

I take it you do not have take Medicare?


Even if not, free COVID vaccination is available for the uninsured in the US through the "Bridge" program.


See  https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/programs/bridge/

Not old enough.  At least not yet.  I got the “free shot” last year at CVS and they did not accept PC.

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34 minutes ago, sqwakvfr said:

Not old enough.  At least not yet.  I got the “free shot” last year at CVS and they did not accept PC.



Please see the link.


"Adults 18 years and older without health insurance".


See this listing of health centers that provide free vaccination in California  https://bphc.hrsa.gov/funding/coronavirus-related-funding/covid-19-bridge-funding/fy-2023-awards/ca

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4 hours ago, Moonlover said:

Or get out in the sunshine and get your vitamin D the natural way. Combine that with a good brisk walk and it's even more beneficial and it's free.


And to answer O/P's question. No I would not pay $191 for a covid shot. I trust my immune system and my general good health to watch my back for me.

Agreed. But he's in Canada at winter time. That's why I suggested the supplement.

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5 minutes ago, sidjameson said:

Agreed. But he's in Canada at winter time. That's why I suggested the supplement.

Actually he's in Los Angeles which gets 263 sunny days per year. So I think he can survive without the supplements. :smile:

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No, I no longer trust these experts as my objectives are not compatible.


After watching how affectively they scared people for years, and turned large chunks of the populations into hypochondriacs by bombarding them with fear, I tried using the opposite approach.


My strategy is daily positive affirmations of health and vitality as an immune system booster.  Along with good diet and exercise.  Plus a few other natural products.

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6 hours ago, connda said:

Really - If you're going to present the world with a "great reset" level event, at least make sure it kills 5% to 10% of the population (or even 1%) who contracts the illness before promoting "The Novel Corona-virus 'Plague'" (it was called just that - 'The Covid Plague' - [Google it...you can find it])

By the way.  A human being who is killed due to "Deceleration Trauma" is not a "Covid Death" just because the coroner comes up with a positive Covid swab, and yet those deaths from traffic accidents, falls, etc are still being racked up as "The Primary Cause Of Death" when in fact it was completely unrelated, especially between the start of the "Covid Pandemic in Feb 2020 right up to today when this nonsense is still being promoted. 
This is how you "juke" statistics. 
Nor is any other human who died of a terminal disease a "Covid Mortality" just because their corpse tested positive after they died of a massive heart attack or any other terminal condition. 

Statistical manipulation and it is meant to deceive. 
Hence the adage: 
"There are lies, damn lies, and statistics." (That was pretty much the first thing out of the mouth of my statistics professor in university - and if you have a background it statistics, you can generally read through the Bravo Sierra).

Instead - well - it was hyped by central governments working hand-in-hand with Big Pharma, Big Corporation, Big Media, and the billionaire elites, and it was promoted as The Plague.  How do I know.  Probably because my own sister in the US made herself and her husband "House-Bound" (I believe it was called "self-isolation") and well as masked constantly (in the house, in the car, and definitely outside of the house, and just "Outside" [yeah, my sister would mask up to walk in public park where the nearest human was miles away.....because - she bragged about it - which has never made any sense to me?  Covid Was The Plague!!!]).

It almost worked.

Long-Term Research
The more long-term research that surfaces over time, the more the fabrications that were the basis of the framework of "The Deadly Covid Plague" are dismantled. 

In the next decade this will either be completely discounted - or - we will all be living in Hell.  Personally?  I think it's a coin-toss as to which future we will endure.  Well, other than me - my "Use-By" date is probably already overdue.  Which given the current Geo-political machinations, I'm pretty well fine with. 

really, and what other interesting activities do you devote the rest of Saturday to Mr Connda?

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Since this thread has devolved into the predictable anti-vax debate I am closing it.


Free COVID vaccination is available for adults of any age in the US but not at every pharmacy; might have to go to a health department clinic.  @sqwakvfr has been so advised and given links.



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